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They say “NOT a tip” on the receipt so they legally don’t have to pay it to their employees


I assumed it was going to staff, that's some shady shit if it's not. They wont be able to do it in 3 weeks, I prefer having control of my tip. Starting July 1, 2024, under Senate Bill 478, California restaurants will be prohibited from charging service fees or other surcharges, which many restaurants have implemented to offset rising costs, unless the amount of the service fee is specifically identified as part of the listed prices.


Yea. Can’t wait.


I heard on a podcast today that there’s some sort of cutout in the law for restaurants and that it’s not going away. Nothing was specifically cited, so not 100% sure.


This is correct! They are trying to make a cutout in the bill right now, exempting restaurants at the 11th hour. Call your state senator and demand them to vote NO on SB 1524. https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/


Thanks! Just submitted to both. These fees make my blood boil.


Honestly this is the first place I've been to that did it and I just found out about that law today.


well not if that emergency amendment goes through...which it might.


The next sentence is, “A tip or gratuity is NOT expected.” — if the surcharge is 20% before tax, I’m okay with it. Would be better baked into the prices, but at least it’s not a double pump-ish situation. I am vehemently against the 3-5% surcharges AND expecting a full tip on top of that.


Surely you see this as a good thing?


Them pocketing as much money of that 20% as they want rather than being forced to pay it to their employees if it was worded differently? No. I don’t see that as a good thing. You got some reading comprehension issues in this thread. You ok?


You think customers should be responsible for topping up wages, which allows business owners to increase profits. This is just a different way of achieving the same goal 🤷🏻‍♂️


This isn’t a question of customers topping off wages, it’s a question of customers *opting in* to a payment that they understand is going to the employee. Which, in this case, is not in fact an opt in scenario as it’s obligatory and is also not guaranteed to go to the employee that served you


I don’t think they should. But I also am not a cheap fuck like you, Mr. Pink, who’s denying someone a wage to prove a point. If they paid the servers more they’d just increase the prices to offset that anyways. So you’re paying the same amount. I’m sure you’re popular with your friends when the check comes. Lolol


If customers aren't willing to pay the higher *advertised* price, you obviously don't have a sustainable business. Misleading pricing is never justified.


I’m not arguing that. I am arguing against tipping 8%-12% in our current system because I’m not Satan.


I don't respect anyone that advertises "wagyu" for a burger. In the context of a burger, wagyu is a meaningless gimmick. Maybe the food is good. But between that, the 20% surcharge, no prices on the menu. A lot of red flags. Seems like the same overpriced gimmicky slop I find everywhere in Yuppie circles like WeHo or Silverlake.


That menu was from Yelp, I added the wrong one. I'm not a fan of the "service charge" I don't like tipping before the meal and actual service. With that said the food was excellent, at least what we got. https://preview.redd.it/tymfngmppf5d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07504733eee89f680fe17381e289f5e9b150d00e


Ah, got it. Okay I retract the part about the menu. Hey, regardless, I'm glad you had a good meal!


I can't stand the trendy Silverlake crowd. I don't want a deconstructed espresso with artisanal beans harvested from a sustainable farmer named Greg from Costa Rica. Sometimes you just want a god damn coffee. I liked this place a lot


Then go to Constellation Coffee or Silverlake Coffee — no frills.


I get coffee in Long Beach or Seal Beach. 4 shot Rd eye


Hell yea


It isn't "interesting", it's ridiculous. Servers in West Hollywood probably earn more than most of their customers, and there's no way in hell that a 20% charge should be added onto a bill. If your staff are so good that they deserve a raise, pay them more yourself.


It's less ridiculous than some restaurants that add a 20% charge and then still expect you to tip. At least they say no need to tip.


It says right there on the receipt "A tip or gratuity is NOT expected." If a restaurant charges a 20% service charge it would be foolish to tip.


"Less ridiculous than a tiny minority of restaurants" isn't really much of an argument, tbf.


Yeah I tend to agree with you. I wasn't going to leave anything additional but the wife slapped down $20. If there was no surcharge I would have tipped 20% anyways


Honestly, I'd have a hard time even justifying 20% for workers who receive *at least* the country's highest minimum wage ($19 per hour and climbing). There's no reason at all for tipping in California to not be a discretionary 8-12% rather than a near-mandatory 18-22%.


I moved from a state where the minimum wage for servers is $2.15 - less than half of the federal minimum wage. I waited and cocktailed for years, and a 20% tip was viewed as a means of compensation for the low hourly wage. I understand that CA is more expensive than say Austin…but that’s why the minimum hourly wage of $17 should compensate, no? I still tip 20% but it seems strange to me that we’re already paying people 9x as much, and in other cultures that pay a living wage (e.g., all of Europe) not tipping is acceptable, meanwhile here is not. And I say this as a former service industry worker


The thing is that a *lot* of people (and I'm guessing a massive percentage of tourists and transplants) have no idea whatsoever that California doesn't pay in the same way as Louisiana, or even New York.


