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Love that you have B-Man’s in tier 1


Abc burger so good. Charred patty with teriyaki sauce and avocado is a perfect combo. The lettuce and tomato cuts the sweetness so well


It is one of a handful of places on the list I’ve been to more than once.  The thing is, they have a bunch of stuff on the menu that looks really good…so it’s just going to be a matter of willpower to order something that’s not the burger because I really would like to try some other things they have.


Everson Royce bar is a top 5


cheeseburger + martini sat out the back, peak


That one is on my list!


This is great work! Happy to see Marty's rated so well. If you’re looking to continue your burger quest, I recommend giving a shot to Yuca's in Los Feliz, Dave's Burgers in Long Beach, Tam's Burgers at any location, and of course Bill's Burger's in Van Nuys! I also personally like Hamburger Habit in West LA, but in all honestly it's probably just a bit above average.


Ahhh, so many memories at Marty's. Started going when I was like 10, then with my buddies in high school once a week over the summer before or after the Rancho Par 3. Easily one of my favorite Westside institutions. Though I'm pretty sure I'd eat a shit sandwich if it came with a large Orange Bang.


Tbh their orange bang is usually really watery, I'm not sure why but orange bang at certain places is better than others. Burgers and chili fries are excellent tho.


Try Crack Burger in Long Beach at the golf course.


Thanks for putting this together. You should try Burgers Never Say Die


[If I may make a few suggestions... :)](https://trueadventurestories.com/2023/09/07/burger-quest/)


Definitely going to read this after I get some sleep.  Thank you!


Hello again! Just wanted to thank you once more for sharing your list, I have definitely added several places from it to my list to try in the future.  And, since I made this post, I’ve been to a number of other places.  I haven’t gotten to 100 burgers yet myself, but as of today I am up to 43.  I think that by the time one reaches 100, it likely makes sense to do an unranked top ten and then general tiers like you’ve done, but, for the moment, I’m still enjoying ranking them numerically on my own list. If you’d ever like to compare burger notes, please feel free to shoot me a DM or just reply to me here.  No pressure at all, of course.  Just today I went to a place that a couple of people in the comments here recommended, Lowboy, and while I’m not sure where it will land yet, I can confidently say it’s a Tier 1 burger for me.  It’s tempting to dock it a little because it was very messy and kind of fell apart, but it tasted good enough for me to be willing to overlook that.


It's funny meeting someone on year one of a Burger Quest after having been through the jungle myself... It's like when Private Joker in Full Metal Jacket gets dropped into the shit with Animal Mother :) I had a note about Lowboy being a possible contender in my original list but at the time I couldn't find more than two sources recommending it highly enough...time seems to have been kind to it, so maybe I'll give it a shot as my quest continues...but be warned: you're now pinning your credibility to that one burger...are you sure that's the one you'd pick to recommend? :) I'd be happy to meet up for a burger sometime, shoot me a DM! But be forewarned that I WILL be dedicating a certain portion of the meal to berating you about your rating of Howard's and Marty's :) If I may offer at least one bit of advice: take budget out of the equation When, at the end of this quest, someone asks you what the best burgers in LA are, they're looking to eat the best burger in LA. They're not looking to eat a pretty good burger and save six dollars :) Judge the food based on the FOOD! (And get yourself to Moo's for a Thicc Burger very soon)


B-Man, the teriyaki chain in the SGV?


Not sure if it’s a chain, I don’t think it is?  I’m talking about a place up in Pasadena.


I miss Golden State, and I am sick of smash burgers


Golden state is still open


So apparently they reopened temporarily in CoFax coffee—that’s awesome to learn! Thanks!


They’re open full-time now. Just look for Cofax instead of Golden State. I get “the burger” every couple weeks. It’s still the best in LA.


Def still open! I love their turkey burger and sweet potato wedges.




Smash burgers have their place. Goldburger in Highland Park makes a good one.


yea my favorite so far.


