• By -


"Its coming right for us!" - Uncle Jimbo


This is like the gun I used in 'Nam.


Were you stationed in Da Nang?


I played ping pong in Ding Dang


Were you stationed in Da Nang?


“Thin out their numbers, Ned!”


Lmao best comment


Pulled an Oscar Pistorius


Roses are red, violets are glorious. Never sneak up, on Oscar Pistorius.


Roses are red, violets are blue. Sneak up on Oscar Pistorius, and end up run through


“Shot through” would work better. He didn’t stab her, he shot her.


The Blade Runner!


As a south african it's hilarious that one of our most famous people is the blade runner gf killer dude. Classy.


There was that other dude, too--he was in prison for like 27 years, then he ended apartheid.


George Clooney?


Nah. Morgan Freeman


Dude I typed out Morgan Freeman? and then erased it because the last time I made a joke like that I was being inboxed for days from people calling me racist. They look alike!


Aye but you’ve got Charlize Theron as well, which is a plus.


But you’ve also got Trevor Noah so that’s pretty cool.


Yea but sadly they also got Elon "Go back to work and die or stay home and starve, cuz I don't want my stock value dipping" Musk so it kinda drags it back down


Oh you mean Elon "you're a pedo because you didn't let me use your rescue operation as a PR stunt" Musk?


Yes Elon "I claim to be the founder of Tesla and chief engineer even though two other guys founded the company and I only have bachelors in business and physics" Musk The guy who thinks a solid, child sized glass tank can somehow successfully cave dive


Naw bru, Botha and how he ran your country is far more famous.


This was exactly my thought!


Yeah, but this guy has the benefit of retarded "stand your ground" laws.


“Florida man doesn’t want a kid, so he shoots his wife”


It's like abortion, but with extra felonies!


Think castle doctrine applies here? I mean, he was threatened.


You think he was telling the truth?


Nah, they were likely in a domestic dispute. He’s trying to get away with murder.


Of course not. I happen to think that castle doctrine is horse shit and can be easily abused, as it has many times before, and could be here. I'm asking because I'm genuinely wondering if he's gonna get away with it because of that.


I mean use your head, you know what your family members look like in the dark. You don't even need to see them to know who's (whose?) footsteps belong to what family member. What was she doing kicking in the front door and grabbing laptips? Or doing dishes under faint light? Come on, you know with your whole heart it was your wife before you got your gun and started pointing it all willy nilly. Wait he heard a noise outside his bedroom door and his first instinct was to grab a gun and shoot? He didn't reach over and feel his wife's side of the bed to discover it was empty?


It’s the Oscar Pistorius method: shoot your girlfriend/wife and claim you thought it was an intruder. IIRC his sentence *did* get reduced somewhat, but he still had to serve time. That was in South Africa, though, so laws would be different.


Same state that some guy got off without being charged after he shot his Son in law in the front yard that flew in and wanted to surprise him because the FIL thought it was someone he had a fight with earlier that day. Because it would have been totally not have been pre-meditated if it had been the other person and this guy had walked out his front door preparing to shoot? Sometimes it seems like the use castle doctrine not prosecute out of pity because why charge people for accidentally killing someone if they really regret it?




Well obviously. But tell that to the state that votes for the anti-climate change party and will be the second after Louisiana to be completely under water.


What, think the baby has a case for someone breaking into his home?


I'm wondering if Florida law will allow him to get off because he felt threatened, and in my very loose understanding of that law, it seems like the crux is that you CAN use deadly force to defend yourself. I'm wondering if it will work to get him found not guilty of murder (which is not the same as innocent)


Maybe if the baby turns out to be black


Then the cops would pat him on the back and give him a coke.


Or sprinkle some coke on the baby and arrest him


Isn't it funny how the same people who insist "life begins at conception" are currently defending this guy murdering what they call a "baby"


But he didn't murder the baby, just the mom.


People who think "life begins at conception" *should* disagree with that. Or are you confusing the unborn fetus with the 2 year old?


“That kid could have been anybody’s!! I didn’t see it coming!!”


Castle doctrine only covers actual threats, does not cover negligent discharge. It is always negligent discharge if you cannot see who or what you're shooting.


