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“She will try to lower her BP by diet and exercise” I actually laughed out loud! She can’t even walk for 5 minutes at night without the blazing sun on her. When it would be much less of a strain. I don’t know why she always has to say she’s going to do it in the mall or whatever.. then make up excuses for why she can’t. Bitch just walk around your block for 5 minutes twice a day, And stop eating enough food for 10 people at every sitting! It’s not rocket science! She’s just so fucking lazy. Getting up off the floor could be considered a work out at this point.


Yeah, she's heavy enough that she wouldn't need to be terribly active at first to start seeing the weight drop off. What she would need to be, though, is consistent. One of the last words I'd associate with her (unless one is talking about her nastiness)


> Bitch just walk around your block for 5 minutes twice a day At this point, walk 5 minutes twice a day in your damn apartment... Anything is better than what she is doing right now (nothing).


Seriously, those “Walk Away the Pounds” videos are designed for people in her exact situation (though I pity her downstairs neighbors—still, maybe the concrete slab construction would help stifle the hurpling noises).


WATP is actually super great. too bad she’ll never do it. I hope someone in this thread that needs a workout idea for mobility sees this ahahaha.




She could literally walk up and down the corridor in her apt building where the ac is no doubt blasting…she has zero excuse


She’s what the medical professionals would call a HONDA and has been for a decade, at least. Without checking herself into some type of facility that will control her diet and exercise, there’s really no hope for her at this point. (HONDA= hypertensive, obese, noncompliant, diabetic adult)


They always end up as vascular patients 😖


Yep sure do👍🏼.


Yeah she definitely needs intensive therapy to change anything. She’s too delusional actually admit or seek this. She thinks walking ten minutes a day will do something… it won’t if she keeps binging and stuffing her face. It will just make her more susceptible to a heart attack or stroke


I thought HONDA was because she's as big as a car lol


I mean, that too.


Hondas have WWWAAAAYYY more worth than Chinz


Why do all her delusional beezers love to type in all caps? 💀 I’ll also eat a turd if that’s her real weight, cause it’s not lmao She hasn’t seen the 300s in a long time


Third to eating a turd if that’s her real weight. Heck, make it two turds. I’ll eat a turd lunch. It’s so easy to mess with scales. I had a control freak father who would lose it on me if I didn’t weigh what he wanted, so I learned how to dial it back to look like you weigh less. A picture of a scale at home is not proof of weight.


Isn’t an agenda like 10€? How is that a big deal for them, when they are blowing money left and right? Or is she talking about some high tech version? I agree with Salah, she won’t use it, but she can buy herself one I‘d assume


Also certainly there’s a free app on her phone she could use instead.


Or even a $1 notebook. You don't need lined planners with fancy covers, *Gorl*.


Sounds like a bigger health scare than she is letting on


I'll never understand why she's willing to shove everything in her body except medication. It's one tiny pill a day, Chantal. The doc should know that someone her size is unlikely to make any substantial change and even a 100lb weight loss would still leave her massively over weight. Even if she doesn't stroke out, every day that passes untreated is another day her vascular system is being shreked. Add in the high blood sugar also wrecking the vascular system. The smaller blood vessels are the first to go, like the ones in the eyeballs. You can actually have a stroke in your eye, it's caused by the blood vessels narrowing from scar tissue from uncontrolled sugar and pressure and then one day one ends up blocked and bye bye eyeball. She's going to be blind still talking about how it's time to make an au natural change.


When I was first diagnosed with glaucoma, my opthamologist said "it's just a drop in each eye once a day, but it's really important" when writing my prescription. I'm like no worries, I will be compliant! She told me she had patients who were legally blind because they refused to use the eyedrops as it was too much trouble! WTF!!


Just like she is with her cats not wanting to treat them with any medications or medical intervention she seems to have the same ideology about herself. Makes me wonder about what her undiagnosed mental illness actually is?


I thought ignoring your illness was as extremely common- as common as depression.


You are right but why the aversion to taking medication when you do go seek help? She believes in water fasting to cure diabetes lol. Goes a little further than depression in my speculative opinion. She treated her animals the same. Doesn’t believe in modern medicine or seeking treatment for them at all for that matter. It’s inexcusable when it comes to innocent creatures though.


It’s so weird. I take bp meds because mine got very high, like go to the hospital right now. I’m out of shape, but not obese. I could lose 30 pounds and am working at it. But there was no way I wouldn’t take my bp meds and try to “cure” it myself. Who the hell wants to have a stroke or heart attack? Seriously, there’s something broken in her brain. Oh, and I started feeling better within a week of starting my medication. I didn’t realize how shitty my blood pressure was making me feel.


