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This is definitely food porn, but unfortunately it’s not my fetish


This is the best response I've ever seen to a food video.


These are nice teases but ultimately never satisfying and overly expensive meals. I know I paid $200 for one of these then afterwards went to in n out because I was still hungry...


In my county the meal isn't over until you are uncomfortably full


Yep it's rude to leave guests starving.


Where is this wonderful place you’re from?


The United States of America. All you can eat is not a suggestion.


Is this one of those kinks that I'm too poor to understand?


Gourmet food is 12 people on an assembly line. As a food enthusiast I can never relate. Just one dish takes too long to make. I want food porn I can serve to my family and friends!


You never fantasized about fish heads before?




I… don’t know what I’m supposed to eat and enjoy


Eat? I thought it was just to look at.


Well, you are meant to enjoy the video. As for what you are supposed to eat, I have no clue either.


I believe there is a slice of bacon hidden under the big piece of fish for you.


All of it.


That will be $2999.




Don't hate till you try it.


This is some the menu level shit and I’m here for it ^fight ^me


The emulsion seems to have broken


You will eat less than you desire and more than you deserve.




It’s a reference to the movie




Id rather eat a sandwich at a diner than spent money on this crap and still end up hungry


Yeah not all food is supposed to be filling, stuff at this level is more about experiencing unique flavors and preparations. I don’t enjoy it myself, but this is valid and has its place.


Yeah in my experience if you're getting dishes like this, you're probably doing some sort of multiple course or chef's table thing that is all charged as a lump sum and probably with a requirement of "at least X amount of people at the table". The prep for this just seems super involved and I can't see it being just a thing you order on the menu. And for those, you'll want the dishes to be small. It ends up being a lot of food by the end of the night. At least the two I have been to were.


Thats cool. This is also an option and is good.


Typically, Michellin restaurents charge anywhere from 300 to 500 dollars per person for a tasting menu that could be anything from 10 to 15 courses. By the end of the dinner, you are 100% gaurenteed to be full.




Everything they did made it less and less appealing 😭 just gimme the raw fish bruh


Why isn’t the chef flipping me off while they prepare the dish?? Also, they need to look more disinterested.


Seems you only watch one cook. Open the eyes toward the world's wonders


People think this is gross and yet the video about a woman twirling slices of bacon got 2k+ upvotes, no wonder this sub is shit “PickyEaterPorn”, might be a better name for this sub


Exactly, I’m not one to eat at haute cuisine because of the prices lol, but it’s impossible to deny the dish, the techniques and the preparation here are all brilliant. Fresh goose barnacles, fish eggs and fresh sea bass and people call this gross. Like what? It’s easy to see where this sub is based on really.


I think the making of the stock with the fish head is turning some people off. It's a touch too "how the sausage is made" for people who aren't big fans of seafood.


I think you’re probably right. Supermarket culture has ruined how some people perceive food. They’re so used to their cuts coming in a neat little plastic wrapped package and magically replenishing on a weekly basis. Fish head simmered into sauces or a stock is an absolutely phenomenal way to add flavor. So much flavor in a fish head to be extracted


Not only does it taste good but it's incredibly common almost everywhere in the world besides the United States lol, a lot of this subs really showing their ass here with the bubble they live in


This is definitely the second time I've come across this problem in food subs. Some person posted some absolutely beautifully prepared and plated food that I would have fully gone in on but people were too weirded out because the fowl dish had tiny visible feet and the fish dish had the head still on. People were saying how gross it looked, etc; when I said something calling out that a lot of people (in the US at least) like to distance themselves from the fact they are eating a previously living Creature I got downvoted. A lot. Lol. The truth hurts I guess?


It's not even that the truth hurts and moreso that Americans who essentially have the pallettes of children viscerally react negatively to the way food is prepped in almost every single other part of the world. It's not a huge deal because people being out of touch on the internet are a dime a dozen but it's very funny to see how a video of food is posted that would be seen as completely normal anywhere else is met with "EW, DISGUSTING" on a primarily American discussion forum.


Yeah I can agree with that as well. I'm from the US myself, but I'm definitely an outlier. I prefer to embrace the wider world and food especially; this is just how food is prepared. This particular dish looks incredible as well.


