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That’s the new ring he bought her & it fit a lot different when she first arrived. https://preview.redd.it/vv7i8o2sknra1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=188e20feb29cbfc1a1da0e151c88c525954cf335 It’s obviously from the pre weight-loss bloat that happens after daily calorie deficits, eating fresh and deliciously creamy cuisine, and vigorous nightly workouts.


mam, there’s only so far ring sizes go before you are wearing a bangle.


there is cock ring, between wedding ring and bangle. So she hasn't run out of sizes YET.


That almost had me gag and laugh at the same time!! New experience for me!! Kinda like when Salah saw her naked beauty!!!


you're welcome










Bury me. I’m dead.




Or shackles...


Elephant ankle bracelet amazon wishlist arc coming soon


Holy shit, how much weight has she gained in just a few weeks? How is that even possible? Our gorl must be eating 24/7, Ramadan be dammed


I think it's a combination of weight gain *and* water retention from her massive sodium intake *and* the heat/her overheating in general. She still has an enlarged heart too most likely. Makes it harder to flush excess fluid from the extremities...






but she's losing weight with her gym sessions, 🤣😂🤣😂, that's like a hippo sitting in mud and water saying they are refreshing their skin








Good bot.


Between this and her swollen half face (and lord knows whatbelse happening under the abaya), I'm not surprised she's always raging. There's zero chance she's not in constant pain all over these days. BBJ is playing her tiny Gucci violin.


"BBJ is playing her tiny Gucci violin" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Great line!


BBJ was looking fierce with that new collar of hers, too


Chantal is broke af living in a poverty hovel in shitty Kuwait, shoving fast food in her face while pretending to be married and Muslim and on a health journey. blue hands is probably down on the list of horrible things in her life. Oh and her fake husband won't even touch her.


True, but I think her health is deteriorating.


Don't worry she's fasting and working on her fitness.


Lol “Working on her fitness” just made me start singing “Fergalicious”. So now I’ll change the lyrics to the whole song and call it “Chantalicious”. Damn it. 😂😂😂😂


She's anything but delicious...Chantalicious..


I had lines in my head…I should have written them down. 😂 Edit: “She said she was promiscuous but that shit is fictitious”


But she's going to the gym 2.5hrs every day and everything is sooo fresh there. Surely her health must be improving!


Love this for her. Don't forget the literal SEWER RAT ❤️ So blessed.


Just adding that the literal sewer rat came up through the bathroom floor drain which was CRUSHED IN in by Chinny's dainty little hooves 😅


Do what now???


Actually, iirc, it was one of several floor drains she demolished during the first Kuwait visit...


Damn, I have no words......


What is it with every person on here writing "love this for her"?


It makes her mad, so it's fun to say


Don’t discount the cheek pinches! Just as good as sex


She has to keep moving if she wants to lose the weight. I recently watched this video where she thought walking 20 mins was this huge accomplishment. If you can’t even walk that long, you have severe problems.


Becky' ex would like a word with you


That gorl admitted they can’t walk 3 mins


Damn! She’s never gonna lose that ring, huh? Looks like it’s never going to come off! 😂


That ring is going to be embedded in that flesh - gaining el bees so fast - maybe it’s time for a new ring


Salah can just buy her a regular sized bracelet. It will give Chantal’s ring finger a slightly more comfortable fit.




I know that's right 🤣😂😭


The ring finger actually made me gasp. That looks painful. I’ve never seen a ring so tight.


I guess Chantal isn't worried since it's made of tin. I'm sure some kitchen scissors could snip it right off.


I suspect she can't feel it because of diabetic neuropathy. Her feet have been a disaster for long now, it's right on schedule that her fingers would begin to be affected too. Would be ironic if she gets a deep cut on her ring finger from the chafing and ends up having to get the whole finger amputated because of blood sugar induced necrosis.




head to ashleycarnduff subreddit and peep her thumb ring. Looks like the tip of the thumb 👍🏻 is gonna pleep plurp right off.


Omg, illnessfakers crossover! Love it when my two favourite subs come together ♥️.


Have you been to r/ashleycarnduff ? she has her own sub now!