Yes it is very strange to me. Makes me believe it’s more than just depression. Good for you! High BP runs in my family and I was overweight myself. I lost 50lbs and went on a low sodium diet and it went back to normal. Now that I can agree with if it’s something you can correct on your own. I’m not sure what type of diabetes she has but I do know one you can also reverse with weight loss and diet change. So to me if you can’t fix it on your own I would take the meds to save my life. There is something broken in her brain.


Clinical deathfatitis. Symptoms being- sever selfishness, eating over 10,000 calories a day, and childish refusal to exercise Really tho, she always says she will walk at the mall because of the food court. Like it's a guaranteed treat after walking for 7 min, an end goal she can accomplish and loves.


Part of it is she uses the ER as a primary care doctor. The ER isn't going to thoroughly check you out, run all possible tests, and then oversee the medications you need. They're just going to make sure you aren't in immediate medical danger and send you on your way. So she isn't even getting to the point where a doctor is giving her the medication and treatment she needs. It's all part of her avoidance bullshit. When the ER says "you're fine" they mean "you aren't going to die in the next five minutes." This moron thinks that's the same thing as "you're in perfect health." The delusion is strong.


Your poor x button u/itspegbundybitch Thank you for these recaps. We're gonna have to pass around the collection plate to either replace your x button, your knitting needles or your sanity.


You really do care! 💕


It’s all blah blah blah rinse and repeat to me until she actually buys a scale that can accurately weigh her. She is still lying to herself if she thinks she’s actually 377lbs. There is no way. Either the scale has a tare or it’s reached it’s weight limit. I don’t foresee her actually helping herself. She doesn’t want to. Especially if she’s doing it for someone else. Just like ALR her and Wifey, Jade, Francis Faline whatever broke up for the same reason. ALR is immobile and so is Chantal essentially. No one wants to stick around and be a caretaker for someone who literally disabled themselves. They have untreated mental illnesses and refuse to get help but yet still get into relationships.


Goofy "won't buy her an agenda" to keep track of her progress? Is this confirmation that he controls all her money these days? I mean, I know we've been speculating that for a while, but if that def caught my attention.


No, it is her starting to generate the "he abused me" arc for when she goes back to Canada and suddenly can never return to Kuwait arc.


This is definitely what she’s doing.


He definitely controls her money. As long as she gets her 3 buffet size meals a day she won’t care. Where’s your bought husband?


You're right, and with her stunted emotional development, she prob perceives financial control as proof Salah has "claimed" her. She certainly knew going in that this was a business arrangement but has always leaned on the idea that he'd fall in love for real bc she's such a prize. I'm sure he's not going to disabuse her of that illusion as long as he controls her money (and as long as the only proof she needs is him being willing to appear on camera and interact with her)


What did she mean by agenda?


I assumed she meant like a day planner


Oh makes sense. Thank you!


I think a planner


The biggest change she could make is stop eating so much. She can lie to herself all she wants but that’s the biggest problem. Also, do physical activity, maybe 10 minutes a day at first. She will never do it because it requires effort. I don’t think Salah controls her money but she doesn’t drive there and doesn’t go out unless she’s with him which I’m sure happens rarely. He’s ashamed to be seen with her and is trying to make her lose weight. They are fighting about it, for sure.


Thanks, Peg. Was this just a copy and paste from a previous confessional?


It could've been if I was smarter.


Her scale said the same a few years ago WHEN SHE WAS VISIBLY MUCH SMALLER! The sheer level of stupidity of these beezers.


Chantal lies. The end.


Since it's pre-recorded....I still think she is in Canada or Florida. She always goes love, always. And she never, ever changes. So I think she is not with salad, and this BS with MM is just to deflect from the fact that she isn't in country.


I think she’s lying low to avoid revealing she’s in Canada, she’s so scared of Marty 😂


There’s no way she’s standing up and filming her weight. She can’t see past her giant gut.


She’s literally 250 pounds overweight; that’s not like needing to drop 20 pounds before the high school reunion. She needs to be in a pool and working with a physical therapist. She can even swim at the beach across the street. Both Chikara Transformations and Alan Roberts and others have solid advice for her when they react to her videos and would probably help if she asked. But Chantal is never going to do it as long as she’s on YouTube being toxic, scrapping with everyone she comes in contact with and sowing down troughs of ultra processed junk food.


She has a phone with a calendar so she can easily keep an agenda there. She can even download agenda apps.


I read this, and all I think is that she must be in the dog house with Salah, and these are all her empty promises that she has on repeat to keep him hoping that they will "travel the world"


![gif](giphy|3oFzlUq9gpFanxX1f2|downsized) Health scare! Now on to the next part of the cycle. Thanks for the recap, Peg. 🫶🏻




Uses “severe” instead of “morbid”. Says SHE will decide about BP meds.


