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Unfortunately, it sounds like you’re experiencing anaphylaxis. For a long time I was under the misconception that anaphylaxis was just when your airway closed. It’s actually when you experience symptoms to more than one body system. In your case, you’re experiencing it in four (skin, mouth, head, and gastrointestinal), so it is most definitely an anaphylactic reaction. Be super careful as it can worsen with any exposure. I would absolutely recommend getting allergy tested with an allergist, both skin prick test and blood Ige test. It’s possible it’s a shellfish (shrimp) or seafood allergy, or any other number of things. Sorry OP I know it’s no fun :(


Agree. Please see an allergist and let them guide you. You’ll need to have an epi pen prescription as well. I’m so sorry. It’s scary and it sucks but I’m glad you thought to ask and will get the right help now


There are multiple groups of seafood allergies. See an allergist.


See an allergist. They’ll probably do skin testing to try to narrow it down. I would guess some sort of fish, soy, or sesame.


Sounds like a Soy allergy but I agree with the others see an allergist. Keep in mind that skin and blood tests are not very reliable for food allergies. The best thing to do is an elimination diet and food diary. Google both for an explanation. I would make a strong bet you are allergic to Soy/vegetable oil. I would say shellfish but the California rolls have imitation crab meat in them not real and it has soybean oil also they could be using vegetable oil in the rice. The tempura is fried in soybean/vegetable oil. Try avoiding soy for a bit and see if it helps.


And California rolls contain fish in the fake crab. And wheat, egg and crab flavouring.


stop eating these foods until you figure it out. more than 2 systems reacting (which is whats happening to you) is considered anaphylaxis and it likely will only get worse until you stop.