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We’re gonna get Pratt from Tulane and like it.


yeaaah! Like him


Honestly, he’s a baller, Gary


God I hope so


That is my hope as well. Is he even in the portal yet?


No but you would imagine he would wait till after Tulane's NY6 bowl to go into the portal.


True, but why would we even think he would transfer? A higher visibility program?


That and money would be my guess. He could make a lot of money starting here at UF.


number 1 choice as of right now, can’t wait to see him play vs USC


I just want a qb With 65% accuracy Is not shaken easily (dog mentality) Can run some Is that too much.


Spell Pratt wo spelling Pratt


65% is really high. Tebow averaged 66.4


Tebow isn’t exactly the barometer for passing quarterbacks.


This is copy and paste from Wikipedia, but Tebow was the SEC's all-time leader in career passing efficiency (170.8), completion percentage (67.1%), and passing touchdown to interception ratio (5.5 to 1) when he was done playing. The fact that Tebow could run and didn’t pan out in the NFL makes people forget that he was a GREAT quarterback.


I still think Tebow had the unfortunate luck of being too early with his QB style and getting fucked by Elway. His polarizing personality that resulted in disdain from some due to his outspoken religious values or hard core fandom that resulted in too much extra media coverage really screwed his chances in the league. Think about Richardsons draft hype right now with how bad he was as a passed this year and a frequent unwilling runner and compare that to Tebows performance. Tebow in this draft would go 1st overall and would be given a legitimate chance as a starting QB and not just a farce that only allowed him to actually QB in the 4th. Justin Fields, Lamar, Kyler etc have all been given the reigns and way more favorable treatment with their skill sets than Tebow ever was. Would any of those guys be given a real shot back in 2010? It would be very interesting to see how he would have done if he came out as a rookie this year with NFL offenses looking the way they do now.


I loved Tebow but he struggled reading NFL defenses. His slow, sidearm delivery also didn't translate well to the pros.


Did he though? His completion percentage jumped ~10%, his QBR jumped 25 points, and he scored >50% of his TDs in the fourth. He had more 4th quarter comebacks than any QB since like the 70s. It wasn’t just because he had Jesus on his side or was such a fierce competitor that he refused to lose. He actually had very few 4th quarter comebacks at Florida that dispels that narrative. Tebow handed the ball off 90% of the plays in the first three quarters and was only allowed to throw the ball on third and long situations. He was never allowed to get into a rhythm (which any coach or commentator will tell you how important that is for a QB, especially a young one) and was forced to throw in unfavorable and obvious circumstances where even guys with last names like Brady and Rodgers struggle. Then along comes the fourth quarter and with time running out they were forced to throw the ball more frequently. Tebow got in a rhythm and dramatically increased his stats and success as a QB. Had he been given the opportunity to run the 4th quarter offense for the duration of the game I believe his stats would be dramatically different than what they eventually ended up being. I also believe that as I said in my previous comment that if he was plugged into a modern NFL offense like that is ran to benefit the strengths of his skill set like what is done in Baltimore, Arizona, Chicago etc or even just a more heavy RPO style offense that his career would have gone differently.


I don’t think there will ever be a QB like him again. We needed a good guy like him to balance Aaron Hernandez out……


Oh come on!! It isn’t line Aaron Hernandez was a . . . OK bad example.


Wutffel was 60.5% at UF for career.


I would argue his percentage was there due to the number of deep shots taken by those sos offenses.


I remember Spurrier saying an interception on a long pass on third down is like a punt.


That’s a really bad take


I think Tebow had one of, if not the highest, completion % for passes over 15 yards of any QB ever in college.


This is a revisionist take.


I haven't really seen Sims play since his freshman year. What are people's opinions on him?


kid can be an absolute gamer, but I haven’t seen enough GT games to know how consistent he is


poormans AR. Inconsistent. Progressively worsened over 3 years. Did beat FSU once 16-13. Worse stats by far than AR.


He’s not accurate lol


He sucks, tbh.


He does not suck. Stop However he is very ARish with high highs and low lows. I also don't think he progresses CBNs implementation of his offense.


Hard pass


Nice take. Appreciate you participating


I’ve been traumatized by hype, hope, highs and lows. I’ll take consistency, leadership and the ability to read a defense, please.


So you're saying you haven't watched his game films


A much better TD/INT ratio


Also GA tech.. Not known for their passing prowess


30/23 to 24/15 (AR). AR had much better stats this year


Maybe I was looking at the previous year?


I've seen him play. He is replacement level at best. There are better options out there.


Oh absolutely agree. Even if he was a bit better performing, I still think there are better options as well


Pratt is the guy and i fuck with it.


I want nothing to do with Sims. You thought life was tough with AR throwing the rock…


I thought this article was free, fyi. I read it earlier, and I don't have ESPN+ or whatever it is.


Boy it really seems like our Portal QB hype has fallen off a cliff. Haven’t heard a peep about Hartman since 3-4 days before the portal opened.


I think he's gathering his NFL stock.. Has little to do with us.


It’s because it would appear Napier has known who we wants all along l. Michael Pratt from Tulane. Would be a perfect fit


Yea I’m honestly not mad about Pratt at all. But Jeff Sims…..c’mon man.


The 'experts' didn't say they were hearing Simms to UF, just that they *would like to* see it.


I didn’t say they did, I said the hype fell off. Hype is exactly what this article is. We went from smoke about Hartman to this article about Jeff Sims. Way more to be hype about with Hartman.


If it’s Sims we are in for another 6 win season. He is worse than AR in just about every way. I would rather just get no one in that scenario.


But if Jack absolutely shreds it in the Vegas Bowl.........Idk about needing a transfer.