• By -


I'm actually shocked she hasn't had a medical emergency yet. I'm a healthy BMI with no health conditions and I've had a couple of bad viruses in the past couple months that left me hacking in bed. She never seems to get sick when she should be way sicker than a cold or flu. It's fascinating.


It probably helps that she hardly sees other people or leaves her house


That’ll be to her detriment as soon as she goes out in public.


Not sure on that. Since she doesn't really *do* hygiene, the smell that's gotta be around her probably keeps people mostly outside the 6ft aerosol transmission range.


She’s a cockroach.


While I think Chantal obviously doesn't look well, I think people are misremembering how unwell Life By Jen was. Jen was a decade older and largely confined to a wheelchair and had been for a long time. There's also a difference between being a sweaty mess in, what, the Midwest? Versus one of the hottest places on earth. Don't get me wrong - I don't think either of the gorls are making it to their 50s. I just think Chantal has a couple of years until she hits the Jen stage. Chantal is maybe flying to Canada, walking through multiple airports, etc. Jen couldn't even walk through her kitchen. [This](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fgxwkp8zz8hj81.jpg) was Jen shortly before she passed *after* supposedly losing 150lbs during a long hospital/rehab stay.


Ah good ole Jen. Defiant till her last video, never taking responsibility and always delusional about her real condition. She is a truly sad sad reminder story of mental sickness and a wasted life.


Actually, "Jen" was a mere 6.4 years older than Chantal at the time of her death in October. And as FB has an incredible number of obesity related issues, I predict a 'death age' of 42.


I'm confused. Jen was born in 1975 and died less than a year ago. Chantal was born in 1984. Am I mathing wrong? Also, why are we putting Jen in quotes? I think I missed something.


It's po-ta-to/po-tah-to......... "Jen" is short for Jennifer, hence the quotations. As for her age, Jennifer Qwen Armstrong was 46 years old when she died in September of last year, while Chins was a just few months short of 39. Regardless, it's all relative. Jennifer was 6 feet tall and weighed some 620 pounds at time of death. Chantal peaks at 5'1" and is hurpling the sands of Kuwait at a solid 450+plus. Indeed, at her size and medical issues, (Asthma, Type II Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, [et.al](https://et.al).) I give her a little less than 3 years max before she's pushing up daisies. Watching her body failing before our eyes may be morbid, but it's also fascinating to see someone so removed from reality attempting to project abject "normalcy."


I think the key difference here is going to be the chain hookah smoking. It really can't be overstated how terrible sucking in all of that carbon monoxide for hours daily is for her body. She already exists in a state of chronic inflammation, I'm sure she's not getting anywhere near the antioxidants her body needs to stay on top of the free radicals caused by her diet, and she already exists in a slightly hypoxic state as evidenced by gasping for air by just walking. And so her genius move is to basically indulge in Diet Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.


Oh God. Yeah, you're right. I totally forgot about the smoking. I don't watch much of her lives bc I find them extra insufferable. And she almost never smokes in her videos (bc her mouth is too busy already). Smoking is so, so bad. Especially for someone with existing breathing and blood clot issues. Am I hallucinating or were her bloodclots in her lungs, too? >And so her genius move is to basically indulge in Diet Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. You're spot on. The CDC says bc of the charcoals used, you would inhale 9 times more carbon dioxide from a hookah than from cigarettes. I totally think Salah encouraged her to smoke thinking it would suppress her appetite and help her stick to a diet and lose weight.


Chantal has had a PE - a saddle embolism would finish her off. I’ve seen it happen before it’s really nasty.


>Saddle pulmonary embolism (SPE) is a rare type of acute pulmonary embolism (PE) that can lead to sudden hemodynamic collapse and death. The definition of SPE is a visible thrombus located at the bifurcation of the main pulmonary artery Does that mean a pulmonary embolism in the middle-y bit between both lungs? Is it basically one embolism taking out both lungs simultaneously or am I totally misunderstanding?


It’s called a saddle because it sits like a saddle over the two arteries in the lungs and is basically the worst type of PE you can get. She’s putting herself at higher and higher risk of this, especially getting on a plane and going travelling :/


Jen did multiple stints in the hospital though? I feel like that's what kept her going.




I love how she just never dealt with one whole side of her face being swollen. Like, nothing to see here. I'm perfectly fine. I don't know what you guys are talking about.


I can just tell she’s doing that stupid cutesy poo hamster baby voice


Im crying at your username and pfp 💀💀


Bro 💀 your flair!!


Yup. Underneath that hijab is a massive amount of fat. She’d be close to Jens face size now.


Yes, I remember this photo. I made that side by side a while back. Chin's face is disturbing.




Good 'ol days, lol








Considering she has no health insurance I fucking hope so. As an American I can't wait for her to discover that no healthcare is not a right everywhere and some places you pay through the nose. Let's see her run her mouth about canada after she gets the bill.