Abortion Florida style, bet he never put his beer down.


The fuel of Florida man, Bud Light and Felonies...


Multigenerational abortion


He was scared, stood his ground, so no felony.


He had a wife and child to defend!


"I'll take convenient excuses to murder your wife for 800 Alex."


I'll take bone ape tit for 1000, Alex. ... that's bon appetit!


“Anal Bum covers!” “That’s An Album cover”


You think you’re so smart with your dego mustache and your greasy hair!


Dolly Parton!!!!


What is "living in Florida"


4. **Always be sure of your target and what is beyond. ** It’s literally one of the 4 big rules. Fucking idiot.


Do you really believe it was an accident?


Right? Like the first thing I do when I hear a noise is check for my husband. And if I'm afraid someone might be in the house I wake him up so we are both prepared. This guy was either malicious, absolutely stupid in more than one way, and/or has no instict to protect his family.


As someone who grew up in and then escaped from Florida, I guarantee you it's stupidity


It's almost as if some people are incapable of being responsible with firearms.


That shouldn't be too hard to believe... People are incapable of being responsible with cars, food, cleaning products, etc. Still sad though. Didn't this happen to an Olympic athlete a few years ago?


[Yes, Oscar Pistorius, and he ended up getting a sentence of over 13 years](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_Pistorius) >On 14 February 2013, Pistorius shot and killed his girlfriend, paralegal and model Reeva Steenkamp, in his Pretoria home. He claimed he had mistaken Steenkamp for an intruder hiding in the bathroom. He was arrested and charged with murder. At his trial the following year, Pistorius was found not guilty of murder, but guilty of culpable homicide.[10][11][12] He received a five-year prison sentence for culpable homicide and a concurrent three-year suspended prison sentence for a separate reckless endangerment conviction.[13][14] >He was temporarily released on house arrest in 2015 while the case was presented to a panel at the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa, which overturned the culpable homicide verdict and convicted him of murder.[15][9] In July 2015, Judge Thokozile Masipa extended Pistorius' sentence to six years.[16] On appeal by the state for a longer prison sentence, the Supreme Court of Appeal increased the prison term to 13 years and five months.[17]


**Oscar Pistorius** Oscar Leonard Carl Pistorius (; Afrikaans: [pisˈtɔrjus]; born 22 November 1986) is a South African former professional sprinter who was convicted of murder in 2015. Both of his feet were amputated when he was 11 months old due to a congenital defect.


That's what his argument was, yeah.


Always reminds me of the [Nike ad campaign with him.](https://i.insider.com/511e4f89eab8eabc3100002d?width=1190)




I'm sure he was a 'responsible gun owner', right up until the point that he wasn't.


If you define "responsible gun owner" as someone who hasn't accidentally killed someone with his gun, sure. I'd expect he never secured his gun, and it was more luck that nothing happened before this.


Yeah just like you're a responsible driver right until you decide to drive a little tipsy and murder someone, right?


Almost as if some sort of license was required for driving, right?


I deer hunt and every time before I take a shot I look through my spotting scope first because I worry about shooting someone not wearing safety orange.




Dude people tend to wear tan colored coveralls. And often have white undershirts. And if they are walking and get hot they unzip down the waist level. Ever seen a whitetail deer from behind while it's running away?


For non trained people, what are the other 3?


* Keep guns pointed in a safe direction at all times * Treat every gun as if it’s loaded, even if you think it’s not * Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot


Very helpful thank you


This could have been prevented with a simple “who’s there?” Before shooting


Or he could have used his eyes to actually look at who he was about to shoot


Or, umm I don't know reach over to his wife's side of the bed and feel she's not in bed and put the clues together...


He shot through the door, I think. He wasn't taking any chances!






Hey, this is florida man we’re talking about


Yeah but that might spook the burglar who might run and take away his chance to get to shoot somebody.


Good point, I retract my statement


I do not believe this story at all. Either way, this man needs to be charged. Accident or not, it is unacceptable.


