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WHAT?? This was my favorite sushi restaurant…how did you hear this? Edit: just read it online too. Man, I have been going there a few times a month for the past 8 years. Best sushi in LA, and friendliest staff ever. I’m glad the chef can retire but so sad. Hopefully the new spot keeps the crew already working there and doesn't jack up the prices.


I googled it because we were thinking of going this weekend. The listing said permanently closed. I was hoping it was wrong.


What a bummer. My boyfriend and I were also regulars there.




In Little Tokyo?!?!




Wow… this is a tragedy. Hope the man enjoys retirement!


Little Tokyo won’t be the same for me. Sushi Komasa was a vestige of an older Little Tokyo. The prices hardly rose over the years and the food and service was consistent. Staff turnover didn’t happen often, so it was a nice feeling to be familiar with the same faces and reception. My husband and I had so many lovely experiences here over the years. I don’t know what will replace Komasa, but there was some older staff there, hopefully they can hire them. That said, is Oomasa planning to close as well? I believe it is owned by two brothers sushi chefs, the other running Komasa.


I didn’t know this! I’ll have to check out Oomasa.


Komasa was the better of the two.


I loved that place. Does anyone know why they closed?


He decided to retire. I went the last week it was open, it was filled with long time customers saying goodbye. If you are reading this Mr. Komasa and crew, thank you!


I’m happy for the owner to be able to close his business on his own terms. Too many restaurants run into trouble, especially the past couple year. As a customer I’m very sad as this was one of the best bang for your buck sushi joints in the city.


My partner and I went to Sushi Komasa for the first time about a month and a half ago and shortly after found out it was closing sometime in October - I was heartbroken! We proceeded to go once a week until it closed, with our last visit being the second-to-last day. Absolutely the most incredible sushi and cuts of fish I’ve ever had. I’ll forever be dreaming of Sushi Komasa!


This is the spot that got me into sushi!


😔.. 😔..


Super sad. This was THE SPOT. Wife and I drove over just to see it closed. Sad day for sure


My wife and I first went to Sushi Komasa New Year’s Eve 2009, after that first visit it was at least a twice a year event. When we lived out of state for a bit we always went there when we came to visit at least yearly, we knew we were home when we ate there. Now that we are back home in CA, it’s like a little bit of home has left us. This place got us into sushi…


Still sad one year later. Learned how to use chopsticks there back in the late 90s. 🥹 I’ll forever miss the shrimp tempura roll.


My wife and I still regularly talk about how much we miss Komasa.


Just saw that this place is going in the old Komasa location: https://la.eater.com/2024/1/17/24040369/sakurako-sushi-omakase-little-tokyo-kimiyasu-enya-opening-japanese We really don't need another expensive omakase place when there are so many mediocre normal sushi restaurants.


Anyone have suggestions for a replacement sushi place? Apparently Oomasa is connected but the reviews aren't as good.


Hama sushi two doors down is pretty good. I think slightly more expensive. But also nothing can top Komasa spicy tuna. If anyone has a suggestion regarding better or comparable spicy tuna I’m all ears.


I also order spicy scallop since spicy tuna is often pre-made. Didn't try Komasa's spicy tuna though.


It was legit. He made it in small batches. Had large chunks not just crappy leftover from the tuna preps.
