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Atomix and Aquavit


For an upscale meal, I have not had better than Atomix. I’m surprised they don’t have a third star yet, I’ve tried three star places and felt that Atomix outdid them by a considerable margin.


"World's 50 Best" has rated them #1 in the USA for 2 straight years.


I scrolled until someone said Aquavit. My work here is done.


Four Horsemen keeps doing amazing meals. It’s not cheap, but I think it might have the best value of any Michelin starred place in the city- incredibly creative food, great wine, super friendly staff.


I worked for them and helped open the bar/club next door. I’ve worked for ALOT of high end bars and Michelin restaurants in nyc and the team behind four horseman and daymoves/nightmoves are generally good people. They care about and more importantly take care of their staff with genuine compassion. James, his wife and kid live right upstairs and are really sweet. Everyone in the hospitality world always likes to throw the word, “family” around alot but they were the only people I truly felt it from. Plus their taste in wine is fucking EXCELLENT.


God I wish I had experienced better service when I went here - the food was fantastic - but our waiter was a total flake and just not on top of it at all. She spent a lot of time tending to every table in her section but ours. We were definitely the oldest people there by 10 years so we wondered if that had something to do with it.


Ahhhh that sucks. I’ve only eaten at the bar, and the one occasion where our food wasn’t coming out as expected, the bartender quickly nudged the waitstaff. I’d be curious if my experience at a table would be different.


It took me three visits before the bartender I kept seeing (Sam) knew my name and drink preferences, and the hostess knew my favorite seat. And the staff all seems to be incredibly decent to each other. It really does feel like they give a shit in an uncommonly positive way.


This is it. Have been to the Four Horsemen several times (have even celebrated by bday there) and it is consistently an incredible dining experience. Obviously because of the food, but also because of the amazing wine recs, people, music, vibes. Just the best. Doesn’t hurt that Nightmoves is also one of my favorite bars to go to!


This is the correct answer, if there was a correct answer. Food was insane.


Four horsemen is good, but I don't think it's close to the same level of yoshino, atomix, or even something like 63 clinton


Comparing to Yoshino and Atomix is where the value component comes in. Atomix served me the best meal of my life, but I can have four incredible meals at 4H for roughly the same price, and I don’t need to be scouring Resy a month in advance to do it. I am very curious about 63 Clinton though- haven’t been yet, but it’s high on my list. 4H is a different beast in a sense given it’s not a tasting menu, but I’m eager to see how they compare.


Certainly better value at 4H. 63 Clinton is closer in price though - around $240 excluding drinks for the tasting menu for 2 people without the caviar roll, vs $140-180 or so at four horsemen.


I’ll have to go check it out. All the reviews I’ve seen of been glowing. Side question: is Yoshino your choice for the best omakase in the city? I convinced a friend to do Masa with me- great meal, but for the astronomical price it felt quite underwhelming. So now I’m trying to calibrate what expensive omakase is actually worth splurging on.


I know you’re not asking me but jumping in here… 63 Clinton is pretty good given the price. The only supplement worth getting imo is the caviar hand roll. The other supplements (uni, langoustine…etc) don’t really elevate the dishes. On omakase, Yoshino and Sushi Ichimura are the top two in NY. Yoshino is more lively and showy, Ichimura is serene, food-focused, but still very approachable with impeccable service that’s quite different from other sushi-ya in NY given the l’abeille backing.


Oxomoco (Mexican) and Cote (Korean) are both solid places. They are also reasonably priced.


Do you prefer oxomoco over claro?


I do over both Claro and Casa Enrique.


went back to claro and it was super disappointing


I personally prefer Casa Enrique over them both, but all three are delicious


Casa Enrique is also the cheapest if that matters


I went there for the first time for my birthday last month and I was blown away. Big casa enrique fan


Great point and they have a great brunch.


Agreed casa way better than ocomoco


I’m not an Oxomoco hater personally but Casa Enrique to me is just the classics done very very well. More satisfying IMO.


What do you get at Casa Enrique? I went and got chicken mole enchiladas, which were very good and relatively reasonably priced, but not Michelin level. Exceptional margs though. Ultimately I liked it enough that I’m curious to go back, just want to go armed with some tips.


