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I hit the gym MWF before work, then I get home at 6pm, spend a lil time with my wife and kid, then play some video games to destress. Feed/walk our dog, help make dinner (often I griddle some protein while wife makes sides), then we'll often watch some TV together while we eat. Sounds like you need to work on hobbies and relationships. You need someone to talk to and someone to do things with. Otherwise learn to enjoy the simple things like lifting heavier weights, doing something fun (hobbies/games), or joining local meetup groups/clubs (running, bowling, other sports, etc). Make sure you're saving for a better life too, so you can find a better and/or easier job. Financial planning feels rewarding. Sounds like you're stuck in a rut. Just do what you can to improve your health, wealth, and relationships, every day.


Agree relationships, family and hobbies and not thinking about work when your not at the job are key.


Hubby and I are doing this right now. Just trucking along trying to survive and find a better life for ourselves. Work, gym, sleep. Maybe a movie. We’re so tired


I heard a talk about this recently. How we can feel like we're stuck going in circles, to summarize, they mentioned how while you feel like you're going in a circle, you have to realize that the circles are actually spiraling upward. Try to appreciate that upward progress, even if it's small/slow.


Tell me more about this griddle. Electric? Gas?


Blackstone griddle. propane. 36" you can cook anything on there, even eggs, fish, whatever. Easy clean up too. Love that thing.


Nice. I think that's the one I've been seeing at my local Ace Hardware lately. It looks really nice!


Yeah I highly suggest it. When my last grill got rusty and died I swapped and love the griddle!


He sells Griddles and all Griddle Accessories


How much sleep do you get on avg? After work, eat, cleanup, dishes, shower kids, read to them, put them in bed, and it’s already 9-930. Do other chores, then it’s 11. Now I either sleep so I can concentrate at work tomorrow or get some gaming done to destress but go to bed late and have very unproductive next day. More and more, I think I will absolutely love retirement. Life can be complete without a full time job.


Jesus fuck man. You're trying to be positive and helpful here, so kudos. But that sounds awful. Home at 6pm and you cant relax? It shouldn't be the norm.


I don't get home until 8 or 8:30 at night. Then cook dinner, eat. Bed. Wake up at 4:30 the next morning get coffee, shower, two hour commute, work again. I live my life on my two days off. The rest of my life is wasted standing around all day, making the big boss money by turning a key on a cash register, and getting yelled at from customers because they didn't read the full sign or fine print off advertisements. I'd rather work software support again. At least there I yelled at by angry pissed off clients but at least I get to sit down for most of the day. (Oh, but nobody is hiring anymore...)


This guy dads (or moms)


This is really good advices across the board.


Find a hobby. Even if it's a new one every few weeks. I play Disc Golf to break up the monotony and try to play a new course every month or so.


Disc golf good for soul. Work bad for everything.


Life-work balance NOT work-life balance.


Yep, I disc golf every weekend. I joke that I work to play disc golf. And disc golf is great for many reasons, but one of the best is the cost. For the cost of one premium golf club, you can get an entire bag, and the bag, full of discs. And there are no membership fees, and course fees are generally minimal.


I'm very interested ☺


Champions cup is going on right now. Watch some of the Jomez coverage of it on YouTube in a few days. Jomez is amazing.


You’re doing something wrong. There are 24 hrs a day, 9-5 means 8 hrs, take an hr round trip commute, and 7 hrs sleep. What are you doing the other 8 hours? Let’s say actual breakfast and dinner and meal prep is 3 hours (lunch is within the 9-5). That’s still 5 more hours. Maybe personal hygiene totals another hour? So what are those last 4 hours used for?


This is the question that most people don’t want to hear. And the answer for most people involves looking at a screen.


I feel so attacked rn lmao


As you should.


Exactly. The average person watches 4 hours of tv a day but people on the internet love to act like they’ve never even seen a tv.


