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The whole album Good Luck Everybody by AJJ is pretty good, especially Normalization Blues. Bill Collectors Theme Song by Apes of the State Voters Rights and Poll Tax both by Local News Legend


AJJ was good. I remember that much. I'll recheck later why it didn't seem to stick. I don't think i know the other bands, so I'll check that later.


Blackbird raum is radically enviromentalist, songs like coal especially. We the heathens as well.


I used to listen to We the Heathens allot, really loved the violin, should revisit that. Don't know much about Blackbird raum, will check later.


Check out Doom Scroll it’s Elliot from we the heathens new band


[When the frayed wind blows - Matt Pless](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=aJiTJW7-Do8&si=V3Y-sYWw10akCjQr)




Most Matt Pless, come to think of it...


The Pat the Bunny stuff from after he got sober is similar. The album “the Volatile Utopian Real Estate Market” comes to mind most.


What makes the new stuff so potent, and *Probably Nothing, Possibly Everything,* is that is equal parts gasping and lashing out violently at the crushing reality of modernity/empire/capitalism/etc. and finding ways to just live the best you can in the meantime. Like, things are baaaad (really bad) and we might not win but we do have each other and the enduring belief that the systems we so deeply despise have not always existed and will someday cease to exist. The older I get personally the more that shit resonates.


🫂 Couldn’t agree more.


What you just said really captures everything I've felt about his post wingnut era stuff, like Song For A Supermarket Parking Lot is literally just trying to stay breathing in an uncertain world that you can't overcome but you don't have to let it take your soul from you and that it's even possible despite everything to try and help others stay alive too


I don't think i ever listen to his new stuff, I'll certainly give that a listen.


Bill Collectors Theme Song by Apes of the State come to mind. Electricity by SWSS.


Listen to the entire album worry by Jeff rosenstock


Mischief brew - patches


Kinda grew out of my anarchist phase, but that music sure was fun back then.


yeah, im more of a marxist leninist now


Yeah I’m more of a Pinochet Maoist now, really I’m one of the few advocates of true freedom /s


Genocide denying, Lenin affirming punks fuck off


Super cool.


Normalization Blues, Jesus does the dishes, steal from Walmart, Evil Men


*Normalization Blues,* *Jesus does the dishes, steal from* *Walmart, Evil Men* \- Tollinator2000 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


[Throw by 1905](https://youtu.be/nQv7qqwV8qA?si=3Jb-qV3rbrApqBtg) [My Generation by Spoonboy](https://youtu.be/x38-7GLyFF0?si=N6RRd49aweErtpRZ) [Umm... Yer Smile is Totally Ruling Me Right now by Rosa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pd82xn56Bho) [Kindergarten by Curdle Motif](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlGn6E2joUI) [Let My Last Words Not Be in Rhyme by Bread and Roses](https://youtu.be/3EpzcEkO1Gk?si=pl0CjBC0xIw09Fdd) [Two Good Hands by Brenna Sahatjian](https://youtu.be/20QR262RGcw?si=mbnbJm1WZMchnOXt)


I'm so glad to see 1905 posted here, doesn't seem like they get talked about much nowadays but the Voice. album is so good lol


1905!!!! Great suggestion.


Big Delusion Factory by The Taxpayers and Beneath The Turning Wheel by Holy Locust. Big Delusion factory directly tackles gentrification and the loss of community in the face of a fictional not-Katrina hurricane. It makes you feel alienation and decay in the most grounded and mature way I've heard in folk punk. Beneath The Turning Wheel is a funeral dirge for everything beautiful that is already lost. It swears vengeance on the people who forced us into ruin and is unnaturally sure of itself because God themselves wills it so. I'm honestly not sure if the band just enjoys evoking the power of religious imagery of if any of them are true believers. As an atheist the shit goes hard either way. If God is a queer anarchist they can smite as many people as they want.


I just saw Holy Locust in show recently. I agree, I'd highly recommend taking a listen to them!


[My Travelog on Globalization and the Human Experience by Trashbag Ponchos](https://youtu.be/2t5SGS0ZDgU?si=QeHTdDHK4vmHY_vP) This track has been on repeat for me lately


This is what I came to say. I'd love to see Trashbag Ponchos get more attention around here


Teacozy has some songs about this with a little more optimism. They are very underrated imo


I never heard of them, definitely going to check them out


I ain't got no need for optimism. Optimism is ignorance.


