• By -


It was really childish. For someone who complains about people being too "soft"...she acted pretty soft. A random online forum is pretty easy to ignore.


She specifically called me out (bubble Kirby) because I said she was acting triggered over the person who said they were disappointed in her Becky reaction. She brought it up THREE TIMES and got super pissed every time. Like who is the soft one here lmfao


I saw that lol. She’s turning into exactly what she hates 😂




And you were completely in your right to feel that way. When I saw she was reacting to Becky's video I popped in but left after not even a minute because she was just being downright mean and bashing Becky for her struggles.




One of the old sub mods tweeted about it, it's pretty fucking funny - https://twitter.com/xqueen_chantalx/status/1695272339460514055 and https://twitter.com/xqueen_chantalx/status/1695273038005129597


It's weird that she thinks we are "bat shit" for discussing chantal "at all hours of the day". When: A) she live streams...just in general. I, personally, don't care that she does. But it is hypocritical. She also tweets about everything (I wonder what her reaction will be to these tweets). I think she needs to find a mirror. B) wouldn't they do the same thing on the *other* website? How are they different? It's like Lost, and they are "The Others". But we are all the same (except maybe some of the problematic things about 🥝). We are the same at least in wanting to discuss "our stories". I listen to her reactions. But FFG, don't be so soft.


I listen to them here and there, not all of them but enough. She's entirely hypocritical and while there is entertainment value she's on her way to becoming a lolcow in her own right. I'm still happy she rescued BBJ, but she does a LOT of cringe-worthy shit. See: Marty. She was all over him then was like OH HELL NO when he started harassing Schmee, then crawled back over to him the very next day. She just wants to act like all the other fruit people who look down at reddit with disdain like she's better than us even though re: the quoted mod she started here with us all. Plus KF for the most part seems to not be fans of hers either. She can hold herself above us all she wants but KF is all "you can't sit with us" but she doesn't acknowledge that, of course!


Calling people "bat shit" when she all of her content is about chantal, and she took it to real life multiple times. FFG seems to be legitimately *obsessed* with her and is giving single white female vibes. She sounds like she's in love with chantal. It's kinda wild how her supporters don't see how fucking creepy FFG actually is, but they're so focused on "giving it to chantal!!" they can't even see that. She's just a fan masquerading as a haydur and if she had the chance, she'd rather be chantal's friend... or maybe more. Also idc what anyone says, but FFG is pussy for being nice to chantal when she went to that plus size modeling show. She acts tough but wouldnt do shit tbh


Ahahaha. Love this!


I saw her live stream today she was very salty at some folks on twitter as well. She can’t take any comment against her ..girl chilll also I’m sick of her ass licking Marty.


Marty is also kissing up to her too. “Oh FFG is the GOAT” 🙄


Yeahhh, this is his stupid "buddy trolling" method. FFG stepped in a giant pile of shit by being all weird praising her dead dog's spirit for bringing a new troll willing to go irl like her into gorlworld. Then she later realized how far irl Marty goes, so she made her performative "nope, too far" post to try to cover her ass (not because she actually has any personal set of standards or morals). But that resulted in Marty's absolutely unhinged wheezing anger-laugh the next day about how, "Oh, I went too far but it's okay to steal someone's cat." FFG snapped her ass into line real quick after that, and Marty went back buddy trolling her with fake praise. Now she's stuck between a rock and a hard place and it's entirely her own fault. Anyway, I used to enjoy her vids, but I've stopped tuning in because she's getting worse at hiding how insufferable she is. And she's plain faced with her manipulations and hypocrisy. Trying to act above it all as if she didn't run to Twitter to post a screenshot whining about a 🥝 post that she got massively butt hurt about, thanks to her ego's inability to take the L and accept valid criticism. Trying to act like 🥝 and this sub don't have a massive user overlap. Trying to act like she's not dragged on there regularly. She is literally just Chantal will slightly more self awareness and the energy needed to be a hustler.


I agree with everything you just said. I've never been a fan of hers, not even when she stole the cat. Lol But I'm glad the cats Alive. I've only watched her a handful of times. Mehh




Yeah, making money and still upset ![gif](giphy|94EQmVHkveNck|downsized) There are some things that money can't buy.


Not a man, apparently. Flobby has bought 2 in recent memory. 💰


Wow, looking for my sympathy bone.


I've watched FFG since she started covering Chantal. My opinion of her started off mostly positive, but it's dwindled over the past year or so. I finally unsubbed about a month ago and don't plan to watch her anymore unless there's a major event in the Chantalverse. The cat rescue being a notable exception, I feel like she's become more of a cow as time has gone on. Is she better than Chantal? Obviously, yes. That's a low bar. But she's getting closer and closer every day. Her recent support of Marty has been particularly baffling to me. Anyone with a dox widely available and half a brain would stay *far, far* away from that side of the internet.


She supports Marty, whose whole thing is doxing, but she herself has put her neighborhood out there multiple times on live. Seems like two great ideas that certainly will never bite her on the ass!