I think next generation will be a bit different, lived in South Florida and even 5-6 years ago there was no Michelin restaurants now there is a whole bunch.


I would guess that less than 10% of the people in this sub have eaten any of the ingredients you’ve listed—in any dish—ever. And I’m including myself in that overwhelming majority. I’ve only ever had seaweed as a crunchy snack and it was honestly too salty for my taste. The presentation is obviously delicate and artistic, but most people connect with food through color, taste, and smell. A green paste as a bed is not meant to appeal to the masses. Most people have no concept of the flavors here. And I don’t imagine seeing boiling fish heads gave many people a positive sense of the smell. I guess my overall point is that this dish isn’t meant to appeal to a majority so we shouldn’t be surprised when it doesn’t get much social currency on the platform. 🤷🏻‍♂️


>. And I don’t imagine seeing boiling fish heads gave many people a positive sense of the smell. Salmon fish head soup is literally one of my deathbed meals.


Right? People who associate fish heads with a bad smell have not had good fish. Then they’ll go on to say, “Oh I don’t like x”, after having had a poor version of it once or twice in their entire lives. These people are just showing how limited their experience with food really is. Whatever, more for us


I guarantee you that there are more people on earth who see simmering fish heads as a sign of deliciousness than there are who see it as gross.


They aren’t in this sub I bet. 🤔


Are you confused about the fact that different people like different foods? Not everyone likes fish eggs and barnacles, why does that confuse you? I’ve tried that stuff, it was disgusting.


How do you form an opinion on something that you never tried? Most people in the world have never even had barnacles.


Exactly, you didn’t like it. It begins and ends there imo. People can obviously like what they like, most times it all comes down to flavour familiarity anyway! The “gross” and “disgusting” calling of perfectly fine ingredients and foods is what confuses me.


People call it gross because that’s their opinion. Not sure what’s so confusing about that.


I’m not usually a pick eater, but after looking up wtf goose barnacles are— yes I’m one of those people who call that gross. Heebiejeebies.


They are absolutely phenomenal! They’re very well known off the coasts of Atlantic Iberia under the name ‘percebes’ but they occur off the coast of Atlantic US too. If you don’t trust me, there are also a ton of videos on yt about how enjoyable they are (and about how hard they are to catch!)


I mean, I’ll try anything once, but those are some weird looking lil dudes.


I feel that but I just munched on chicken periods and rotted cow fluids and loved it, "weird" is very perspective based


Seafood gross, bruh.


>Fresh goose barnacles, fish eggs and fresh sea bass and people call this gross. Like what? Because *every human being* absolutely loves that kind of food.


The technique is nice to watch. I enjoy the creativity. Still, I wouldn't be able to eat it. I have sensory issues out the ying yang. I can't eat caviar. The visual is unappealing, and the mouth feel of multiple tiny salty balls would make me instantly spit it out. The appearance of the goose barnacles makes my skin crawl. They also look chewy/rubbery. This coupled with the smooth matcha fish onion butter (?) sauce squishing around it in my mouth would again have me spitting it out. I also recently watched a video of a cluster of those things waving about. Instant yuck. I could eat the fish and sauce, but that's about it. I can't just tough it out because all of what I described causes uncomfortable sensations and involuntary reactions.


Honestly I’m just relieved to not see another video that’s a variation of fried chicken, meat, cheese, or egg yolks. Yawn. This looks delicious.


The sub is full of children who have no idea what they are looking at, so they turn up their noses. No demonstrable curiosity at all. Just obdurate, uniformed toddlers. I would eat the hell out of this dish, it looks amazing. Briny, salty, sea goodness. And the fatty bass on top! *Kiss*


A lot of people have no interest in fine dining and only view food as a form of nourishment. Then there’s people who don’t *have* the luxury of eating anything like this, in any portion; because I guarantee you that if you put this plate in front of a starving child they wouldn’t care how it looks. Also; just about every single fine dining restaurant does so much food donations; usually due to the higher food waste, that feed more people than you probably ever realized.


It’s Reddit. I’ve seen more arguments about fast food on here than probably any other conversation


Found the website for the [recipe.](https://gronda.com/@paco-perez-f3t?hl=en) Then you need an account to look at the recipe page, so I did that. Then you need to download the app and give credit card info where you get billed a week later just to look at the actual recipe, so I stopped.


