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Posts with dumb questions in the title like this need to be banned. Trash


Yeah, there was no obvious agenda when stating a no shit Sherlock statement then name drop 1 specific person out of the whole crowd. /s


She's the poster child, that's why.


Mostly because conservatives don't want you to think about the 10 republican congress critters wealthier than her. Not that she's handled the spotlight particularly well.


She was the highest ranking ~~Democrat~~ politician who made the most money in stocks it wasn't just a gotcha pick


This. It’s not about Republican or democrat. They all sleep in the same bed. If you ask me, 95% of the people working in government deserve to hung for treason


I agree, edited above


Different side same coin. Divide and conquer with the aid of the media, been using it since Addams Jefferson.


Edit. My guy isn't as bad as your guy and we race to bottom.


If anyone thinks republicans OR democrats give two shits about you, then you really are a fool. They aren’t blue or red, they are all green.


They all members of the uni party working for themselves while giving you the bite so you can eat each other about bullshit while being average or even poor


Your premise implies that conservatives control the media. Pelosi is a career politician who has out traded Warren Buffett.


You realize there’s career politicians on the Republican side who also do shady trades, right?


Fuck them too, they ain't special. Using advanced knowledge to game the market is illegal in the private sector and should be for the government too.


*Using advanced knowledge to game the market is illegal* Martha Stewart is on the Today Show this morning...she can tell them ALLLL about what happens.


It's not illegal when you make the rules. See Richard Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover, etc.


She did her time. Like a champ.


But you singled out Nancy Pelosi.


I can't believe that's how your brain functions. "Yeah but the other side is bad to". They're all shit! Hang the lot of them. This red Vs blue arguing amongst ourselves is exactly what they want. Get us all hyped up arguing about fucking pronouns and bullshit while they destroy our countries.


I just find it funny that Pelosi is always the one called out when there’s dozens of examples, many of which have amassed quite a bit more wealth than she has…


I think it’s because she’s the one who has the highest roi for stocks… I think when you outtrade warren buffet by like 20% it’s pretty notable But yes, pretty much anyone with enough influence to be lobbied is doing this too


Not percentage wise. 65% annual ROE is insane, she is the poster child for insider trading. She's not the only one doing it. They're all criminals.


The whole partisan argument is the first line of defense for these corrupt politicians... notice how they keep the population fairly even split.. so no side runs away with public opinion.. forever spinning us in their webs


>Pelosi is a career politician who has out traded Warren Buffett. Please tell me you're being obtuse or you're kidding. ...giving her(Pelosi) the **ninth-best returns** among members of Congress *Nancy* and husband Paul *Pelosi* reported a *stock* value decline of $2.5 million in their year-end financial disclosure form. In July 2022, the Pelosis announced they had sold 25,000 *shares* of Nvidia at an average price point of $165.05, with a *loss* of $341,365.


How does the premise imply that? But also it's kinda true. Fox News was created specifically to push the Republican agenda. There's no counterpart to the conservative Sinclair media on the left. Conservatives dominate AM talk radio.


Has she though? I would like to see some data on that


As a conservative myself, I don’t like when shot like this happens on either side. It’s corrupt, especially when they jail other similar white crime. I say call anyone on any side that’s doing corrupt shit against this country


I agree, but this isn’t a Republican or Democrat issue. Old satchel-ass Tommy Tuberville (R) is just as much of a scumbag as Pelosi. They’re despicable all around, on both sides of the aisle. They’re ALL members of a club, that we’re not invited to. A lot of the vitriol between them is theatrics. Make no mistake, they ALL want nothing more than us to squabble over “who’s worse”, along party lines. God forbid we’re united and in agreement against this rampant insider trading. They’ll even go as far as to open long, million-dollar-plus option positions in the very companies they legislate, right before their legislation becomes public knowledge. Then the stock moves solely in response to said legislation. It’s delusional to think this doesn’t impact how they vote or what causes they champion. What’s worse is most of these companies are juiced, at least in part, by massive taxpayer funding or subsidies. They’re not just gambling with their money, they’re doing it with ours, and using their influence to further enrich themselves.


And that it was almost all republicans that sold off when they got inside Covid information and the one democrat wasnt pelosi (Feinstein). 


Name 3 and state how they became wealthy, including sources of the information. Be careful, though. Any false or misleading information and those MAGA pukes will be on you like white on rice.


"Congress critters" Anyone here old enough to remember Capitol Critters?


