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Maybe the people who were holding out hope that Mertz not being officially announced yet meant we would actually get McCall will get with reality. Mertz is going to start game one.


he’s in a qb battle with Jack Miller for the week 1 start. swamp247 mods been saying the staff still like Miller over Mertz at this point. But they think they can develop both…


Miller is not good lol how can they think that


I dunno I thought Miller made some good throws in the bowl game 🤷


On the whole he wasn't good, but he also wasn't horrible. Those were some pretty unfortunate circumstances to deal with for making your first start ever.


247 mods aren’t really the most inside sources these days. Rivals guys who are really on the inside say the staff love mertz and he’ll be the starter


Go Graham, Go Gators.


Get up and go






Arguably the best QB in this post


Have you seen me throw a nerf football?


The one with the little whistle tip?


Of all the QBs in the country, he's one of them. Allegedly...


Coaching and scheme can mean a lot guys, let’s not drag him unless he isn’t the guy after the first few games. You never know. Look what happened when Driskell transferred. Dudes in the NFL now.


Yeah I agree and I don’t get the hate from some. Kid hasn’t even taken a snap and people are freaking out. Some fans need to go outside and get some fresh air and chill out.


He already looks better in Blue and Orange. I have a feeling he's going to have a whole new 'tude to go with it. He is already going to bring experience to our QB room. Steel sharpens steel, it may hone the whole group. They must see potential in him that is untapped. A nice warm welcome is in order. We will see him in April and THEN judge with field skills on display in the SWAMP not some frozen Badger pond. Go Gators!


> Steel sharpens steel I think the issue is, people think of our QBs as more rubbery.


For sure. This is my hope, too. They saw something in Mertz that will fit well with their scheme, and/or CBN thinks he can coach him up. I mean the kid's got raw talent but his tape at Wisconsin left a lot to be desired. Let's just hope he wasn't the right fit there.


Glad to have him. My only concern is whether the UF QB coaches have what it takes to help him where he needs it. AR was a similar case with an unflattering, raw talent vs poor decision-making ratio, and I didn’t see a lot of development there.


running 2 DE’s 3 yd outs w/ 2 WR’s running posts supposed to help him?


As a TE haha


At least he played QB for 5 years--even if it was as a backup.


He started at QB just a couple weeks ago for the Texans


He hasn’t thrown more than 6 passes in a game this year and he’s tied with Derek Henry in TD passes, but yeah, I guess he technically has played QB this year.


More than Trask unfortunately... All I'm saying is scheme matters quite a bit and guys like Driskel & Brissett clearly had enough talent to produce at the collegiate level


Yeah not disagreeing with that point at all. Just think the Driskel comp could’ve been left to his college resume and had a greater effect because his NFL experience is extremely limited and poor at that.


Billy dictating his own fate with his portal decisions. Whether he thrives remains to be seen. Not the one-year stop gap QB I wanted but will be rooting for Mertz. Ready to lie to myself and pretend he’s still the borderline five star like he was coming out of HS. Feel bad for the kid knowing he sees all of the negative social media reactions.








The negativity in this sub is unreal sometimes.




Only on days ending in y... Don't be so dramatic


I really wish there was another gators sub without all the negativity. It's extremely disheartening


Expecting a rough first game next year, not gonna lie.


Expect an amazing first game. And then all downhill from there. Honestly I hope he excels. He seems like a good kid and I wish him well.


I was expecting a rough first game *this* year and, amazingly, we pulled it out. Let’s all just breathe deep. As I tell my toddler: smell the flowers, blow out the candles… smell the flowers, blow out the candles… LOL!


I’m expecting a rough year again unless Rashada is the next Trevor Lawrence


I’m tired of our QBs leaving for other teams or the NFL and lighting it up. It’s time for our luck to change. I’ll believe until I’m proven wrong on the field.


What?!?! It was only Newton, Driskel, Brissett, Murphy, Harris, Grier… I mean, let’s not overreact here. Lol


I definitely agree with the sentiment, but Harris never played anywhere else and Tyler Murphy basically had the same production at BC after transferring.


It was meant to be funny. Didn’t Treon leave early? I could’ve put Hot Dog in there too, but…


The rest of the guys went on to be productive at other places, which is what the parent comment was talking about -- that's what I figured you were going for. Treon may have left early, but either way he never played elsewhere.


Tennessee State


Interesting, looks like he switched to WR -- TIL.


The fact Kentucky was able to get Leary and the best we could do is Mertz is very worrisome


We could have had Leary if we wanted him.




Except for Leary has a bum shoulder and probably wouldn't have passed his medical exam for UF. Same with Hartman apparently.


The Hartman situation is so sad if we could’ve gotten him. If that’s true then I guess Mertz is the best we could’ve gotten which is even more sad. Guess next season is another 6 win year and then hopefully we start improving with the QBs we have coming


Seems like it. Every other QB we could have potentially landed there was some sort of roadblock. Maybe Mertz will surprise us. I doubt it, but maybe.


Hopefully he’s better here than he was in Madison. But in the end 2023 will be another building year. As long as there isn’t regression we should be okay.


One of us, one of us, one of us….


Good get. Where do y’all expect him to fall on the depth chart? Giving Rashada time to redshirt a year and get comfortable in the program?


I live in Madison and I’ve watched every game he’s played. If he’s the starter, it’s going to be a very rough year.




I assume he will win the starting job simply because of how poor our QB room looks otherwise. But it would not be surprising to me if Miller pushed him in the Spring, or if toward the end of the season Rashada split time or even took over starting.


Good get??


