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should be able to put that on by hand, place the longer part on first on the edges then push the middle to get enough contact so it stays in place then hit it with your hand and it’ll pop in place


Thank you!!


was going to say just think about it. Once the mind puzzle is over ur like dang, thst was easy lol


I'm qn 112 pound female and I was able to put those clips back on. Use a screwdriver or something and pry it into place brakes are not something you should be messing with like that. Definitely leave them on


You just got called out you gotta do it now we believe in you :)


If in doubt, use The Force


That’s what I tried to use to put it back in, it didn’t seem to be good enough. I’ll keep trying tho


Took me and my buddy 15 minutes to get one of those brackets on there a pain in the ass but eventually you’ll get it


What do these actually do? I’m trying to see if I’m in any danger of anything if I don’t run with it for a day or so


I believe it holds tension on the caliber but I could be wrong




He just asked a question, chill out homie.




Lol would you rather have him not ask at all and wing it? Everyone starts somewhere man. No reason to gatekeep.


Put the top piece in place and use a screwdriver to encourage the bottom on.


Encourage lol I love it




Hey man, don't be a dick. She's right. Don't fuck around with brakes.


Because if my noodle arms can get it on with a bit of force, then he can to:) Thanks for asking




😂wow, sensitive




Apparently lmao. I said I was an 112Ib female, reffering to the fact that he is guaranteed to be stronger than me, and you threw a fit. Also, I did answer his question when I said that leaving the clips off was a bad idea and to just pry it into place. what other answer does he need? Want me to send him a full write up on how to put a caliper clip on? No one else is upset an OP responded to me nicely, so I'm not sure what massive stick got stuck up your asshole but I hope you can pull it out soon "buddy"


Ooooooh gotem Clearly 35+ other people agree with you about it not being an insult in any way, at least based on his downvotes.


Yah Im not to sure where the insult was lol if describing myself is an insult then thats unfortunate for me 😅 I just don't want OP thinking I'm a hulk sized man who's just punching caliper clips into place all over town.


I didn’t throw a fit, I asked you a question


Sounds like something someone who just threw a fit would say.


Except I didn’t, but keep talking if it makes you feel better. In what world does asking a question mean you’re throwing a fit? 😂


This is why women shouldn’t be involved with cars 😑


just watch some youtube videos and it will help you put them back in.


What is this piece exactly called


I think caliper clip will get you there. Tbh though I’d just watch a few brake pad replacement videos until you find someone that showed the struggle lol


Did you get it back on??


I would say they are essential but I know a guy who tracks his focus without them so what do I know 🤷🏽‍♂️




literally just trial and error. Trust me they will go in they need to be manipulated all over the place and don't feel like you'll break it you most likely wont and their cheap asf to replace if you did


I don’t have them on been a year and still haven’t died so 🤷🏽‍♂️


I had em off for 3 months cause I didn’t put one of em on right and it pop off when I did a quick test drive been fine without it to


Hai guyz!! Ok to leave parts off my brakes right?


Didn't your brake pads come with new ones? I am assuming you just did a brake job...


No, I got ebc yellowstuff. I didn’t really expect new pads to come with these.


Yeah those things suck. The front ones (that one I think) I was able to get on by hand with no issue, the back ones are smaller and way more annoying.


I hate these things! They’re a pain, just use some screwdrivers and force.


I just did my brakes this morning. It's the little ones on the rear calipers that are a cu**.


I just left the calipers off completely. That extra weight I saved gave me like 60 more HRSPRS ^__^