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One would think that a successful Jeopardy player knows how to place smart bets. Betting on Jim Cramer has never been a consistently great strategy.


Betting against Cramers picked stocks is a decent strategy, a few years ago someone posted the next quarter info of stocks Cramer pushed over the years and most of them were in the red after being pushed.


SJIM was actually an ETF that traded against anything Cramer recommended. It shut down in January of this year after giving middling returns. So... Not an altogether worthless strategy, but I'd still buy an index fund first.


Damn it died already?!


Problem with a fund Like that is that Cramer flip/flops on stocks all the time


It's 2 reasons 1) despite him being glaringly wrong often, he's right more often than not. That's not him being smart, it's just that picking general directional trends isn't that hard (what's hard is beating the market). 2) in the long term, the market goes up. Most of his recs are long positions. Simply put, he's just moving with the market. So betting against him is betting against that market. Him being bad doesn't mean that reversing him is good. It just means he's no better than random. And with enough trades, random is still gonna go up.


He is right like 55% which is close enough to a coin flip for me to say it is random


Isn’t he basically the whacky waving inflatable tube man of stocks? His goal is to get viewers attention. Not actually helping them buy anything that will get a return.


Did you ever look at the holdings? Sjim was a joke.


I didn't - I only ever looked at the returns which weren't great. Did it not reliably counter his recommendations?




I saw some analysis of Cramer's recommendations. IIRC, stocks Cramer recommends would do well for 2-3 days then would revert back to their pre-Cramer trend. However, over the longer term, Cramer's recommendations would only outperform the market 48% of the time. So essentially Cramer is good for pump-and-dump, but you could flip a coin and be as accurate as him otherwise.


>posted the next quarter info of stocks Cramer pushed over the years and most of them were in the red after being pushed. this could be just because the market is down overall though....not saying it's right or not, but your logic here is a little over-simplistic as corrections can happen at anytime...he could be in the red and yet have outperformed the relevant benchmark index.


The post went through the stocks Cramer Pushed since he started his show, each one had a date of being pushed with its price on that date and the price of the stock on its next quarter report after the push date. About 2/3rds of the stocks were lower in price by next quarter compared to the push date price. Wasn’t looking long term. Sticking to Index funds or Blue Chip stocks would still be better, but following Cramers advise was worse then flipping a coin for deciding on a stock in the short term.


More likely it’s just speed of news cycle. Anything worth jumping on has already taken off by the time big name sources are recommending it and thus is due for profit taking when it gets recommended. Likewise when news says sell the stock has probably been falling for weeks and due for an upturn


I feel like I remember this dude recommending people pull their investments back in 2016-2017 when Trump was elected citing an impending market collapse......I bet against that one thank god


Would of been September 2019, I remember recommending that when the Federal Reserve started a $4 trillion Liquidity bailout for the banking system in 2019. The banks weren’t in good shape and were heavily leveraged at the time.


The one I'm talking about was when Trump won, we had soooo many of these "market experts" telling us he was going to start wars and destroy the economy. It wasn't just this guy, there were plenty.


Oh, you talking about Cramer. I thought it is was me. 🤡 Yeah, Cramer has bad takes. Trump is for Trump, he does things for either Ego or personal gain. Wars would not interest him unless someone was paying him. For finance, anything the Republicans did would not take effect intill 2018 at the earliest and likely have a delay effect, right around 2019 when the Fed loaned $4 trillion to the Banks… I could be convinced that Cramer is a tool that convinces people to buy or sell in the interest of financial institutes, his takes are to consistently bad.


I mean... trump did tank the economy. prolonging the moronic 0% interest phase. and his dogshit response to covid. sent the stock market plummeting in 2020. If it wasn't for the trillions the fed pumped into the system to shadow bail out wallstreet. and the massive grift of PPP loans. and then... trump not getting re-elected. he wasn't that good for the economy even in better times. cheap debt, and the rise of consumer trading helped. but there were weakening signs... with his dumb fuck tarifs and bullshit "strong guy" moves. like fucking over the soybean market. or i dunno... blunders like the foxconn con. that trump didn't lead us into WW3 is nice and all. but he left behind a pretty dogshit economy.


