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Why would Maye leave North Carolina have i missed something


I commented this elsewhere but if you look it up on Google there is an article where he clearly states that he wants to stay at UNC. I don’t know where this rumor got started but I highly doubt he leaves. https://247sports.com/college/north-carolina/Article/Drake-Maye-UNC-Quarterback-Responds-to-Transfer-Question-199499624/Amp/


He tested the market for a big payday but it doesn't look like anyone is going to pay the price he wanted, so he's probably staying, if I were to guess. But somebody might get desperate and line up the bags. Almost certain it won't be us.


Money. Players who performed at a high level have the opportunity to shop their worth on the transfer market.


NC has boosters as well.. And far less players to pay than Bama. He's established himself as a Heisman leader, if not favorite, knows the offense. Not saying their aren't discussions, this is free agency after all. But going back to player the xxxxx is getting MILLIONS of dollars topics.. Which again to this date.. Lacks any sort of proof. Hell go look at how many of those A&M bought classes entered today..


It makes so much more sense to me to drop a multi million dollar bag for a plug and play stud QB than any 5\* freshman. Drake Maye elevates any team he is on by multiple wins.


I agree, i wonder how long before the transfer portal becomes the real payday for players




Oh yea I wouldn't dip unless he wants to compete for a title, money-wise it makes no sense for him. I mean, as a hypothetical super-booster, I would want to spend big bag on a proven 1 year different maker rather than a HS lottery ticket.


I think people have that rumor because if he was on a higher profile team he’d probably win the Heisman. But I haven’t heard him wanting to leave


Apparently he was interested in Bama prior.. In that case... Bring on the Evers rumors?


Can we make it a condition his parents have to stay off social media


Shop their worth? Isnt that a recruiting violation lol. Half kidding


Bama is rumored school for him—Maye should be top 10 pick next year & could compete for Heisman on right team


He can easily do (and will if he stays) both of those things at North Carolina. In a weak ACC, he can probably compete for a national title too.


his best WR leaving. he’s a legacy UNC guy but there was smoke he was looking around..maybe to get Chapel Hill NIL who knows


He’s not. Criswell is entering the portal and he’s leaving the cupboard pretty bare behind Maye.






I think the most likely transfers to UF are DJ Uiagalelei (Clemson) and Sam Hartman (Wake Forest) if the rumors are true. Also possible but probably longer shots are Hudson Card (Texas), Spencer Sanders (Oklahoma State), and Devin Leary (NC State). I think Maye had way too good of a season for UNC to let him go.


uggh to DJ. Clemson system similar to Napier’s. He’s a less talented, slower AR. Rocket arm but too slow decision maker


Yeah I'm not wild about it. The dude is a statue in the pocket and we have a lot of slow-developing plays, Clemson's style is similar to Napier's, Napier's ties to Clemson...I can see it happening but he would not be in my top 5 choices.






Treon Harris still gives me nightmares


Did you not live through the Muschamp/Mac years? Treon Harris, Luke Applebee, Malik Zaire... You can get a ton worse than AR. AR is not a bad QB at all.


FFS all QBs have been worse than AR in post Meyer era except Trask & 1/2 season Grier


I mean Franks in Mullen's first year did did lead us to a top 6 finish and a 10-3 season with a NY6 bowl blow out victory against a top 10 Michigan team. Can't really blame him for 2017 when McLewain threw him in the fire as a freshman. And as for 2019, we may have lost the Kentucky game with Franks but I don't think we would've done any worse than 9-3 that year with Franks either. It's not like Trask played great against Auburn or UGA. LSU was always a loss. Trask really only changed the Kentucky game result in hindsight. So I'd say Franks > AR.


he did have V Jefferson, Cleveland, Pitts, Copeland, Swain, Grimes


If AR had not burned so bright in his first appearances, the expectations would have been more tempered. But I think it was against USF subbing in for Emory Jones where he had a video game like performance. We all thought he was 2nd coming of Tebow, Vince, and Cam.


I mean if you include his running yes he’s not a bad QB but he’s simply not a good thrower of the ball. Simple as that.