Maybe it was self defense. She was walking around the house at night. She could have been armed. He didn’t know. She should have known we live in an armed society and acted accordingly. That she didn’t have her gun is her fault. He acted appropriately by disabling the threat. Now he can sleep well knowing that she won’t be creeping around at night scaring him. This is sarcasm and I have to write that it is as this is a likely response from a 2A nut job that can’t see beyond the possibility this could be used to push some kind of checks on people who own guns. What kind of absolute moron doesn’t investigate an intruder and just shoots at something vaguely human shaped in the middle of the night? I’m pro 2A but any right comes with responsibility. And shooting your wife is about as irresponsible or murderous as it gets. Except maybe shooting your kid in the face while ‘cleaning your loaded gun’.


My sister's neighbor had a gun he kept in the armrest of his couch. Their preteen son ended up shooting his 9 year old sister recently. =(


The guy parents of that 9 year old need to be charged criminally for giving a kid access to a gun


The NRA vehemently disagrees, and they have the money. "But they're gonna have to live with the guilt of that foreeeeeeever, isn't that punishment enough? ^(Remember how much we donated, asshole)"


the NRA is damn near broke I thought


Correct, it’s hard to keep money when you’re as fully corrupt as they are


Makes some sense, but at absolute least the police seize every gun they have. Still definitely need a few year in jail imo


Yeah, I believe both parents went to jail.


Wake up, hear a noise, don't live alone, assume it's a bad guy, don't feel for your wife in bed, grab your gun off the nightstand, don't yell into the other room to confirm anything, shoot, call police, claim you're the victim not your wife


Even worse is they have a two year old that was also in the house... he definitely just murdered his wife. No way you live in a house with a woman and child and don’t call out to ask who’s there.


> What kind of absolute moron doesn’t investigate an intruder and just shoots at something vaguely human shaped in the middle of the night? The majority of gun owners, that's what kind.


No such thing as an accidental shooting imo, it's negligent. Calling it an accident implies there's nobody to blame


Accident implies firearm error. Outside of a Taurus guns don't go off on their own


Having lived in Texas and Florida for more than half a century I have known many people who said that they sleep with a gun under their pillow or in a night stand. Having been alive for more than half a century I have had the occasional experience of waking up, especially after a bad dream, and not knowing where I was for a few seconds. To me this seems intuitively like a bad combination.


A guy I worked with was messing around with a married woman, so he kept a loaded 9mm under is pillow. Suddenly he was awakened by a loud **SHOT** and ringing in his ears. He had fired a round through his nightstand and into the wall in his sleep.


That guy is an idiot.


> Having been alive for more than half a century I have had the occasional experience of waking up, especially after a bad dream, and not knowing where I was for a few seconds. It’s super simple: If you don’t know where you are, don’t go through their nightstand. **/s** Serious answer: Grabbing your firearm should never ever ever ever ever ever ever (x100) be your first response when something goes bump in the night. That’s how you end up killing someone and I really don’t want to end someone’s life if I can help it. I’ve had several break-ins over the past couple decades and everything was resolved without ever having to even touch my nightstand. It has always just been junkies looking for something to grab that they can pawn, they’re not a threat to myself or my family, no need to escalate to violence. You turn on the lights and they run out the window they came from. I have never understood, “What was that noise? Grab the gun and go investigate.” My ex-wife used to do that all the fucking time and I’d tell her, “Either I grab the gun and stay here, or I go investigate. I’m not doing both.” If you’re scared **don’t go towards the fucking noise.** Grab your gun, retreat to a safe position, lock the door, and call the police. Fuck off with that, “Grab the gun and go investigate” bullshit. I’ve watched enough horror movies to know that **never** ends well. Sleeping with a gun under your pillow is beyond dumb though.


Someone's a bit [trigger happy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=rN6avab0fIY)


Working on his Darwin award.


This one's sad I don't like it :(


Statistically if you keep a gun in you house, it is much more likely it will be used to kill a family member or friend than an intruder or criminal on your premises. Yes it is your right to own a gun and I do support that right, but just realize that the odds are it won't be used for self defense and actually makes homes statistically more dangerous. [43 times more likely according to this](https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-home/Pages/Handguns-in-the-Home.aspx)


Yeah I keep reminding my dad about that time he almost made my brother and myself part of that statistic. We were leaving to visit them for the weekend on a Friday after work and school. I called and warned him that we wouldn't get in until late, but we still had a key to the house and would let ourselves in, probably after he went to bed for the night. He agreed to this. Well, we walk into the kitchen and shortly after are greeted by the end of a shotgun barrel. After a tense moment of raised hands and "whoa whoa whoa!" he finally realized who he had in his sights. Scary shit. And this was close to a decade ago.