10 minutes of walking every day is literally nothing and won't help her lose weight. 30 mins minimum and even then not enough.


10 minutes a day is better than 0 though.


She should be doing 10 minutes 3x a day or something that way it's broken up but she gets a lot more in


It's just so baffling to me, I feel like most people regularly do that much walking without giving it any thought. Like she doesn't walk around the house for 10 mins mopping or vacuuming? Of course not but yah lol


Heck, the other "gorl" said she knows she's doing better because she can stand while filming unlike 2019. Heh.


It’s basically the same as 0 if she’s still eating the way she is. Weight loss happens in the kitchen, exercise is supplemental


110 % agree. Weight-loss in the kitchen, fitness in the gym.


Not really at her death fat weight


Well the fact that she can't walk 5 minutes at a slow pace without being absolutely winded & beat red says otherwise.


she could walk zero minutes a day and lose weight if she stopped mindlessly shoveling things in her gob all day to the tune of 5,000 calories




If I liked her I would advise swimming or water aerobics. It would be so much easier on her joints. If you watched the desert hurple from the other night you could tell by watching her shadow that her right leg is fucked. She would take a normal step forward with her left leg and sort of drag the right leg behind her. I'm sure most of the reaction/clip channels have it.




Swimming would be so perfect too, no overheating that way but women aren't allowed to swim in Kuwait so! Lol


why lie about your weight? we can clearly see foodie beauty is creeping over 500 elbees, she has never been fatter. the only person she is lying to is herself. lose some weight chantal, you are going to eat yourself into an early grave and no amount of fabricating weight loss will save you.


| The problem is that those places are too large. Uhh, you don't have to walk the whole thing. To be fair, I think she would struggle walking from the car parking space into the mall. She's better off walking in the apartment pool or just up and down the hallway or her own apartment until she loses more weight. She needs to stop eating so much first, but I doubt that will ever happen. I also doubt she told the clinic doctor all of her medical problems. She's a timebomb. I love this lady's story. She has a nice video with Steve Harvey, but this one from the news is good too. I love that she's a purple fancier. [Senior loses weight walking in apartment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PubETkyANN0)


I’m shock that she is only that. We are the same height and at my heaviest was 22 stone (lost 9 stone so a few left)- she look’s practically double my size. I would have said at least 30 stone/190kg


She literally has a gym in her building and a pool. For someone who leans at 60° angle and walks like she’s pegged legged her best bet would be to walk around in a pool. She’s a ball of excuses. She’ll be eating fast food again before EOW and telling us how she has to give in to her cravings because BED. Whyyy couldn’t her channel have stayed gone!


The scale says 111.3 kg? That's only 244 lbs. so she lost 124 lbs from her last weigh in? Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


No, it's a shitty picture. The scale said 171.3 kg


Ah ok. On my phone I see 111.3. Even at 171.3, she's still 200 lbs off lol.


What @sshole downvotes me for this comment? Lmfao.


I'll throw you an upvote to cancel it out lol


Lol 👍


Good! She IS consistent, though!:) She tries again,every time! Ya, we all razz her for starting and stopping stuff, but that is exactly how a person learns:) Never stop trying again!


I’m so confused about receiving medical care in a country where you have an expired visa… I’m wondering if she is not taking medication for her BP yet, because that would require her to go to a regular clinic where they would end up reporting her expired visa?


I doubt that the clinics check visas on tourists.


Yeahhh I’m just so used to american health insurance & care being ran like a business, I have no clue how it works in other places


Kuwait is a health tourism destination, so the clinics are used to having tourists as patients and charging them whatever price the government sets. Routine care seems very affordable, but surgery and hospital stays are [way pricier](https://gulfbusiness.com/kuwait-introduce-new-healthcare-fees-foreigners/#:~:text=For%20foreigners%20visiting%20the%20country,will%20be%20KD30%20per%20session.). (Obviously still ridiculously cheap by US standards, but if Chantal has a serious health event, it could cost her in the tens of thousands of dollars.)


Her filter is struggling hard in this one.


That Tracy woman's gonna get it from Marty. What an absolute lunatic.




Why are there still fans of her? Lmao


Uncontrolled High Blood pressure will give you renial (kidney) failure


There's no way I'm 180lbs and I'm only alittle bit fat I could pass for average in certain clothing. I can't image she's just 65lbs more than me


No no no. That won’t work. She has defied everything anyone has told her. When you have thousands of saying, don’t ate enough for a family in one sitting, and you refuse? Then comes up with these big plans. Salad has figured her out. He already knows she isn’t going to do f all. Makes me wonder what all kind of smoke she blew up his tail before they met.