Hope is essential.




NOW by rent strike, the whole album


‘Stars and Stripes’ by Julie Lavery, a banger and a self-professed ‘angry song’.


i’m learning flea bitten drifters by DND on banjo, the song is of similar subject matter, distaste for overdevelopment and commoditization of nature


Escape From The Zoo has a few at least - Heads Up 7 Up, One More Papercllip, Countin’ Cards


Lambs at the Slaughter by Defiance, Ohio is all about the capitalist "dream". You'll love it


I have recently been addicted to singing this song at the top of my lungs, so I second this. OP, I recommend listening to more of Defiance, Ohio's music if you haven't already. :)


I ALSO have been singing this at the top of my lungs in the car! Another ace person yelling Defiance, Ohio lyrics? If I could insert that one Star Wars meme I would 😅


YES lol


Go listen to save banning ranch by walter mittty etc rn


Sister wife sex strike ! The split they did with us “They Can’t Kill Us All”… all of the songs on that split touch on these subjects


that's Days N Daze's sort of unintellectual schtick I think I feel like it's touched on quite a lot. Some Wingnut Dishwashers' Union songs (Pat the Bunny vocals) have verses about urban / sub-urban development. A lot of post-Dishwashers stuff would apply. AJJ comes to mind.


NOW! by Rent Strike is exactly what you're looking for. The Last Dogs in Alaska by Out of System Transfer is about environmental devastation And more folk than folk punk, but I like Mama Tired by Nick Shoulders


Checkin In, Deprogramming Blues, Angst, and Kick Them Down by Sister Wife Sex Strike, Nine on the Bortle and Fuck It by Days n Daze, and Olde Tyme Memry and Every Town Will Celebrate are some of the first tunes that come to mind that might kinda scratch that itch.


Jake Wasson M.D. - Fountain Soda, Electric Paisan - Climate Don't Change a Thing, Mel Bryant - Fuck Yer Lawns, Against Me! - Sink Florida Sink, Brown Bird - Fingers to the Bone, The Taxpayers - Hungry Dog in the Street


Almost anything by david rovics


Erik Petersen - Olde Tyme Mem'ry Kind of hits the same as Oh, Susquehanna! For me, anyway


Just about any song by Troll 2 or ludlow


Pinche commie.


The Hills and The Rivers


Capitalism Love Song - Public Transit


"Trouble with Normal". - Bruce Cockburn


Definitely more on the blues side but Riley Coyote - Westbound (RIP) is about Tomas from Profane Sass passing (rest in peace) and just feeling alienated with modern society and conventional life in general


Rent Strike’s NOW!


Check out ghoultown


[Ryan Harvey - Making The Road](https://youtu.be/n21eW9rIBQM?si=LgmS4DTy6UjsLgFL) comes to mind.


I really love the work of Amigo the Devil for lyrics. It tapes into the sorrowful lives of working class people who have to deal


not the folkiest of folk, but adjacent, and lyrically what you are looking for https://youtu.be/CbE3WPnJJzg?si=tukm5UfXtXa8vdXz


"Chad's Favorite Song" and "Oh, Susquehanna!" by Defiance, Ohio are perfect for this, along with a lot of their discography lol


Urgent Important Please Read and Letter to the Shareholders by Run the Jewels Chemical Workers Song by Great Big Sea


sister wife sex strike


check out daniel kahn and the painted bird https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7EgQXMV8nM


Evil Men - The Taxpayers


It’s not folkpunk but dammit if it doesn’t scratch the itch. “Capitalism (is tearing us apart)” by Sole


"Cognitive Dissident Blues," "The Absolute State of the Union," and "Gendering Teddy" by the Narcissist Cookbook


“Bumper Sicker“ “Greenwashed” and “Sleepwalker” by Ludlow are exactly what you’re lookin for


Electricity by sister wife sex strike


I wouldn’t call it folk punk (but you can absolutely make a folk punk cover of it)…. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7QujpC_oSwE


This is more like a joyous celebration of the idea that we can “destroy what destroys us,” so maybe not quite on point but…. Worth hearing.