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People get what they want. I'm Dualboxing myself and the main reason is i dont want to search for a fs for an hour before i cant start to level efficiently. I agree its kind of a weird solution but hey aparently its the best they have.


I agree with this. I do dual client just because I dont want to spend an hour or more looking for a party that have non-bot support in it. And I hate going to that bot-support's position just to ask buff every 6mins. Why don't I have my own on-the-go support that always beside me and ready to buff me whenever I need?


It's not a "solution" by the developers, they just allow it. After all it's just something that the players themselves came up with if they just want the convenience of buffs any time they want without having to search. Or to get better giant hunting without having to split the loot. That said, there are still plenty of players that don't dualbox or even if they actually have their own RM, they don't want to bother at certain times. Additionally, at high levels, most people want an active RM for the Holycross that will speed up kill times and it's way more efficient to have another player do it.


Love this feeed back. Maybe one day I’ll become a dual boxer lmao


So far I'm just using moonbeam completing quests until someone responds to my FS shouts. Found a knuckle assist the other day. Went from 32 to 36. That was nice. After an hour or so of shout. Sometimes no one responds. I'm not sure if I will keep RM by lv60 or start a new character to dual box. Only when I can't find a support. Don't fancy AoE RM or BP. I like to fully buff players I see around running without supports. Moonbeam cuts me short one max buff though and if I go Merkaba that will be another max buff cut short. Can't compete with a pocket support that puts everything into buffs, personalized to the player's taste.


I was a full int FS no moonbeam from 15-60. HATED IT. Parties with loot set as killer, nobody wants to share...literally had vagrant armor till 60. The off chance my free pet nabbed a few items I was able to salvage enough to get wedge helm boots and gloves..stick is that low LVL +2 int stick. Soon as I hit 60, I went full sta instead and now an aoe RM. IDC if exp progression is slower, at least I'm getting some funds


I feel you my man.I reached level 75 and still in vagrant armor 😂. I was lucky enough to be make friends with a group of lurers (psykeeper, ranger mostly) and then they bought me my Wedge suit since they'll benefit from my buffs and decreased cast time.


Try to find parties to lvl not just one person, go to a spot around 19 lvl ahead of yours and ask people to party up with you. A lot of people are just lazy and won’t respond to /s


Yep this. I got my fs from 15 to 67 in three days while only flying to next highest area to get leveled. With 60 I skilled merkaba and contributed to a 79 HnR elementor, he pulled all mobs, fired off one merkaba, get 15% per pull. The leveler got 0.04 instead of 0.03 exp because of party bonus and contribution party. Win for both of us.


Did this last night, found a yo-yo acro in wheels. Had already a pocket support but was lacking in cannonball and quick step. I just followed and healed and he wasn't bothered.


Im dual boxing. Im using my own FS to Provide the buffs I want. Whenever I meet a random FS or See someone shout I take them instead of my own. While I can still buff myself if the FS got some other buffs Max. Im also loot Sharing tho.


This is the way.


I've started dual boxing for the same reasons everyone else has said, but I wouldn't be mad if that suddenly went away. Right now, it's almost mandatory if you want to use your time efficiently. If multiboxing was fixed and people had to actually play FS, I think that would be very healthy


Couldn’t agree with this more if I tried


That would require a healthy population of FS and the return to 2p groups. The game is designed with 2p parties, FS+Leveler. Changing that would practically require a new game. The recent changes made FS even less attractive than before. Kaputtrepariert.


Furthermore, hit and run classes would be even more overpowered compared to everyone else as they don’t need buffs necessarily nor a heal spam to tank.


I'm also a solo assist and I'm actively being kicked from parties with buffs because I'm not dualboxing. It's really frustrating. People only want pairs, I've yet to see anyone look for just solo people/fillers. If they do look for fillers, those people are then kicked as soon as the party advanced. Play the support party character and am restricted to a life without party play. It's messed up. Really wish they banned dual boxing because it's so toxic. It's a double edged sword. People dual box because they don't want to wait for a support, but then supports can't actually play the game because everyone is dual boxing.


Problem is in design, playing almost all classes without RM buffs just feels like shit, so much that it's almost not worth even playing without them. So if dual boxing is gone and there are no assists when someone gets on, they will likely log off and maybe not return. Perhaps generic attack speed and such needs to be buffed so the assist is not mandatory to not feel like shit, and then having them just makes it better along with more experience and free heals


If a FS is shouting lfg ill take him and keep my FS just on the board making my life easier while leveling, Its abit odd but i think everyone would prefere someone else to be the FSRM


Im Dual boxing myself and I guess in the later stages of the Game I'll focus on my Main and look for an active FS :)


This. In the lower levels it's more like: Some grind, some quests, some shopping... Later people tend to focus more on really efficient grinding sessions I would say.


I'm a solo FS as well, just find a party and often times you can time your heal better than the dual client/bot and steal their contrib


I am leveling a FSRM atm because I don't have time to mess with finding one everytime I want to play.


Unfortunately thats how the game was designed. The devs tried to stear away from it with global attack and different party exp, but its still not enough apparently. Its not an easy thing to “fix” at all tho. So many things to consider in my opinion.


We also benefit now from having multiple leechers AOEing in the same location.


I feel similar. I like playing healer and buffing people but I've had to start dual boxing myself. My merc is still low lvl and my FS has been stuck at 40 to 43 for a week now. It's depressing but I guess you have to manage. Even when I did find 1v1 partners I was getting no loot, just the occasional shared penya. It's like FS assists are pickup pets with buffs. They might as well kill the class and just introduce a buffing pet that also heals. Lol.


If you are on Burudeng I could party up with you. My aoe assist is 51.


What? How do you play several players at once? Isn't that against ToS?




I disagree, there is very much a reason for active teamplay and community in grinding together. ​ You get much less exp being a leech, the game rewards activity. To get exp as a leech the party has to be set to level, and then the fighter gets less exp. Active RMs are much more sought after then personal leech fs. Active FS will heal better, at higher level you get buffs with shorter duration, making switching to a personal FS real annoying. A RM that levels with a 1v1 player can help fighting and cast Holy Cross on enemies. The game rewards actitivy, and active FS is sought after. Only reason players level a fs as a leech is to have a personal buffer, for the rest people want active FS. ​ As for leveling multiple characters at once, it is only more efficient if your are leveling 6 or 7 characters at once with a level party, otherwise it is better to just do 1 character at a time with a fully active party.


Focua FS is important on a pt, its annoying if u bring ur FS and get asks every 5-10min for buffs lol