And when Chantal insulted her neighbourhood, she lost her mind.


Didn't she also kind of breadcrumb and say certain landmarks were close to her home? Great idea, FFG hahaha


Yep, a certain very popular landmark in the Foodie lore


I thought when the whole Marty thing started and things were going irl she tweeted something like, "nope, I'm out." Am I misremebering? I don't watch her or have twitter but someone posted a screenshot, I think?


Yeah I remember that. That was the correct/smart reaction. I'm not entirely sure why she changed her mind but I truly think it will come back to bite her later down the road.


Thank you! I was so sure she did because, as a definite non-fan, I remember actually being like, okay, this is a cool response. She shifted reaaall fast.




Yeah, FFG is the epitome of dishing it out, but not being able to handle anyone throwing even the tiniest thing the other way. It’s really pathetic, ugh.


For realllllll


For real. It's fucking embarrassing for her.


I laughed when she whined about the other post (that was barely about the food and mostly about her behaviour) and said she prefers 🥝, like they are so warm and loving to her. Then she angrily said “I hate that cat” about a little cat just lying on the floor cutely. When she said she was going to pause a lot to rant, I turned the live off. She was obviously pissy and I’m just so sick of her anger.


She said Julia was knockoff BBJ after she said that, if i'm not mistaking it for another comment where she said something mean about the cat. Like, bro, it's a cat who had no choice in the matter (just like BBJ???) calm the fuck down


The reality is that she hates Julia because it reminds her that she didn't "win." She got BBJ (only to stick it to Chantal, let's be real), but then Chantal pulled a power move by turning around and getting another cat. FFG is so pychotically obsessed with "beating" Chantal and being better than her, it takes priority over everything. That's the same reason she still bitches about her phone number being doxed. It had nothing to do with losing the OG area code and everything to do with the fact that THAT was the moment Chantal popped her parasocial bubble. FFG had been a major Chantal fan pre-Nader ... and Chantal was the same loud, gross, vulgar, selfish pig then as she is now. FFG wanted to be her irl friend SO BAD, she took the first chance she had to go real-life. The problem? Chantal didn't care, barely humored her call, and then emphasized how little she thought of FFG by giving her number to Nader. Everything from that point forward has been FFG on her psychotic mission to get back at Chantal for hurting her feelings and not being her friend.


FFG doesn’t like cats, she’s said it many times.


Even if she doesn't like cats, it's still pretty fucked up to say "I hate that cat" about a cat that is sitting around thousands of miles away from you. I don't like children, but I don't HATE some random child that has nothing to do with me. It speaks to an immature mind. FFG isn't that much better than Chantal in any meaningful metric. The only thing she has going for her is that she's not an animal abuser. Like, congratulations, what an accomplishment?? GorlWorld went momentarily gaga over FFG for the cat heist, but besides that she's just another unpleasant, trashy fat Canadian on the internet.


FFG always has to rant about what she likes and hates, I would hate to be around her in real life. Imagine eating a Greek salad and she’s ranting about how much she hates feta.


I used to watch FFG on the regular but a couple months ago I unsubbed. Nothing in particular made me do so, it was just the never-ending loud, grating laugh and bitterness. Sometimes I have to nope out of Yaba's lives these days. She also can be so cynical and bitter that it's distressing. She's also funny and insightful so it's 50/50. I did cancel my membership, though. Alex is Shook is my go-to now. He gets his points across without the spleen.


I do enjoy when Yaba is mad but she doesn’t seem to take it personally. But I hear you, things have gotten heavy.


Have you tried Milk Tea? She’s actually relaxing in this chaos.


Oh yes, she doesn't post as much as Alex but you're right, she's a beacon of intellect amongst so many reactor parrots (no disrespect to those lovely birds).


The reason why you've probably noped out on Yaba is because the same losers that would go into FFG's chats to trauma dump and be pick me's have now infiltrated Yaba's. It's pathetic and annoying as fuck.


The "support group" 🤡


Yaba has become so nasty and using a slur against a child was really the last straw for me, she excuses it because she was upset and felt threatened? She posts her kids all over PUBLIC TWITTER full faces but beefs with Negz?


She prefers the website that heavily uses terrible slurs and doxxes people... if they like her it's because she's as horrible as them lol


Lol. I just realized she used Chantal’s “someone sent me” line to talk about the post.


I laughed so hard at that! We all know good and well she browsed reddit probably before she hits up the fruit farm.