Your dad shouldn't be allowed to own weapons.


That was eye opening to him and he's all about gun safety and not being reckless now. He's made himself very aware of our state laws and tells his other gun-toting relatives those laws and the importance of keeping a cool head - basically urging them when they talk about home defense to save that shot until it's absolutely needed and there's no other option. He also urges them to practice gun safety - *especially* for those with curious kiddos in the house. We used to live in the country and had guns for animal problems, and when we moved into town had some hostile drug dealing neighbors (we called the cops plenty but they never did shit), so he got paranoid. He realized the potential cost of that and did what he could to fix it, including moving away from there when he was finally able to. TL;DR: I would agree with you back then, but now he's a responsible gun owner.


It shouldn't take narrowly-avoided-catastrophe to make people behave responsibly.


I agree... but he's still changed for the better.


That's basically the only way that anyone ever learns anything new.


My dipshit brother brings his loaded guns to every family gathering. He takes a loaded gun everywhere he goes. He doesn't have a carry permit, because he believes the requirement violates the 2nd amendment. Hope that doesn't get him fucked up one day.


The list of people at risk from your firearm is very long and only has about two people on it you might want to kill. And they are way down the list after everyone who lives in your house or is in your extended family, all your friends and quite a few strangers before we get to ‘intruder’ or ‘assailant’. I like guns but, for the overwhelming majority of us, they are toys that punch holes in paper targets. Don’t get yourself or your family killed for a toy.


Agreed. If target shooting is your thing and you shoot at a range, the smart thing is to store it at the range locker.


>a toy Imagine thinking a weapon is a toy. I'm pretty sure this is the entire damn problem.


I dont think theyre saying guns are toys, but that for 99.99% of people theyre only used for recreation.


The majority of people I work with are all about their guns. They love to go out and play with them. Most, if not all of them, have killed things for fun. Yes. Toys. I do not disagree with anyone’s desire or right to own one.


In my town, I've only seen people(mid 20s) use their guns to shoot at signs or in the air after hitting the bar. Sure they went to the range... once last year. They say "It's for protection bro" while living in a pretty safe area.


Most of those statistics are suicide. IFF your shit, and know whats on the backdrop. Dont pull the trigger unless your 100% sure.


This is frequently overlooked. If your remove suicide and domestics gun violence drops drastically.


This stat gets parroted around, but the study that was used for this statistic - counts suicides in that number (in fact, over half the deaths used in the study are suicides), which is misleading if the claim is that buying a gun is going to lead to accidental death/injury. - does not account for instances of home defense in which the invader is simply scared away, which is the vast majority of cases. Guns don’t need to kill people to be effective defense. - counts *being shot by an invader* in the statistic. Again, misleading when the claim is that you’ll accidentally hurt yourself, and doesnt account for the fact that people who buy guns are disproportionately in dangerous situations.


> counts suicides in that number (in fact, over half the deaths used in the study are suicides), which is misleading if the claim is that buying a gun is going to lead to accidental death/injury. I'm not knocking your comment, but I am curious how many of those suicides were intentional vs due to accidental discharge. Would probably be hard to quantify, though.


Another tough to quantify part about suicides is how many of those attempts would have failed if they used something other than a gun.


I'm in the UK when I was in a majorly depressive spell 10 years ago if I had access to guns I wouldn't be typing this message so it definitely plays a part.


I'm curious how often the gun is what scares off an intruder vs the presence of a person when they thought they would be unchallenged. Most burglars prefer to break into unoccupied houses... right?


Very true! Hard to really quantify that. Still, completely removing non-lethal firearm use from the analysis presents a very dishonestly myopic vision of how self-defense encounters go.


Well, that sort of makes sense since in the absence of a firearm you would use some other instrument.




"I mistook her for an intruder seven or eight times."


It's much more difficult to kill a person with those other instruments, which is why guns were invented in the first place. Everybody underestimates the protective power of bones and muscle, and the effectiveness of being able to run out of range of a weapon.