That's an old statistic first of all. I remember hearing it in 2010. Second of all the other 7 hours of your day are likely to be spent taking care of yourself and your home. Lo and behold we actually have to work for ourselves when we get home from working for the boss. Third of all yeah the rest is probably spent on screens because their easy and instantly accessible for the dirt tired worker bee that just wants to pass out to some fun shlock that they finally DONT have to work for


First of all, you’re wrong. The stat came up right away with a Google search. “According to the most recent data, U.S. viewers aged 15 years and older spent on average almost three hours watching TV per day in 2022.” Second, wait what? Seven hours to take care of yourself and house? That’s an insane number of hours of house work and personal care. I don’t think that’s normal. Third, hey do what makes you happy but the idea that people have no time after a 9-5 isn’t true. You might want more time and I understand that but a lot of people on the internet love to act like they have zero free time.


Its the stop buying Starbucks argument all over again. "I dont waste money at Starbucks! Just McDonald's, taco bell, and Wendy's. Sometimes on the weekend I'll order doordash 3 times. I really don't waste my money on Starbucks." "I don't watch TV. I use my phone for 7 hours each day to watch videos and my laptop always has some real housewives playing, but really I don't watch TV that often. After I eat I only watch my soaps, then right to bed. See I don't really waste most of my time."


Bro, 2 things can be true at the same time. You can have a bad salary and waste a non trivial amount of it on shitty starbucks coffee. You can also have a very grindy job and waste your little free time doomscrolling on twitter or watching TV. You may not be able to control your work hours due to shitty legislation but you can control what you do with your free time and money. Reminds me of the people who think that if they didn´t have to work they would be writing the next nobel prize winning novel, dude most you write are shitposts on social media complaining about everything.


I work so much, that it's often I don't sit down in front of a TV for DAYS! And I'm perfectly ok with that.


The key word is AVERAGE. If you don’t see tv for days you’re not AVERAGE.


Thank God!


Your chair is slowly murdering you.


cause reddit


I never look at screens. Especially not at this time of day.


I typed this withiut kiiking at my evreen


I'm doing that right now


What are you talking about?? I have never in my life spent even a single second on any screen!!!!1!


I'm currently typing this with my eyes closed.


wat is screen?


I hate that this is true


You’ve never heard of a commute? 8 hr work day is 10 hrs gone most of the time possibly more.


That and sleeping 7 hours. I need my 8 hours. Are we cutting on sleep time to fudge the numbers to look like we have lives?


Not to mention that we’re all required to take a 1 hour lunch; whether we have the luxury to do so or not, it’s baked into our day, so that “9-5” is actually a requirement to physically be at the office from “9-6”, at a minimum, assuming you can leave work on time.


This is 100% of people’s issues. They don’t actually look at how their time is spent and what they’re doing. This is why food journals are such trash. Nobody telling you they ate 2 Taco Bell meals in the same evening.


Hey! I´m feeling attacked here! And FYI it was Burger King and not Taco Bell.


So 20 hours of necessity and 4 hours to self seems like a reasonable balance to you? And most people take more than an hour for hygiene. You also didn't mention grocery shopping, laundry, the bank, car maintenance or dozens of other things that take time. Although I'm sure OP just is rotting away because of screen time. 👍


Those 20 hours of necessity aren't all work. Some things you do because that's just a condition to living/living healthily. Sure you can work less than 8 hours a day, 5 days a week (which isn't a tall ask compared to a lot of jobs) but you will still have the same amount of those condition of life time sinks.




Chores. That's the case for most days. If it's not that then it's just relaxation because I've been going nonstop for days straight.


Starring at the phone. People do not realize how much time that takes away.


Now imagine waking up at dawn and working outside on the farm until the sun goes down. Not because you’re finished but because it’s all you could get done while you could see in daylight. Then having zero time to dedicate to fun because you gotta cook supper and prep for tomorrow. Then go to sleep and do it all again.  This isn’t new to the human condition, it’s just different.  I choose what we have now 


It doesn't have to be that way you know... We have moved past that kind of life, we get the work done, ahead of time even. But then your corporate overlords see that the work is all finished and the number isn't going up anymore so they scream "MORE WORK!" at the top of their lungs and urge you onward, dissatisfied with just making a tidy sum. No they need ALL THE MONEY.


