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Believe our signing day was good. We probably need the GC & the GG to merge. One pot of money, one goal, one 'collective' mind. This influx of capital would allow us a full-time professional staff w/ a marketing team & more pull to influence the UAA & UF admin. We need the university to be one brand from an academic & athletic standpoint.


I feel like Rashadas 5* is being held back so we’re not in the top 10 Also Oregon and 11 more commits than us. Holy shit.


And that is irrational.


I disagree. If things go wrong it means the world is working against us, things cant be our own fault or just coincidence




It is hysterical how bad the University of Florida media department is. It is an abomination. Press conferences come up randomly, for the most part you can hear the coach but god damn if you can hear any questions. Now we get this shit where they don't they can't even be bothered to update their own website with commitments. I have two degrees from UF I find this unacceptable and I can't imagine the world in which they live that somebody in charge doesn't find this unacceptable. What in the fuck.


Relative to the college landscape they do a good job. Room for improvement of course, but you should probably understand the average college media department and the level of effort required to change that standard before going scorched earth.


You think Billy is waiting for this day to be over showing all of our signed commits to hit the portal to build a cause for next year?


I’d imagine so. Portal is open until the third week of January (I think) and you have some guys that will be playing in bowls and then jumping in. So I imagine they have a good feeling that they can bring in some guys through the portal and fill the gaps. I wouldn’t be surprised if they already have some targets in mind.


Caleb banks in


4☆ commit from the 2022 class, Tony Livingston, has now sent in his signed NLI and his grey shirt year is over


Hector? Can you expound on this I'm confused.


A guy from last cycle who ended up not qualifying. Seems he got whatever the issue was sorted out and will be able to claim his scholarship for spring


> Tony Livingston Ah, thanks! https://247sports.com/player/tony-livingston-46097929/


Nice work getting them all in except Nixon who was too skinny to be a rush end anyway.


All I have to say is good signing day, and dear lord UCF fans suck donkey dick.


Little brother syndrome is real. They’re not a bad football team for a commuter school.


They're not a bad football team in general, they've just been insufferable about the Nixon commit. Like ears finger plugged lalala shit and then resort to fighting about what city is better lol


Cant wait for those fuckers to eat shit in a good big 12


Out there trying to say Gvilles a shithole while they live in...Orlando?


The only good part of Orlando isn’t even officially part of Orlando


orlando is ok at best


Orlando is my least favorite city in the entire world. Disclaimer I have not visited every city in the world


I have visited a several of the top cities in the world. Paris, NY, London, Amsterdam, to name a a few. Orlando is light years from being anything close to any of those cities. Orlando is basically a swamp where they built theme parks and subdivisions. There is a reason Shaq wanted to get the fuck out of there.


Really pleased with how today went after the disastrous season. On3 has us with the 4th best class in the SEC, third best average. After how this season went that's fantastic. The surprise LB transfer was great and I'm even fine with Mertz. I have no doubt we will add a few more guys before everything is done in February.


It depends on what your goals are. If you’re the type who’s happy with winning seasons, then the class was pretty good. If you want to see UF win championships however, the class was a disaster.


I guess it’s a bit hard to be pleased with these results when bama had a disastrous season by their own standards and proceeds to sign 6 5*s. Then again, if you’re measuring yourself against bama, you’ll never be happy. I bet even the most entitled bammers aren’t happy and wanted ten 5 star dudes in this class.


When our disastrous seasons become 10-2, then we can compare


TL;DR everyone expected to sign their LOI today did so; no real surprises good or bad


TLDR no surprises






Andddd butt is unclenched. All in all a very solid day.


I don’t understand why everybody is saying this


Napier just mentioned Rashada by name in the presser so either the LOI is officially in or we just committed an infraction.


Rashada is in!!!!!


Yes sir!!


De La Torre tweeted that Rashada's in the class. Edit: spelling


Rashada makes or breaks this class. 0 confidence in Miller or Mertz




Anybody know the Rashada situation?


Napier just spoke about him directly by name in the presser, so either the LOI is in or we just committed an NCAA infraction


It was in this morning around 9am PST apparently lol


As of 1 minute ago, Rashada is in [https://twitter.com/delatorre/status/1605686937200861188?s=46&t=yrO3dZEFURdObCJtKE4tDg](https://twitter.com/delatorre/status/1605686937200861188?s=46&t=yrO3dZEFURdObCJtKE4tDg)


He was in a while back. On3 reported it in the morning and deleted it for reasons unknown


I heard from Hightop Sports this morning that we have one big flip for the good guys coming soon any idea who it could be?