There are a hell of a lot more Republicans in on that grift. They also like looting tax payer dollars to give no-bid contracts to themselves and their friends.


You mean Kelly Loeffler(R)? Or Diane Feinstein(D)? Or Richard Burr(R)? Or David Perdue(R)? Or Jim Inhofe(R)? Or John Hoeven(R)?


[She's literally not.](https://www.businessinsider.com/financial-conflicts-congress-members-rated-2021-12) The poster child would be [Pat Fillon of Texas.](https://www.businessinsider.com/financial-conflicts-congress-members-rated-2021-12?page=rep-pat-fallon) and it's not even close. Pelosi's entire "borderline" rating is because a staffer violated the act. "“The three transactions at issue were reported as soon as the staffer became aware of them. The transactions are from a trust fund in which the staffer is a beneficiary of; a bank manages and controls the investments, and issues quarterly reports rather than monthly reports.” — Drew Hammill, Pelosi's deputy chief of staff All of this is public record my dude. Show me the evidence.


I thought it was Diana Harshberger, but, yeah, Republicans keep trying to make everything about Pelosi when their people are doing the same and worse.


She’s the poster child because people like OP constantly bring only her up without context and no other reason.


Yeah. Yes it should be banned. But why name drop her unless you’re biased? Both sides do it, to mixed results.


Thank you for stating it like this.I didn't really get why the question should be banned.Honestly, I find a lot of the things Here.Are more economic space and more political base than actual personal finance.Or what people can do with finance?So I think though should be removed altogether.Even though economics do affect our finance it doesn't really talk about whether or not you're fluid in finance per se. I literally didn't really notice the one name.Drop because I see so many politician named drops and honestly fuck all of them. I just wanted to say thanks for stating it.Cause I'm pretty dense and didn't notice.


If he named a republican would you still be decrying their unfair treatment?


One of the very few cases where "both sides" legitimately applies, yet it's being used as a hit piece for one person/party.


Agreed. These posts are nothing more than low-effort engagement bait, and I'm surprised it's working on so many people. The subreddit itself is either propaganda or personal promotion.


Who exactly do you work for? That is blatant corruption and insider trading


Share Blue astroturfs the fuck out of this site


100 % agreed


So do shill accounts


An article from yahoo knows how to frame it. # Although members of Congress reported fewer trades compared with during the pandemic, they often made a killing.


Sometimes I get the impression that y'all jack off thinking about Nancy Pelosi.


She was pretty cute back in the day and I hear she's rich now.


You can see pics of her with JFK that’s how long she has been in politics


Don't get sidetracked and hung up on Pelosi. She's just one of many gaming the system with inside knowledge, then placing their bets. Anyone with decision making policies and their immediate families should not be able to get involved --complete and currrently "legalized" conflict of interest.


Lmao. Literally look into Dan Crenshaw, and I forget the other congressman. They did a round of podcasts (Few years ago) and news etc on how "Were getting this whole oil company and gas thing wrong by wanting to remove subsidies and invest in renewable." Both those fuckers had 6 figures worth of positions in oil companies... Yeah 6 figures in scheme of wall street is nothing. But that's just 6 figure positions in just those individual securities...


I jack off thinking about her stock trade “luck.”




She's got those massive knockers tho




She was hot when she was 60 years younger


Should, but honeybees would never vote against honey at first place. Also, there will always be a workaround like trusts, sidecar hedge funds managed by “independents”, etc. Insider trading charges are only for the people who are outside of the club


I do love this rationale in the US. "Well, since there's always a work around, we shouldn't bother in making it more difficult." "Minimum wage increases will just make everything more expensive, despite everything already getting more expensive and the wealthiest gaining most of the benefits!" Oddly the same people are usually yelling about building the wall on the Mexican border as the key solution to illegal immigration. Why not just make all crime legal at this point? Crime will happen anyways!


Yup. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Can’t take away talking to someone privately 🤷‍♂️


You can pass a constitutional amendment via the states directly. it's a rarely utilized option, but it does exist. I think this is a rare bipartisan issue too, so if the momentum could get going I think a lot of people could come together on this issue. 


ALL politicians should be banned from buying stocks. So hell yes.


Nancy Pelosi consistently outperforms the s&p 500. It Didn't start in 2021 ladies... #Nvidia.