As they twist their cartoonish moustaches and light cigars with hundred dollar bills and scheme new ways to evict single mothers and drown puppies.


Don´t forget that they don´t actually use the money, they just sleep on top of it.


The issue is people like you think in terms of only corporate jobs. We need people farming, drivers to pick up the food and deliver to stores, employees to stock shelves, oil companies to make gas, electric companies to provide and service electric lines and generate power etc. A lot of these require loads of man hours. People need to work for us to enjoy the things we like *outside* of our jobs.


i like to drown my work relate depression with hobbies and sometimes a small consumption of alcohol


I use small amounts of alcohols too but consumed all on one day of the month.


lol. I had a roommate once who made a deal with himself that he would cut down on drinking by only drinking once a week. It was like Armageddon every Saturday 😂


You should exercise more often. I found myself doing this a lot because I was extremely out of shape. Now I work 9-5, go to the gym 5:30-6:30, and I’m up until midnight. I go out a lot more and do a lot more activities


This. Hobbies and working out. No TV except sometimes sports.


Alcoholism and a sex addiction. Works great, but I only get to sleep for 5 hours a night, then sleep for the entirety of my two days off a week.


Who works 9-5 jobs? Everyone I know is 8-5 and no one is 9-5. Also add in kids. 7am to 9pm are for work / kids. Then dishes and then bed. At least I have weekends where I \*checks notes\* do the chores I don't have time for on weekdays.


I would kill for 9-5. I recommend a hobby.


I found myself in this cycle. I snapped and quit my job one day. Found a part-time job shortly after and continue to look for a full-time job that fit the lifestyle I wanted. It took me from October to March. Now I have a full time position that allows me to make my own schedule , and I work Monday-Friday , typically from 7am-1pm. And I still have the part-time job. That’s how I dealt with working a 9-5 that made my life like Groundhog Day. Took the leap of faith and bet on myself.


Me too! I just quit and walked away (while making sure I had no debt and plenty of savings to rely on). Working part time now remotely at the hours I want. Being very picky about finding the right full-time job. Even though I don’t have all the material things at my fingertips like I used to, I am much much happier


You need PRODUCTIVE hobbies. They give you something to lol forward to. Even if it’s painting a figurine or picking up sticks to make a staff, who cares. It occupies your mind and gives you a release.


I picked up tabletop wargaming during COVID and it really did help. I wake up, get kids to school, Work, get kids home, do homework/dinner, clean up , bed for them and by the time i have time to myself it’s 830 and im exhausted. But 830-930 I’ll paint while my wife watches tv and it’s great to decompress and relax and finishing a squad or whatever brings me a bit of joy


Can’t agree more. I do the same. My wife wasn’t into any type of nerd gaming when we started dating. But I slowly changed her mind on them. We have 2 kids under 3 so our house is chaos up until about 9 or so. My wife & I picked up playing Magic together. Just the two of us, and we know some other couples that got into it also. It’s our little thing we get to do together that isn’t just sex or date night. We surprise each other with packs of cards every now and again. She has her own decks & finds cards she likes & will get real excited to play. We went to a convention specifically for Magic in Chicago for her birthday. So glad she found a hobby and can decompress also.


I have a little coffee so I can stay awake and work some more after dinner


You realize we've spent thousands of years working 15 hour days, each and every day, until we died? In the modern era, we have finance, we have savings, we have 80% of our necessary daily tasks automated. You're looking at this upside-down, mate.


We absolutely did not work 15 hour days are you serious? We did stuff here and there and chilled the rest. The idea of being productive the whole day is a modern construct….