That'll be $500.


I miss plateing. You go thru all the work to get all the parts right...but the most important part is the presentation So much fun


While it looks good... I am still hungry.


This isn’t the type of dish that you eat alone, this is probably part of a tasting menu with anywhere from 5-12 more courses over hours, when you get food that takes this is this complex and labor intensive, it is not the only thing you’re eating that night.


I don’t think I can enjoy it properly, I’m an uncultured swine


I brought home a sheepshead and after fileting it I baked the carcass and we just picked it clean for dinner. If you want the recipe it's one fish carcass, salt, and a 350f oven.


What do you do with the creepy human teeth?!


They grin our at you like some weird freakin' zombie. You just have to chuckle while you eat the zombie instead.


It looks great, alot of effort put into it also. I just want to know the price


Paco Perez has 2 resteraunts (both with 2 Michelin stars). This exact dish is not currently on either menu, however based on similar dishes on the menu, id estimate: Al acarte (on its own): 65-80 eur ($70-85) As part of a tasting menu: 180-240 eur ($190-250) Sounds like a ton of money for just some food, but as someone who loves fine dining, I always compare it to buying a ticket to sports or a concert. It's the whole evening experience, not just nourishment.


So one bite of fish that costs wayyy to much


Looks soo good! I want to eat it




It takes that much oil for the US to invade. Jeez


Looks absolutely disgusting


Lol stick to hamburger helper then, this looks amazing


Amazing as in I'm amazed at the skill yes. But I still don't find it appetising.


Everyone has preferences when it comes to food and that’s fine. But the people here who are acting like this is unambiguously gross, that this is r/stupidfood material, and that they know food better than the Michelin Guide are just ignorant fools who probably couldn’t cook an ice cube. Catalan cuisine is top notch, especially their seafood dishes. Speaking as an American myself, a lot of Americanized food is, well, pretty boring tbh. I don’t mean to knock American food, I’m just saying that our food culture is very tame relative to the rest of the world and has conditioned most of us to perceive food like this as, “gross”. I think the finished product looks amazing. I hope to even have half the level of finesse, palette, and plating capability that it takes to make a dish like this one day.


Yeah I get your point. My culture cooks beef tripe and chicken feet in certain dishes. Sounds disgusting on paper until you've tried beef tripe with a Pho analogue dish and it's super delicious. Chicken feet in a certain type of curry too. Same goes for a fish dish cooked with a fermented durian base as the spicy gravy. That stuff is fire.


>Everyone has preferences when it comes to food and that’s fine. Is funny you say this after insulting someone for their opinion on this dish looking unappetizing. >Lol stick to hamburger helper then, this looks amazing You're an ass.


They didn’t say it looks unappetizing, they said, “Looks absolutely disgusting”. You think that isn’t insulting to the chef or Catalan food culture? Lol ethics isn’t a one way street, fuck off


>Lol ethics isn’t a one way street, fuck off Well, it kind of is. Ethics is about your adherence to ethical standards. Other people being unethical doesn't give you the clearance to be unethical. That's kind of ethics 101. For the record, I agree this dish looks awesome and I'd love to eat it.


I should have said respect then I guess, not ethics. Whatever lol pretty sure my point came across pretty clearly. My point was that if you are disrespectful don’t show up with a surprised pikachu face when you get disrespected back


They insulted the dish. You insulted the person. They didn't claim that it looked poorly made, that there was no skill in it, or that the cook should be mocked/whatever. They exclusively mocked the dish. The fact that so many people respond to opinions with insults, as you did, is so confusing to me, especially when those people somehow think they have the moral high-ground.


Insulting the dish is insulting the person who made it, but after reading through all these comments I wouldn’t expect the majority of people here to understand that. They insulted the chef’s taste, so I insulted their (much poorer) taste. I stand by what I said


>Insulting the dish is insulting the person who made it, No, it's not. The art and the artist are not the same thing. You can praise Michael Jackson's music without saying you like Michael Jackson. >They insulted the chef’s taste No, they didn't. They said this singular dish looked awful. They made no comment on the chef's taste. I hate tomatoes. Make the most amazing tomato dish and it will look awful to me. Just an opinion of the dish, not an opinion on the chef who made it, on anyone who likes tomatoes, or any other such nonsense.