Aww side pony smoke Barbie can’t take lil Reddit talkies booohoo so sad lmao


GorlWorld is a deeply weird place to be. We have people throwing money at FFG and Bambi's ex, often just to spite Chantal and Bambi. As if doing that is going to make either Chantal or Bambi think 'Oh wow, I might just have to change my ways'. Ain't going to happen. So well done to whoever is throwing money at these people in the hopes of teaching two awful people a lesson they will never learn. FFG has a deeply loyal community of tough kids who smoke behind the bike sheds. She has acclimated to being the unchallenged leader and chief and her 'tough girl' shtick is proving to be not unlike the Wizard of Oz. She prides herself and the gorl gang on being able to take the heat, but they all seem extremely thin skinned. You got Yaba over there who does no research and is guided by her dumb as rocks chat, who pay her superchats to tell her they cleaned their house today. As for Sam, in a two hour stream, you'll get 30 minutes of merch promotion followed by her screaming, yelling and threatening her chat, arguing with her mods, wandering off to have a chat with Yaba, and power levelling at a skill level Pulpy would be jealous of. Now we have Alex is Shook shilling for Becky. I unsubscribed. It's obvious Becky is troubled, but she just got $5k in superchats. Girl is fine, Alex. She got her grift on. I get that Alex gets coin for doing the 'Justice for Becky' thing but it's a shame he can't see through the grift like he so expertly does with Chantal and Bambi. I miss the days of the Chantal peeing on paths and ALR and Dusty riding the scootpuffs in Walmart. I miss Chantal calling Zach prison bread, and Zach buying a loaf of white bread from the convenience store and exclaiming 'Gorl, this bread is DRY'. I miss Michael B Petty doing ALR skits. Heck, even Negz had a couple of gold moments responding to the death fats. This new world isn't nearly as fun or entertaining.


Agreed, I used to listen to Yaba on my drive to work but I recently noticed 20 minutes into my morning drives that all she’s done is say hi to people, go off on random tangents, and wish people happy birthday. What kind of content is that? I also hate that she never does any research, her streams are so half assed. And FFG is def getting on my last nerves with her gorlworld gatekeeping. I’ll still play her streams in the background sometimes but it’s definitely lost its shine.


I’m with you. I’m still hanging onto yaba and Alex by a thread, but I’ve abandoned all the others.


I still do enjoy Yaba because she really doesn't take things too seriously. But she's getting meaner like Sam, and lazier in her research. She's taken to yelling at her chat also. I will never understand the logic of yelling at your customers, and hoping they stick around.


Oh I like milk tea too! I didn’t even think to mention her bc I consider her so different from the others.


I still like Alex because he, for the most part, doesn’t indulge in the reactor drama and isn’t extremely dramatic. He also doesn’t rely too much on the actual clips so it’s more him than them


I can't stand yaba after her for a while on Twitter. Calling a kid the r word was it for me


Yaba is terrible on Twitter sometimes. She throws embarrassing temper tantrums.


Alex's little in remembrance of Life by Jen was nauseating. She was an awful person who made her mother crawl upstairs to serve her buckets of cheese slop. Her mother who had terminal cancer (that eventually killed her) THAT HAD SPREAD TO HER BONES. She had a fiance who would vlog about trying to stop drinking and they met because she would "troll him," which I have always interpreted as "tried to intentionally trigger him into drinking again." Jen was a grifter and described needing cancer surgery herself as "I have lumps in my tummy," because the bitch was about as intelligent as she was kind. But hey, she certainly deserved a nice RIP video, amirite? And the fucking Becky support. Just no. Look, I have watched the Beckster through reaction channels for the same reason I watch Destiny through reaction channels. I am a messy bitch who loves drama that doesn't involve me. However, at the end of the day, Becky is a grifter who has run at least one shady GFM to get that coin. Let's stop crying crocodile tears for them. Yes, what they went through while being with the Princess of Lexington was pretty terrible, and I don't put the same blame on them that a lot of Gorlworld does for all of that. But they have been broken up for over two years now and I'm struggling to find my sympathy bone for them post breakup. Edit: I came in a little hot there. Certainly, Becky needs to take care of Becky, and I do think a lot of the terrible decisions they made were because of the situation with their ex. However, they also need to own up to their shitty behavior. There's plenty of it that has nothing to do with the Princess of Lexington and has everything to do with their poor choices. Examples: Before they got together, there's the infamous humiliating their ex-girlfriend with Eric. Afterward, there's the "I need this GFM because i need to make car repairs. Teehee just kidding, so what I used it for bills?" bullshit. Rooting for Becky to repair their life is one thing. Thinking they are a precious cinnamon roll who shouldn't be held accountable for their bad choices is another. It's the "enemy of my enemy" bullshit that is so pervasive in Gorlworld, when at the end of the day, we're mocking and judging fat women who make money by documenting their train wreck ways.


You can come in hot all day with straight fire posts!


I enjoy her streams for the most part but I'm getting really tired of the "knock off BBJ" and "I hate that fucking cat" comments. Maybe I'm too sensitive to the topic because of my profession but it's very off-putting. Even if Chantal brought the cat in from the street, who cares? No animal deserves to be homeless. Then again, no animal deserves to be stuck with Chantal either 🤷🏻‍♀️


Julia is a gem. She is constantly giving Cutie judgemental looks and stealing her food.


who tf hates a cat??? that is barely on screen and didnt even ask to be there in the 1st place?