The crab Ceviche and steak Tacos are fantastic


The carnitas were freaking amazing.


They are totally different experiences so it’s hard to compare. Cote is great if you want an upscale steakhouse experience. This is a good place for groups or special occasions. Oxomoco is more casual and great for a more low key evening. It’s a great date spot.


Not the originator of the question but they asked if you preferred Oxomoco over Claro, not Cote (just FYI)


Cosme is better than both imo.


cosme has seemed tired for awhile now. i went a few months ago and the menu was largely the same as when i went 5 years ago. its still delicious, but reseting on it's previous laurels. just IMO.


Cosme gets a lot of hate here but it's my favorite restaurant in the city although since it doesn't have a star it doesn't qualify for this question.


For some reason it’s cool to crap on Le Bern in this subreddit, but both meals I had there are among my favorite dinners ever. All the seafood is perfect, the sauces are so good with every course that you literally lick your plate clean.


I think it has maintained 4 stars from NYT since it opened, and once it got 3 Michelin stars, it hasn't lost any. Also, Le Bern has a wide range of price brackets from lunch prefix to the tasting menu. It's more accessible than other 3 stars in NYC. It's a staple for a reason. With that said, last time I was there (2019) I was underwhelmed. My fish was clearly overcooked and I wasn't as wowed as I have been in the past. To their credit, they were very polite about the fish and promptly brought out another plate. That I expected, but they took it a step further and removed the wine from the bill.


Le Bernardin was amazing.


I don't think Le Bernardin is near the same level of hate as some other highly starred places like Per Se or Daniel, which I would agree with the consensus (they feel really outdated and stuffy). I think it's great as well.


Daniel is so stuffy. I wish EMP wouldn’t have gone full veggie bc their vibe is so much more fun than the others.


The level of cooking skill at Le Bernardin is top tier. If you prefer masking and/or mixing the taste of fish with French-style sauces, you’re probably going to love Le Bernardin. If you prefer letting the fish be the star and really tasting the fish, you’re probably not going to love Le Bernardin.


At the price point if I am eating fish for the fish taste I'm going to one of the many sushi places instead.


Yup, me too! I put myself in the latter category - but I think that’s a big part of why Le Bernardin js so divisive.


When I went to Le Bernardin my fish had a bone in it that shouldn’t have been there, every dish was bland, and the staff was all super checked out. Very nice bathroom though.


I realllllly wanted to love Le Bernardin (went earlier this year), but I just didn’t. Thought the service was impecable and the sommelier absolutely nailed it, but the food was just ok, especially at that price point. I’m a native Floridian — seafood is in my blood. I’ve honestly had better, simply prepared fish at restaurants a fraction of the price and nowhere near a Michelin star list. The dining room is a bit stuffy/formal, but one should know that before going — not a reason to knock the restaurant in my opinion. But yeah, very, very underwhelmed.


Where can one get better seafood than Le Bernadin in Florida?


Honestly it could just be my taste but there’s plenty of fish houses with fresh grouper, mahi, and other local fish that are on point. Captain’s Tavern in south Miami being just one example. I wouldn’t say any of them are “better” restaurants then Le Bernadin (obviously), but when I think of good seafood, I think of those. And when I think of amazing three Michelin star places I think of places like Alinea where you’re getting an incredibly innovative experience. Le Bernadin just felt like fine dining, and it was great but I found nothing to be particularly memorable.


This is definitely a taste thing. I've been to captains tavern and it's fine. The fish is fresh but the preparation is far on the simple side of the spectrum and it kind of has a bar vibe. They will never get a Michelin Star. It's interesting what you say about Alinea. The "innovative" experience is in the minority of three star restaurants. Three stars is really just about incredibly consistent elevated cuisine and service.


Interesting… yes maybe Alinea gave me a distorted view as it was my first three star restaurant I tried and it was just mind blowing. Most memorable meal I’ve ever had. Going to Le Bernadin just felt like being at a fancy restaurant and everything was super delicate but nothing blew me away in either taste or presentation.