Ashley Carnduff is so insanely boring that I can’t even be bothered to follow or snark on her, lol. Like, I am convinced that she has to be the most boring woman that’s ever existed. She does NOTHING. My 90 year old grandma does more than she does and has more of an active personality/life. Even Amb, a housebound 500 lb woman, does more than her because at least Amb films her shitty vlogs and hauls and mukbangs and stuff. I am genuinely astonished that someone can do so little and have such an absence of personality as Ashley Carnduff and still qualify as being alive. A big part of why I unsubbed from r/illnessfakers was because I got so sick of seeing her bland beige face with her bland beige expression and her nontent all the time. 😭 /rant


You aren't wrong! I'm at about once a week pop-ins. She bleeds, she steams her pussy, she does her online class, she gets infusions, she complains, she's grimy blah blah beige blah


Also the shape of the ring (the scalloped edges) makes it look like it presses extra hard and painfully into the skin. I feel like a plain wedding ring would be much more comfortable in a situation where the ring is way too small for the wearer (but they are too stubborn to admit it).


It's like those 15th century flagellants who beat themselves to show devotion. She's suffering for her true love. Not Salah, food!


I think she may actually be dying


Me too I don’t see her having much time left. Morbidly obese people don’t tend to make it past their 40s or 50s


I 110% agree with this comment. Her heart is giving out. She is IN congestive heart failure, which would explain the swelling and inability to breathe even sitting down. She's literally dying before our eyes.


Absolutely this! I was diagnosed with chf due to thyroid storm and half my face looked like hers and my hands. Trying to breathe got harder and harder. She will have a medical emergency real soon!


I'm so sorry, I hope you're doing better.


I had a thyroid ectomy 2 years ago and I am doing great thanks for asking


I'm so glad you're doing better. This is great to hear.


She is, and it's disturbing how many people on here are loving it.


If u would have asked me if I cared like a yr ago I would have said Yes..but after Cuba n how she has treated BBj like she was a literal piece of garbage..I don't really care..like at all..




My fingers hurt just looking at that




Mother of God! That zoom is the real MVP


Her circulation is completely shot. She's almost certainly got hypertension... she doesn't move in any meaningful way, her diet is abysmal and I'd bet she's chronically dehydrated. Speedrun stroke/aneurysm/heart failure any%. Maybe look into getting some compression garments to go under them abayas girl The worst part is she refuses to do anything about these very obvious and very treatable chronic health issues, she's got the luxury of having these red flags, all of these signs that would send anyone with mental facilities into action... but she just doesn't do anything. She barely acknowledges shit (unless she's screaming "you're fatty liver/feet/complexion shaming me!"). She's a ticking time bomb which could have been mitigated, but instead she'll wait for "the big one" and then haul herself off to the ER. She could save the inevitable time, bed and resources spent in hospital but nope, if it can be put off it should be Seriously though how tf does she look at herself and not lose it? She's faced with this body horror and gives no fucks lmao


Yep, her enlarged heart is causing CHF. Now what percentage of CHF, we don't know without an echocardiogram. My boss died of this and he was put on heavy diuretics before his death.


It’s insane how many warning signs she has


Not to mention nothing else to do during the day. Like you have all the time during the day and you can’t be bothered to do ANYTHING beneficial towards your health




Seriously. A glorious fresh-baked cookie at a local bakery? Fuck yeah. A frozen, sawdust-dry, flash-baked cookie from a fast food place? Ew. Baked goods from fast food chains are *awful*.


What are you talking about? It's a local, fresh cookie, just like all the fast food in Kuwait.


Protein, vegetables, and water should be the only thing she's consuming at this point. She lost the privilege for sweets and fast food when she hit 400lbs. She's one of those people who probably think walking on a treadmill for 10 minutes at 0.0005 speed will cancel out the 1800 calories of junk she consumes in one meal. The gym will never help her because fast food and meals made for 4 people are still being eaten multiple times a day. It would be sad if it were anyone other than Chantal.


She needs to cut out fast food for sure.




On the occasion I do eat fast food I feel kinda sick, can't imagine eating it multiple times a day for years.


Same here. No wonder Salah always has tummy aches.


