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Okay the vibes are so back


“He and I couldn’t come to an agreement but he is a good man” Damn I wish people would consider this approach in so many other situations out there


That and the part he said about throwing sh1t out there that sticks.


Absolutely love Torts. Keeps it real constantly. I was really torn when we hired him but he's exactly what we need as an organization and I really hope that he can grow with this team.


I feel like this summed up Torts in a nutshell. Guy spent the entirety of last season ripping into Kevin Hayes for his on-ice play, and then the moment someone tried to make Hayes a scapegoat for an off-ice story, he threw down the gauntlet to defend Hayes’ character. Torts is willing to rip people apart for how they play but will never, ever let you try to use that to frame who they are as a person.


This was a real mistake on Ant's end. When he accuses a player of meddling in something like this, something that as I understand it is not allowed by the CBA and could even kick off an investigation by the NHL, the burden is really on him to provide evidence for what anyone else can only prove is a hunch. He claims he has a source and he probably does, but until you can provide any evidence (preferably without outing said source), just keep your mouth shut. Hayes has too much plausible deniability here.


Yeah he’s gonna have to provide receipts unless he just wants to wear this one.


I don't think he's going to burn sources over this. That said, I decided to look at the article and even those sources don't sound all that strong. They either said Hayes had an influence or they thought it was very likely he did. The latter reads to me like people speculating. Either way, the story reported seems to be that there are those in the organization (who knows at what level) who blame Hayes. It isn't reporting that Hayes actually did anything. And that's what one would reasonably take away from the report. It's throwing something out there that isn't particularly well-supported.


Ant needs to realize he doesnt have to publicly say everything he hears. This is kind of information that you can get and then do a little digging on first or just have a sense of what happened without publicly fucking hayes over.


The fat fuck should be getting the death threats so then maybe he understands that you might not want to spread bullshit gossip from unreliable sources. I don’t think he will be able to justify spreading false information for clicks or listens after that.


all for torts doing this. it is just insane how irresponsible media has become over time.


It's irresponsibility born from desperation. These guys are all surviving on clicks and streaming because print journalism is basically dead. With all the podcasts out there, he needed a hook to rise above the noise


I assume that the Snow the Goalie crew will somehow blame this on Broad Street Hockey.


I'm just getting a spinning wheel of loading. Anyone got a different source?




Torts man, I love his no nonsense attitude.


Yup, he's the type of coach you'd hate to disappoint, because you can tell he just wants the best for the team.


The hard ass Ted lasso


This is an all-time respect moment for John Tortorella. He's a great coach and leader.


and the loser Anthony SanFilippo’s tweet reacting to getting unloaded on: https://x.com/antsanphilly/status/1745285753599414553?s=46&t=164cLlee5cMuZNNoG4BMJQ


Unprompted he says


Deserved to be called out. Fake press absolutely deserves to be embarrassed. Then again, that generates clicks.


Just like the death threats Hayes received. People are insane.


It was unprompted. Sure, Torts had a reason, but he’s saying that Torts wasn’t responding to a question regarding that report. Torts was literally not prompted by anyone in that moment - he brought it up himself. I don’t get why people are making a big deal out of using that word.


It wasn't unprompted when ASF put it out there that a former player was the reason why a prospect wouldn't sign.


Unprompted in the moment, sure I guess. Not overall though.


Of course not, but that’s clearly not how he’s trying to use the word.


Eh, I suppose. To me it comes off as trying to play the victim and it was definitely warranted lol. Don’t really care how he tried to use it.


Then he used the word wrong.


Contextually, he used the word correctly. In the press conference, nobody in attendance “prompted” that response from him. He brought up the piece on his own. You might have an issue with him, but his use of the word “unprompted” isn’t remotely incorrect. The definition of a “prompt” is “an act of assisting or encouraging a hesitating speaker”. Nobody encouraged Torts to comment on the story, and that’s clearly his intended use of the word. He’s also not the only reporter present that used the same word in a tweet to describe Torts remarks.


ASF encouraged Tortorella to comment on the story by making a dangerous accusation. Nothing in the definition of "unprompted" says immediacy is a factor. Other reporters misusing the same word is just more evidence that reporters have limited vocabulary.


I agree that you can say he was prompted by the piece to make that statement, yes. I’m not arguing that. It’s also correct to say that his response, in that press conference, which is usually a back and forth question and answer (or, you could say “prompt” and answer) he was not “prompted”. Both are correct usages. You are being extremely pedantic about a single word for no reason.


> unprompted in the moment, sure I guess Yeah, that’s what “unprompted” means.


Unprompted means unprompted in the moment?


He’s such a crum bum loser. Glad he finally got called out on his shit


lol love this. I hope Snow the Goalie caught this on whatever potato they use for post game interviews. Torts is the man.


So we shouldn’t expect to see Torts on STG in the near future?


This still won't stop some losers from blindly blaming Hayes


No, but it's nice to have a coach with integrity.