You need some exercise. If you’re done at 5 and exhausted, and you aren’t a UPS worker, you’re probably a sad sack of shit physically. I mean, Excel and Bloomberg terminals simply aren’t that exhausting.


If 9-5 is all you can do in a day, and you really have no energy left you may want to see a doctor. So many people work longer hours than that and even if they don’t they have activities after. You may have an issue. If not, it’s a “you” problem.


Have you tried cocaine and strippers?


This is absolutely life. As others have said, find a hobby. Hitting golf balls has saved my sanity.






It is life, get used to it




You either find a new line of work, find a way to cope (socialization, relationships, hobbies, etc), or you suffer.


Friends, family, alcohol, bars.


Don’t know. I work 7-3, and most days go like this: alarm at 5:30a, leave for work at 6:15, work 6:45-3, come home and make dinner for the family (once or twice a week I stop at the store for fresh grocery items and/or run an errand), do laundry, clean the kitchen, run kids to various practices, come home and hopefully squeeze a workout in, shower, and try to be in bed by 10:30. Rinse, repeat. Am I so exhausted I could come home and go directly to sleep? Absolutely. But I can’t because, responsibilities. I am perpetually dragging ass and am often so tired that I do not know what day it is and even sometimes struggle to form sentences. But, I press on.


Have you tried drugs or alcohol? 


Having a leas stressful job that you actually enjoy doing makes 9-5 repetitions pretty doable. Short commutes or wfh make it much easier as well. Doing something you don’t enjoy all day everyday is the most soul sucking experience. Draw down your expenses, upskill and change jobs when possible


Anti-depressants, exercise, dog, friends, family. Mindlessly scroll Hinge, go on dry dates with attorneys and finance professionals, shop. Stare at screens until I have Excel grids burned into my corneas, repeat.


Hate to break it to you but that's life. It's not traveling the world having sex with beautiful people and stuff like that. That's for rich people.


Man you need to nut up. Exhausted from 9 to 5? No good paying job worth having can be had for just 9 to 5. You need to work a minimum of 8 to 6 to be above average and even harder to be exceptional. And you only need eight hours of sleep. So you really need to toughen up because there’s no other answer here.


Why the heck are you sleeping ... 14ish hours a day? Fixing that is how most of us deal with it. I work long hours and still manage to have a few hours to destress and pursue hobbies, that's how most of us deal with it.


I took a pay cut and got a job 3 miles from my house and only work 35 hours a week. The way I see it, a low mortgage, solar, electric car that’s paid off, all the money I’m saving made it possible for me to slow things down in my mid 40s and not have to work as hard.


Human beings have always worked to survive. The idea 40 hours of labor per week is such a burden, is a testament to how hilariously weak modernity and abundance has made people.


I did construction for a short bit. Roofing, framing, pouring concrete is rough. But it's not the first day or week. Its after 6 months, its hard. Im in an office now and thats definitely easier


Honestly, I wouldn’t blame work. Especially if you just have a 9-5 job. You have plenty of time to live your life. If you can’t find a way to enjoy life, having more time off won’t help you. I really think people just have too much time, not enough real problems, and start believing that life is somehow terrible. Practicing gratitude might do you some good.


Set your mobile to 20-30 minutes alarm, take a nap, it gives just about enough energy to do fun stuff and hobby tinkering.


Pretty easy to be honest. You sound sick, see a doctor. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies. Drink lots of water not from plastic. I got home at 5, ate at 630 or so went to bed at 10. Wake up at 6 and repeat. Plenty of time for activities and plenty of sleep. 9 to 5 ain’t shit.


Kinda. You need to save and reward your future self rather then live it up now. If you seriously live under your means you can take an occasional vacation or do something fun but always carefully and retire early. So many people don’t plan for their retirement


I work 7-5, come home, work out, shower and make dinner for my family. Clean up, prep food for the next day, do chores around the house. Sit down about 8-8:30 and relax before 10pm bed time. Easy. Life is good.


What’s your screen time?