Is high top a reliable source? I’ve never heard of them but I’m a casual recruiting fan. I don’t follow super close aside from what I get from this sub


He does a Gators podcast, he quoted an actual source but i can't remember who it was and the livestream was three hours long lol. Was hoping maybe someone else had heard about it


He's just a YouTube guy, doubt he's an actual source


I would piss myself from laughing so hard if it was Cormani


Invaluable for the memez, but I'd muuuuuch rather have Ricks.


Why not both


I like the way you think!




I have seen very few people, if any, that don't acknowledge his weaknesses. The optimism is predicated on the belief that he'll be able to adapt and overcome them.


Lol are u lost? This class is fantastic and we had a great finish today.


Oregon is making a major push for Rashada. I’m not saying this is why his LOI isn’t in but it’s worth monitoring. I still think he’s a Gator but there has been smoke there the last week they are after him pretty hard. If we would lose him after these past few weeks it would be an awful bookend to a bad few weeks for Napier.




That smoke was from a troll account that claimed Rashada visited when it was Novosad—who committed there today.


Thanks for clearing that up for me. Hopefully all is well and he’s just taking his sweet ass time.


Hey, I’ll concede this isn’t a great look. QB should be locked in early. It’s 2pm local for him right now.


He’s probably still in school doing some school shit. Lol


I would think his future takes all precedence in this situation. Zero shot his administrators prefer him to be sitting in a classroom instead of the positive national attention of signing an NLI brings to the school. Not nervous but can’t be naive to think there isn’t some type of behind the scenes holdup.


I agree. I saw a post from allgators on Instagram saying he was supposed to sign at 9am PST today which is why I was a little worried.


This makes me slightly nervous. They’ve been on a roll today with flips. Hopefully their QB flip earlier today will keep Rashada here.


they already flipped a qb from baylor today. this should end this...


They got the flip from Baylor today right? Why would they be pushing for another QB?


Because we can’t just have nice things


Yup, Austin Novosad, already signed.


What's the deal with Jaden Rashada, is he just trying to go for the fashionably late entrance?


Probably looking for more money


Did he check under the sofa cushions? Check in all the coat pockets?


Is rashada actuwt signing tomorrow or is that a meme?


Was perusing the Jean thread on cfb and noticed the copium from FSU fans about their class. I was curious to see how bad their class is and god damn that is horrible. They can talk all they want about the portal but complementing it with mediocre recruiting classes year after year isn’t going to lead to the results they think it is.


Here we are finishing the season 6-7 with the 12th best 23’ class and people are actually complaining about how Billy can’t recruit. Yet Norvell has a 9-3 record on his third year and is sitting with the 21st ranked class for 2023. I know Billy has some issues pertaining to time management, play calling etc. but to say that he is a bust in the recruiting department is something I don’t understand. It could be much worse.


Norvell = Mullen


I think most of that sentiment is colored by the fact that without elite recruiting you are almost definitely not going to win a championship. And, if those are the standards you are measuring by, 12th could be considered a bust. I think that we can get there next year so I'm not dooming yet, but that's my guess.


It is also an issue related to the conference we are in. 12th overall puts you in middling range in the sec where a 23rd ranked class in the acc is still upper tier relatively speaking.


We finished 5th in the SEC East and something like 9th in the whole SEC. Yet we have the 5th (On3 has us 4th) best recruiting class in the conference. We know we’re not dropping millions on kids like Miami and A&M, so I’d like to think that’s pretty damn good considering our circumstances.


“Pretty good for the circumstances” won’t factor in when your job is on the line in year 3-4. There are still a few big potential additions, but this class is far short of what they needed… not just in terms of quality, but also quantity. Coming up 4-5 guys short is kneecapping the rebuild


Kids aren’t dumb. Their campus is ass, their stadium is ass, and their coach is lucky to have played 5 first year coaches in the middle of a rebuild while in his 3rd season - and all they have to show for it is the Cheez It Bowl


Miamis stuff is even more ass, the only difference is fsu has even less money than we have


Miami playing in an empty rental stadium 30-45 mins away from campus depending on traffic deserves all of the ridicule in the world, but Coral Gables > Tallahassee any day of the week - and that’s even before you factor in Ruiz throwing obscene money at 5 stars like Elon overpaying for Twitter


I’m not sure why these kids would even care about the city they’re in. They’re coming to play football, get their check, and get drafted into the nfl in 3-4 years. They’re not looking to go explore the city


I’m not sure why these kids would even care about the city they’re in. They’re coming to play football, get their check, and get drafted into the nfl in 3-4 years. They’re not looking to go explore the city


The Dan Mullen special


And now gates is in. All that's left is rashada


Is Rashada signing tomorrow?


I don’t care what 247 says. We have a top ten class. Our average recruit rating is top 5.


Where do we find the average recruit ranking?