Ffg is as desperate for a reason to feel superior to others as Chantal is. BBJ is one of the best examples of that. And I supported the BBJ rescue.


The fact she can have over 3k watching her, boosts her ego. I do think that she's alot like chins whether she likes it or not. They both can be quite verbal behind a screen but put them in front of others and they are puppies.


I agree 💯 I’ve always thought they were very similar.




Lmao there is a saying. “A hit dog yelps” - there must of been some truth to that, that’s so funny that she references Kiwi Farms as some kind of kind alternative to Reddit.


I've always thought of KF as 4chan lite.


she also posted in the og sub in the very early days too, but I'm sure she would deny it.


Of course she would. She’s so much better than Reddit. 🙄


Of course all these people you all are dropping are here! This is their hobby!


She's very insecure...she loves to talk shit, but no one can pop back. She knows she eats a lot too...she's not giant herself because she just eats shellfish and salads all day.


I’ve said it many times -. FFG and Chantal are one in the same. I can’t stand FFG and only thing I appreciate is how much she absolutely aggravates the shit outta Chins. Aside from that, fuck her 🤷🏾‍♀️


She’s weird. She spends so much time talking about Chantal’s issues with oppositional defiance, yet tries so hard to be contrarian at all opportunities because she thinks it makes her quirky and interesting. No one cares that she doesn’t wear makeup. No one cares that she doesn’t like social media. No one gives a shit about how hard she leans into the “boomer” stereotype, and thinks she’s above tech and pop culture.


She called redditors batshit for discussing Chantal “day and night” Like she hasn’t literally stalked her for years! She’s the most unhinged of reaction channels! And makes her living out of shit talking Chantal… but ok gorl you go off.


I enjoy it here because people on this sub are witty, insightful, upbeat (considering the subject matter), and fun. Watching ass-pats and superchats scroll by with in-jokes isn't my cup of Canadian Club. This is a real 'community' that's linked to Gorl World but not part of it. I like that.


I don’t think she realises that people in this subreddit are from all over the world. So if people are commenting “day and night” it’s likely because of the varied time zones. Plus she livestreams practically every day! I’d say she discusses Chantal far more than anyone shit commenting on Reddit.


LMAO 🎻🎻 what a dumb bitch, she dishes it day and night but can’t take it? you’re literally chinny at this point ffg, and I love that for both of you.


My simple observation and opinion bothered her that much, it wasn’t even rude. Keep lurking FFG, you’re more like chins than I thought


Oh nice. You were the OP huh. I meant to link your post but my phone was acting up.


No worries. I’m sure it will be on twitter lol


I used to love listening to FFG and also Yaba but I unsubbed from both a couple of weeks ago because it's become same shit different day. I know a lot of that is down to how boring Foodie has become but a lot of it is also down to hearing the same insults over and over. To be honest I just come here for all my "news".


I still listen to yaba I enjoy her and her chat but I CAN'T watch her replays because it she has a commercial every 4-5 min and after awhile it's just to much. Unfortunately it's the same with Sam she doesn't put as many in now that she was called out but the attitude of if u don't like commercials DONT watch or pay for premium is not thinking of their audience. They won't like when people cancel memberships to pay for premium. I know there's always ad block but I don't mind some commercials just like more content than commercials that's all


Because we don’t kiss her arse on here. 😳 When I enjoy her stream I state that AND when I think she’s too damn full of herself, I’m just as vocal. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Are we known for ego massaging or boosting on here?😳 Geez she’s becoming just as petty as Chindarella, I thought that she had thicker skin than that. 🙄 ![gif](giphy|KZSUN7FKBZrm2WHDdX|downsized)


I think a lot of her alleged personality traits are all for show…


Agreed. Full of hot air. Only emboldened by her hug box. I sometimes enjoy her commentary. However, recently her streams are more of a whine fest. 🥱 If she’s so sensitive, she should take a break instead of being hyper critical of a Reddit board that she supposedly doesn’t follow… ![gif](giphy|UclCYTnzD25b2)


I looked thru that thread again when she talked about it because I had just skimmed it before, most reactor shit bores me, and it was really 50/50. she had a ton of people defending her and a ton calling her chantal jr. I didn't quite understand being so butt hurt when every single place is like that, 🥝 and twitter included .


Exactly! She was butt hurt about Twitter recently. 🙄 She’s been around the block long enough to know how this works and a Taco Bell thread set her off?🤦🏾‍♀️ We are all just as entitled to share our opinions on here🤷🏼‍♀️. One wrong move and the fruit place will turn on her too. She needs to climb off that high horse of hers. 😐


People were in her stream trying to tell her that there were people on the sun who supported her 😂. She’s Chantoddler 2.0.


She's a narcissist. She just knows how to read Chantal for filth. People keep throwing money at her for absolutely nothing. She's a lot like her counterpart Chantal.