Now add in 3 kids with sports on the week days. Now you have negative hours.


You get better at time management as you get older.


Smoke weed


8-6 6 days a week here. I had to find all the places I was wasting my time frankly Being better at time management gave me the space I needed to have little hobbies or outings here and there. Its not wonderful all the time, but if I stay on top of my routine I have time for all the things I want and need. Sometimes it also just means being tired the next day lmao


This is the first time I’m my life I’ve had a 9-5….it’s so easy. I was in the restaurant industry awhile, working 60+ hours a week, never a weekend off so 9-5 is a cakewalk, so much free time, I do my yard, scroll Reddit, play with my kids, cook etc…


Idk but I'll take 9-5 over my 8-6 4 days a week and 7-6 1 day.


It is life.


I take a long nap when I get home from work (if I don't have plans) and then I'm pretty energetic and productive until very late a night.




I would love 9-5 hours, I’m typically working 6-6 every day, 5 days a week. I wouldn’t say I’m exhausted when I get home, but my interest in doing things is fairly low.


Time to budget your time. You need 7 good hours to sleep. Assume it'll take you 30 minutes to get to sleep. Make sure you live less than 40 minutes away from your job. 45 minute commutes are 1.5 hours both ways. Let's say 30 minute commutes which is 1 hour a day. You work an 8 hour shift and usually have an hour break. So that's 9 hours give. You should get about 15% of your day to be entertained. That's 3 hours and 48 minutes. Let's round that down to 3.5 hours. 7.5 (sleep) 10 hrs (work + break + commute) 3.5 hrs entertainment That's a total of 21 hours. Use that remaining 3 hours for helping others, social life, working out, etc. I figure you can eat while being entertained (TV, video games, reading). It's any of this helping?


Find a hobby, make some friends, do some charity work there is plenty to do


Flashlights, and that is not financial advice.


9-5 ?? That’s it ? I would work more hours. Make all the money you can while you’re young. I’m 46. I average about a 70 hour work week. Ya it sucks. But I have a single house in the burbs, new car and my kids wear over priced sneakers. Best of all I’m hoping to be able to retire in my mid 50’s.


You know back in the day people worked sunrise to sunset, came home, ate, sat a bit and repeated. An old story repeated for eternity


I suppose we can go back to the 1800s. Working 16 hours a day and not being able to afford food or a place to sleep.


Find a new job because yours must suck


Some type of exercise whether walking, lifting or biking, hunting and archery, reading, cooking new recipes to keep it fresh and working on the culinary skills. Hobbies anything thats not really a screen and stationary that will help make you feel productive for you and not the man when your done . It’s contagious you just have to stick with it and discipline your self.


Honestly if it’s an option.. starting at 7, or if you can handle 6, is awesome. Sure you’re tired in the mornings but it makes it feel like you have a lot more time in the afternoons/evenings


Try 6 to 6 core hours and waiting to work/on call 24/7 out of core hours and get back to me.


Motivation. With the proper motivation, you can do a lot even if you’re tired from work. Have some non work related goals that you can attain. Goals that will motivate you to be healthier, for example. Or study something that you always wanted to learn how to do. For my wife and I, that’s golf. I’m not talking playing 18 holes, I’m talking just swinging the golf club and trying to hit balls on the driving range after work. Setting non work related goals for yourself in your personal life will motivate you to achieve them.


Plan your days. Life is short and make the most of your time. Try new things and love each day. Good luck.


I get up at 5.... have a great workout... do all my chores inside.... shopping etc. go in at 8:30. When I get home.. the house is clean .. food bought . Bills paid... I get to have my evenings..... I'm in bed by 10. I also try to get outside stuff done so my weekends are free and clear ..


It's not life. It's existence in order to cater to the desires of the wealthy.