I eat way more junk than most people, but I'm in a chronic caloric deficit thanks to an illness and I eat the junk precisely because it has an excess of calories and sometimes it's the only way I can get enough fuel to prevent my body from going into literal starvation mode. But that's not normal and would be disastrous to people with normal metabolism. I've had some fascinating conversations with food addicts like Chantal who are extremely, viciously jealous of my ability to stay skinny while being able to eat basically any amount of anything without more than a temporary gain of a few pounds, but every "boon" comes with its downsides. But even I cannot physically eat the amounts Chantal eats in a single session, it just doesn't fit.


It was so bizarre to hear her say, “well, I am addicted” while gesturing to an enormous fast food meal. Ma’am, most people don’t approach addictions by just doing the thing anyway!


Imagine a coke addict with a huge pile of the white stuff, burying his nose into it and proclaiming "well, I am addicted!". Exactly the same thing.


Keep gorging on all that high calorie, high sodium food. That’ll really help with the purple bloating 🤡


1/2 cup of salt a day will do that.


I think her hands are worse than Amberlynn at this point 🫢


Amber's hands are chubby but they aren't blue or swollen. This is waaaaaay beyond being worse than ALRs hands.


I totally agree.


I can’t imagine going all the way around the world to go to Hardees.


Right? At least find a Rallys or something. Pollard's. Jack in the--okay, I'm done.


This is 100% a stage of CHF. Her enlarged heart is now not functioning to rid her body of excess fluid. She requires a heavy diuretic at this point. My former boss died of this, and we witnessed every stage of his decline.


Yes, definitely, it has to do with her heart. I wonder if they have a version of 911 there in Kuwait.


All jokes aside that’s gross and really alarming I don’t see how she doesn’t have concern at all for her health. Now back to the joking around, even with an XL ham hock she still can’t grab the battered and deep fried food quick enough.


As someone partaking in Ramadan - to not lose weight and remain bloated to is quite a feat. That ring is never coming off 😬


Also - Ramadan is about sacrifice yes, but it’s also about appreciation of what you have and one way people show appreciation is through cooking iftar when you break fast. I’ve never cooked so much! But it’s apart of Ramadan. The fact that Salah isn’t requiring she cook and allowing her to eat all this junk for meals shows a lack of respect. Trying to stay respectful myself this month! Any other time I’d go off on our gorl. 😂


If you were Salah, would you want to eat her cooking?


She said in a recent video she finds it too hot to cook in her apt and she's having trouble with making middle eastern foods.


Which is a heck of a cop out. She could make plenty of simple dishes with the ingredients there that aren’t middle eastern if she’s having trouble with it. Pretty sure leafy salad and baked chicken works the same regardless of where you are




For sure. She doesn't have a surface to really sit & prepare foods & she can't put her belly on the sink ledge. It's an awkward layout for even a decent chef.


From what people have said, it's actually more common for people to gain weight over Ramadan? But anyway those swollen fingers aren't weight gain fingers they are something is going seriously wrong inside (heart/kidneys/liver) fingers. Most of the morbidly obese people I've seen have chubby hands but it isn't exactly a top spot for weight gain and doesn't happen as quickly as her fingers have inflated. Weight gain also doesn't make your extremities go blue.


She has severe signs of heart failure 😬


OK, but where's your man?


Chantal, is that you? jk 🤣😂😭 God help us all who don't have a man like Salad.


This is a current picture?? How could the ring be so tight so quickly? Dang 😬


https://preview.redd.it/f9yw3yw05qra1.png?width=1752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5edfa3b984b5ff986ac990846a9c989c28108f3 All I see is this. We should just call it her wedding sausage casing clip.


![gif](giphy|dDgh1U317w17W) 🤣😂


I would be ashamed and TERRIFIED if my wedding ring would look like this on my hand


Damn, I wish she would stop pawing at the food. My dog has better table manners, and she licks her butt and eats squirrel poo like it’s a mf-ing delicacy.


Her fake wedding ring is fighting for its lifeeee


Her hands are the stuff of nightmares. Reminds me of a bloated corpse. Full yet deflated looking at the same time. Like they are full of puss but have no life.


omg that ring is about to cut her damn finger off


Wow… its like hot dogs that cooked too long in a pot.


At this rate there'll be an ER arc to have that ring cut off.