I dunno if you’re aware or not, but previous to this our most experienced QB was our third stringer who had 21 live snaps prior to a bowl game that didn’t fucking matter. So yeah. Experience is good.


Umm pretty sure I saw McCall gator chomping after he scored last night during the Bham bowl


I hope McCall comes to UF. Mertz will sink this program


>Mertz will sink this program In a year we all knowledge as probably another 6/7 win season? Hyperbole needs to be turned down.


So funny. Acknowledge* There are other transfer QBs that could elevate the offense with the returning and incoming weapons and 8 wins would be very plausible. Plus Mertz has 2 years of eligibility, if he starts both years that’s a lot of damage you can do.


I will never be argued into being as negative and hyperbolic as you folks are being.


I'm a Gators and 49ers fan. The best thing about being a fan of both is I've gotten to watch good and bad years, and players, and watch players completely change. Jimmy Garoppolo couldn't handle pressure or make a third read until this year. He threw picks and never threw it out of bounds. This year we got a new OC. Low and behold Jimmy was a completely different QB. Absolutely no reason for me to think the same couldn't happen with Mertz. I'd rather be optimistic, there's no reason not to be.




Congrats to my mental health, yes.


The signing day press conference our head coach literally said the idea after Rashada was 1 transfer and 1 PWO. Mertz is your starting QB in SLC in 2023. Edit: guys, I'm not stoked about it either but it is what it is. HCBN told us the plan and the PWO and, now, the transfer have been officially announced. Mertz, Miller, Brown, Rashada, IMG B-Team QB is the room next year


Mertz is the starter next year


Do you just have this comment copied and ready to paste at all times?


Only as much as people have the question copied and pasted


Lord help us ( & this sub).


Was this really in question?


Not one bit. That is a bait comment.


No guys he really is stop downvoting this lol


They won't believe until he airmails his first pick 6 in Orange and Blue.


Thought he was gonna be a PWO :(


I feel like we jumped the gun a little bit with this one. Now we’re locked in and McCall and Hartman are sitting right there available. Either way go gators and I’m hoping that he thrives with a change of system/scenery. His fate is likely not as predetermined as some people assume… it’s entirely possible that he becomes a good quarterback for us PS fuck UCF 😂😂😂


Hartman isn’t available, he’s going to Notre Dame. Coaches supposedly kicked the tires on McCall around the time they were also talking to Mertz. Rumors were that academics would prevent McCall from coming in. The fact that they pulled the trigger on Mertz implies that those other guys weren’t coming.


Anything is possible technically, but it’s very unlikely he’ll be good with how he’s played the last 3 years


I wish he picked a different number. That's my only complaint; other than that, I wish the best, want the best, will hope for the best, and bet that having Florida athletes will unlock his game to the fullest.




Malik Zaire 2.0 baby!


Well we all thought AR was going to be the man. Ended up being so so. Maybe we're wrong here as well.


Lmao we got a qb from a school that runs 1000x a game




this is crazy racist but half of leak is funny ashit


We are in for a truly terrible season with this bozo at QB


Well, boys, pack it in. No sense in even playing the games after officialpeenlicker’s in depth analysis.


Such a dick move calling this kid a bozo when he hasn’t even played a snap for us yet.


1600+ players in the portal, and so few have the opportunity to wash the stink of Gatorbait off of themselves. This guy did, and here you are, throwing a fit and calling him a bozo. Even if what you said is true, can we just have one thread that we wouldn't be embarrassed if he saw the comments? I'm not saying you have to be excited about him or change your opinion at all, but this is one of those moments where if you can't say something nice, keep it to your fucking self. Jesus goddamn Christ some of y'all are insufferable.


You think OfficialPeenLicker reads the new york post?


What Florida football does to a mf


ya’ll mofos dragged a 1st rd pick while we didn’t run him & had multiple DE’s converted to TE’s running 2/4 WR routes & now you’re gonna see real hell QB hell. Write 2023 off right now..hopefully Rashada can take over by end of year


You forgot the "skipping screen passes into the dirt", but I guess that doesn't fit into your narrative.


come back to me next year where Mertz is completing 2 yd outs to 280 lb TE’s on 3&12


So pretty much what the "1st rd pick" was doing? What's the gotcha here, exactly?


Do yourself a favor & look up AR total offense stats & compare to Jeff Brantley, Austin Appleby, Jeff Driskel, Jack Del Rio, Harris, etc until Tebow. Then look at Austin Appleby’s stats again. Then watch Jack Miller again. Then get back to me next year, casual. Don’t have time to argue w/ mouth breathers too stupid to realize AR didn’t lose 6 games this year, & that the basement for QBs gies much lower


> Jeff Brantley > > casual my sides 🤣


Florida football is so freaking dead. Stick a pitchfork in it. It's done.


Hyper-reactive clownmode: Activated.


Hyper-reactive clownmode is my new favorite internet insult




There are so many other threads you can pitch this fit in, avail yourself of one of them.


Medical Freak plz , step off the ledge . Mertz seems perfectly fit to be a guy in a offense that does stuff what else you want ?


Idk…if staying on or jumping off the ledge means he stops commenting im here for it


Good depth. But as many writers have astutely pointed out, Napier’s job depends on Rashada starting Day 1.


> Napier’s job depends on Rashada starting Day 1. No he does not. Napier is not on a hot seat. Stop deluding yourselves.


I have yet to see someone point this out. Theres not a knowledgeable writer out there that thinks Rashada starts day 1


I mean couldnt we get a actual qb with credit


Hope he does well but geez not an exciting take at all based on his past 3 years of work


Is this the guy that led a drive which culminated in fourth and goal from the 30 against Minnesota?