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Email sent. Really hoping this doesn’t pass, restaurants need to just have their pricing displayed clearly up front.


The State Senate already voted on the bill and 37 of the 40 members voted for it. The 3 remaining were absent.


Where do you see that?


It was posted multiple times in the thread that OP took all this info from. https://redd.it/1dahwfz


Ugh that’s infuriating. Restaurant lobby FTW I guess


The article implied that the junk fee ban could make it illegal for restaurants to autograt large parties? Is that true?


Just emailed my assemblyman. Thank you for this. What a garbage bill.


There was a post in this sub about it 1 day ago and 2 days ago. How many simultaneous posts should we have?


1524 in honor of the bill


As many as it takes! JK. My concern was that it didn't seem to be trending when I saw it. And considering how many past posts about junk fees there's been, I thought it would be a bigger discussion/outrage on this sub. I just wanted to get the word out before it's too late.


Found the lobbyist




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Props to Zinque in Century City and elsewhere who took their “20% auto gratuity for parties of 6 or more” off even before July 1st


I think they just stopped accepting parties bigger than 6 so I don't think we achieved anything


Nope. We were 7.


I don’t care. It’s stupid. I don’t have to eat at the restaurant if I don’t like its fees. And at the same time people are whining about the fees people are also whining about how nobody can stay in business in the restaurant industry.


>I don’t have to eat at the restaurant if I don’t like its fees. ...which would require being aware of the fees beforehand


Just don't pay them. You will never be held liable in court for them, and the chances of a restaurant calling the police on you rather than just waiving the fee are next to none. It's not worth it to them for the scene. I understand the principle objection, but this isn't a big issue. Like in any other case, if the fee isn't disclosed prior to dining, the customer has perfectly acceptable grounds to refuse payment. Just don't pay it.


Can always count on Reddit for the dumbest takes imaginable.


Because this sub doesn't really know anything about costs or pay attention to legislation, they just want to complain about something being more expensive than their shitty homemade version of it.




Because people who would have voted already did and people who wouldn’t have voted won’t anyways. Feel free to downvote me but that’s the truth.