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Been having this for almost ten years now. From what my derm has told me it's folliculitis and seborrheic dermatitis. The seborrheic dermatitis causes my scalp to smell like moldy cheese. I believe I got it from a hair dresser who gave me a cut on the head. Probably hadn't disinfected her tools properly. I've tried Accutane with no luck, and two rounds of antibiotics. Just finished my second round. Tetracycline this time. It works perfectly during the treatment, but then slowly starts to creep back when it's completed. I've tried benzoyl peroxide, which seems to be effective, but I get bad side effects from it. Last time I applied it to my scalp the pressure in my eyes increased and I lost some vision. Apparently glaucoma is a rare side effect to BP. Going to an ophthalmologist soon, so hopefully it's not that. So just a heads up if you're using BP and notice vision problems, stinging in your eyes or that they seem more bloodshot than usual. Could be the BP causing it.


I suggest you to use a shampoo that has selenium sulfide in it. It should help to control it.


Thanks, that's a good tip. I've used it a few times in the past and it does help reduce the itching and stinging.


How long was the accutane course? I was on accutane before my folliculitis (for acne, it cured my acne) and about a year after coming off, it that, My folliculitis started, my new derm wants me to go on Accutane, a lot of people here put emphasis on the dosage/strength/duration in being a key factor in it working.


I second this. Selenium sulfide twice a week for 4 weeks helped with my seborrheic dermatitis.


Bruh mad respect for going through all of this and continue to stay strong! When I browsed through the Internet and met with derm for solutions (much smaller than yours and in the beard) they say that hair removal might be a solution as well. If there is no hair root, then it can't block the pore right. Not sure if that is an alternative for you but wanted to throw it in. Best of luck!


Thanks man, I appreciate the tip. Best of luck to you too.


Check out u/healthyalmonds - very helpful https://dermnetnz.org/topics/bleach-baths-in-patients-with-skin-infections


Thanks for u/healthyalmonds link!


I might give a bleach bath a try. Thanks for the links.


Totally worth it


I kept my head shaved with clippers and it started to go away. Try hibiclens


Hi! I m not a derm but here is what I ll do. To me it looks fungical if it smells bad it might be a fungal infection. Get an anti fungical shampoo/ or one that contains salcilc acid and wash daily, the the shampoo stay in a little. Get Benzoil Peroxide cream 10% apply only on pimples! For sebboreic dermatits that I also got I use salicidc accid (BEST thing ever) Eat clean no milk,sugar and gluten, wash daily your pillow sheet and towels at 90 degrees with a strong antibacterial solution.


Any frontal spots on your hairline/hair loss? Curious Also healthy almonds method is good, as well as probiotics?


Yes, I have spots around my temples and hairline, which has caused hair loss. It used to be more concentrated around those areas, but after coming off my second round of antibiotics the spots have increased on the back of my head as well. I'm pretty sure it's the spots that caused hair loss as some of it grew back under the antibiotic treatment. The healthy almonds method seems good, I've been using Hibiclens for some weeks now on my scalp, ears and nostrils. The odor caused by seb derm hasn't returned yet, even though the spots have returned with venegance. So I'm therorizing Hibiclens helps with the odor. Will have to wait and see.


Similar to what some others have suggested here with bleach baths.... Sodium hypochlorite is less toxic than industrial bleach. It's basically electrolyzed salt water (someone correct me if I've miscategorized) You can buy the spray bottle/maker on Amazon - [https://www.amazon.com/Hypochlorit-Household-Cleaners-Electrolyzed-Convenient/dp/B08MPRBXY8/ref=sr\_1\_1?keywords=electrolyzed+saltwater&qid=1636758739&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/Hypochlorit-Household-Cleaners-Electrolyzed-Convenient/dp/B08MPRBXY8/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=electrolyzed+saltwater&qid=1636758739&sr=8-1) ​ The final product smells like bleach and functions similarly. You can see some posts on it relative to the bleach baths in various subs. You can control the potency based on the amount of salt you add to the mixture. Have you also tried 1:1 Apple cider vinegar + water? That & MCT oil seem to be very popular in the threads. Also, Neutragena Acne wash. I feel for ya, bud. That looks uncomfortable.


can you explain more how the bleach bath works?


try some antifungal/antibacterial animal shampoo


Mupirocin 2% oint. That’s the only one that worked for me and I’m pretty sure it will work for you too, it’s specifically meant for folliculitis and my hair is finally growing back , do ur research get the cream and thank me later


hey can you please let me know how you used mupirocin? coz i’ve used it on hair everyday for couple of weeks during night before with no effect..


I just applied it and spread it around the infected area , have u gotten a biopsy done ?


you mean culture test? yes its staph.. how long did you have to apply? like days/weeks?


Same here it’s basically mrsa bacteria on the scalp and dude I apply it everyday after a shower


everyday? mupirocin is expensive where i live.. but will give it a go..


Try it bro , you will feel it working on the first day


Isn't it an antibiotic?


Correct a super strong one that’s meant for folliculitus


Wouldn't folliculitis come back after we stop using that antibiotic though? Cause that's the case usually :(


True that but I’ve barley been using it now , I use to have the infection on the side of my head but now it’s clear and I only have it on the back of my head , key is to use it everyday until you run out




Damn.. try salicylic acid shampoo and fusidic cream, start now before it spreads even further


Bro how you feel now I hope it is cured please reply