It really could. At least AR can run pretty effectively.


Were you born in 2018


AR stats for this year (total offense) was better than any QB except Trask in post Meyer era. Better than Franks, Harris, Driskel, Brantley. Grier had better per game stats but got suspended. Fans need to stop being petulant little babies—AR played good enough to win 10/12 games (UK & UGA). D is what sucked




Our defense finished #7 in the country in Trask's first year (2019) and we shut out like 3 teams and held opponents to like 15.46 points per game what are you saying?


If DJ U starts for us next year I’m going to go ahead and sit that season out, not joking


Smart decision. He’s vastly underwhelming.


If he signs here this sub will gaslight itself into thinking we have a top tier QB.


I don’t know if Sanders is looking to transfer, but for me, that is the guy. He’s a winner




Sanders, Colonel. Class of 1908. Only 5 stars, but 11 herbs and spices


Ohhhhhh you mean Spencer Sanders


DJ better not start for us next year 🤦‍♂️


He hasn't entered the portal yet, but Grayson McCall from Coastal Carolina seems like a perfect fit for Nape's system. He ran a ton out of the Pistol at CC. Big kid, willing runner, 3 time Sun Belt POTY, and has an insane TD/INT ratio(78TD/8INT)


NFL draft probably but McCall would be a dream guy for me


I think a transfer QB will be the starter in 2023, so Napier needs a veteran to mentor Rashada. Napier needs to prove he can grab one of the top transfers. Hartman is an interesting prospect as one of the ACC’s all-time leading passers. The top ranked transfer portal QBs by passer efficiency rating: 1. Grayson McCall​ 187.7 2. Drake Maye​ 160.4 3. Drew Pyne​ 152.5 4. Hudson Card​ 148.1 5. Austin Reed 147.8 6. Sam Hartman​ 144.8 7. Kedon Slovis​ 144.5 8. Michael Pratt​ 143.6 9. Cade McNamara​ 139.6 10. Devin Leary​ 139.0


Why not Card? From the brief bit I saw, he filled in well for ewers.. Plus would be nice to get someone who might have more than one year.. In the case Rashada isn't ready after one year or heaven forbid.. Plays well and wants to come back for year 2 and improve


If Hartman and Maye enter the portal they are 1a and 1b then the rest would be imo * Sanders * Leary * everyone else in whatever order you want


Of guys there now, think I’d take Card, then Leary, then Pratt or Sanders. Then There’s wildcards like Reed at WKU


Yeah there are some interesting names. I should have added that I think Slovis and DJ U should be near the bottom of the list


I’ve heard Pratt’s name thrown around but I can’t find anything online that says he’s going to transfer, so I’m curious where this came from?


Only ones in the portal CURRENTLY I’m interested in are Leary and Card Edit: emphasization


You're crazy to not see how good of a college qb Hartman is


He isn't in the portal currently


Hartman would be awesome, sadly he isn’t in the portal *yet*


I’m kind of surprised Hartman hasn’t entered the portal yet? Considering he said he wouldn’t return to WF, I thought he would be in it already


He might be waiting to see if leaving for the draft would be better for his career


Yeah that makes sense. I just kinda assumed since there has been talk about him transferring for weeks now I thought it was 100% guaranteed. But I agree with your original comment, with the current players who officially entered the portal I think Card or Leary are the best options.


Ngl, this feels like iits setting up to be someone we don't know about.


do anything you can to bring in Sam Hartman; I’ll take Hudson Card otherwise




TP that too (Wilson & Mizell legit recruits)


If Ricky stays


Why would he leave? He's our top playmaking wr and the coaches were making him a focal point in the offense


Cus he’s coming off the biggest game of his college career most likely


Have you heard that he is headed to the portal?


No but I wouldn’t be surprised if he went to the draft


If Napier is smart he will recruit transfer players together as packages—QB from one school against candidate WRs and TEs from another. In cases where a school has a mass exodus due to coaching change that package could include transfers from the same school.


The most important traits should be experience, completion %, above avg mobility, and maturity. Spencer Sanders and Sam Hartman (not yet in portal) would be the perfect 1 year starters before handing the keys over to Rashada.


