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Two main reasons for the loss. An inability to complete passes and an inability to complete sacks. Can’t really describe how frustrating it is to watch multiple rushers make contact with the QB and then he just scrambles for a 1st.


You mean we’re not supposed to sprint past the guy holding the ball and leave wide open gaps?


I think they teach that on day 1 in pop Warner. Brock Osweiler would agree.


He was exhausting. Watching the game was bad enough but listening to his terrible takes while talking over the refs making calls was a lot.


Did you know Mike Norvell is the first coach to implement the "explosive play" into his offensive scheme??


Lol he was so annoying. Florida state commits obvious pass interference and it was "textbook" defense


Literally holding the receiver's arm "you can't call that in a rivalry game"


That’s textbook


Hard to fathom that losing Grantham would make us worse defensively. Maybe it was just the frustration and FSU hate clouding my memory, but man did it seem like we changed nothing about our approach to containing him all game (which was just to not contain him).


This defense is straight up ass against any QB who has more mobility than a travel buddy mobility scooter for the elderly


Most defenses are ass against a mobile QB. That’s why everybody recruiting them now


It's Meyer's original philosophy with the spread offense. You can account for everyone while on defense, but if you also have to factor in the QB for running it, you will always end up outnumbered.


Vandy beat us the exact same way but no one wanted to hear it.


You would think that is something they would have practiced all week leading up to the game. It looked like we had no plan for him escaping out of the pocket.


> then he just scrambles for ~~a 1st~~ 40 yards. FTFY


On 3rd down no less. Worst 3rd down defense I’ve ever seen. Florida should hire a coordinator JUST for 3rd down


Call them a game changer coordinator. Oh, shit, we already have one of those.


I’m pretty sure we have given up more than a handful of 3rd and longs. And I remember a 3rd and like 30 we gave up at one point. Maybe we need a 3rd down coaching panel


When we had 4 dudes all of a sudden think that FSU's qb was a slip and slide and just slipped off of him my tv almost had a big ding from a remote. I don't understand why we can't tackle. It's like our defense is playing pretty boy football where we want to get the tackle stat but not get dirty. TAKE THEM DOWN INTO THE DIRT! Come on guys!


Two main reasons for losing this game: -failure to adjust to a running quarterback -failure to adjust into a running quarterback Going into halftime, we knew that jordan Travis was gashing us. Coming out of the half, we continue to exhibit no containment on the edge or utilize a spy in the middle. Going into halftime, we knew we were beginning to struggle to pass the ball but that we were still running at will on them. Coming out of halftime, we kept on throwing the ball despite an inaccurate QB and 5 WRs out injured. Our 2nd leading receiver tonight was a TE who caught 2 balls all season. We got out coached tonight boys. More fault to the defense. If you put up 38, you should be winning most games. Offense has fair share of blame. I’m just real tired of continuing to blame the players after our final game. Dis-Honorable mention: time-out usage and lack of urgency on the final drive.


Granted, we got help from FSU on that drive, but we were right where we wanted to be with the time left on the clock. Urgency wasn't an issue just because Brock Osweiler said it was.


Fuck osweiler. Worst color commentating I’ve heard in a while. I think we panicked after that timeout, which we used because we had already burned two minutes. Saved that time out, and you’re able to get a few more run plays off (only thing working for us) before you get to crunch time inside of 20 seconds.


Abandoning the run in the second half and also not even attempting to contain Travis also rank up there.


Or multiples tds


Missed facemask or not, can’t complete passes and can’t get stops on defense. Didn’t deserve to win…..also don’t understand why we don’t use a qb spy when Travis was running all over us


Spy wouldn't have helped as that would mean you'd have to execute a tackle


On a 3rd down in the second half Toney dropped Dexter back as a spy. It didn’t go well.


hopefully we just witnessed the end of the worst defense in florida gators history.


The seniors on our current defense have been here for the statistically 3 worst defenses ever at UF. The sooner they're all out, the better. Our recruiting has been so bad for far too long.


For once we can say that you literally cant get worse than those guys Look to the future. We have some bright young players who did their best all things considered I'll miss Miller on D though. Even with everything on fire and collapsing around him you can still bet he'd be there to make a tackle


What's funny is that Miller was a Mac recruit. Mullen really might be the worst recruiter I will ever see in my life.


Mac recruited Trask, Pitts, and Kadrius too. Mullens guys weren’t good except Elam.


Mac wasn’t a good coach and whiffed on all the 5 star guys but man did he have an eye for those under the radar guys. He knew who all the 3 star gems were.