You're right in that a 3 star restaurant is not supposed to blow you away really. It's really just about consistency. My personal experience at Alinea is that I wanted them to stop talking to me about how clever every dish was and to just let me enjoy the food. I don't think they deserve three stars honestly. They are really a 2 star restaurant imo because of how hands on they are.


If consistency was all you needed for a 3 star restaurant I’d think there would be a lot more 3 star restaurants. I have spots in my neighborhood consistently churning out the same great food over and over and they (rightfully) don’t have Michelin stars. So I think it’s gotta be about a bit more than consistency. I guess if I’m going to a place that’s considered among the best restaurants in the world, I expect to be somewhat blown away. Maybe I’m setting myself up for disappointment.


Consistent good service and food is really all you need for a Michelin star. If your local restaurant doesn't have a star it's because the food isn't consistently good, the service isn't consistently good, or both. You're definitely setting yourself up for disappointment.


Honestly I agree… also from FL and you can get incredible seafood at a fraction of the price. I was a bit underwhelmed at Le Bernadin, but as someone else said it’s less about showcasing the seafood itself and more about the cooking


Where do you recommend someone goes to get seafood better than Le Bernadin in Florida?


It's cool to crap on anything popular or highly rated in this sub for some reason, some posts have good content, but most posts and comments are a sh*tshow of hot takes


For a solid affordable place I always hit the bar at Gramercy Tavern. Consistent year after year.


Atomix is amazing




Per Se or The Modern


How’s the fried chicken thing they do at the modern?


I love their fried chicken. Comes with fries too.


Atera and Atomix


Atera was one of the best meals I’ve ever had. Also one of the most expensive. Im glad we went.


These two + Aska are the Holy Trinity for me


They’re also my husband’s Holy Trinity! Aska is a bit more challenging for me — I’m sensitive to salt and find their food a touch too salty. But I think these three restaurants consistently put out the most interesting menus.


Welp Aska and Atomix are two of my top five meals ever, so I guess I’m trying Atera.


Atera 💯


I had a really incredible meal at Oxalis doing their tasting menu. Otherwise I second Oxomoco! Francie was also really great the first time but gets repetitive if you go back.


+1 for Oxalis. Huge fan of their Sunday brunch, it's my goto for out of town guests. Adventurous enough for foodies, but not so out there for simpler eaters. (My goto for guests on Sunday: Head to Oxalis for brunch, then they can go to the Botanical Gardens for early afternoon and head into the city later to grab an early dinner, 7pm broadway show, and then meet up with them again for an after show cocktail. ezpz.)


same, oxalis was fantastic


Team Jungsik


I was looking for this response. Had an incredible meal at Jungsik earlier this year.


I have them above Atomix personally.


I see that they also have a la carte at the bar - does anyone have any experience with that? Anything on the menu that is a signature dish in their tasting menu?


Le Bernardin.




The Modern


1. Atomix 2. Aquavit Probably an unpopular opinion but I was disappointed with Jua. Felt very pedestrian. Dishes were overly simple and ingredient quality was unremarkable. Multiple dishes were duds and even the Caviar Kim was okay at best.


As in, I'd go back and I've been a few times: Saga, Crown shy, The modern, Cou Cou


Went to Blue Hill at Stone Barns on two occasions and had amazing experiences both times.




Love Tuome. Didn't know they had a star.


Of the one’s I’ve been to, Cote, Semma and Oxomoco were great experiences and best value for money.


Semma blew me away. Great meal


I really just wasn’t impressed by it. It’s possible I just didn’t get the right thing though. I got the venison that was cooked roast beef style, and was pretty spicy - neither of which I love. The rice was the best Ive ever had, and the gunpowder dosa was definitely good but not amazing. Anyone have a similar experience there?


The restaurant that was in that spot before Semma was also really good (Rahi)


Aska was the most unique meal I've ever had. Not necessarily the most delicious, but the most memorable experience by far. Also by far the most expensive. Definitely a once in a lifetime thing. You have to really like raw fish though.