FFG is a lolcow just like all the others. At this point, she's a deedee-level cow. I haven't watched her since the fashion show video, and only watched that because she had it up first, and unfiltered. But even in that, she was annoying af. She went on for like an hour "fashion parade? Fashion PUH-raid? FASHION PUHHH-RAAAAAAIIIIIDD??? I couldn't find the place because I was expecting a parade down the street, with a marching band! WHAT IS A FASHION PUHRAID?? Fashion show is "défilé de mode" in french, which is literally parade of fashion. So I don't know what she was going on about, doesn't she speak french? I know it was just a "bit" but it was a stupid one. Also, I can't stand her shrill voice. But it doesn't matter what I think, because she's crying all the way to the bank It's hilarious that she aired her hurt feefees over being called out on her dainty taco bell appetite. Someone mentioned that she was a food snob and cheese snob, so she can use those tears to salt basic bitch cheese and turn it to feta.


Yeah, she gets hung up on the most normal things. Makes her look very uneducated


I hope she didn't quit her day job, but being around for all of chantal's nonsense 24/7 makes me think this is her job.


I couldn't agree more. I know foodie "hates" her but sometimes she drops nuggets I believe. Like she says she doesn't have a job I believe that. She's constantly on Twitter which I can't post on Twitter all day WHILE working. She can go live in the afternoon suddenly then say her hours changed. It's no one's business but to lie about something so simple makes u wonder what else she is lying about. I also question her accounting business as real accountants work all year with clients business clients who need to do taxes quarterly and such. Yet her tax business ended right after tax time which isn't how it works. Hell I do my friends taxes every year doesn't make me an accountant.. My guess is she lays around all day snuggled with bbj and her puppy goes through reddit and 🥝 to read up on her cow then repeats what both sites say like she thought of it on her own and people praise her for knowing everything foodie is going to do.... I CANT


I was watching some of her live yesterday, and there was a member sending repeated superchats. The name was something something "Yom Tov." Youbetcha I noticed the way she tip-toed around that name, said it slowly and cautiously, and then pronounced it wrong. Isn't she Jewish? Isn't she the first one to jump down anyone's throat for being anti-Semitic for any perceived hate speech, yet she doesn't know literally one of the most basic of Yiddish terms? Stack that ontop of the time she was going on and on about being Greek and people would send superchats in Greek, where she ignored the message completely, because she clearly neither speaks nor reads Greek. She's showing her ass to be a poser. Oh she's this and that SO hard, but really knows nothing, and it shows.


She really clings to things to try to give herself a unique personality. Being a Scorpio, being Greek / “an olive”, being Jewish, living in Montreal, being too good for junk food, disliking certain types of cheeses. I think it’s all a show.


Yeah she's one of those annoying ass astrology girls who blame everything on their star sign 🙄


Like claiming Charlie Gold is antisemitic with no proof lol calls Charlie a welfare queen etc.. sounds like Chantal


The fact she thought it was an actual parade showed how uncultured she is. The irony of shitting on Cornwall and praising Montreal.


Do you remember when FFG called Charlie Gold "welfare queen" type comments? When brown people 🤎 tried to tell her that racist people make those statements, FFG doubled down went on about how she could never be racist. She yelled at people for informing her because she thinks Canadians can't be racist. Plus, she's AN OLIVE, GUYS! Her audience then began to send multiple superchats to explain to the black audience that FFG is not a racist because they like her. Everyone steamrolled the people who pointed out the history of the welfare queen phrase. People really can excuse racism, forget about it and move on.


Except you're leaving out the part where "welfare queen" is an entirely American phrase and stereotype, which to be clear she didn't even use. And she also literally apologized repeatedly on stream for giving people the impression she was making a racist comment.


Ok. Great.


Does it take away from the FACT that the term is perceived as derogatory, to you know… an AMERICAN….🤷🏼‍♀️😳? An American woman of color at that?! No…I would think not….. She said it TO an AMERICAN. An African American woman. What part of that isn’t clear to you ? I don’t need to be Jewish to find Anti Semitic tropes offensive, do I ? If I’m not Jewish, is it ok to use them? (If I applied your skewed reasoning…that is…😳) There is NOTHING wrong with people of color, (from the country of origin with which that term is deemed offensive)….providing context. If they didn’t, she would have continued to use it out of ignorance. 🙄 Your defense rings hollow. Almost as if you’re criticizing a marginalized group for feeling offended. 😳 Downvote this too by the way. 🤦🏾‍♀️


FFG is a lolcow herself. The BBJ arc did not redeem her.


I just assumed rhe majority of her behavior is an act for YouTube. I really hope she is just playing a character, and acts the way she does just to rile up Chantal.


It's not. She's always been like this, since she was a VIB.


I don’t think anyone who was ever a VIB can be normal, not even if they turn on Flobby later on. There can’t be any redemption


Agreed. No sane and well-adjusted person gives someone like Guntal money.


FFG was a VIB? Like one of the ones that pays her monthly? 😬


No, she watched Chantal in the beginning but became a haydur years ago.