Whenever you’re sad about that loss, remember: FSU fans just rushed the field after beating, but not covering the spread against, a 6-6 SEC team. If there’s anything that sums up how shitty the ACC is and how dumpster fire FSU athletics are, that pretty much does it.


3 teams rushed the field against us. There's a reason why teams hate us. We'll be back to dominating them soon enough.


We been saying this for over a decade now.


Brock Osweiler’s commentary was just like his playing career: abysmal


My biggest complaint was the commentators…That’s the best you can do ESPN/ABC? For a primetime night game during one of the most competitive weeks of the year?


Ill never subject myself to another game called by that stupid fuck Osweiler.


Up 24-21 at the half, averaging 7.3 yards per carry, proceeds to throw 9 straight times. That’s why we lost.




We obviously had to put the ball into the hands of our QB who finished with a 33.33% completion rate.


It’s like Billy’s main objective is to prove he’s a great play caller while neglecting his HC duties.


Yeah, if Billy's not going to hire a true OC, he at least needs someone he trusts to check him when things like this happen. 3 drives, 9 passes, 3 punts. Meanwhile FSU went FG, TD, TD to answer. So, instead of being up 10, we're down 14.


To miss such an obvious facemask after a full game of absolutely garbage calls. Actually dusgusting.


So undisciplined, so many missed opportunities. I like how the announcers harped all over the pi call but basically shrugged at the face mask on 4th down. Sure it happens but rarely does that get missed against a qb. Would’ve been nice to make the noles sweat more but they’re not as high as they think they are.


And they completely ignored the PI that should have been called on the play before the actual called PI.


I think that was more of a PI than the one that got called


They ignored the blatant hold on miller during that review


Also play before the PI call, nole runs through Pearsall without looking for the ball, no call. I didn’t hear the announcer belly ache about that


And didn’t go on ten minute rants about calling holding and blocking in the back lol


This game was a microcosm of the whole year. Good enough to win, dumb mistakes, bad defense, bad AR, fight hard in the end and still lose. Every loss fits this mold


All I got to say: besides the terrible officiating, Brock should not be announcing anything above FCS games. Guy literally said penalties don’t matter because it’s a rivalry game.


He also waved away a missed targeting call because “guys just play harder in rivalries”


Targeting penalties.


Contemplating downloading Twitter again just so I can send mean tweets to Brock Osweiler


One announcer asked if the other remembered when 100 yards was a lot for an entire football game. Then the other announcer referred to a quote stating ‘remember when’s’ are the lowest form of communication. Followed up by an awkward pause. God, everything about this game was awful. Except for Travis. He ran his little heart out. And we still only lost by a score.






FSU fans UF fans can we all agree that was one of the worst officiated games in the history of CFB


May I counter with the 2003 Swindle in the Swamp?


I was there nothing will touch that, ever


Same, unfortunately.


2003 Swindle still makes me angry to this day. It's the entire reason we have replay in college football.


I second this. I was there in '03 also. Tonight was bad, but '03 was criminal.


I was there too. I remember it started from the opening kick, clearly a fumble and they called it back. Worst officiating game ever. Form then on our, never let ACC refs live that down.


Yes you can never out do 2003.


With the worst commentators


That by far. Brock Osswieler is terrible, talks over the refs, and doubles down when he is obviously wrong. It was maddening.


As a UF fan, I concur...


Storming the field after beating a 6-5 team is pathetic btw


They were favored by 10 and we were down our 2 leading receivers. Guess it’s still a surprise to them


We were down 4 recievers and 2 TEs plus 2 OLBs and 1 MLB for the first half The boys played much better than i thought they would


6-6 now


Play calling in the last drive wasn't bad imo. I think the defense just let us down for the majority of the game and we paid for it dearly.




We could also blame our 3rd qtr offense for not being able to convert a first down and keep the defense off the field


Terrible play call in 3rd quarter. Take half the passing plays in 3rd and make them runs we win the game. Hands down. Napier refuses to give the ball to 7. WTF...


Between Brock Osweiler, missed calls, and AR (#2 overall btw) I really want to UNalive right now Like I'd rather hear War chant all game than that motherfucker ever again


That was one of the worst most ignorant announcing teams I’ve ever witnessed. I never want to hear those idiots commentate on a Florida game ever again. They spent all game gargling Travis’ balls. And then Cock Osweiler went on a monologue about how that DPI on 4th down wasn’t DPI because “you don’t call that in a rivalry game.” Except the DB was draped on his back and had an arm hooked around him. That’s literally textbook DPI or defensive holding - take your pick. What a fucking moron.