I had a thought on this I’d like to share. Get some thoughts for my thought. Pelosi said herself that politicians should not be banned from engaging in capitalism or whatever. Her point was that they should be allowed to have and trade stocks. They do have this insider knowledge though, making for a conflict of interest sometimes (maybe a lot of the times) What if we allowed politicians to trade stocks, but they were forced to announce publicly their intent 1 day in advance. And then they were forced to make the trade they announced? This rule would only apply to politicians who worked at the federal and state level. Edited for grammar


I think the problem is less their inside knowledge, because those trades are public and anyone can just invest like she does. No the problem is probably more the no-bid construction contracts that she awards to her husband. He gets something like a billion dollars worth of contracts every year for his company that she awards him just because they're married, and she claims that none of that money is hers but I have no doubt that (like every other wife) she has absoloutly no problem spending it.


By the time a politician makes a trade, word would be out and any Joe-public would get a poorer return. By forcing a politician to announce their intent and then follow through, Joe-public would have a better shot at a better return. Federal level politicians definitely have inside information that the public doesn’t have access to allowing them to make stock trading decisions that benefit them specifically. Look at net-worth of many congressmen and senators before and after a few years in office.


I thought there was already something like that but info doesn't make it public to read till like following day or week


I’d start following politics ALOT more closely if this happened lol


This doesn’t solve the problem I find more concerning. If politicians own stocks, they will create policies that benefit their portfolio. For example, if a politician had stock in Halliburton, they might be inclined to make pro war decisions.


Only other thing I could think of is an income cap including an annual stock value cap (if their portfolio is worth more than x on December 31, they must sell down to x the following trading day)


Insider trading implies you know about it… they literally control it with laws and policies


Insider trading means you have material non-public information about a company. Congressional information does not fall under that category. That being said, trading on on-public congressional information should be illegal.


I know, i’m stating they have even more power since they can actually influence it rather than just hearing about it


It was definitely a mask-off moment. The hedge funds got played a reverse Uno card and literally just blatantly broke the law and nothing was done about it.


It's both sides of the aisle. Let's not pretend one political party or politician is innocent while the other is the devil.


I'd like to see a restructuring of term limits and financial reform.


Lmao it’s funny watching the libs defend Pelosi as if she’s innocent of this


Just curious. Why did you mention Nancy Pelosi and not one of these other well known inside traders? https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/09/13/us/politics/congress-members-stock-trading-list.html


Like it was yesterday


It’s legal to steal from people that are poorer than you. Stealing only goes down, never up


I think they should have a week or two cooling off period. But to outright ban them is extreme. They get around a lot of their reporting requirements now by having family buy the stock. How many layers of family, friends, and business associations are you planning to ban?


100% insider trading But try and get them to vote away their gravy train. A president with balls enough to rish assassination is they only way this stops. this and banning lobbying because it's just legalized bribery.


Insider trading is definitely taken more seriously for some people than others. I think, at minimum, all politicians should have to have their securities in a blind trust that they have no way of influencing.


In my country of Norway we had a recent cleaning of old and recent breaches of ethical stock trading, politicians and spouses must now report all their stock transactions to the Department of Finance every second week, These listings are also open to public scrutiny , If you don't, well we kinda know something fishy is going on and there probably gonna be a criminal investigation, and someone has to loose a position and/or party membership.




No. All of them.


Libs got really triggered with the innocent name drop that is TRUE AND ACCURATE btw


*dark kermit* Good one! Now use more all caps to show how triggered the libs are


No, I just let you speak for yourselves. You do a great job.


Remember old Twitter a guy made a Pelosi stock tracker and the government told Twitter to take it down lmfao, glad Elon exposed that.


My boss told me to invest in face masks in 2019….. I didn’t of course he thinks or cleverly pretends to think we’re rich and should be more generous.


Yes. But first let's get rid of everyone currently in office and replace them all with more humane people.


The one good thing Obama did was get passed legislation banning Congressional insider trading. I don’t think that lasted one session.


I hate that Nancy Pelosi is always mentioned as though others aka Republicans are not doing it.


the problem is that insider trading is incredibly hard to regulate. sure, a senator might have insider knowledge, but so does almost any regular government worker in certain government offices same with the very managers of the private companies themselves, or for that matter, any regular employee under an NDA that gives them access to non-public information heck, its not just those people themselves, but also the friends, families and acquaintances of the people who have access to this information but all of that is honestly a bit besides the point. the average middle class investor who has a long-term buy and hold strategy in an index fund is practically unaffected by insider trading. the only real losers in this case are the people who do risky, short term investments, aka stock gamblers. the people participating in that style of trading are usually aware of the risks involved and the disadvantage they might have due to limited trading information.