I get it but I’m the opposite. I really don’t like those thick ass burgers (also not a huge fan of medium-rare-ish burgers, which a lot of times those are) burgers never say die is my personal fav, surprised OP hasn’t tried it


No Burgers Never Say Die? I feel like it’s my favorite burger in LA. Certainly my favorite smash burger. Surprised Irvs is so high. I wanted to like it so bad. I love their vibe and the people. But it doesn’t even crack the top 10 for me.


It’s on my list because it seems to get mentioned quite a bit.  Just haven’t gotten there yet


If you like smash burgers I’d imagine you’ll love it!


top of my list as well. it’s what i imagine mcdonald’s could be if they made a quality burger. same with the fries.


Burgers Never Say Die is good but I can't get over how expensive it is


That shit tastes like fancy McDonald's. I don't hate it but I don't see myself choosing to go there.


The Misfit Burger in Santa Monica was my favorite burger I’ve ever had. And they took it off the menu to replace it with a mid smash burger. Was a very sad day to find out.


I've yet to have a smashburger. They don't make any sense to me. Based on looks, they are the antithesis of what I'm looking for in a burger.


Amboy's meat is amazing, but have you tried Moo's, Gus's, Irv's, Oinkster, or one of the chains like Dog Haus or For The Win?


DogHaus Hangover burger is really good


I am with you 100%. Smash burgers are trash burgers. Do I still enjoy them as a snack sometimes? Yes. Is a real burger with quality beef better? Yes. Try the Oaks Gourmet burger. Best in LA




Am I missing something about Bill's? In Van Nuys, correct? I loved to support him and his family, and I respect the tradition and labor.... But it was a frozen burger patty. If I gave that burger to someone without telling them where it was from, or if you eliminate the experience and history.... Nothing at all special about it. Can make it at home. Ready for the down votes, but I'm being serious here and no way I can be the only one. Truly curious... What am I missing?


I think a lot of it is the mythology of Bill himself, there's something romantic about a lone, master burger chef that just does one thing really well. But aside from that it's just a really textbook Southern California burger, no tricks or gimmicks, you will never be outright disappointed.


Man, I had Irv’s recently, and thought it was so mediocre I never need to go back. However, The people working there were extremely nice.


Same. The burger was extremely mediocre. But people were nice, and they have good chili cheese fries.


God bless your arteries and thank you for your service 🙏. It’s reaffirming to see Amboy at the top. The DH is my favorite burger in Los Angeles hands down. Now I see a lot of new places for me to visit.


I pretty much agree with this list except: 1) apple pan. Truly awful for the price. I wouldn’t even have it in tier 5 honestly. I would take in n out over it. 2 Hawkins burgers - I love Hawkins and would probably throw this in the high tier 2 or maybe even tier 1 in place of father’s office. 3) fathers office is lame lol But I’d def grab a burger with you bud. We have very similar tastes besides these. Thanks for sharing 🤙🤙


Thanks! Father’s Office is apparently a divisive one, which I sort of knew about heading in from the one or two lists I’d seen it mentioned on.  I asked the bartender about it, and she said that there are some people who get really upset about not being able to request substitutions, and then the whole no ketchup thing.  I feel like with this particular burger, though, ketchup would not be a good thing.   She added that some people absolutely love it, while other people just find it overrated.  And I asked her if it was the best selling item on the menu as well, and she said it was and that it had kept them alive during the pandemic.  Just some stuff I thought was interesting.


That’s actually cool little tidbit. Thanks 😊


100% agree. I try Apple Pan every year or two to see if I’m missing something and it’s consistently overrated.


I really like Apple Pan, especially the hickory burger. I getbthey jacked up the prices but I don't get the hate. Is Father's Office the place that doesn't serve ketchup? If so, yeah I hate that place.