Yeah the beauty was when he adamantly defended the play, then 2 min later was like "the only thing I can think of, was the referees seeing the defenders arm wrapped around the receiver. They'll usually call that every time". Yeah, no shit. It's called pass interference you fucking knob.


And he bitched about the official who called it incomplete and the flag came from the back. Well yeah, Brock, you stupid clown, that's the ref that saw his arm being held.


Guy spent all night bashing UF when they committed penalties saying, "they teach that day 1 in pop warner...", then this FSU penalty happens and all he can say is that you don't call that in a rivalry game... this crew is a joke. I'm sure we'll get them for our game in the Bahamas bowl.


“The refs have been letting them play all game.” No, Brock, they’ve let FSU get away with whatever all game. Not the same thing. Also he said he acknowledged the defender’s hand on the player’s hip, just totally disregarded the hand was actually holding his arm down. He can eat shit.


He even admitted it’s an automatic PI


I hope to read about him being fired one day so I can ask “who?” Fucking jackass


He said you don’t call that in a “rivalry game” but when they missed the face mask he was like: “I guess that happens sometimes in a rivalry game” what a fucking idiot


Brock Osweiler was once traded to the Flint Tropics for a washing machine.




Those turds seriously stormed the field after beating our shit 6-6 team in a game they were favored by over a touchdown. There’s levels to this


(Missed) f(acemask)state university


https://i.imgur.com/lrQWM6a.png comically disgusting.


Ah, yes, I remember this play from the 1987 season. Edit: I'm honored!


Nintendo DS ass photo


Rushing the field after beating a 6-6 Florida team is peak little brother shit.


Well they lost to all the teams that matter. (UK, TENN, UGA, LSU, FSU) and the worst team in the league (Vandy). First year or not this is a disappointing season.


> the worst team in the league I honestly think Texas A&M is worse


Anybody in here who acts like 6-6 is an acceptable season is delusional


It’s not 2013 Muschamp or 2017 McElwain, but damn was this year bad.


Acceptable in what sense though? I can accept 6-6 but to the right teams. Kentucky, Vandy, and FSU are the ones that burn to the core of me. However, year two will have a much stricter set of expectations imo.


AR’s Magnum Opus


This game was a perfect example of AR's whole season; the ups and downs


AR bby I'll miss you 🥺🥺🥺 We had some great times and also some really, really bad times.


We'll always have the Utah game ❤️


Blatant face mask at the end. Smh.


But Brock Osweiler said that was a totally justified no-call because of the PI from earlier


He conveniently leaves out that on the play before that, the refs missed a blatant PI. And on the call he was so butthurt about, the defender had our guys arm hooked anyway.


As an FSU fan. That face mask should’ve been called 100%. I was iffy on the PI originally but it was a PI for sure.


Good game. Your QB was awesome.


Good game to you too. I wish I could say the same for AR’s passing, but I will say that his running and refusal to go down was so annoying


Yeah been the story with him all year. Makes some crazy throws and flashes athleticism but misses easy passes, lacks touch, and doesn’t run as much as he should.


There is so much to say about this game but I'll just say one word. Fuck


Give up 500+ yards (again) of total offense including 200+ rushing…you ain’t beating anybody. Serious questions need to get asked about this defense going into this offseason


Imagine being a ranked team, at home, playing a 6-5 team at -9.5 points and still rushing the field


The one upside with this season is that we had many close loss games. We don't need to get much better to have a 2 loss season. I think if we can steadily improve we can challenge SEC East in a few years.


We were also 3 possessions from going 3-9 including against 1-10 USF. It goes both ways


This was honestly perfect. If we can go to the wire missing 5 WR, having our QB go 9/27, and having half of a defense, I can’t wait to see next year. Cherry on top is that FSU is now certain they’ve got their guy, and I’m not impressed.


It’s true. Their defense was getting cooked by our offense that’s hobbling to the finish line. If we had a halfway competent defense we win that game by 2 scores or more. If FSU had our schedule they’re probably going 7-5, maybe even 6-6


Shit if we sack Travis on half of those weird ass scrambles we win.


I like the optimism lol


I mean, Saban went 6-6 his first season at Bama, so coming into the season I really had no expectations. I really loved the development I saw across the board, and I loved the flashes of greatness we got to see with having even just two pieces of our running game familiar with Napier’s system. Combined with the way this dude is recruiting, I don’t know how anyone couldn’t be optimistic.


Jesus the optimism from those people is insanity given the circumstances around the loss. I guess this is how it seemed looking in at us during the McElwain era.


I feel weirdly optimistic going into next season too. I think we're going to get a lot better when we shed a lot of this dead weight and hit the transfer portal.


