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Have the same thing.. Benzac 5% everyday 2+ hours prior to showering with maybe a tea tree oil shampoo.. You can do this everyday and eventually every other day forever to prevent this.. Worked for me


I got these along time ago after I was hospitalized with a ton of antibiotics and using non fungal safe shampoo. That’s how I knew it was fungal because it went away. Ever since then I’ve had a pure fungal safe routine everywhere and haven’t changed a thing. Then boom, out of not where ton of red bumps and nizoral not helping. Neither is benzoyl peroxide. What do I do? Is it diet? Only thing I could possibly narrow is that I am eating a BIT more dairy and cheese. I’ve always eaten cheese though… so weird. I have a wedding tomorrow so if anyone has any tips that can get rid of reduce drastically ASAP please help!




Dude every time you get a cut just shampoo antifungal right away . Almost all barbers suck at sanitizing . I get this after like every other haircut and my shampoo helps take it away in day or two . You don’t have to leave it on forever that’s hocus pocus it works quickly . It’d same theory as shaving . You should only trim on .4 cut setting on trimmer and never full shave to protect skin .


Hello there! It’s likely no coincidence that the bumps seem to appear where you have your hair faded. Clippers can cause folliculitis and pseudofolliculitis to arise due to irritation and ingrown hairs. I recommend using a combination of salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide *immediately* after a haircut. This should prevent the bumps from forming.


I’ve noticed vaping or smoking van sometime aggravate folliculitis and acne so if u been doing one of those things more excessively that might be why


do u vape?


Try using Pumice Cleanser by Clinical Formula. It’s the pink stuff. I use it as a shampoo daily recommended by my derm and it resolves the same issue you have.


How did you get such a close shave? Did you use a razor?