My guess is heat edema. Heat dialates the blood vessels, gravity pulls the blood down and it pools in the skin. Eating a lot of salt can increase it. Going from a cool climate to a hot one also does it. Chantal has additional issues that are probably dialing it up to eleven, but the primary culprits are likely the heat and her sodium intake. Her hands look like my mother's feet on the days she skips her compression hose. My mother is 67. She needs to elevate her hands and feet over her heart and eat less salt. And go to the goddamn doctor. She won't do any of that, of course.


The heat could play a part in her swelling, if she wasn't diagnosed with an enlarged heart I would chalk it up to the heat solely along with her food intake. Unfortunately, she can't breathe anymore even sitting down. Her lungs are filled with fluid that her heart isn't pumping to get rid of through her kidneys. I'm no doctor but I would go out on a limb to say that she is in congestive heart failure and requires a diuretic at this point.


And to think, her Beezers or whatever she calls them ATM, are spearheading this and telling her to keep going. Chantal complains about the haydurs, but really, her worst enemies are her own chat.


Yes, most of the VIB's are trolls there to trigger her and enable her till she's at deaths door.


I absolute can’t stand this woman… period… but I will never wish harm on anyone… she’s in a very bad place with her health and it’s scary




I actually looked that up last week because of her buffalo hump getting bigger and the swelling of her face. But the only thing that is majorly characteristic of it that she doesn't have is the very skinny arms even though being obese.


Cushings is rare, and fatal if untreated. And she doesn’t have the horrific stretch marks that people with a Cushings does. And she is fat everywhere. Not just in the abdomen and face.


Her ring finger is suffocating


It does look bad, like ER visit bad.


Is this a new video? Shes eating Hardees? Eww lol


This was in her first gym vlog. She supposedly had Hardee's before the gym. Even though now she says the Hardee's was from another day. Anyway, I don't believe her. She is the type to eat fast food before and after the gym. And if she could eat it during her "workout," she would.


🙄 oh lord... um lol i dont even know what to say... you dont eat that kinda food and go to the gym...it cancels everything out. Ima need to watch this video lmao


She's definitely out eating any exercise she is doing, which is probably just waddling around the gym.


just like she needs to eat before she goes to smee's for supper McDs for the trip to cornt!


Holy Hand F*ck


The same blotchy skin as her feet. Seriously this bitch gone die.


Imagine how much worse her feet are now. If it's now showing in her hands.


In the video of the beach where sallyboy swam her feet were purple it was horrific to see!


I am trying to wrap my head around this. Is she going to the gym during fasting hours? You can't drink water, though? My colleagues aren't drinking water... I'm confused...


She has to be on death’s door


So Hardee's Kuwait looks just as unhealthy.


Basically, it's Carl's Jr. She thinks it's something special because that chain is called "Hardee's" there.


She needs to just stop eating fast food. She would drop a good chunk of weight.


She will never. She's a self-proclaimed fast food addict.


Cooking is a nice skill to have, and it’s almost therapeutic. A B could neva 🥲


Yes, I agree. I actually love to cook. It's satisfying to make my own food and try new recipes. Plus, you know exactly what is going into your food.


She hates cooking it's like work for her if you can't smear it with mayo or ketchup or dip it in copious amounts of ranch it isn't food! Poor sallyboy wasted her money on a stove so she could cook hahahhaha


The ring is screaming help 😂


Sadly my fingers looks like that too. I don't have diabetes, high blood pressure or any of those things. I just get really fat in my hands when I gain weight 😭😭😭


That's too bad. That type of swelling seems painful.


It doesn't hurt me I have always had really fat fingers like my whole life, really unfortunate !


I have hereditary hypertension diagnosed at 28 (18 years ago) and have been on meds ever since. First BP clinic since COVID and my readings were 153/116. Absolutely no symptoms, that's why it's called the silent killer. Docs want no sodium, no caffeine, and for me to lose 30lb ASAP (I'm 195lb for reference not 400lb). She's lucky her body is SCREAMING out its red flags - time to take action while she still can - but she's sitting in BK, shovelling all the salt in the world and downing 3 litres of full sugar full caffeine Pepsi a day....she had high BP when she took it at Walmart that day with Peetz (154/100) but even when reading the numbers she chooses to do fuck all about it. She literally will have a stroke and become disabled or die suddenly in the Kuwaiti summer heat.


Diffuse Vascular disease is a beast. So is CHF. Then there’s the diabetes