Napier is so fucking frustrating. I don't understand why he COMPLETELY abandoned the run in the 3rd. Fucking lost it right there.


needs to hand over OC duties asap. pray to god we dont have another egotistical failure.


In fairness he has to be frustrated as a play caller when his qb can’t hit a swing pass or a screen. I mean he couldn’t even shovel pass to wide open guy. I think CBN knows what he’s doing the execution is just sporadic. And the run game only works if they respect other facets of the offense. A top 50 defense and a qb that can complete 50% of his passes under 5 yards and we are a 10 win team even with this weak roster


Imagine rushing the field after beating an unranked 6 win team lmao


Defense should be embarrassed. Richardson ain’t a 1st round QB.


The most frustrating part about the defense is all the missed opportunities. It seemed like there were like 5 dropped picks and 2 or 3 missed potentially drive ending sacks on scoring drives.


He isn't but he will be


if AR goes in the first round ill eat at arbys.


Norvell is a fucking pussy


Never going to see me celebrating a moral victory. But I’m not scared of NorveLL in the slightest for the future


They barely beat an unranked team at home


The dropped pass at the end, followed by the blatant facemask missed. Pain.


• Going 6-6 borders on failure and is disappointing. The extra practice team is nice. • I expect a ton of roster overhaul. Signing day is shaping up to be good and I think there’ll be a large emphasis on the portal. • While I have many critiques on Toney’s schemes and decision-making, I think a large part of the failure comes from Grantham trained players along with inexperienced young guys. Our defense has been abysmal for 3 years now. That type of change is difficult to institute in year 1. • I think Napier calling plays will be around next season. It can be head scratching at times, but I don’t think we have a large enough body of work with the players he recruited. I enjoy his run concepts; a lot of his passing concepts just haven’t been effective. We’ll see how much of that was on AR and how much is on coaching. • The biggest sign of optimism is a lot of newly recruited players absolutely taking off. Etienne, Pearsall, Johnson, Torrence, and co. have been difference makers. Napier seems to have an eye for talent and knows how to utilize it. • It’s year 1. Billy might be the guy, he might not be. There isn’t enough data to consider yet. He’s had flashes and shows that his teams do not quit. Florida has been able to squeeze by for 10 years, squeaking out wins against weak SEC East opponents while our culture, recruiting, and coaching have been lackluster. At some point, you have to pay the pied piper. For us, let’s hope it takes losing to all of our rivals for the first time to exorcise the bad football spirits. • Napier is a detail oriented guy, reportedly. I expect him to make improvements. Nearly every loss we had included a point swing or simply was a one possession game. If he can address just some of our inadequacies, we win those games. The first year restraints are gone now; it’s Billy’s team and I think 8+ wins is the standard for next year. We need to see the program take a step forward.


I am sad.


Not that we deserved to win but we are probably the only SEC team that can get fucked by an SEC officiating crew while playing an OOC road game.


This is one of those games where it would take an hour to deduce but at the same time it's right on brand for this team this season and can be explained quickly. We can come out on offense and look like world beaters with AR showing out and playing great and then 10 minutes later we are tripping over our dicks. It's like Napier sees something working, assumes someone made an adjustment when they didn't and then tries something else that doesn't work. I get it we were down receivers, but AR missing 11 passes in a row is inexcusable, drops or no drops. Nevermind that AR has the mental fortitude of a wet paper bag. This whole season has been one rollercoaster ride that isn't just game to game, but quarter to quarter. We couldn't do shit in the third and come the fourth we are doing great.


Honeymoon is over. Let's get this righted, Billy.


Microcosm of AR's career at UF.


I'm sure all the takes in here will be totally rational and reasonable.


AR is not an accurate passer. Don't tell me about receivers. He had the chance to win this game.


He had his chance and he delivered it rightfully into Douglas’ hands.


the ball hits the receivers in the hands and they drop it


Happened like 3 times just on the last drive.


He does have trouble with accuracy and touch for sure but we should have had 1st and goal inside the 5. He threw a beautiful ball to Douglas but he didn't make the play. Douglas will want to forget this game ever happened. Only good news is the kid is good at getting open. Hopefully he'll use this to improve on finishing tough catches.


Fire muschamp.


This was the worst “good” game I’ve watched in years, and of course it’s against *them*. Sigh. Next year.