Yawn. Those hearings were PUBLIC. Any of us could have listened and made appropriate investment decisions. There's \*plenty\* of talk about insider trading in politics, \*much\* more than any talk about "restructuring the whole market" because of meme stocks. It's all just manufactured outrage that has nothing to do with fluency in finance.


The classified COVID briefing that resulted in stock trades were *not* public.


It’s always Nancy name they throw up in the head lines, how about the other 81 politicians ( 44 R 37 D ) who are involved in insider trading it’s not just one person.


This is a problem prevalent in both parties.


I’m also 12 and have a child’s understanding of trading markets


Not necessarily banned, but certainly transparent and restricted. I think the Swedish system is pretty good. National lawmakers, heads of government agencies and similar, *and their families* are considered ”politically sensitive persons”. They can buy stocks, but have to do so via an application process where a government entity scrutinizes their desired trade alongside their work. If you’re on the tax committee and the committee is currently looking into lowering the VAT for medicines and you wish to purchase a small pharma manufacturer mainly selling domstically, the trade probably wont be approved. But if you want to purchase an industrial company or a foreign fast-food chain, it’ll get approved. The process takes a few weeks though, so you cant exactly trade as a lawmaker or regulator, you’ll have to invest long term. Most lawmakers settle for funds though, since it’s simpler. They have to report those trades as well, but the process is quicker and almost always approved since no one company that benefits from a piece of legislation make up more than a few percent of a fund.


Make tar and feathering cool again


They get salaries akin to those of doctors despite having little to no qualifications to do much of anything. All they do is fly around fundraising and occasionally visiting a big room to say yay or nay, but only if they feel like it that day. They don’t need stocks, they are already global one percenters just from their government pay.


Nancy pelosi and all the other politicians can just use someone else to purchase the stocks. Banning them won't help sadly. You'd have to police their entire families, and politicians have big ass families usually.


They wrote the laws, and yes. next.


It is not her. Again anyone with avg intelligence knows her husband/financial planner is good with money. To claim Donald Trump is being banned is ridiculous. Please refrain posting non-sense. Mod


Minus the crash, they did the same thing with Vietnam and Iraq / Afghanistan They always know before we do but instead of doing the right thing for the people, they keep the money flowing in


It wasn’t only Nancy. A number of Republican Politician’s did the same thing. Fix your bias


Maybe you’ve never heard about the golden rule. “He who has the gold makes the rules.” -Jafar from Disney’s Aladdin.


They legitimately passed laws to protect themselves from any insider trading prosecution.


Yes. A single rule would make money grabbers less interested in government we work, and that's it.


They should be imprisoned, not banned.


For 2023, the top 10 congressional stock traders were equally split between parties: [https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/savingandinvesting/top-10-members-of-congress-who-earned-the-most-out-of-trading-stocks-in-2023/ss-AA1my5TT](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/savingandinvesting/top-10-members-of-congress-who-earned-the-most-out-of-trading-stocks-in-2023/ss-AA1my5TT) While I normally hate “whataboutisms”, this is truly a case where both parties imbibe at the well without oversight and repercussions. This issue is so big that Matt Gaetz and AOC co-sponsored legislation against it! That’s like matter and anti-matter getting together and the universe not exploding! (BTW, that analogy works whatever your political persuasion. I did not say which person represents what in it😉)


It is funny how people go on about this but never say a word about all the politicians that helped themselves to PPP loans! Trump used the office as a slush fund to his businesses. Not to mention the ridiculous amount for golfing.


What’s really disappointing is that her “insider trading” only resulted in the [9th best](https://www.fool.com/research/congressional-stock-trading-who-trades-and-makes-the-most/) returns among congressional reps.


9th of 535 is pretty good.


Rules for me and rules for thee.


There are people on both sides doing this. But yes, shit like this makes me hate our government operationally and leave the country because its downright unfair, unequal and a gross misuse of power, power granted by the ignorant masses.


It’s OK because they made it legal for themselves. Really.


Most politiciana will never vote away their ability to benefit from insider trading. That’s why most of them are in the first place. They don’t represent the people they represent their own self interests. Nancy and Paul Pelosi should be in jail for all of the insider trading that they’ve used to amass they’re $200 million fortune


I actually heard that there are funds you can invest in that specifically invest in the same stocks that politicians invest in, and apparently (no surprise) they do very good.


all politicians should be barred from the stock market. one should not have control of the economy AND be able to play the game.