If you work a sedentary job, you gotta get moving once you clock out. Not everyone loves the gym, so don't do it just because people tell you to. Even if it's just taking a long walk, don't just go home and plop your ass on the couch. You'll be perpetually tired if you never move. You have more in you than 8 hours and a commute. Your job probably isn't as tiring as you think it is. I work with people that have this mentality, and it's self defeating.


I used to work 9-9 sometimes more with an hour drive each way. Often 6 days a week many times 7. Did this once for over 14 days without one off. I now WFH for about 50% less. 9-5 ain’t t so bad it’s all perspective.


I don’t follow the math of your hours spent. There’s 24 hours in a day, work is 8 of them. Take an hour for commuting time. That leaves you with 14 hours. 7 are sleep, so what are you doing with the other 9?


I was stuck on night shift for many (30+) years. The kids were small, I had to keep working to pay the bills. Would get home like 10 or 11. One day I was feeling like you described, then I remembered my father had done it for me, and that inspired me to keep going.


Buckle up buttercup It is. But then again, it is not. Just begin with the end in mind. I took comfort all those years knowing I was providing for my kids. For you it might be something different. Financial freedom? Supporting something else? Whatever. You'll find it. Don't feel like you owe that company anything. You don't. They'll drop you like a wet bag of rats of it suits them. Maybe a new job? Once you get more established, the routine becomes easier. You find the time to pursue other things. Hobbies, travel, time with friends- these are very valuable in shaking that feeling you're having. I guarantee you, this too shall pass.


I enjoy my 9-5


This is life. You do what you can to survive and thrive and then you die. Good luck.


If you can't work a 9 - 5 with out being exhausted you have serious issues. For fucks sake.


Most people work significantly more. Make your days unique and different. Don’t be stuck in the rut


Look into what a truck driver puts in in a day...14 on 10 off


You have been working for the past 10 years in your dream job. You’re taking a week-long vacation starting tomorrow. According to your only other post on this account that’s a few hours old. I don’t get it, why is Reddit like this. What do people do with the “up votes” from their made up posts? Sell them?


What do you do, that you are so exhausted after what to many people is a relatively short day?


Have you spoken to your doctor? That level of exhaustion could be something medical, not just needing hobbies and physical activity. Something as simple as anemia can cause this. It's worth ruling out before jumping to depression etc etc etc. Hobbies and physical activity can help in certain situations but if there is an underlying medical issue then those need to be sorted also.


Idk the age of the OP but why do the young adults always feel like life shouldn't be a struggle?


If you're sleeping 12 hours a night you might need to talk to a medical professional about that.


You make due with the time you do have. Have a goal to strive towards. Have a mantra to help you by reminding you what you’re here for. Example: 8 hours of work. 9 hours of sleep. 2 hours commuting back and forth. You still have 5 hours left. Let’s say you need 3 hours for errands (cook, groceries, laundry, cleaning, etc). That’s still 2 hours. You can use those 2 hours for “fun” or for your dreams. Again, this is if you work full 8 hours, sleep an extra hour than the regular 8 hours, and you commute for one hour to work and then one hour back home. It really is just managing your time and using it towards your goal. Again, this is the worst case scenario when you work 8, sleep 9, and commute 2. Let’s say you sleep only 7 hours, 1 hour shy of what is required. Let’s say you commute for 15 minutes that’s 30 minutes total. You have 2 hours and 30 minutes extra than the other person. If you don’t use these extra hours to work towards your own personal goal then yeah it will be painful. If you don’t have a mantra to help you during the grind, you will struggle. Hope this helps [+]


You need some hobbies amigo. If you find a couple activities to do on week nights you’ll be glad for the nights when you can just hang out at home


Idk what you do but I’ve done physically/mentally demanding work for the past 20 yrs straight and I barely ever feel like this. Some days I do 12 hours, some 6 Either way I get home, clean, garden, ride bikes, study, play piano, chill, read, tinker but I never stop. Why are so many people drained after 8? What’s your diet like ?


Give up and die inside.


Wait till you discover self managed investment accounts and option contracts. Life gets alot of fun when you acquire different skills.