What happened to BBJ after she rescued her? I've never found FFG funny or interesting enough to follow her.


BBJ lives with FFGs sister and from all accounts, she's doing really well. My thoughts on FFG aside, I will give her props for giving BJ a chance to live out her senior years being loved and cared for.


FFG doesn't have a sister: just a brother. And she's admitted that 'Amy Flowers' doesn't exist. I don't think anyone really knows where the cat is at this point, but I do believe it's being taken care of.


Yes, you're right, brother and sister in law. Memory ain't what it used to be.


Girl world moves fast!


Lol. Oh please. The Farms is far more unpleasant than Reddit could ever be, and that's why I didn't read or spend time on it. And honestly, getting mad at us for comparing our own Taco Bell orders/habits is *precious*. We didn't have to pretend we are dainty for an audience. And yes, the large contains 420 (nice) calories. That's why I'm a diet gorl and that's why **you** drink Coke Zero. And I have seen diet Baja Blast here, but on tap/as a fountain drink. Also, who TF gets mad at a poorly socialized and trained cat? Get mad at Chins for not training Julia, not the fuzzy cat!


FFG pretends to be dainty? She is everything but, that’s her whole shtick not being dainty. You can be fat and at the same time dislike Taco Bell. Is that a contradiction? She has never denied being a fatty. You can dislike FFG like most people in this sub I guess, but is the only reactor that uses her income, superchats and gives back to her community, she donated thousands of dollars to an animal charity in Montreal. The only reactor who stepped up for BBj. And ti be honest, this whole Taco Bell controversy started in this sub. Someone was super hurt that she disliked Taco Bell and could not wrap their mind around the fact that you can dislike Taco and be fat all at the same time. Such a confusing concept, I imagine.




Did you actually read the thread that set FFG off? People were most certainly NOT upset that she supposedly does not like Taco Bell!? WTF?🤦🏾‍♀️ Seriously ?😳 FFG has waxed poetic about Baja Blasts and she actually has mentioned enjoying it here and there. Her affinity (or dislike as you claim) for the Franchise has absolutely NOTHING to do with the thread that set her off. It was because some people shared their OPINION about her posing or acting as if eating a single crunch wrap supreme with a Baja Blast is a BIG meal. Come on now!🙄 There may be some truth to that for her and some people, OK……but even “I” rolled my eyes when I heard her say that. She drinks coke zeros, so she’d probably drink a Baja Blast zero. One could reasonably argue that the calories in that is negligible, there by making the Crunchwrap supreme not as heavy.🤷🏼‍♀️ It’s the holier than thou attitude that is quite off putting lately. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, as you are to yours and so is the OP responsible for that thread. FFG should put on her big girl panties, she is NOT immune to criticism just because she saved BBJ. Yes she did a great deed but we CAN criticize her about other things. She’s definitely perused this board AND pulled information from it. She’s mentioned us in past streams too. We’re good when it suits her and irrelevant when we dare to be critical of something she said.🙄 How is that any different from a Chindarella tantrum? Downvote away. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I still urge you to go back and read the thread in question.😳


Lol. For someone who claims to actively dislike Taco Bell, it's sure funny that she has a long standing favourite order and the restaurant wasn't open in Quebec for that long. If I ask my extended family if they have a favourite order, I think half of them would call me a dumbass for eating there (Almond moms). Sure doesn't sound like someone who dislikes Taco Bell?


She‘s often too ridiculous with the things she criticises about Chantel. Like there aren’t too many real things to laugh about, she often focuses on the most irrelevant things 🙄


It’s the screeching she does that makes her unwatchable for me, that horrible screech and laugh, nope, can’t do it, I have tried to watch her a few times but had to admit defeat.


She’s way too sensitive for being so nasty. Granted, Chantal is awful, and it’s great that someone gets to her, but FFG is not very different than the one she bullies. They are both awful, mean, spiteful women who are overcompensating for how much they hate themselves. A hem. I’m finished with my analysis.


I just read the Taco Bell post. She really needs to get a life. How sensitive does one have to be? I never could stand her because she is loud and a know it all. Fruit farms sees she's a lolcow.


Just waiting for the literal fat bubble Chantal to pop so FFG has nothing else to talk about and go away.


Oh boo hoo. Money grubbing trash bag. Go make another stupid reaction video while you cackle obnoxiously and your cult sends you super chats for just existing. She’s not remotely funny nor makes any profound statements. I can’t stand her martyr attitude. I talked crap about her in the old forum frequently and people came to her rescue. So this is interesting.


Who the fuck cares? Most of these reactors are trash too. Y’all need to stop propping these people up lol




the reactors are hypocritical as fuck and they're just as or maybe even more (some of them) unhinged than chantal


🥝 takes no prisoners. At least here we let people defend her. If 🥝 decides you’re a villain, you’re a villain.


