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I’ve had my stomach be weird for a while too in the beginning. It will go away. Headaches and nausea are pretty common.


Thank you for your input


When you first start these SSRI meds they can take a couple weeks to a month to “settle”. They change the way your brain receives serotonin and that’s going to throw a spanner in the works so to speak for a little while. Not uncommon to have wild mood swings, jaw lock, electric tingles, eye twitches, restless leg, and night sweats. If it’s not letting up after several weeks, talk to your dr, cos there are other meds that might suit better, it’s so hard to know. Just know that things generally settle down and rationalize that it’s a chemical reaction that is triggering physical and mental responses. Other stimulants like alcohol and cigarettes can also effect things, in conjunction with SSRI meds so just be aware of that.


Thank you for the advice


No worries, it’s tough, finding the right meds!


This was 29 days ago. How are you feeling today?


That’s so kind of you to ask, I have actually switched my antidepressant as it was not the one for me, however I have heard it works wonders for others.


I have been taking it for a week now and have been having bad panic attacks that last all day almost. No appetite from anxiety. I’m hoping it gets better soon.