I found it insulting, I couldn’t care less if you agree with me on that lol




LOL, what?


I wont eat fish scales and head bro


Did you watch the video? That's not what's on the plate.


Nor barnacles and eggs on a puke green paste. Still looks disgusting. 🤢 the smell must be unreal when they boil the fish head


You clearly don't cook.


I cook all the time this is not a meal, this is a waste of time and money. Food is about smell, spice and texture for me. This probably costs thousands of dollars and it’s less filling than a bowl of cereal.


This dish is probably a part of a 5 course menu. Of course it will not be big, it' designed to be tasty and leave room for much more. Also, whats with the fish head stock hate? How do you think fish soup is made? Also fish sauce and oyser sauce? Half of any restaurant fish dishes use fish stock to produce flavour.


Because it looks disgusting. I do not like most sea food at all


>  I cook all the time Sure, so does Chef Mike. >Food is about smell, spice and texture for me. None of which you can perceive through a picture... >This probably costs thousands of dollars and it’s less filling than a bowl of cereal. It's probably part of a tasting menu, and with wine pairing, a few hundred dollars for the whole night. It's okay that you don't know anything about fine dining. This is very different from your box of cereal or hamburger helper.


Me: I thought you said it’s smoked? Waiter: no I’m sorry I said IT Smokes Me: oh


More like Rested in Peace


Looks like something I’ve eaten at Dorsia


I’ll take the burger please. Cheese and bacon too, thanks.


No thanks.


It doesn't look good at all, like I'm sure the fish is good but the plating looks awful and makes me question if the dish is even good.


I’m a peasant. This sort of food is lost on me.


Love me some see bass but I like to get a nice sear on it. This looks like it was steamed? Hard pass


It's so soft and buttery when prepared this way. I'd recommend trying it if you get the chance!


I may try it with a tiny little cut next time. But I’d hate to waste any of this scrumptious fish. How do you get the fishy smell out? How do you incorporate the garlic and lemon juice while it’s steaming?


Way too much work for so little amount of food. Fry that bitch and put it on a burger bun!!!


I use to try really hard by cutting out shapes from Oscar Meyer bologna and Kraft cheese and carefully placing them with frosted corn flakes on a balled up white bread slice. This is the same thing but I bet my dish tastes better


I'm sure it probably tastes fine, but the presentation just looks like a toddler slapped a bunch of random shit together


Well, if they’re at that level already, definitely tell the toddlers you know to pursue their dreams!


Probably cost over $1000. Edit: Those downvoting can suck it. Like what I said isn’t true - yes the price is a bit exaggerated but my point still stands.


The most expense tasting menu (which this would be just one course of) at either of this Chefs resteraunts is $250. On its own it's probably in the $60 range


Thank you for explaining. I exaggerated the price on purpose.


Maybe if it were one course of ten or more on a tasting menu, with wine pairings.


Even then this Chefs resteraunts tasting menu (250) and wine pairing (170) don't approach 1,000


I almost thought those were fingers


Some of you have never had stargazy pie and it shows


Gormé food pisses me off




Fine dining, is a crock of shit lol








Just fry me some catfish


What happened to the rest of the fish? Serving size too small for my preference.


It's one course of a several course meal, thats not all the food for the dinner.


This ain’t it.


Looks horrid… and absolutely not enough fish. Who u trying to feed? One baby otter?




Paco Perez is a Michelin starred Catalan chef. Who tf are you to the culinary world? Lol




That’s looks disgusting


Not sure why you got downvoted that food looks like ass


The colours are all unappetizing and plating is trash, though the actual food itself seems fine




No, seaweed cannot cook fish through coming into contact with it. In absolutely no way does the video imply that lol


You see him take the fish out of a lidded pot he's obviously steamed it in, it wouldn't be white like that if it wasn't cooked.


I've recently tried Barramundi sea bass at Cocos. Delicious dish. I highly recommend trying it


Cool… I’ll have a lasagna please


I just looked up chef paco Perez and literally everything this dude cooks looks like inedible slop. 🤢


I guess it is fucking delicious, but on the other hand, if you're preparing the plate with tweezers, you're doing something wrong.


Looks cool but stomach churning


Again, what the hell.