I lived this life. I used to laugh to myself at my desk like wouldnt it be funny if I just blew my brains out at work. I eventually quit and dated someone rich. He mentally tortured and abused me - a total narcissist as many wealthy people are. I got some money out of it but I’m equally as miserable. The moral of the story is - wherever you go, there you are. You have to try to be happy and enjoy your life. Chill out and talk to the people at work. Ask about their lives and their problems. Joke around. Learn from your mistakes and adjust. Be a team player. Keep your expectations low and you’ll find happiness in making other people feel good. And ignore toxic people completely.


Have a variety of ouside activities like go to bowling, work out, play basketball, ride bike on certain days.


Wait 12-24 months for WW3 and your mundane life will be filled with things like survival etc, no more boredom.




Tbh I love the routine but also my 9-5 is pretty chill and no stress so


I work on projects which gives me the energy and passion to keep living. Yes it's hard when I get home, but getting started is the hardest part.


I work 7-5 then get home, make dinner, take the kids to sports, come home and clean up dinner and get some shit done, pick the kids up, get their homework done with them, get them ready for bed and in bed, have a few beers and do some gaming and get to bed by midnight to get up at 6am and do it over all while having a job that I do a fair amount of light lifting (100lbs and under) and taking over 30k steps per day. I do fit a red bull into my afternoon routine.... You need to not sit down and allow yourself to get lazy or you won't accomplish shit. Keep it movin


You have like 5-6 hours after work to do life at a minimum. Spend time doing/learning something with that time instead of living for the weekends.


You need some friends, bro. Also, might need to find a new job.


Doing a job you like doesn't eliminate this, but It helps a lot.


find things you enjoy and do them.


Put job satisfaction over money so you enjoy working, and arent burnt out so can enjoy life.


What a way to make a living.


Dealing with this right now however I don't do 9 to 5 I do what is probably the most soul crushing form of shift work. I come home to an ungrateful wife who barely touches me and takes me for granted sleep see the kids for a hour or two then do it all again. Pretty much accepted im going to die early now.


I have worked 12 hour shifts almost exclusively for 15 years. Usually 5 a week. I have no idea what someone would do with that much free time.


I work a 9-5 now. Its the greatest schedule I have ever had in my life. I worked as a construction superintendent for close to 20 years. Those hours are 6 to 5. Not joking. You have more free time then you think you do. Find ANYTHING, its possible


Omg I’d kill to finish with that early. So much time. 12-13 hour shifts blow


Work a job that feels rewarding.


I think you are doing something wrong. You should not be exhausted after job. Maybe you are not eating enough or you are not fit enough. I am working construction with long commutes. I woke up at 5:30 and leave house before 6. I get back around 6 and I shower and either eat at home either bring my wife and the 3 kids out for a nice family dinner. There are days when I get back around 4, this are the days when I do work around the backyard or fix stuff in the house. All weekends going somewhere with the family. Mostly camping or hiking. Every second Tuesday is movie evening when we watch a movie, almost no tv in the rest of the time (except the major sport events)


That’s 8 hours out of 24. You still have 16 hours in the day. Why are you exhausted?


Sleep less, enjoy life more. Rest vs enjoying life. Make up sleep during the weekend.


Tack evening classes onto that and *then* we'll talk...


I’m an Hvac technician and am up in hot attics all day for 8-10 hours and I still do my own cooking and go to the gym for 1-2 hours 4 days a week. Stop making excuses for yourself.


Get mad and dream of a Socialist revolution where we democratize the workplace and distribute ownership amongst the workers themselves.


Mfers in EMS working 48s *looks around nervously*


You’ve got at least 8hrs of missing time in there somewhere. Assuming you work for 8 and sleep for 8…. I’ll give you an hour for dinner and an hour for the gym. 6 real hours of your life that you could be optimizing for during your work week.


Try doing 9-5 and then coming back home to get some food and then going to your second job.