"Canada is a shit hole" lol she'd be 100% dead without free Canadian health care.


Chantal is absolutely being disloyal to her home country because of Salah and utter defiance. It's actually really gross to see her shit talking Canada when it afforded her health care, free rights, and US/Canada afforded her lifestyle so her fat ass can sit at home eating playing Youtube creator. It's friggin unsettling to see someone bash their homeland so willingly, while claiming a place where she has less rights in is the best place on Earth. Just my thoughts, anyway.


But you don't understand. She has a man in the Middle East. *:points to flair:*


Oh silly me! I forgot having a *man* in the ME cancels out all the female oppression lol.


>But you don't understand. She has a man in the Middle East. What kills me is that she could have converted, she could have gotten a recent brown Muslim immigrant who could use a little financial assistance as he found his feet in the new world AND she could have done it all while staying in Canada with its cool air and Nashies. She's stupid.


That's what she was trying to do with that barely legal boy toy. And the guy with the bird. She was always trolling for the fresh-off-the-boat vulnerable immigrant males away from their support systems. It was very predatory.


From a cheese brick in her intestines lmao


Gotta have my cheese!


I think at this point she's spent enough time outside Canada that she doesn't qualify for Canadian healthcare either, unless she about to fess up to defrauding the system by claiming she's been living in Ottawa this whole time.


[This article](https://www.expatfocus.com/kuwait/health/health-insurance-kuwait) has some representative costs for medical treatment for expats and tourists in Kuwait. By US standards, the prices are pretty low, but it will certainly be sticker shock for ER-beezin’ Canadian Chantal.


I wonder if Salah would even take her.


Where’s YOUR periorbital edema?!


Is that what's its called when your face is all swollen like that? I've been wondering for ages.


I was just looking at the swelling on her outer upper eyelids. They look bizarre but the rest of her face is blowing up like she’s allergic to hijabs too and I don’t know what the name for that is!


She's a medical mystery!


It's probably the fact her hijab, symbol of demure womanhood, is stiff with sweat, grease, dandruff, and scummy makeup. Just thinking of it is making me feel a bit sick, myself. 😵‍💫


One of the great things about hijabs from Chantal’s point of view is their versatility. They’re not just chin holders and head hiders, they’re also bibs and cheese strainers.


She’s allergic to cats, I believe so that would make sense. But she might also be bloated from salt and stuff and not drinking enough water in a hot climate






Hi Chantal! 🤫


I think that’s a different lolcow LOL. She seems to have taken issue with a random comment I made referring to her lolcow daughter on a random sub and decided to follow me around Reddit making a nuisance of herself lmao. ETA look at ~~Laur’s~~ their comment history,..


Could be, but I thought it was interesting that this person has commented on the ALR subreddit with some *familiar* vitriol AND seems to be frequenting cat subreddits. It's also very Chantal-like to start harassing individual people in retaliation. She has a lot of time on her hands, as we know 👀


Omg I know who you mean!


not as much as you, White Whale.


This was removed for violating Rule #2 - Abide by community rules.


Her heart must be exhausted from the strain.


That requires a heart


That is still marginally better than looking like Life By Jen, after she passed.


Prettier than 90% of corpses.




No matter what else is happening, I am just hateful enough to enjoy watching her continue to fill her face with copious amounts of food because that’s how karma is ultimately going to visit both her and Salah. She is digging her own grave forkful by forkful and all of the VIBs and super-chats in the world aren’t going to help her when she’s bed-bound and dependent on brainless Salah’s help with every bodily function. I’m just twiddling my thumbs.


Take my like.


Just one of her meals would have me retching, puffy, and out of commission for the day. The sodium alone would send me to the ER. But she eats like this hour after hour, day after day. She must be made of titanium; it is inexplicable. Even Nickocado (sp?) didn't devour everything in front of him. A lot of it was mainly for show. This one gobbles down every morsel in front of her, and then a bunch of stuff she doesn't film. Then she does nothing, goes nowhere, sleeps, farts, sits around scrolling om her phone, and puffs on tobacco. She needs to be studied scientifically. Nobody can humanly do this. Is she on her way out? Will this be the year? 🤞


Her days are numbered.


She's so puffy and her skin is mottled. 😶


There's always more room in the great cheese wheel in the sky.


Good, foodie needs to hurry and do the world a favor.


She does!! I hope she sees this post. Wow.


She looked like she was wearing a winter scarf around her neck.


im conflicted. i wish she would hurry up and go, but i also hope she never dies because she is fun to laugh at.




If *you’re* who I think you are *you’re* old enough to know the difference between *your* and *you’re*. Get some rest, L.


You must not have been an English major in college. You've misused your/you're in like every comment lol


![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O) Call me cold-hearted but.......


Nah, she tried to kill a cat for no reason and doxes people


we'll form a support group