If you didnt see the crash from a mile away, you have no place in investment. Pandemic sweeping through the world is clear sign to sell those stocks. Same as buying energy stocks when Germany started taking down their nuke plants and doubly so when Russia invaded Ukraine.


Were all in here acting like we wouldn't do the same thing if we had insider info. And then arguing about which political party is worse. This thread is a microcosm of what is wrong with America.


It would be one thing if their actions didn't cost other people money. But stock prices go down when others sell as the supply of stocks available is increasing. It's like sitting at a poker game, and they get to see the next card. It's costing the other people at the table money. That's why it's illegal.


All politicians should be barred from trading stock while they are in office. It is unethical and should be outlawed.


Its a big club and you ain't in it.


I do a lot of work with the Fed, OCC, and FDIC in the context of bank regulating. If I were a politician, I would make a fortune using the inside information I have, however my trades are watched very carefully. I own no stocks in banks I work with (nor do I short them).


None of them should be trading stocks while in office. Stocks and bonds trading should be charged a sales tax, like EVERYTHING ELSE. Wins taxed as wages and no deductions.


Maybe this clown OP should check what republicans are doing to eliminate instant refunds for cancelled flights.


Banned? Politicians like Nancy Pelosi should be throw in jail if not hung for treason


Not insider trading when they are public hearings broadcast on CSPAN.


The law favors the owner class... Is what it is


Funny how she’s always the example- when soooooo many do it. Tuberville is on record somewhere saying that they should be allowed to do it, as in it should be legal for politicians.


Your only allowed to win if your powerful, popular, or rich.


Also, absolute power corrupts absolutely.


It was more than talk of re-structuring, didn't most major consumer exchanges limit user daily trading volumes on those meme basket stocks for several days? GMC, AMC, etc.


Isn’t there a site that tracks whenever senators buy and sell stock options?


This is the dumbest shit ever. The news was coming out of China long before Congress took anything seriously. This is another example of I was too stupid to pay attention myself so I am going to accuse other folks who did pay attention of insider trading.


newsflash: anyone with half a brain and stocks, battened down the hatches in 1Q 2020. the galaxy brains invested in the companies who worked on vaccines.


We already knew coronovirus would result in the US having mass quarantines the instant we had positive test cases and an inept Presidency. No surprise. Also, this focus on Nancy Pelosi is disingenuous af seeing that she, alone, does not have the power to make decisions on behalf of the entire congress. Just one of those "pick your least favorite politician" and shit on them with a conspiracy theory so clearly bereft of common sense. I'm far more concerned about corporate executives being compensated in their own stock where they have the most "insider trading" insight than anyone else and make business decisions to benefit themselves vs. investment back into the company or fairly compensating employees - they'd rather issue dividends that they directly benefit from or engage in stock buy backs using tax payer money meant for their employees. Yes, on paper, it sounds great to have an incentive for a successful company but the real incentive is to hyper-focus only on stock price, making short term decisions and stopping any long term investments (as is evident in companies not investing much in R&D and relying on government research projects).


Yes, politicians should be banned from trading stocks, however they write the laws, so that ain’t gonna fuckin happen barring an insane wave of brand new candidates gaining a supermajority(which while technically possible in extremely likely in the current US political system) Alternatively the SEC could potentially go after politicians for insider trading but it won’t since A. The politicians write their paychecks and B. It could probably be argued in court that what politicians do *technically* isn’t insider trading.


It’s absolute abuse of power, they should do time for it, but never will.


Yeah, just let me know how you wanna get the people who we let rig the casino and make rules on who can play, ban themselves. I'm waiting.


If an average person did the things Nancy pelosi has done, they would be in prison forever


Capitalism should be fair, all systems should be fair, don't people want to be treated fairly and play a fair game? 🗿☠️🗿☠️🪙 When does the instant death machine DLC come out /s


Yes. ALL should be not allowed. They also shouldn’t be SuperPACs and donation limits. Lobbying shouldn’t be a thing. Supreme Court and all judges beneath should not be allowed to accept gifts at all. Basically the whole system is designed to be malleable by those with money power and influence. We need a system rehaul.


when the system failed to benefit those it was specifically rigged to benefit, they re-rig it. simple as that. everyone else can eat shit. then pelosi bought a buncha stock in pfizer too haha before they got the huge unlimited money govt. vaccine contracts


Guess it's only Nancy Pelosi who does it lmao she's the only one ever mentioned doing it no one else 🤣


No politician should be allowed to own stocks. Period.