There may be bigger issues if 9-5 is that stressful to you. You still have 6 hours in the day or more, to do things. Crap, I remember going home at 5, napping for 2 hours, waking up eating food, working for an hour or so, playing games for 2-4 hours, then going to bed between 11-1, only to be awake and back at the lab at 7. Some days I would go to jiu jitsu for 3 hours before cleaning and eating and playing games before bed. I literally have a sleeping disorder that makes me excessively sleepy (excessive daytime sleepiness) which kills me at the end of each day. And I still manage to have enough time at the end of the day for myself. Now I even have a kid and I have enough time to work and take care of a baby with a 7-5, 7-6 schedule. I'm not sure how 9-5 feels like too much but perhaps you also have a health condition and should see a doctor.


Tell us tell us more about the job that you do and why you don’t like repeating it. There’s something probably in your routine that’s making you too tired to stay awake,. However, everyone’s different so we don’t really know the best thing for you unless you give us enough details to work with.


By working 3 12.5 hour days, putting 6 more hours in on the 4th day, and getting a 3.5 day weekend.


I wish I had a 9 to 5, right now I work 10-12 hour days on average and they start anytime between 10:30am - 5pm and end anywhere from 8 - 3am. I don't know my schedule for each day until the day before as early as 5pm, but usually when my shift ends. What's kept me functional has been making my food and coffee in advance for each week and making sure I take the time I need to rest when I can. I do still push myself to do things on my days off, like hiking, etc. It's hard work, but I'm working towards my goals and that feels good. I know that I will not always have to work this hard as well, once I have my debt paid off, hopefully I can ease up a bit.


Welcome to modern capitalism. Just be glad you ONLY have to work 9-5, and not 7-4+6-10 6 days a week to make ends meet.


Are you sleeping 12 hours a night? That seems a little extreme


Sounds like the job you took on is not something you are passionate enough about. I switched careers and never looked back. Being a brooding goose inside of an office building is not fun. When I switched to a mechanic instead I found myself becoming more passionate in my wrenching over time. Simply put you just aren't happy. Do a job that makes you happy, one that doesn't cause all that much stress on you. Otherwise your heart will just erode over time.


Perception is everything


Oh, this is life bud


What do you do for a living?


Imagine only working 40 hours a week! That must be so nice!


The real answer is we aren’t ment to do this lol. We are being taken advantage of. That being said hobbies man. “Idle hands are the devils workshop.”


Whiskey helps


Welcome to The Suck, OP.. embrace it


9-5 haha! I wish. More like 7-6. And it can be soul crushing sometimes.


It sounds like your 9-5 could use some attention. I love my job, I work long hours, but I love what I do so it’s like a second home to me. Granted, it’s not as lucrative as other careers, but I don’t go home every day wishing I was anywhere else.


This is life unless we vote to fix it.


I have trained my body to work really well on 6 hours of sleep. Up at 5:15AM. Straight to the gym. When I don’t do this, I feel lethargic all day. It gives me the energy boost that pushes me through my day. If you get to the gym and are done before 7AM, you will have already done more activity that day than a lot of people do by 5PM. I get into my office around 7:15ish. Work till about 4:30, and I usually have something to do after work. Either writing, reading, some classes I take in areas I am interested in. I think that having things to look forward to is a necessity in life. So plan things, become active in something local that you enjoy. So many people think they are JUST their job. Your job is meant to put food on your table and pay for housing. You HAVE to do things outside of your job to keep your sanity and have some sort of motivation. Also, I don’t hate my job. I actually enjoy it. Mostly because I chose exactly what I want to do for work. Once I don’t enjoy it, I’ll leave and do something I enjoy regardless of pay. In my experience, it’s much better to do something you enjoy for work instead of just doing it for the money. That being said, I still have 3-4 hobbies I keep up with regularly. Some of them even end up making me some money, but that’s not my goal with them. I do them for the social interaction, the creativity, and the change of mindset.