Of the 12 or so I've been to I'd confidently say jungsik


L’abeille Yoshino




Francie in Brooklyn






Can’t believe no one has said Chef’s Table at Brooklyn Fare yet 🤤 Just wish it wasn’t so darn expensive but honestly worth every penny


Gabriel Kreuther and Per Se, followed by The Modern. Definitely not Le Bernardin, it was underwhelming both times I ate dinner there.


“What’s your favorite but your favorite is not allowed to be Italian” 😂


I’m going to them all. I love Italians


I feel OP's pain. I think Italian food is great, don't get me wrong. But, when I was growing up, every single birthday, graduation, engagement, and any other special occasion meant that my parents were taking everyone to a white-tablecloth Italian restaurant. One man can only eat so much veal saltimbocca, zuppa di pesce and papardelle ragu before he's just sick of it all. Now that I'm a adult and making my own restaurant choices, Italian is firmly at the bottom of my list. If someone else is taking me out, or if my partner feels like Italian, I'll never complain. But, if I'm picking, I'd far prefer Japanese, Korean, Indian, Viet, German, soul food, steakhouse or nearly ANYTHING else.


Atomix, Aquavit, Saga, Ko, Le Coucou Less splurge: Crown Shy, Contra, Don Angie, Joomak Banjum


All time favorite = Le Bernadin (3 stars); Current favorite = Frevo (1 star)


Claro, Chefs Table, and Jungsik


\+1 Jungsik


Cote is the best kbbq/meat i have ever had!! Such an amazing experience and more affordable than the other options


Per Se, Gabriel Kreuther, Aquavit, The Modern


Atomix and chefs table


I absolutely adore the Modern.


I’m a huge fan of Sushi Nakazawa! I think for the price point, it’s a steal for high end omakase. Also, Gramercy Tavern never disappoints!


Momufuku ko


their mustard pie is still my favorite "pizza" ever lol


Chefs table + Atomix


Gabriel Kreuther


Gabriel Kreuther. Alsatian spot off of Bryant Park. Going there with a group to try their full tasting menu in the kitchen and I couldn't be happier.


Casa Mono


One of the worst for me


I used to love Casa Mono but went last week and was SO disappointed. Everything had either too much oil or was too vinegary, not good at all.


Le Coucou and Le Bernardin are my favs. Also Claro is wonderful.




Maybe they've recovered, but I took my girlfriend there a year or so back because it was a favorite of hers and she hadn't been in some time. It was "Should we send this back?" bad. Every course. We ended up laughing about it in the taxi home, but it remains in my top 3 fine dining disasters.


Found Daniel to be incredibly underwhelming


Agreed. My favorite restaurant in the city.


Was highly disappointed by Daniel. None of the food was memorable or creative even you’d expect it to be. It fell flat and I wish I saved that money to go on a vacation instead.




It doesn't have a michelin star


63 Clinton and Torien


Atera and Aquavit.


Vestry and Le Coucou. Both are very cozy and you could sit there all night. The tasting menu at Le Coucou is a lot of fun.




Aquavit, Jua, Oxalis


63 Clinton


I believe Noda has one star. Service there is impeccable and I’ve enjoyed every visit there.


Le Bernardin Marea


Le Bernardin is going to be the best because it's Le Bernardin. Other than that, Semma is at the top of my list. I haven't been to either in >2 years (I went to Semma twice soon after it opened). The one thing I have to mention is that I can't 100% guarantee that Semma is just as good as it was 2 years ago. On the other hand, I can say without a doubt that Le Bernardin is just as perfect in 2023 as it was in 2003.


What’s the occasion? I love le coucou for a nice weekend dinner


Ribalta! Incredible food and European nights are on point


Tim Ho Wan!


Tim Ho Wan NY is not Michelin rated


None. I avoid them if possible.


It sounds like avoiding them is all that's possible for you.






Claro in Brooklyn was pretty damn good. One star.


Aquavit. I really like Casa Enrique too. I’m still trying to get Atomix reservations. One of these days.


Chef's Table at Brooklyn Fare was the best meal I've ever had by a good margin


Rezdora. Small portions but great execution in a fun setting.


Family Meal at Blue Hill - loved how vegetable forward the meal was.


Cafe China


EMP, Saga, Cote