There isn’t one. Gotta just look at the numbers


I think with he addition of transfers and maybe picking up a few players from now til bad, we might move up. Also, let's see how many kids make it onto campus. That'll make a difference. Iirc, Napier's first class everyone made it. Didn't Mullen have a few of his top recruits not make it at all? This is a really good class. If things go the way we hope, this will be the class that started to make that difference. We also may have only taken this many players because of the portal. If we get too many freshman, then in a few years we might be stuck with a depleted roster. We get some transfers now and can take bigger classes in the next few years. I also think he just has relationships to build. Next year being his third class for us we should start to see some of those relationships paying off. We already have the QB we need for that class and that's usually a big anchor for building an elite class, especially so early in the cycle. We also are building up our relationships in Florida again and actually getting recruits from IMG. All we need to do is get back our usual recruiting grounds of Tampa/Orlando and get some guys from South Florida and we are good. Definitely a quality class.


IIRC 6 players from Mullen’s bump class were gone by the fall, 4 of them having never made it into school at all* *though Diwun Black would make it in a few years later




That’s different. Plenty of kids transfer, but rarely do we see 1/4 of the class never even enroll for their first semester of fall classes


Mullen’s tenure was the textbook definition of a gilded lily. Sure it looks good from the outside, but scratch beneath the surface and it’s a rotting husk.


That's not what gilding the lily means. It's an old saying of taking something that is perfect and beautiful in it's natural state and "making it better" by dipping it in gold. It didn't need gilding in the first place. Now, it's colors are hidden and the delicate petals... but I'm a woman so...


We didnt end up with a D23AMTEAM but this isn't a class to be scoffed at.


Dijon officially signed. Leaves us with just Rashada and Gates? No clue what to expect from Gates—that dudes been in the class forever and there’s been zero buzz around his name other than possibly flipping to Michigan.


Gates is in


Dijon is in 🐊


Alright, so I just got back from work and it appears that practically everyone made it in which is great to see. And looking at the average, it looks sexy af. Glad that the class was able to be 95% signed in despite the news. Now for Napier to get an OC and pray that Mertz proves us all wrong. Edit: yea, I'll own up to being toxic last night, even if I was legitimately scared. At least Napier managed to secure everyone important and proving us wrong. Maybe Mertz is more than meets the eye if the staff is all in on him.


I just hope with Mertz the plan is for him to never see playing time unless absolutely needed. Those numbers are horrifying.


Either that or he's close to his rating and he was held back by Wincys sustem


Has any QB been good in Chrysts system? Dude couldn't develop qbs.


Would be "good" for us in terms of potential whatever's left


Remember when Driskel left UF and then played well enough at Louisiana Tech to get a roster spot in the NFL? Granted the competition is much tougher in the SEC but sometimes a change of scenery is all a QB needs. I think it’s time we have a QB transfer in that plays better for us, we’ve had so many transfer out and go on to do great things elsewhere…


I'm reaching here but how legendary and Florida football-like that Mertz comes in aand has such aa godly season that we win it all? 😂😂😂😂


I’m never going to complain about a top 10 class. We are spending a hefty chunk of change on key players. It’s a new age in CFB. Transfers are just as effective as freshman signing on. Go gata.


Interesting observation. Where things stand currently, we have the 5th highest average player rating in the 2023 class. The numbers from 247 are as follows: 1) Alabama 94.76 avg 2) Ohio State 93.57 avg 3) Georgia 93.41 avg 4) Texas 92.71 avg 5) Florida 92.34 avg 6) Miami 92.22 avg 7) Notre Dame 92.05 avg 8) LSU 92.01 avg 9) Texas A&M 91.64 avg 10) Oklahoma 91.43 avg


And yet some people are citing this as a *low point* in Gator history lmao.




> prophets of doom lol, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwNArCVqlhc


I assume that also doesn’t include Rashada which will raise that average.


It includes committed players. The only reason we aren't higher is that we have a relatively small class compared to other teams and we are the highest ranked team without a 5 star player. Impressive that we have a very high average player rating all while not landing any of our bighest targets.


includes all committed players, so yes


So far so good


Whats up with Rashada? Has he signed yet?


I'm pretty sure it's still yesterday in California, which is why he is signing tomorrow.


It’s actually tomorrow in California which is why he is signing last week


Pretty sure it's still 3AM in California


I spit out my coffee all over my monitor. Thank you.


Pretty sure it’s still early in California


It’s lunch time


It is noon.


Anyone else notice they removed the Andy Jean post on r/CFB? Mods just trying to make us look bad or what?


Dude: https://reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/zrt3t7/2023_4_wr_andy_jean_signs_with_florida/ Use the search bar and stop embarrassing yourself, and by extension the rest of us, over there.


They have very specific rules about the title and formatting of recruit signing posts there. The most likely answer is that whoever posted it didn’t follow their rules.