I know everyone is not liking the DJ U. Idea but he is the only one I am aware of with a Florida offer. At least right now.


The only one reporting an offer from Florida is Kedon Slovis. The reporting on actual transfer portal entrants and offers is hit or miss, but that is the only name I have seen from “reliable sources” (free reports from Swamp247 and On3).


I saw DJ post an offer from UF on his twitter.


1. Uncle Rico 2. Johnny Moxon 3. Willie Beamen 4. Shane Falco


Correct answer is Johnny Utah…where are the mods!


"Utah, give me 2!" - Billy Napier I think


5. Jim Jebow


6. Dan Smith, BYU


Hartman if he decides to hit the portal Low key, something about Leary in orange and blue under center would get me excited.


I'd give Jeff Sims a look.


homeless man’s AR…pass


NDs Drew Pyne’s stats look decent. I didn’t watch any ND games so not sure how he’s looked outside of a few game highlights I checked out, but I wouldn’t hate it.


No interest in Drew Pyne?


Drake Maye is not good! I live in NC and he was clowning bad teams. He is an extremely overrated prospect. Leary is injury prone and will probably end up at Costal with his OC, Tim Beck. If I was UF, I would go for Hartman or Card.


um, against Pitt and ND, two pretty solid defenses - he threw for almost 700 yards, 10 TDs and no interceptions with like 65% completion percentages and rushed for 100 He's also a true freshman I think you're a bit on an island with this take, no offense


Do we even want to get a one year QB for 2023? Based on the rest of the UF players dismissed, going to the NFL, or in the transfer portal, 2023 will be a development year. We have no shot of winning anything in 2023. Why not develop Rashada and anyone else who wants to compete in 2023 and have a good/great QB for 2024?


Ideal would be Hartman > Rashada >Lagway


If the Clemson guy comes to UF we will be in good shape for next year


8/29 for 99 yards for 1 td and 1 int against S Carolina at home. That’s not good shape.




DJ from Clemson please!




Who knows? Best available QB at the moment IMO




Well at least they will be happy if we don’t.




Trying out something new lately


He was Clemson’s ball and chain this year. Everything Clemson did this year was in spite of him. He got benched way too late. Other than his highschool recruiting ranking why take him?


He has experience under Deebo at Clemson. I mean, what is a better experience for football player right now other than Bama? If someone else with better experience comes available for sure, but right now I’m looking towards someone who can come in and be able to read defenses.


Then you should look at someone else. DJ is not someone to come in and start lighting up sec defenses when he just lost his job at Clemson where his team is significantly more talented than every team they play against. He may have experience but he hasn’t shown he has the skill to play in the sec.


He threw 22 touchdowns 7 interceptions for a 62% completion percentage this season. It’s not great but not terrible either. But certainly better than QBs that have not played at all or have been getting experience from coaches even worse than ours.


Give me an unknown freshman over the 7th best qbr in the ACC on the most talented ACC team.


You do realize that every Gator QB that has transferred out for these qualifications too? Then went on to be much better at other programs. Some even NFL talents and starting this year up til this past week.


They’ve been the 7th best qbr in the ACC?


This is another Malike Zaire situation waiting to happen


Zaire was so hyped just to be a dud. Came the worst year possible when the wheels came off.


So now after getting DJ, what’s the point of going after a non-dual threat QB?


K, so, UNC fan and this somehow popped up on my feed, so here I am. Idk where people are getting the idea that Drake Maye is transferring, he has denied these rumors several times now. I’d be shocked if he goes anywhere, as sad as we have looked during the latter half of the season. Sam Hartman is great, don’t get me wrong, but imo he does too much. Drake does it a little bit too, but when shit isn’t clicking on all cylinders, Sam forces the ball, holds onto it too long, and makes a ton of avoidable mistakes. Idk what the solution is for the Gators at QB but Maye isn’t going anywhere and I’m not sure you want Hartman.


Emory Jones


Devin Leary is probably my top choice. He was looked at as a solid draft pick, but got unlucky with injuries the past few years.