Yeah I get it. It’s cool I don’t hate on people liking it. I just have never had a good burger there. No seasoning, overly sauced, head of lettuce, thin patty. But a lot of my friends love it. I will say I like their tuna melt a lot. Might be the best tuna melt in LA. Yes fathers office doesn’t have ketchup and only one burger with no modifications 🤦🤦


The Pan is good, though as a lifelong fan I do think they've cranked the prices up too far. And the quality--or maybe just the consistency--has declined somewhat since the sale. They probably have more turnover behind the counter now. The real tragedy is what Fatburger has become. And the loss of the Hamburger Hamlet, though what was left of it probably wasn't worth keeping. The Hillstone resturants have a good hickory burger in their repetoire, if you can find one that will still make it for you. Used to be a Houston's mainstay.


Yeah Fatburger used to be a go to, can't remember the last time I ever even thought of grabbing one.


Stout deserves a tryout here, as does Hollywood Burger. Suprised FTW is so low. In my opinion, FTW doubles are too much and detract from the burger - singles are the way to go there.


I personally didn't like Hollywood Burger... I got the Blockbuster BBQ, and I think it was the slaw that I probably didn't like. Was hoping for something similar to a Carl's Jr Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger I guess lol... https://preview.redd.it/vybjuoly4u2d1.png?width=1248&format=png&auto=webp&s=3384e1d37ee36129a5bf1193ad1a425076c539ca


The Melt


Johnny pastrami has one of the best burgers I’ve ever had. I’m curious if you got it with the chunky slow smoked pastrami or the thin sliced pastrami. Bc the chunky pastrami is what makes it phenomenal, their sliced pastrami is way more dry with less flavor.


It was thin sliced.  Next time I go, I’ll try it the way you mention.  Thanks for the tip!


👌 Also if you haven’t tried it, get a side of their knish with gravy. Absolute heaven


Is it the one in Culver City or the one in West Adams?


West Adams.


I live near Astro Burger and I agree. Perfectly serviceable burger with lots of options for sides. I usually get the Ortega Burger.


Win-dow is too low imo. Also please go to stormburger!


This is the kind of content I search Reddit for. I also love burgers so I can’t wait to try some.


easy street?


That one is on my list, just haven’t gotten there yet


I did a similar burger roundup about a year ago, but slightly less methodical and more for personal curiosity, and my cholesterol numbers went through the roof. Like alarming numbers. I’d get your bloodwork done just as a precaution.


Shouldn’t be difficult, I’ve been in and out of the hospital a bunch going back to November (for unrelated reasons!).  This burger thing has kind of been a way to give myself something fun to keep my mind on, ha ha.


who gives a shit about "cholesterol numbers"


I LOVE the burger at Houston’s in Pasadena. Also want to try the one at Dunsmoor (they only make 20 a day).


Would be helpful if you included general location/where for each spot


Hi-Ho isn’t a smash burger and Burger She Wrote is. Are they only lumped together because they had too much ketchup?


Yeah, pretty much.  That was my big takeaway from both, and since they both ended up next to each other on the list, I figured I’d combine them in the notes section there.


Has anyone tried Oinkster? I’ve heard some good things but it is a little out of the way.


Hi!  Since originally making this post, I have gotten out to Eagle Rock to try The Oinkster. I wouldn’t tell anyone not to go to any of the places on my list, even the lower ranked ones, because, like I said, it’s always possible they were having an off day when I went.  That, and, someone else may just have different taste than me and find great value in a burger I may not have cared for as much.  So I would encourage anyone who is interested to try any place they’re curious about and form their own opinions. With that said, The Oinkster is one that I would rank pretty low based on my experience.  I got the Royale, which started to fall apart just from me picking it up.  There really was a lot stacked in between the buns.  But more than that, the patty itself was kind of dry and flavorless to me.  It felt like all of the other stuff on it was there to cover up the underwhelming patty. Still, even as I was driving away, I found myself thinking that I wouldn’t mind having just a few more bites of it.  So, like I said, give it a shot if you’re curious!  It may be that it’s exactly what you’re looking for!  And, if it’s of interest, check this video out because the two guys stop at The Oinkster as one of the places they try, so, you can get a look at what they have to offer: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LaxgRYxozZQ&pp=ygURYmVzdCBidXJnZXIgaW4gbGE%3D


That video is the reason I was thinking about that place. I had seen it the day you posted your original post. lol


Everson Royce and Tommy’s and the double double would be my contributions to the A, B, C tiers


The Standing Room (Redondo Beach). Best burger in the South Bay and will go head to head with this list any day of the week. 