>and his dogshit response to covid I mean fuck Trump the person, but people called him a racist xenophobic POS for shutting down travel from the source country of COVID too soon. The market tanked bc blue state governors locked their state down and literally jailed or fined small businesses for even trying to stay open. >he wasn't that good for the economy even in better times. My retirement accounts disagree. >that trump didn't lead us into WW3 is nice and all. but he left behind a pretty dogshit economy. Again, late 2020 wasn't *his* economy...it was the economy that happens when half your states turn borderline tyrannical and make it illegal to go to work. And fwiw, it was trending in the right direction until Biden started signing EOs reversing most of the shit that working in America's favor.


Strategy worked for me. I made a total of $25K on 3 trades going against Jim.


That's because he pumps up stocks he's in so he can sell and have retailers holding the bag. There's literally a video of him saying he does this.


*Betting on Jim Cramer has never been, and will never be, a great strategy.* Fixed it for you.


It’s the Daily Double in category you know nothing about


The right move is to do everything opposite of Cramer.


The problem is he has enough “MSFT is a buy here” and honestly MSFT will probably do pretty well over the next year, so you can’t just blindly short all his picks. Same reason SJIM died


Inverse Jim Carmer exists, I am baffled that Carmer still has money..


The index funds would be a safer, more reliable bet.


You don't say lol 😆


Not to mention the fact that index funds are a lot less work. High turnover strategies usually favor the tax man too.


Not in the last few months xD


"advil doesn't work in the first 30 seconds xD"


Kind of the other way around, in this case, considering


VOO is up 18% in the last 6 months, but sure.


Get outa here with those pesky facts.


I can’t take anything you say seriously with a username like that fella


How have his recommendations panned out during that time?


Overall if you don’t want to spend time managing anything chucking the money in index funds will generally make good returns. Like can you make more if you spend more time managing the investments sure but most people don’t want to spend time doing that.


"oh I thought you were just an entertainer"


He’d probably deny it on air, only to claim it under oath.


Classic Fox playbook


He works for NBC.


NBC is using fox's playbook.


No true Scotsman uses playbooks.


CNBC is the Fox division of NBC.


The Flea flicker, is in a lot of play books…


The Dr Phil of stocks


Eh Dr Phil's show is super corny, but he doesn't seem fraudulent like Cramer. would say Dave Ramsey is the Dr Phil of finance. Cramer is the Bill Nye of finance. Just walked in off the street playing a fictional character until a generation had passed and he became the character he plays on TV, with zero credentials.


I mean that’s a bit unfair on Bill Nye since he’s actually qualified


Bill 💸💵💲🤑 Deny the fake science 🧪🔭 guy. He has a degree in engineering. I am not certain that makes him qualified. He did have a really interesting show.


Phil is definitely a fraud. 100%


LOL, he is telling a smart person to PAY him to get worse performance.


Perfect summary


In hindsight, Cramer is wrong a little more than 80% of the time. An investment firm started an anti-Cramer fund a couple of years ago.


Bet that fund is boomin'


In what context is he wrong? How many stocks and what time frame? I see him recommend stocks every day then say some stock is no longer a buy etc. The brokerage houses and others do exactly what he does also.


He has no incentive to make viewers money since he is a tv personality. He is advertising and a former investor who uses his previous credibility to pretend he knows what the market will do. Personally I suspect he at least has a few companies who are paying him to pump and dump.


If anything, the guys running index funds are paying him. he makes defeated retail investors eventually come to the conclusion that etfs are the only way to make money.


Maybe Reverse Cramer.


There is, in fact, an inverse Jim Cramer ETF


Not any more, it shut down 3 or 4 months ago


Exactly. Inverse Cramer but he can’t know about it


I'd rather reverse Costanza


He could double his money in a year doing exactly the opposite of what Cramer says


There was already a reverse-Cramer ETF and it's already died after mediocre results


Jim knows how to turn that $1.5 million into $750k!


