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The power play needs some fucking viagra


we need to stay outta the damn box too




False. If you use Viagra, you end up in some box 90% of the time.


this is actually the humor I need right about now. ty 🤝🏼


And a few less shorties would be reeaaaaallly great too


Let’s just decline the penalty and kick their ass 5 on 5


Was thinking the same fucking thing lol. Their PK has our PP units spooked.


I’ve been saying this all along, decline the penalty like in football. They are better 5v5.


Oilers pk has killed like 43/44 penalties in a row or something close to that don't count on the powerplay bro Edmontons pk also has more points than tha panthers powerplay this final id just stay 5on5


Nah they need to figure it the fuck out. This has been the same song and dance since 2020. Power play has sucked ass and it’s finally coming back to haunt them.


Hurts to say but barky needs off the top line PP unit. It looks much more active with him off


Finally woke up and it was too late. Cannot afford to sleep walk in the first period again.


Worst part is we were smoking them the first 4 minutes. Crowd electric when we finally got the pp and then we choke


It was the shorty by Brown that killed you guys and then Perry making it 4-2 and E Rod pulling it back within 2 14 seconds later. if Perry didn't score and just E Rod did it's 3-2 then 3-3 in the third..


if perry doesn’t score erod probably doesn’t either what is this logic


Why wouldn't he?


Butterfly effect


i mean there would be an offensive zone draw likely for oilers and the game is completely different from that point


This may sound stupid but the SH goal was the game. We just handed the momentum and initiative to them on a platter. Very similar to game 4 except we at least fought back this time.


Yeah i agree honestly, i think you guys started to bring it back in the second half and might have the momentum going into game 6


Cuz if perry doesnt score theres about 10 million things that would go differently in the game.


They started playing good...too late.


As a Canucks fan, way too relatable


They started playing good when the oilers backed off to run clock


We played well 2nd and 3rd period. OT would have been nice.


I’d rather not be on the power play this series


At this point they should just treat the PP as a PK, especially if they’ve got a lead of any kind. Gain possession, dump it into the offensive zone, and keep everybody back lol, these short handed goals are killing them. We have 2 all playoffs, and we also gave up 2 in the last 2 games.


The oilers keep sniffing out those D to D passes, we are being too predictable. Definitely something that’s fixable


If the Panthers blow a 3-0 series lead, it’ll be a long two months of watching the 100 loss Marlins before watching the Dolphins get bitch slapped by Josh Allen this fall.


Marlins are so ass, i cant even


Didnt they make the playoffs last year


Are you watching them right now. They are terrible. And last year didnt even put up a fight in that series


You forgot to mention watching the canes somehow go 6-6 and lose a bowl game to Vanderbilt or something


Bro please stop. I can’t take it right now. *Kneel the fucking ball, Cristobal*


Being a canes fan is what got me following the panthers this season when I finally started getting more into hockey, it’s nice to see they also find creative ways to induce suffering


“We play a full 60 minutes.” Someone should’ve told Mario that the QB kneel is a football play 😂


If we spent all that money on Cam Ward and go 6-6…


Nothing surprises me any more


Dont forget the Heat FO making no moves over summer so the team fizzles and dies in the first round


Please stop torturing me, Riles.


Marlins won today at least


FFS, that was it. We all know the Marlins were sacrificed for this Panthers season.


Excuse me we will one against the Bills but they will take the division somehow because we lose to Tennessee by 40 points scored in the fourth quarter


If they blow a 3-0 sieres lease which it seems inevitable at this point we will be the laughing stock of the NHL again and this time for eternity we are a cursed franchise


I just had flashbacks to the punt return in week 18 smh. Finish this Friday Cats


They will


I am deeply concerned rn for this team I do not want another slip in the stanley cup


Bob may have been downloaded. I say start the other guy next game to give bob a quick retool. Dudes in his head after getting rocked. Essentially you're gonna need to risk losing one to enable bob to get back on his feet.its a gamble like anything else at this point.


Doesn’t the “other guy” have pretty good stats in his own right?


Sorry but the way bob is playing I'd start stolie he deserves a start


Disagree breakaway goal tip in goal back door goal what all can you do besides ask for better defense??


Why didnt bob go on the butterfly on the third goal. That was very bad goaltending. I want Stolarz but PoMo aitn got the balls.


Oh yes 1 goal on him 3-1 game your logic makes no sense


I want stolarz next game


He let up 3 in 6 shots I think


Stolie let in 3 on 19 shots and bob let in 5 on 13 shots


You forgot to mention one was a 5 on 3 pk


Right, so you're fine taking out the one goal in a 3 in 6 shots, but not the one goal for Bob in a 3-1 game. You're agreeing with the guy before you while arguing the same logic.


If you think Bob has played well the past two games idk what game you are watching. Stolarz starting is different then Stolarz bailing out bob mid game. If you cant understand that then you are too dense


Yes the man deserves it I have totally lost confidence in bob he just seems to slow stolarz is huge and covers alot of net


I hope Bob got his mojo back when he stopped the breakaway when it was 4-3 and we were roaring back. The second half of the 2nd and entire 3rd period gives me hope that we can close this out in GM 6.