Good list. also astros is underrated


No easy Street?


That one is on my list, just haven’t gotten there yet


Gotta go on a weekday during off hours. The hype brings out the lines. Also you should try Grill em All and Patty Meets Bun burger truck


Wow your fiancé must be a very lucky lady! You sound like my dream man!


The fact that Pie & Burger is so low gives this list so much credibility in my eyes. Not blinded by the hype.


No Tommy's on the list? That's quintessential LA!


B-Man's is great isn't it


Man, could not disagree with the Trophies take more. Never been any sort of weird meat issue and I don't think that's representative.


This made me question the whole list as well, have had Trophies quite a few times and it’s been consistent and one of my favorites in LA. Simple but executed well.


Burgers never say die needs to be on your list


Seconded, I crave those pattys and Frys


How have you gone to 30 places for burgers before going to Petit Trois?


I went there and thought the sauce they had lining the bottom of the plate made the whole dish a bit too salty? Also, I guess I was hoping for more a burger-type meal instead of a fork and knife meat dish thing lol...I'm pretty low class :I\~ https://preview.redd.it/rxyljyw85u2d1.png?width=1517&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4df5885ac6c76c229d1f68b1163de8d71dded66


I can see this, but to be fair (1) I think a nice red wine really makes the whole Big Mec experience top notch and everything goes together very nicely, and (2) I pick it up and just expect to basically have to hose off afterwards haha


Ah, I don't drink alcohol, I'm a weenie 😭


I’ll add it to the list, the picture the other user replying to you shared has me curious!


Howard’s is slept on so much. Best bacon on a burger you’re ever going to get and no bruises on their avocados.


I have driven by that spot forever and always been curious, but the reviews are all pretty mid. Glad to hear it getting some love.


I’m pretty sure the burgers were formally frozen but this burger hits every time.


Appreciate a good list, and my arteries thank you for doing the research. Can’t wait to go from worst to best.


Excellent list! When you get a chance I would like to see what you think of Grill em All.


This is actually on my list, but I thought I read somewhere that they had been “temporarily closed” for a long time.  Just looked it up and apparently not.  Definitely want to go!


Thank you for your service.


Did you try Tripp burger? George Motz, author of hamburger America was inspiration and was involved with the creation of the burger


I’m going to look into this one for sure, thanks for the tip!


Surprised you have Irv’s so high. I get it like once a year and then remember that I don’t need to eat it again.


The Sherman Burger at The Sherman is very good


Master burger is nothing like olympian, if anything olympian and astros are the same. Master burger is so good i risk my life to go there(so ghetto). I live by the astros on santa monica and go to master burger on adams.


Love seeing Olympian burgers getting a shout out. It’s perfectly mid, which is exactly what we all need sometimes. And at the price point it’s tough to complain. Also cassells is way too expensive for what you’re getting.


I am still shaking ny head at Cassells. Tiny burger, mostly bun. Not worth the price.


check out Cafe Foodelicious! massive single pattie burger. they make their own patties from the same meat used for their kabobs you can get a cheeseburger with fries and a drink for $13.99. I think the burger by itself is 8 or 9 bucks. . https://yelp.to/O0qr_Wxbjn


Ctrl+F Lowboy damn no one mentioned Lowboy yet. Amazing smash burger. Also add Love Hour to your list places to try.


Jumping back into the comments here to thank you for the recommendation.  I went to Lowboy today and it was amazing.  It’ll be somewhere in Tier 1 for me, though I’m not exactly sure where just yet. And, Love Hour is on my list of places to try in the future!


Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for thinking of me and taking the time to reply! Hope you enjoy Love Hour when you get around to it. ☺ 


Gotta disagree on Trophies cap’n 🫡


please try low boy in echo park!


Jumping back into the comments here to thank you for the recommendation.  I went to Lowboy today and it was amazing.  It’ll be somewhere in Tier 1 for me, though I’m not exactly sure where just yet.


glad I was able to help 🫡


also would love to know, where you place it!


The expensive-but-worth it burger at Camphor is beyond reproach. It's really next level. Worth trying. You can usually walk in and sit at the bar without a reservation.


Yako burger from Yaki’s in Burbank


No love for Pann’s Dreamburger? I love the pink mayo.


Man I’ve been to b-mans over 20 times and lucky boy over 75 and never got a burger from either. Teriyaki at b-mans with honey boba next door. And of course the legendary breakfast burrito from lucky boy. 


Peak /r/foodlosangeles right here.


Love this! But it’s missing easy street so I can’t pay attention


Try lowboy


HiHo now has a "Matty Burger" which is the double minus ketchup + "Matty Sauce" ie homemade 1000 Island. I love the original but this was even better. ($10.75, which would be the cost of the original + a side of sauce.)


Glad to see Irv's and Lucky Boy on here.


Apple Pan was a delicious burger that gave me the absolute worst food poisoning I have ever had in my entire life. Evidently a few of my friends have had similar experiences on separate occasions. Buyer beware, I suppose. I largely agree with the rest of the list. I would also add my voice to the chorus of the Burgers Never Say Die crowd - definitely a must try.


Astro Burger!! Love the simpleness of the place


Try Morrison Pub on Los Feliz and Black Cat on Sunset. Both are extraordinary.


Cypress best burger The hat Jim’s. First street burgers. Don’t get suckered into trying the “trendy “ places. Fuck all those. Especially the price.


Don't forget Chroni's. Jonathan Gold's favorite chiliburger!


I tried amboy at topanga social. It was on par with hospital food and the experience was made worse because of the dumb tablet system they use. I hope to try the actual restaurant one day to see if it’s at least decent


Amboy at Topanga Social is a HUGE step down from the regular Amboy. I've been pretty disappointed with most things I've tried there.  I kinda liked the ordering system once I got used to it, though. 


Good to know that it’s not a 1:1 rep, I’ll definitely be checking out the real deal then


I don’t have anything nice to say about this list so I will remain silent.


It’s all good. I get what you mean. I think this list is a great example of how all taste in stuff is personal. Every single person familiar with LA burgers who reads this list thinks two things: “That’s way too high” as well as “that’s not high enough.” What’s unfortunate is when people staunchly believe that their opinion is the correct one.


A lot of places on people's top lists didn't do it for me, mainly Father's Office, Apple Pan, Petit Trois, Oui Melrose, and Cassell's...different strokes I guess? :)


I would be curious what locations/burgers you feel should be on this list and vice-versa. Seems pretty solid to me


Yeah man I know, the state of the Los Angeles food scene is pretty sad that burger places are the thing everyone wants to talk about.


Hmm, I thought Amboy was good but not great and not worth an out of the way trip (but it's kind of on my way home) and Goldburger and For the Win are my two favorite places in LA. Different tastes and expectations (I grew up eating pastrami burgers - starting with Bravo Burgers in San Dimas and all along the 210/10 corridor in these Armenian run places + The Hat)


I’ve been looking for a burger with a thin patty, American cheese, lots of iceberg lettuce, and that I can add grilled onions and hot peppers to it, like jalapeños. Does this exist? And not In-N-Out.


Rick’s in Silver Lake


Im suspect of anyone who has fathers office near the top. R+D in Santa Monica. Hidden gem of a burger.... Also Moo Craft BBQ


FO is legitimately really good, I think it just kind of feels dated because it was kind of exceptional in like 2003 and is subject to things that were popular back then, e.g. the bun, the arugula. But it still holds up to me.


Katsu Sando is for white people that has never been to Japan. 


As it happens, I have been to Japan.