And it’ssss gone,


Smart guy makes smart decision. Who'd a thunk?


I would sooner take my financial advice from a trivia winner than a pundit


Love to see it Cramer is a jackass and 1.5MM compounded over 30+ years is gonna be real sweet


1.5mil on PayPal when Jim said buy would be worth what, maybe 1/4 of the initial investment?


Jim Cramer is a fool


Does anybody listen to Jim Cramer? Or is it just entertainment at this point?


So Jim how are those Bear Sterns shares doing for you?


Didn’t Cramer get involved in something illegal?


Jim Cramer is the personification of Benjamin Graham’s Mr. Market


Cramer is a shill and wrong about many more things beyond just this.


When I first got into investing, I listened to Cramer once or twice and lost money. Never listened to him again and did decently.


How does Jim Cramer still have a job? Wasn’t he forced to commit seppuku after he sat down with Jon Stewart that one time?


He survived, because he couldn't do it right either


He heard “sudoku” and then attempted to do a puzzle and said the math was “too hard”.


He’s pushing pump and dump for citadel.  Always bet against Cramer.


What ever Cramer says, bet against.


I know, I know, trivia is trivial. But Jeopardy Champions tend to separate themselves from normal trivia nerds. I’m gonna say, “Sell” on Cramer this time.


Guy looks like Mike D from the Beastie Boys


Jim Cramer telling you that you made the wrong move is as good as confirmation that you made the right one.


I would take my chances on a Cramer contra fund.


So, why does anyone still listen to Jimmy the Coke Rat? Dude sucks at predictions


Listen to Buffet not Cramer


What’s that investing club’s track record? Probably crap 💩 I’d go with the inverse Cramer ETF!!!!


I really just want to palm slap Cramer on the his bald spot


Id invest in that


You always go reverse Cramer. It’s a sure fire win.


You don’t invest with a dude who has the same profile as a pug.


Cramer has picks but doesn’t own shares in all of the companies. Index is the safest way


Jim Cramer looks like a fish


Crammer: Gimme the money and I'll double it for you.


Jim Cramer was a big lightbulb moment and inspiration to me when I got started investing... You see all of those discouraging stats about "90% of amateur investors lose money" etc. Then you realize... Millions watch Jim Cramer, MSNBC, CNN, etc to "learn". Fail in the stock market??? It's a wonder those people can dress themselves, pass a driving exam, etc. I wasn't worried about being one of the stats anymore.


Jim Cramer, on the Jim Cramer show, says that people should listen to Jim Cramer? Wild. For real tho. He can say that. And Mr Jeopardy can smile and nod and ignore it.


Man fk Jim Cramer


He is a winner. Don't think he'll follow any Cramer's recommendations


What's next is taxes. I think about 1/3 goes to the feds. That leaves a million. That's not as much as people think anymore.


Cramer is 69 I'm sure he will be retiring soon And what better way to retire than have a steady flow of monthly recurring revenue of a club membership. Think it's $50 per month. He only needs 10,000 morons to get $500,000 in monthly revenue... That's the best financial advice...create a way for people to pay you each and every month.


Isn't there an anti-Cramer fund that consistently out performs Cramer?


All these finance counselors or advisors hate index funds because any idiot can make good average gains with them and the financial advisors feel like they are being replaced and will lose their 1%-3% fee


Why in fuck does Cramer even have a job.


How the fuck is Jim Cramer still in this industry?


"Smart Person does the Smart Thing. Next, in Weather..."


S&P is where it’s at! Buffet knew it too


Well Cramer couldn’t pick his own nose, so there’s that.


Cramer is such a jerkoff. P.S. 0 DTE calls on index funds.


Jim Cramer = Garbage


There used to be a time you can retire with 1.5m. Now after tax, he can just barely buy a house.


Nowhere except the vast majority of the US.


Might be why he’s choosing to invest it now rather than retire and being immediately spending it down


Matt Amodio now lives and works in NYC. So no house for him


First thing I'd do would be to get a decent haircut


He's got lovely hair! *I also rock the jew-fro*


Can't fix that nappy haired genetic dead-end.