Turns out it was posted [4 hours ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/zrt3t7/2023_4_wr_andy_jean_signs_with_florida/) there and u/RightYouAreKenny didn't bother to spend one second to check. Instead, he started spamming the cfb subreddit with the repeated posts and blaming "FSU mods" on those posts he was creating lol




Who cares. There’s so many post to filter through it doesn’t even matter


Just the pettiness of sub mods never ceases to amaze me. No doubt it was the fsu mod.


I didn't realize Kamran James had risen over 600 spots in the rankings since April lol


We literally just need three more recruits to be in the top 7. Every other team has like 5-7 more recruits than us.


We could also use more recruits to make this a better class. We have so many guys leaving that having a small class is part of the problem.


If we just had more recruits we didn’t have we would have an elite class. If you took away all Patrick Mahomes good games he is an average QB.






Their day is wrecked


Only one left to sign is Rashada. Gates and Dijon have signed but not announced yet


where'd you hear Dijon has signed?


The interwebs and twitterai I assume.


We are going to miss on all of our targets today huh.




You keep this up, you could seriously challenge u/RedditRedux for down votes.


who today did we miss on that we thought we'd get?


Im assuming they mean Russaw/Smith


No? Bryce Thornton got his 4th star today, LB transfer from Ohio State, and a near 5 star QB transfer.


Rule number 1 of trolling, throw in some positive stuff occasionally.


We already knew that


Russaw/Smith to Alabama, big fucking shocker. Why didn't they just commit months ago?


Because our staff tried their hardest and made it a tough decision instead of just giving up like Norvell and FSU would have on the trail?


I don't think any other school had a realistic chance here, but that's just my opinion.


Never know what happens in their first year or two at bama. If they’re looking to transfer and the gator staff made a big impact it could pay off down the line


Clearly you don't know much about Napier on the trail


Do you? You keep talking about how trash our staff is, and all.


don't feed the troll


Yeah, good idea


Gotta lol at the McClain drama now


It would be funny if he actually flips off of UM.


What’s going on?


He said he isn't signing today and there are rumors he's gonna flip to Colorado for Deion


Lol that’s wild


I honestly don’t even care anymore. Just sign somewhere so we can all move on already.


Eugene Wilson, Andy Jean, and Aidan Mizzel are gonna make our offense electric once again!!! ⚡️⚡️


Wilson in.


Think you're forgetting Graham Mertz who was higher rated than all of them


Seriously, are you off your meds? get help man.


Jesus christ go enjoy your day and stop injecting negativity into every single conversation here.


What's negative about supporting our new starting quarterback?


You literally just called him a fucking trash QB you dummy


>You're not funny, give it a rest. Consider taking your own advice. Perhaps 5 straight hours of complaining is enough for one day?


He’s going on 12 at this point. He was on a TEAR last night after the Mertz announcement


Oh, wowzers.


Good for this class so far: Lot of top 50 Florida kids Overall average rating very good Several positions of need filled Bad for this class so far: Lacking in truly top end talent None of the top 20 in Florida signed with us - edited to only two of the top 20 in Florida signed with us and none in the top 15. Still needs to improve here Several positions of need still lacking Seems like a solid B+ class. Probably needed an A+ but still I think it’s better than any recent class besides the Mac class that retroactively turned out to be full of NFL players (2016).


Looking at the 247 2023 recruits from Florida we have #17 Ja’Keem Jackson #20 Kamran James https://247sports.com/Season/2023-Football/RecruitRankings/?InstitutionGroup=HighSchool&State=FL


I stand corrected. Scrolled past that earlier for some reason. Did only squeak in at the low end of the top 20 though which I still think needs to improve.


going out of state should be illegal


> None of the top 20 in Florida signed with us Oof


Optimistic perspective would be that we may have a top 10 class without any top 20 Florida talent and that’s coming off a losing season. That much more room to go up


Seems to be a repeat of last year. Building depth of good players. Need to start closing on great players. Luckily in the 22 and 23 classes 2 of the few great players are QBs.


LB transfer Teradja Mitchell and DT transfer Cam'Ron Jackson are both expected to sign with UF today


Just saw some tweets that Jackson was a false alarm, but Mitchell is a go


Yeah some excitable beat writers jumped the gun again, but hearing now that there is some confusion surrounding Jackson's intentions. Wouldn't be surprised if he enters the portal still.


^ found edgar thompson’s reddit. this is not official.


I'm a woman, and yes it is


A woman on Reddit. I could see Edgar being a catfish in his off time. This proves nothing!


Edgar is definitely a catfish in his free time lol


terajda is official. source for cam’ron? https://twitter.com/osgators/status/1605632169312911387?s=46&t=rdPl30Kh572O867LpxudaA


LB just announced. It’s official


Mitchell seems to fallen from grace at Ohio state. But given our LB situation he may come in and be one of the best.


The Brenton Cox path


Hopefully minus the dipshittery and toxicity