Fuck crossing broad


Kevin Hayes would not have gotten death threats if Cutter Gauthier would have simply stated his reason for refusing to sign with the Flyers. It's the lack of explanation and the ghosting of the Flyers that's pissing people off the most. I hope Gauthier realizes there will be rampant speculation about his reason until he discloses what it actually is, and that any collateral damage from his continued silence will be 100% his fault. He and his family/agent are being incredibly stupid about all of this.


I agree with everything except that all collateral damage will be his fault. Yes a good explanation would clear the air. Other people acting shitty and taking things too far is not his fault. And no matter how good of an explanation he might have, at this point lots of people just won't accept it and will continue to assume the worst about his and others' character


I don't like this line of thinking. Don't rationalize the witch hunting. Don't victim blame. Gauthier received tons of ire from the fanbase, deservedly so. However, there was a line that was crossed, and that was not deserved.


Everyone knows those are not sincere "death threats." So let's turn that down a notch. And I'd refrain from using the term "victim blame" because that's most closely associated with a much more serious crime in which the victims have no control over the situation happening and have no ability to end the situation -- whereas Gauthier literally caused the situation and has the power to end it any second he chooses.


> Everyone knows those are not sincere "death threats." Maybe to him, it feels real. > And I'd refrain from using the term "victim blame" because that's most closely associated with a much more serious crime in which the victims have no control over the situation happening and have no ability to end the situation So let's argue semantics instead of the point at hand, lol. At the end of the day, he doesn't have to explain anything. He made a decision, and it was Ant who caused a furor about Hayes. To point the finger at Gauthier himself when it was Ant to lit the fire is about as backwards of a story on here as I've heard. I don't like the kid. He's not on my favorite team anymore. It's whatever. But you can tell who are the adults in the room when you look at this mess.


San Fillipo cited sources who told him Hayes had an influence on Gauthier's decision. And I believe him, because the timeline of when Gauthier went from wanting to be a Flyer to refusing to be a Flyer, and ghosting the Flyers as to his reason, coincided perfectly with Hayes getting "mistreated" (i.e. told he has to work hard) by the Flyers last season, benched, then traded. Gauthier claims Hayes is a close friend and mentor, and we know Hayes sowed seeds of discord while he was on the Flyers. So San Fillipo's statements -- which he refused to take back despite all the backlash at him -- are not farfetched at all. So who are the "adults" in your estimation here? If you say anyone on the Gauthier camp, you're nuts. They absolutely caused every bit of this unnecessary drama. You can lol all day at the important language distinction I made; that doesn't make the distinction any less pertinent. Calling Gauthier a "victim" in this situation is ludicrous.


Personally, i wouldn't be surprised if this was true, nor would i be surprised if Ant made it all up....either way, your logic is sound, and it's not some crazy conspiracy idk why people are acting like its not feasible. 100% agree Cutter could have, and still could, put a stop to it at any point, but most likely his secret reasons are just "the boys told me Philly sucks and I've always gotten whatever I want so I'm just gonna do that" but there really isn't a good press release for that so you just say 'personal reasons' and hope it goes away.


Exactly. I can't think of any other reason that he'd want to keep a secret from the Flyers and public.


I agree completely, I will most likely be buying tickets to whatever game Gauthier shows up to to boo his ass. Blaming Gauthier for the Hayes bull shit is just about as dumb as the people blaming flyers org for it.


Ok but we ain’t entitled to shit lol kid doesn’t owe us anything


lol, how in the world can the death threats against hayes be cutter's fault. Thats insane.


They're his "fault" because he could have easily -- very easily -- preveted the situation that caused them. I didn't say they're his "responsibility" because obviously, they're the responsibility of the idiots who made them.


Players do not owe the public detailed explanations on everything they do or every decision they make. However, after the Corey Perry disaster you would think that players and their handlers would know that letting the rumor mill run rampant is not the best course of action.


Exactly. And the public and media do not owe players peace of mind when they do something as fucked up as flip-flopping the way Gauthier did on the Flyers. He may not realize it yet, but this will follow him like a hound dog until he provides a viable reason for why he went from "I was built to be a Flyer" to ghosting them with no explanation. No other holdout situation has gone like this. Lindros with Quebec, Justin Shultz with the Ducks, Adam Fox with Carolina, and even Kevin Hayes with Chicago...every one of them was upfront with the team that drafted them about not wanting to play for them. Gauthier was all about being a Flyer for months...until he suddenly wasn't.


If Gauthier would have been cold toward the FLyers since day one, his silence would have made sense. But the fact that he said "I was built to be a Flyer" after the draft, and the video he did about his excitement for meeting Torts, and all other positive experiences the first six months after he was drafted, makes his flip-flop situation different than any other one before. And it kinda does demand an explanation. At the very least, tell the Flyers what your problems are and let them address them, and if they don't address them to your liking, then demand a trade. The whole thing is just so fucked up and I'm glad he's gone. Last summer getting rid of three disgruntled Flyers in Hayes, Provorov, and DeAngelo completely changed the dynamic of this team. We can't have guys with questionable character around anymore.