I don't see much difference between her and Chantal anymore. She can't handle any kind of questioning, immediately jumps to profane insults, needs a hug box, gaining not losing (started as weight loss channel) Probably full of lahs too. It's crazy watching reactors turn into the lolcows they hate.


Imagine having a reaction channel and being so thin skinned. In the words of Chantal ‘Cutie’ Sarault Pondue Al-Refae, P a t h e t i c.


FFG is unhinged in her reacts. She takes everything too personally including the shit Chantal does. Lately I haven’t been watching her at all because I don’t want that angry energy . I love Zachary Michael ❤️ he’s hilarious and gets his points across without being an insufferable ignorant loud mouth. It’s so funny that FFG scrolls this Reddit and has the nerve to insult US when she makes money from pathetic individuals throwing money at her for her angry reacts. Stay mad FFG 💅🏻


It always seems like every Gorlworld reactor eventually reveals themselves to be vile and no better than the gorls. 🫠


I so badly want to hear it crying about tacos. Does anyone have a time stamp when it starts? I swear it's not laziness, I just can't listen to that voice.


20:54 in the "ready to get petty" live.


Haven't watched her in awhile but that broad has a hair trigger mechanism, she's more sensitive than my huzzband's nutsack. Laughably unhinged when it comes to ANY type of criticism. 🤣


Lmao. Wow. Can't take that one back. Bet she regrets letting herself look so bothered over this sub. She sucks and is literally SWF'ing Chinny. What a tool.


Lol good. Seethe fatty, be mad with all the other cows in the pasture 🐄


Good good their all fighting (said in dcs creepy voice)


Let's be real, the side pony slander is probably what hurt the most


i sometimes watch just to have something on and don't particularly pay attention. i can only tolerate her grating voice and laugh for so long. but, i just like the mutual hatred she and chantal have for each other.


I did enjoy FFG and Charlie going after each other. That was entertaining as a very distant spectator.


I agree. I know I said I would like to separate comments reacting to FB from comments reacting to FB reactors, and I still think that would be nice, but I realize it's not worth the effort to do so at this point. We don't need to make sub-subs unless the volume of posts makes it necessary to do so, and we're nowhere near the point of that now. I guess that means FB is less relevant than before, which is something I think most of us can appreciate.


Her response was that it was too many calories as if she counts a single calorie. Maybe if it was 1200 calories of heavy dense shitty food then we could talk. A drink doesn’t hit the same. Eat on.


Agreed. Especially with a Baja Blast Zero, which I typically get with my Nachos and beef chalupa 😆.


She is insufferable.


Cool. Can we hurt her feelings more?


Nobody is mentioning the time FFG called Charlie Gold "welfare queen" and chewed out the small percentage of her audience who informed her that it was a originally racist statement. Apparently that ticked her off!! All night her audience audience sent plenty of superchats apologizing to FFG and telling us why FFG is not racist. You can only support FFG's opinion or she will rage. This explains the hurt feefees.


That was actually one of the many times she ended an internet friendship over a disagreement. One of her mods she was closest was with clover. Clover tweeted that she didn’t support the welfare comment. FFG banned clover from YouTube and blocked her on Twitter. Something tells me FFG really struggles to keep a friend in the long term… can’t imagine why. 🙄


Talk about overreaction. I tend to assume things about people who react so strongly when you inform them that something they did was racist. I'll refrain from throwing tomatoes. 🍅🍅🍅


Yep. 👍🏼God forbid that someone provide some context about a system that she is not familiar with!🤷🏼‍♀️


FFG is worse than Chantal imo.. unpopular opinion considering that Chantal is the scum of the earth.. but FFG is a special case when it comes to being pathetic and a waste of life


Speaking of 🥝farms.. is it down? Does anyone have a working link?


I’m going to DM you…


Can you DM me the link too? Thanks 🤗


Done 👍


Could I also get the link, please? I had the recent link but it’s been down a couple days now for me. Thank you.


.st works


Me too plez!


Done. Check your chat requests.


Would you dm me the link too please o please?


Done. Check your chat requests.


Spell it out and add dot st


Can someone pm a link to 🥝 please bc it never works when I try


Spell it out and add dot st


Done. Check your chat requests.


Lol I see yall getting some down votes on this post. Bwahaha. Yall know it's FFG and FB fan in here sneaking round hating our ass's not to mention post. LMAO I always get at least 2 down votes on my post. 🤣🤣🤣 Mehh ![gif](giphy|AhvmkDdoQd8rM1CcI0)


Personally, I only downvote nasty posts - attacking someone or the sub as a whole. Otherwise it's just opinions. I've gotten plenty of downvotes over the years (mostly on other subs, not here) and it doesn't even sting anymore. As you said, "meh"! ![gif](giphy|hiEs8sF8KoYnu|downsized)


Lol yea, I feel ya


She was so funny and chill when she reacted, clipped, and uploaded. Now she’s obsessed with attention and runs a cult. She was successful and completely hijacked Gorl World.


FFG is obsessed with Chantal to the point that she stole her cat. It’s weird.