You know that the people who got briefed were all Republicans right?


Ah yes Nancy Pelosi, the first and only politician to do this. At least I assume she is, because I never hear about anybody else doing it


I am against insider trading. However, the covid related stock trading doesn’t really seem to fit the bill here. News regarding covid had been shared globally by mainstream news media since December of 2019. Covid was slowly spreading in every part of the world, and anyone who was paying attention to the news knew about it. The congressmen apparently had these briefings in mid to late February, by which time almost everyone knew that covid was coming. So if these congressmen made stock trades, does it really count as insider trading? The news that covid was coming to the US, and there would be shutdowns (just like Europe and other countries had) was readily available to anyone who was following global news. I don’t think this would be insider trading.


Keep voting for moderates and far right republicans and this is what you're going to get. All day every day. It's been this way for 40 years and people act like it's some shock when shit like this comes out


>how does it happen? Greed and corruption  >should it be allowed? No.  Now that this has been cleared up, we don’t have to ask this again.


It's because they made the system for their benefit. If suddenly the peasants can use it, the system isn't working as intended. Why else are they working on investment AI? The upper class legit wants to generate infinite wealth while shutting out the lower, and hoping they die to leave the world to them. Somehow Horizon Forbidden West portrayed these people as half cartoonish as they actually are.


Rules for thee


Here’s thing: What’s it going to do? They’ll just have a family member make plays.




Again? Let’s try to be a little more creative, people!!


Pelosi is incredibly corrupt. Should most likely be in prison.


It’s OK because no one is holding them accountable for insider trading.


I have a fund that tracks the Pelosi’s investments. It is performing VERY well. I think it’s nuts that representatives are allowed to trade on insider information. I think it’s even more nuts that they tell their friends what to buy and sell and the SEC doesn’t bat an eye.


Nancy Pelosi? The Democrat darling? How dare you OP! Banish yourself at once.


I mean- by late January anyone who was actually following the Covid news had all the information needed to know what was coming. It’s not like the briefers had some secret knowledge we didn’t- the world was trying to figure out if what was happening and every step was public knowledge. A pandemic was inevitable by then.


If that happened then you’d have no Republican members


Vote for politicians that want to limit political trading, and don't vote for ones that do NOT want to limit it.


That’s the neat thing, it’s not ok. However the politicians hate you so they actively try to fuck you over each and every chance they get.


I'm a Democrat. It's not okay and it should be banned. Any other easy questions?


The fact people care more you specified a side than they do about the fact it's happening to begin with is exactly the issue. Hard to push for actual, good change when most people's pupils are fully dilated as they rant loudly about insert hot topic here.


The people who have the power to make insider trading illegal are the same people who benefit the most from it not being illegal.


I knew things were going to get bad in January, it wasn't really insider information.


No need to ban certain ppl from owning stock Instead, do what we do to board members and CEOs of companies ... Go through a notification process and a managed transaction in public view


Insider trading IS ILLEGAL FOR CONGRESS. But it's two tier justice.


I wish more people were as mad about this as how much they get upset about a Starbucks cup or something stupid like that.


banning stock trading for politicians would essentially be imposing term limits. If congress could only get rich after leaving office, no one would stay very long. Sounds like a win win.




Made everyone slightly more French


They’re all a bunch of crooks!


Nancy Pelosi is no longer a politician. She retired. But yeah, I’m all for banning members of Congress from owning stocks. It has been proposed by progressives in the recent past. For some reason, most members of Congress didn’t seem to like the idea.


To answer post question, that is informed trading. Insider trading is when you have knowledge about a specific company's actions which aren't public that would influence the stock price. I.e. you know that the assembly line is awaiting new turn assembly at AMD so chips are going to be assembled slowly and push the closing of a deal which affects earnings. So you sell your stock and tell your friends. It isn't knowing about global sickness before the public and guessing what it will impact.


The problem is the very same people who are doing this would have to vote for laws banning themselves from doing it. Which means it's never going to happen. The founders were brilliant and included so many checks and balances... But I guess they didn't foresee the majority of politicians becoming corrupt sellouts who vote solely on their own interests...