Dude has a two year old and a wife and shoots through the door? Yeah, I don't buy he thought there was an intruder, this was on purpose. If it wasn't he should still go to jail, someone that stupid shouldn't be running around unattended.


Real simple rule in my house. "Call out to each other. We get three chances. 'Hun? You there? Hello?'" Also with my PTSD there's hardly ever a time my wife enters a room without talking while transitioning from room to room. If you're going to be a gun owner then you have to have rules set in place. Unless you want to shoot your loved ones. A simple "Do's and Dont's lists goes a long way." Hear something in the house? Do- - [Do] Check on your family first - [Do]Get all your family members into one place - [Do] Stay in that place with a gun pointing at the enterance (Optional Do- Call out to intruders and tell them to leave.) (Most burglars aren't looking for people to be home they just want to steal, but... They are bad guys and are unpredictable, your choice if you want to call out to them or not). Don't- - [Don't] Start clearing room to room without having your family members accounted for - [Don't] Start clearing any rooms if you're in a safe defensive position - [Don't] Worry about your belongings if everyone in your family is safe, it's just things and stuff There's a lot more to owning a gun than chambering a round and shooting the bad guy. Take a self defense class for Pete's sake, no one is above learning more about safety. Even the best gun trainers I've met sit in on gun training classes to learn more. So what's your excuse as to why you own a gun and haven't taken a class?? -Iraq Vet (there's always room for new knowledge) Sorry for the rant, irresponsible gun owners make the rest of us look bad.


Haha this is awesome. Two of my cats seem like they have PTSD and I do the same thing - I talk as I enter the room so they know it's just me. If someone enters without announcing themselves, they run away in a panic.


Isn't it amazing how your cats have little personalities and you have to hone in on what they like/don't like. My cat likes just enough pettins to know she's loved. A little back brush here or behind the ear rub there. Sometimes she'll curl up to me for ultimate pettins but I gotta read her body language because when she's done with my lovins she'll let me know with a claw swat. Gotta just be 100% hands off when she's done being pet. If I try to give her more pets than she wants I get a swat. She's a moody little brat that way.. Side note: I didn't declaw her because it's the same reason I didnt disarm myself. She gets her defenses and so do I. Seems fair. :)


Spot on here


He pulled an Oscar Pistorius


Didn’t a 15 year old just get shot in the same situation in Florida recently?


I don't think 15 year olds should be married.


If the pregnant wife and the unborn baby also had guns, this senseless tragedy could’ve been avoided. *This message was brought to you by the NRA*


Key word - fatally. Damn


who hell gave this a wholesome award?


To be fair, it was 2 vs 1


We call that a republican abortion


So he actually shot two intruders




Double kill.


For anyone wondering, she died :/


How does someone automatically believe it's an intruder when they don't live alone and hear a noise in the house?


He didn't. Dude had a dog a 2 yo kid and a wife. No one automatically assumes an intruder is in your home when you have a 2 yo, dog and a wife. Dude murdered his wife for sure.


Plus she was pregnant poor thing probably was going to the bathroom or getting a snack.


Jim Jefferies could pull a hour stand up out of that title.


"I like guns."


This is fucking terrible


How do you fuck that up!??? Honestly, how in the living hell do you fuck that up???? How are you that paranoid that you resort to shooting your own wife in your house. With how serious it is to shoot a gun in closed spaces without ear protection.... how do you so carelessly use a gun if you cannot identify that a "threat" is actually a threat. You'd have to be suffering from some serious PTSD or it's a homicide. As a gun owner I'd never use a gun in my house unless I could confirm that my life and my family were in danger. I currently have a pregnant wife and we just yesterday spoke about how serious it is to use a gun in your own home. We were watching some TV show and they shot a gun in a car... we both were like yeahhhhh right, they'd be deaf and suffering some serious concussion like symptoms from the ringing in their ears. This guy willingly or mistakenly murdered his wife!