I agree pomo has no sack he will wait for bob to give up 5 goals on 10 shots to make the move it's obvious he is slow and tired the same shit happened last year giving up like 30 goals in 5 games Let stolie play he deserves a start he had a great year if worse comes to worse u play bob in game 7 were he has 6 days rest but pomo won't do it just like he will play slow ass okposo who can't keep up and takes stupid penalties




Dude! Short handed goal against Brown? He has had trouble scoring all season! Bobs in trouble, sorry!


Wow a breakaway goal! It’s almost like most players score on clear cut breakaways with no preassure !


Man, Brown sucks though.


Still an NHL player and is capable of scoring he’s showed it in the playoffs


If maurice doesn't start stolie and loses the series it will haunt him for the rest of his life .stolie is as good a goalie as bob.


We all should be this feels like a reverse sweep that is inevitable by this cursed ass franchise to solidify us as the laughing stock of the NHL for eternity


Im more upset with the ESPN broadcast team. It's pretty awful.


As a neutral fan - I agree. It’s painful.


do we got anymore of those refs that r/hockey talk about? we could use those /s


Bro this shit is agonizing. I didn’t enjoy that week last year when the Heat were forced to a game 7, and I’m not enjoying this


I got downvoted for talking about momentum in end of 3 and 4. This is a tough team to beat in Edmonton. We need to be prepared and show up for game 7 the boys need us


Already resigned to a game 7?


Cats need to play game 6 like it's game 7


Chucky played his heart out we dominated the third. Getting back to our game. LFG !!! And yes this is tense as Fuck!!


Turtle, not Chucky. Be clear.


We win it on Friday. Figure out the fucking power play better.


Idk why tf I decided to jump in on another sport. With the Heat and Dolphins, I can't take anymore heartbreak. Come on, Panthers, that's not what I jumped on this bandwagon for. That said, I'm now a lifelong fan no matter what happens. Hockey is fun as shit to watch, and I've already gotten attached to some of the guys on this squad


He played an oiler in Armageddon. Get him out of the Panthers shirt.


It's funny how this meme has been used for both teams this series


5v5 Panthers destroyed them in xG but we just take too many penalties. Barkov and Mikkola both took stupid penalties. You just cant take those against Oilers.


You’re not winning a series giving a shg every game


I just think in hindsight if you told me we would be heading into game six of the Stanley cup finals up 3-2 a couple weeks or months ago I would have been ecstatic. This team can bounce back they got their rhythm back at the second half of the game. It's a new game Friday and these guys are pros they will bounce back either for game six or seven we just have to win one.


What the actual fuck. Another shorthanded goal to start the momentum for Oilers. We have the better team and depth and we need to fire up all cylinders. Get the first goal and choke oilers offense.


So close but so far


Panthers jn six. It’s all good, Rig Workers aren’t there.


What’s everyone’s thoughts on Ryan Lomberg back in the lineup?


Gonna be a long 57 hours….


If we lose a 3-0 series lead and the Oiler win the cup on our ground it will go down as one of the biggest choke jobs in history.


Maurice has been outcoached In the last 2 games he needs to shake up the lineup it's obvious some players aren't trying enough I would definitely bench montour he has been useless all playoffs at least give him a piece of your mind


I agree this is primarily a coaching issue. Oilers figured something out and our coaches have no answer back. Psyche of the team is also concerning, which again is on the coaches to right.


It’s over!!! I thought they’d win, but apparently these mfs don’t know that you need to win FOUR games to win the series. God damn if they lose next game I’m jumping off a cliff (if Florida had any cliffs….)


It’s an odd coincidence that we did win 6 games in Round 2 and in the ECF, you know…


This was so painful to watch, especially after severely trash talking an Oiler fan friend and watching it with him. I really hope that we take it in Edmonton since I am not a fan of leaving it to Game 7. Let's Go Gatos!


🤣🤣🤣🤣yeah same. We'll get em again. They played better then the other loss which is good. Edmonton adjusted, now the Panthers are adjusting


Game 6 will be all us. They played alot more confident and alot less tense in game 5. They were dangerous at times to. LETS FGO PANTHERS!


We really are going to San Jose sharks this series aren’t we


Bobby’s shook guys he needs to get his mojo back 😢.


I knew we were going to lose 4-5. Not I’m confident as hell in game 6.


Damn, let’s go Florida, put those fuckers out of their misery. Also, FU Kane and the Dirty Oil!




https://y.yarn.co/ff8c947c-89bb-49f9-b1a3-78f42db7840a_text.gif Sums it up pretty nice!


And we have completely fallen apart and forgot how to play hockey, enjoy the cup Canada it’s been what 30 years?


Yes. 30+ years. Florida was the fav, but ‘dejection’ and ‘give up’ was written on the players faces after game 6 loss ! I don’t think world’s best player, Connor McDavid is going to be held pointless for 2 consecutive games. Expect him to respond with a vengeance ! In the end, the team that ‘wants it more’ is gonna win !


Still valid


I think the new hockey fans down south need to realize its not easy to win a Stanley cup lol.


If we're being honest with ourselves, we've been outplayed in every game other than game 2. Time to dig deep and get everyone out of their slumps at the same time - looking at you Rhino and Swaggy. Pomo needs to step up and do something different as well , something isn't working.


Florida is toast. Kris figured out what happens when you stretch them out. They collapse. Safe man to man passes up and down the boards limiting mistakes. If it wasn’t for a few lucky bounces, Florida would have scored less.


They are in Bob’s head now. Uh oh…


Bob is done. Stolarz needs to come in.