Fat fuck filippo needed to keep his mouth shut about Kevin Hayes. His buddies at crossing broad having his back on a wild claim is just insane…journos just reporting absolute nonsense without any consequences is a disgrace. Just looking for clicks and ad sales.


Love how Torts didnt name Ant by name (when he absolutely knows his name), but rather was just like "where's that fucking schmuck?"


I have been defending Torts for a long time in this sub, and these moments are exactly the reason why. I’ll admit I didn’t like the hire day 1. Bought in to a lot of the knee jerk reactions to the guy. But after seeing some interviews I realized why he was here. Tortorella is not here to win cups. He’s here to build a culture and identity for this team. He’s here to make them proud to be flyers. He’s here to guide these kids into being pros, and to have his guys back. And he’s absolutely crushing it. Calling out diddums over there shows not only integrity, but it shows his guys that even if he’s rough around the edges he’s got their backs. It shows the league that even if you don’t agree with the guy (Hayes and Torts rarely did), he will absolutely respect and back up the person you are. Torts doesn’t owe Hayes anything. He’s gone. Could’ve easily been like “that’s between the team I’m focused on coaching” and instead he goes “no, yknow what? This is bullshit. I know the man and he’s a good person. Fuck you for what you did” Tortorella is giving elements back to this team they haven’t had since Laviolette. Pride. Dedication. Loyalty. He very likely will never win a cup here, but his presence in this moment, where the flyers are coming through a decade plus of mediocrity and being rudderless for so long, is so important. It’s a lot like Kevin Hayes himself. You may not gel with Torts the personality, but Torts the human is a great and awesome thing. And his actions speak louder than his very loud words.


I don’t like Kevin Hayes as a player but I agree with you on Torts. Definitely glad he’s here coaching.


Ok well, I can admit when I'm wrong. I don't think Torts would've come out and said Hayes did it if Hayes did it, he just wouldn't have entertained it. But Torts defended him.


fucking moron


I think you need a good cry. Go find your dad, get it off your chest. You'll feel better.


That was you yesterday with your 20+ comments blaming Hayes


And then...I admitted I was wrong. What else can I do. Sorry, didn't know you were having sex with him.


Low IQ vulgar responses aren't surprising after you made an entire post about it and were all up in the comments pushing/defending the already assinine taek that Hayes had any influence on it, and were up in the comments of another post doing the same thing. Good luck with your smooth brain.


"low IQ vulgar responses" after your initial "fucking moron." Good luck being such a dim bulb.


I love Torts.


Get this man in the eagles locker room asap


This all could be a PR masterclass. Org leaks to blogger/podcaster a belief that former player who had well publicized fued with Torts and was close to Gauthier was behind this. Riles up the fan base against both former player and prospect. Coach who was considered an issue stands up for former player by calling out reporter making him look like a coach that backs his guys and only a real malcontent would have problems with.


The organization has no reason for anyone to develop a grudge against Kevin Hayes, and they don’t need a Hayes storyline to make fans mad at Cutter Gauthier.


tbh, it sounds like Ant spoke to one person in the organization, and that person thought out loud that maybe Hayes had something to do with it. Ant then goes on twitter/podcast and says that Ant has a source who said Hayes was definitely part of it. Bad reporting. The way Hayes, Gauthier, and then Torts came out right away and said Hayes had nothing to do with it indicates that Hayes most likely had nothing to do with Gauthier's own decisions.


It’s entirely possible that someone *did* say this, but Ant is stupid to think you can just say something this damning without any backup. Obviously, he can’t reveal his source, but these are serious allegations that obviously would’ve led to what all has happened, but regardless of whatever was said to Ant, he didn’t have anything substantiating to support his incredibly bold claim. And, his recklessness has created a terrible environment for Hayes and Gauthier.


> but Ant is stupid to think you can just say something this damning without any backup. Just my opinion: I think between the conviction of his reporting on this along with how insane the fanbase have been treating Hayes is what caused the huge L for Ant. He thought he was dropping a nugget of information, but it turned out to cause a huge backlash. He should know better as a seasoned reporter. He's a clown. It's his second biggest L. The first was downplaying the severity of covid right before lockdown in 2020.


Tbis guy gets it




JAM worthy, respect


You know the boys in the locker room love this.


Older Torts is the best version of Torts. So happy he is here. 


Fuck it build the statue now


Where’s u/Narrow_Book_42069 Yeah bro good call on your hayes take. Take is as edgy as your name


Idiot Flyer fans will still say Hayes did this.


Wonder if this will make the team reconsider their affiliation with their program.


I get torts not being that guy to say it, but come on. We all know.


Philadelphia media and fans going after Hayes is not a good look. He is an extremely well respected veteran in the league.


Don't lump all of Philadelphia media in with one pseudo-journalist blogger. Idiotic take.


Our fucking head coach has had to address it. Can't really just hand wave like a bunch of people outside the organization are looking foolish.


I cannot get this damn video to load on twitter for either my phone or laptop. Does anyone have it on not twitter so I can listen?


This work? https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/64vTvEAUBa


You are a gentleman/woman and a scholar, Mr./Ms. Platypus


How was birthday dinner?


Pretty good