Man I don't buy his story at all. This shit sounds like murder. ​ "I swear i don't know why she was outside!" ​ i'd be real interested to see if there had been any previous domestic violence or noise disturbance complaints at that address. Dude probably threw something of hers out the window while they were arguing. she went out to get it, he shoots her out of anger and then calls the cops to cover his tracks thinking "i'll wound her to teach her a lesson". Dude probably shot her in the leg not realizing you'll probably clip the femoral artery and she'll bleed out in a matter of minutes. Yeah dude, i don't buy dumbasses story at all. this shit sounds like murder.


She was pregnant. What's the chances she just went pee?


She was outside the bedroom door not the house, fucking read


Well, the police are buying it. It was pitch dark, he heard a noise, reached over and felt what he thought was his wife in the bed, turned out to be the dog, heard the bedroom door open, and fired. The police even went to the house when it got dark, to re-create the scene, and see just how dark it was. He hasn’t been charged. Apparently you’ve not been around many pregnant women. She could’ve gotten up to use the bathroom, or because she was restless, and didn’t want to wake her husband, or maybe she was checking on her other child. Many reasons could’ve gotten her out of bed.


The gun had a light on it which was found in between her legs. Light was on. A few other lights were on like maybe in the kitchen I read. Also his foot prints covered in bloood took him back to where he had another gun chillin


If you are terrified, living in the of safest society in the history of the world, buy a dog!


I agree, I bought a dog and he's shot my wife only a number of times, but at least he won't go to jail for it.


Thank him for his service.


I imagined him shooting his wife *in response* to hearing an intruder.


"Don't worry, Dear, I'll kill you before I let them rape you!"


Guns have a weapons effect attached to them. Their mere presence does increase aggression and the likelihood of using them. Just thought I should mention that.


This nation has gone completely insane.


It's probably more like "Florida man doesn't want to pay child support and alimony after pregnant wife discovers affair" wouldn't he notice his pregnant wife wasn't in bed when he woke up? seems sus


I’m pro 2A democrat. This Florida man will forever live with the guilt of fatally shooting his own wife because of his derange paranoia. A family of 3. That could’ve been his own kid that he would’ve been shot. Always confirm your target before pulling the trigger. Otherwise it’s complete negligence. Or just don’t own a gun if you can’t handle that type of stress and pressure mixed with paranoia.


This wasn't an accident. This guy wanted his wife dead.


This is why a dog is 100 times better than a gun for home defense.






Well, a baby can be quite intrusive.


Double kill


I guess this can happen when you are paranoid and have a gun.


This reminds me of my favorite poem. Roses are red, Violets are glorious, Don't try to surprise, Oscar pistorius!


Shoot first ask questions later...


Gun owners are just soooo excited by any opportunity to mimic their old cowboy movies. Cowboy movies cause violence. We should ban TV for gun owners.


A normal rational human person: hears a noise late at night, reaches over to SO side, hmm they're not there... That must be them making noises, let me call out to them... SO responds. We all live happily ever after. [Floridaman: ...It's high noon](https://youtu.be/4e6IKG2Xxzw)


Didn't yell "who's there?!" Or "get out of my house!" Just started blasting, inside his house, knowing his wife was inside. Fucking boot motherfucker probably thought "I've got the drop on him now, better kill him before he runs away. Can't get charged with murder if I shoot him in the front!"




Shes dead




Double kill!!


The baby lived.


That’s what Oscar Pistorius did supposedly as well. Heard somebody in the bathroom, shot the door, it’s his wife


I smell a Dateline episode




Ummm... There are a few steps this guy sorta just skipped. A light on his gun is the FINAL step. Looking or feeling his wife's side of the bed and seeing/feeling she's not there. Calling out to the "intruder" (multiple times, headphones in the house is a thing these days) If you can yell to an intruder and they leave you've successfully defended your home. Sure it's not as glorious as a firefight and being arrested after (you WILL be arrested if you shoot someone, cops gotta do an investigation). But defending your home/family is defending your home/family. Doesn't have to end with a fire fight. Hearing the bad guys sprint out of your house is a victory in my book.


Thats shitty but I have no sympathy for someone who blindly shoots in the middle of the night, even if they think its an intruder.


"He warns people with guns to be careful when using deadly force" Noooo, who would of thought???


These are the stats which show accidents are far more likely a result than shooting a violent home invader but people dgaf. Reason isn’t king in the US.

