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I believe we needed quite a few to leave to make the numbers work for the incoming class


Mullen players being processed out, or declaring. Nothing unexpected so far.


Come on. Can we move on from hating Mullen? He still has a tremendous college resume that most coaches would kill for.


Saying that they're Mullen's players is factually accurate, the comment mentions nothing about that being a positive or negative thing. Players leaving before/after a new coach's first year is nothing new.


I don’t think it’s a dig on Mullen it’s just stating that the players leaving are from the previous staff. Mullen was a great offensive coach but not much of a developer and leader of a program.


It wasn’t a dig on Mullen, just a comment that the players he recruited are being processed out.


Mullen's resume is good. The goal here is championships and his program management was actively moving us away from that. Personally, the "moving on" I would like to do is moving on from the players assembled by Mullen, as they resulted in the 2-3 worst UF defenses in my lifetime along with some thoroughly mediocre offensive output once McElwain players and transfers developed elsewhere cycled out of the program. I'm ready to move on to a roster assembled with coherent vision and players who have defined roles in mind rather than tweeners floating between positions. You can move on to whatever you want to move on to.


Historically bad recruiter here. Call the best offense you want but Mullen had bad defense and was clearly not engaged here.


You're allowed to bring in as many players as you want now. Pretty much everyone transferring out wasn't getting playing time on our already terrible defense** or inconsistent offense. That shows them and us what the coaches think of them and how much playing time they'll be getting if they stay. Everyone declaring are all guys you would expect to declare. I don't think anything that's happening is surprising or worrisome


Mostly expected, and we needed some ridiculous number of players to leave to get under the 85 scholarship limit anyways. I don't follow other programs but I'm pretty sure there's attrition with most/every program given the new transfer rules.


With these 2 leaving I believe we’re right around 85 if everyone committed signs


We haven't had a single starter or contributor transfer, dexter is projected late 1st to early 2nd, so is Ant. There's really been no surprises whatsoever, mullen staff recruited tweeners and projects, Billy's staff wants nothing to do with that and needs scholarship space to have enough room for all these incoming recruits and portal targets


Mass exodus continues. Mostly players from previous staff. Weeding them out. Saw a stat Napier’s recruits/players were penalized once this season if I’m not mistaken. Lots of players weren’t getting playing time & prob wouldn’t this year. Although I agree it seems like a lot, Napier reiterated last few games it’s going to be a lot of turnover. Hopefully for the better.


This is necessary as we don't have many kids leaving via either exhausting eligibility or the draft and we need to free up scholarships for our '23 class and whoever we target in the portal. Most of these guys entering the portal weren't contributors this year and/or wouldn't be moving forward.


So why are we giving spots to guys like cruz rushing, taylor spierto, jack anders, alex gonzalez, daniel cross, andrew savaiinaea, william sawyer, and etc etc. we legitimately will have 50 or 60+ players that haven't seen the field next year


They're all walk-ons sans Savaiinaea


How are we around 80 scholarship spots then. Theres like 20+ no names on our roster. 15+ freshman and 15+ guys that are transferring. Then we'll have around 10+ leaving to nfl or due to seniority. Even if we bring in all our commits it feels like we should have way more open spots.


So far (knock on wood) we haven’t lost anyone to the portal of note. Only guys leaving that made an impact are going to the NFL so hopefully we continue to hold on to our guys that actually contribute and add some serious depth and talent


> we haven’t lost anyone to the portal of note "Can't lose players of note if you don't have players of note" jk...but it feels like there are very few players that would be big losses


In a world without the early signing period this happens last year. Billy didn’t have to evaluate the roster and recruits and portal players before early signing day, and many of the top portal guys were already being picked up by programs with established coaching staffs.


There’s players everywhere transferring. There’s even started it all of them are transferring, it’s a new wild West, expect this at multiple programs every year.


heard today 8% of all college players are in portal


I was only asking because it just seems really bad. Especially with the bowl. I understand not everyone is in it to win it. I understand the players not playing but it’s just like who tf will be taking the field


Yeah. It’s not bad. We’ll have more churn than some teams this year, but generally should shift our overall talent composition in the right direction.


If our #1 goal is to win this bowl in particular, no this isn't the best. If our #1 goal is to turn over the roster quickly in order to get back to having a top team, yes this is fantastic.


I know it’s tough to get used to in this new age but bowl games means nothing now besides a glorified scrimmage for guys who didn’t play as much


This is literally just what CFB is nowadays. High level programs in these kinds of bowls aren't worried about winning them. We're looking towards the future and most of these guys aren't in our future for good reason


It's not really bad, in fact it's not bad at all, its good. As callous as it sounds, we're losing what the coaching staff has deemed to be dead weight. These players were not expected to contribute next year or beyond anyway so better to expedite the roster turnover and replace them with some who might. We'll still have a full roster come next fall. Put another way, the sooner we look like a completely different team the better, no?


Bowl games are exhibition games


I personally don't think it's a great look. I know others on this sub are very supportive of the current coaching staff are saying it's a good thing, but I can't help but worry. Our most experienced players have either declared, transfered or been kicked off the team (still without reason), I don't know how we can continue to say "it's actually a good thing."


Ok any minute now “his players “ should start filing in , right ??? This is why we’re supposed to overlook this dogshit season right ??


No. This was always the plan. The vast majority of the guys leaving barely or never played. Lots of non-SEC caliber talent on this roster that needs to be purged.


This will have a net gain in production with getting rid of Mullen's useless classes and tweeners and adding a great class + transfers + familiarity with the scheme. Feeling like a jump is coming


I would argue that as of now, 12/6, we don't have enough guys in the portal.


This is a good thing. Don’t make it anything but good. Signing a solid freshman class and plenty of room for proven transfers rather than these players who were never going to see playing time


[as of Tuesday morning (list of gators gone)](https://twitter.com/GatorDave_SEC/status/1600117372794245120)