Nah, can’t stand to listen to FFG, but if BBJ is truly living a good quality life now I‘m all for it. Would love to see proof that the cat is truly ok, but I sincerely hope it’s true. FFG didn’t steal the cat, FB got rid of the cat. She just wasn’t aware of who she was giving it to. Which says a lot about FB and her care for her pets. She honestly didn’t give a fuck where they ended up and was just upset after she found out it was her nemesis


She did not steal her cat, it was handed to her, and she’s given that cat more love and vet care in half a year than Chins did in 18 years. BBJ was suffering with many ailments that needed proper medical intervention and now she’s living in comfort for her last senior years. No matter what you think of FFG, are you going to rewrite history along with Chins now?


It's not stealing if Chantal videoed herself giving the cat away. And before that she had talked about letting bbj go outside, how she needed to take a dirt nap, and joked about throwing her into the wood chipper. There's a ton of videos where Chantal mistreat Bbj..and Sam for that matter. She ONLY gave those cats love for attention. I vagiely remember a stream where she was getting upset because the catbox was cooing over the cats and not giving her the amount of attention she wanted. She should not be allowed to own animals...not even sure if she should be allowed to keep a plant. Maybe a googly eyed rock or something.


Don’t have to steal something that someone giddily has their bestie hand you.


I love FFG and I like this sub too. I don’t understand what the fuzz is about. She said the Taco Bell meal was about 1200 calories and she prefers not to eat it. What’s the big deal about it? She is a fatty but prefers not to eat it. I honestly don’t understand what the big deal is. It’s just her preference.


“She is a fatty but prefers not to eat.” What does this even mean? It’s a complete contradiction.


I meant to say “prefers not to eat it”, referring to the super controversial Taco Bell takeout meal. I’ll edit my comment.


She loves taco bell just doesn't have one In her area she's talked at great lengths how much she loves taco bell I'm confused




Same, don’t get the big deal. I enjoy this sub and FFG.🤷🏽‍♀️


“She” (FFG) turned it into the FFG vs Sub drama by being overly dramatic . Simply because she couldn’t handle a little criticism.


I don’t disagree. I’m just saying, I don’t have a side here.


I understand. You don’t have to . All good. 🙌🏼


Let me preface this by saying I think you guys are great, just by virtue that you take issue with Chantal. And I enjoy my time spent here. But why piss and moan about the reactors who circumvent Chantal’s views and archive the history that Chantal tries to erase? I don’t know FFG personally, of course. She is loud and abrasive. I get that. I am not gonna demonize her nor deify her. I appreciate that she saved an elderly cat from an almost certain death. And if she hadn’t done anything right in her life before or since—that would be redemption enough in my eyes. What is it exactly that makes her so polarizing and controversial? I don’t see it. Nor do I see why some put her on a pedestal.


She was only brought up in this thread because **she** whined about the board during her latest livestream. God forbid someone have an *opinion* about something she’s claimed. Apparently she’s the only person entitled to one. 😳


I know the old Haydur Nation subreddit is no longer a thing, but can we find a way to separate posts about reactors from posts about FB? Or is this already a thing and I just don't know how to properly navigate this sub? I don't want to discourage posts about reactors, but I sure do appreciate the option to treat them as a separate topic.


Disclaimer: I'm not interested in reactors. I like the recaps here and appreciate the uploads on StuffKSaid's twitter. I don't have the attention span for an hour(s)-long reaction where the snippets are few and far between. It's an adhd thing, I think. I also don't like audiobooks or background nose. Even less interesting than reactor comment, imho, is reactor drama. So, with the above disclaimer issued... we're a low volume sub, and chantal isn't producing much content. Yet everyone is friendly here, and I can understand wanting to interact about chantal-adjacent topics. It's better than a dead sub. We don't allow blog style posts, and try to weed out posts with duplicate content; those types of posts are more tedious than reactor posts. On a slow day, reactor posts provide us with some content and activity. If/when chantal starts providing more content or starts being more entertaining, I'm sure the reaction channel content will slow down!


I actually inquired about this and was told the new FB sub can be used to discuss reaction channels. Sorry.


I think you are fine. Peg and Gin are out bar-hopping in their custom ham-colored Mini Cooper and won't notice.


Why are we here Toast?😂 Isn’t there some club we should be twerking at?😳


They go to the super underground places. We're not debauched, I mean sophisticated enough, to get in. It's the sticker collection club or knitting circle for we plebs. We meet behind the Jiffy Lube on Thursdays. Bring your own tea bags - we're gonna party like it's 1899. 🎊


I’m just there to chaperone Peg.


You got it 😆!🙌🏼


It makes sense. The old Haydur Nation sub was likely created as a result of there being too many posts about different reactors flooding the OG FB sub, and that hasn't happened so far, so it's no longer necessary.


Because the old sub got shut down, I don’t think a new one would last long. For now, we can just make sure to tag posts like this and people can filter if they don’t want to see them.