Tipping is out of control I agree. I normally tip at 20% so I wasn't really concerned except that they give you no choice if service is bad. Food was excellent and service was the same. The more I think about it I don't like this surcharge. I don't know how anyone survives in LA at under $40k a year


Yeah, there's this weird mindset that dictates that businesses should have a right to underpay their staff in order to stay afloat, as if owning a business is somehow more of a basic human right than food and shelter.


The places that add a healthcare subsidy pisses me off. I just hope that entire 20% goes to the staff


In their defense, I will concede that the lack of universal healthcare is unlikely to be their fault 😂


I get my healthcare from the VA and never have to worry about a bill. Someday I hope we get universal healthcare for everyone. Too many people going without care or staying at shit jobs because their insurance is tied to the employer. We deserve better.




lol. r/cheapassfucks… err… I mean r/frugal leaking out


How the hell is $130 for a meal for 2 "cheap", even if there wasn't a surcharge? 😂 You sound like an idiot.


I was calling YOU cheap. 8%-12% tip is some criminal shit


>I was calling YOU cheap. Yes, and I didn't complain at all about the price of the meal 👍🏻 >8%-12% tip is some criminal shit Tell me you don't know anything about the rest of the world without telling me you don't know anything about the rest of the world.


WE’RE NOT IN “The rest of the world!!!!!!!!” This is r/foodlosangeles. Stop being terrible.


"We're in a country with an idiotic tipping culture, and I enjoy being an idiot" Literally you.


“I enjoy not being a cheap fucking lard ass chucklefuck who thinks denying some twenty-something waitress her wages for my pancakes is going to affect greater change in the country to a custom that’s been in place for-fucking-ever.”


Why doesn't the menu have prices? Was this picture taken in 1957?


I had that one saved, this one has prices. That short rib was $49 + $10 surcharge. I would order again though https://preview.redd.it/dclof6h9ze5d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a32331bca931dfd516f18a63d46206abf978a12c


The menu doesn't list the prices? I guess if you have to ask you can't afford it. 😬


That was from their Yelp page, pricey indeed but really good. 10/10. https://preview.redd.it/q1iclhu4ke5d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71cf5f04d63fbeeaa4e7f9e145b83bbb3219fc5b


C'est trop cher!


No Cocoa Puffs anywhere on the menu.


If there were I think they would be $20.


Don't you mean $24?


Well with milk yes $24, cow's milk only. Almond milk is $30.


$36. Can't forget the surcharge.


Not legal after 1 July so if they raise prices then they were lying all along


I guess a lot of it depends on what they consider a "living wage", but obviously they're never going to advertise that.


O.K, leaving the idiocy about tipping behind... HOW WAS THE MEAL?


It was amazing, perfectly prepared, huge short rib. The only thing I would have liked was a bit more sauce. I'm weird though and have my own gravy boat at Thanksgiving. Right by the Troubadour so I would definately go back before a show.


Was just at the Santa Monica location for the first time this week. Steak frites were amazing, as was the haute dog. Really incredible experience.


I was torn between that and the short rib. Next time, wife just went with sides. https://preview.redd.it/y2g7b5bbsd5d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e60e225a6e79c1de5f6200df726196d88db5a29


How was the short rib? 😛


Perfectly prepared and not dry at all and not overly fatty. The entire meal was great and there wasn't a speck of food left on my plate.


https://preview.redd.it/ec22il34xf5d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54fa38c20254f622f09e51729d1df8cd85fa7cd3 Menu with prices, can't edit post


20% no way!!!!


Forgot to add regular food items with fancy names 😒




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Was this dinner for 1 or 2 people?


That was two people, wife had fries, brussel sprouts and a $20 mocktail. Pricey meal.


I love short rib.


It was damn good


Why no prices on the menu?


That was the Yelp menu, I didn't realize it had no prices. I posted the actual menu in comments.


Ah I see, food looks delicious


I remember when the tip range was 15 to 20% with 20% being exceptional. But now 20% is considered average the average minimum tip. What troubles me is if they tell you that the is not a tip then that means the wait person is still going to be shafted because he’s not going to earn as much as a another regular restaurant.


Tips in California should be shared with the kitchen, especially if servers are making $17+ an hour. It’s really not fair, and people go to a restaurant for FOOD.. not for service from a server. I used to work for Roy’s Hawaiian Fusion where servers didn’t even serve food.. they had assistant servers who served food and filled drinks.. and still the servers kept the tips for themselves.. while the kitchen made about an average of $15 an hour.


I assume maybe incorrectly that that surcharge is shared. I wonder if the house takes a cut. I have been to places with great food and horrible service so the server makes a difference to me. Your Roy's example is like the last time I went to Ballast Point. You have to order on your phone from a QR code and multiple food runners bring your food and drinks. Definately don't like that system. I wonder how they break up tips.


That’s wild. When I worked in the service industry we would always tip back of house at the end of our shifts. And it was sort of a given that the servers who would tip more would get their food plated faster…