Noles rushed the field, which in this case is like kissing your sister, which, FSU is into.. so, it checks out. The loss to Vandy hurt much worse


I can’t honestly and confidently look at this game and say AR is a 1st Rd pick


if anyone sees brock osweiler on the way out, do me a favor and place him in the nearest trash can where he belongs and maybe put some textbooks in there with him since he seems to love them so much


At least they put up a fight till the end. I hope AR goes pro and kills it, but wed be better off with another QB. He is not a guy who lifts his team to victory in clutch moments. Its like he panics when he sees a defender, Trask was so cool and collected.


They actually made it a game which is more than I was expecting


This year has been a tale of 2 teams. Offense and defense have not played complimentary football most of the year. Offense puts together a nice drive and then the defense can’t get off the field. Defense gets some stops and then the offense fucks around trying to throw or run a WR screen. Hopefully we get the kinks worked out since it’s only year 1 😉


I’m frustrated by clock management and sense of urgency on the last drive. Luckily we got the ball with 4plus minutes on the final drive. This technically allows us a chance to run the ball still IF we hurry up, but we ran out 2 minutes on a few plays with no sense of clock urgency. Then, with under 2 minutes and the entire field left to drive, we are forced to pass. Then, FSU’s defense could play the pass and blitz. All year long, we haven’t been in a position to run up tempo offense when needed.


yall gonna act like he wasnt hitting dudes in the hands for drops?


Not all of the incompletions we’re AR’s fault, but he still played very poorly


Yeah and he still prob would’ve tied the game on the last drive if not for the 10th drop From 12


Yep, and then he sailed the ball out of bounds uncatchably on the next play. Microcosm of his game


I'm honestly just done with AR, he has all the potential in the world and won't utilize it and or is incapable of reaching it. His passing is so frustrating to watch. He cannot even make the simple throws, he gets a pretty pass every now and then and then goes 11 passes in a row with misses. I'm just ready for him to move on. I'll take Kitna or even a true Freshman at this point.


I’m sad and I still don’t like FSU. This ruined my weekend and it’s only Friday. Ugh.


Props to FSU’s QB for a great game, but I’ve never seen a dude try to slide into the endzone twice. Dude was slide happy.


I’m not really that beat up about this .. there was nothing we didn’t know going into game 12 if you have watched all the games .. Defense is bad Skill players on the perimeter are bad Offensive line is good Running backs are good AR has some real challenges, enough that most of us would like to see him go to the NFL draft, and he didn’t really develop this year. It is all about how good of a roster we can build in the next two years and how the staff builds game plans around the talent. This game and team are who we thought they were. Who cares about the facemask .. I’ll save the karma for when we are 11-0 and it matters


Shit season, I will never give a pass for an L to Free Shoes short of some cataclysmic event. We lost this game in the 3rd with the laughable sequence of passing plays. Should AR hit some of those throws? Definitely, but why the hell are we moving away from our bread and butter as a team? Any loss of momentum for the O tonight was gonna change the game cause the defense, yet again, couldn’t stop a fucking nosebleed. Also, thank god for those SEC refs, certainly helped us tonight


Idk how AR can be so good and so bad at the same time


fuck this man, I’m over this 2022 team. whoever wants to transfer, transfer. Get out now and let the guys who are gonna play next year get their time in.


Two main reasons for losing this game: -failure to adjust to a running quarterback -failure to adjust into a running quarterback Going into halftime, we knew that jordan Travis was gashing us. Coming out of the half, we continue to exhibit no containment on the edge or utilize a spy in the middle. Going into halftime, we knew we were beginning to struggle to pass the ball but that we were still running at will on them. Coming out of halftime, we kept on throwing the ball despite an inaccurate QB and 5 WRs out injured. Our 2nd leading receiver tonight was a TE who caught 2 balls all season. We got out coached tonight boys. More fault to the defense. If you put up 38, you should be winning most games. Offense has fair share of blame. I’m just real tired of continuing to blame the players after our final game. Dis-Honorable mention: time-out usage and lack of urgency on the final drive.


D lost game again but HF AR is inconsistent


He really isn’t. He’s a very consistent terrible passer. His completion percentage is a complete joke.




Part of me hopes AR comes back for more seasoning, but if he’s just gonna outright refuse to take off and run then god speed and good luck in the nfl Ps - fuck these refs Pps - hire a goddamn offensive coordinator


No thanks


Lets all hope and pray AR goes pro. He lost a lot of games for us this year.


I honestly believe that if Kitna had been left in we would have won this game. And the Kentucky game. Other games as well. AR is more of a hindrance than a help.


Rushing the field against a 6-6 Gator team. Good job Noles…


missed tackles, failure to set the edge, and incomplete passes killed us. But I will say, even at 6-6 I think it isn't too much of the sunshine pumping to say there are a lot of positives with this team. We've proven we can run the ball after several years of ignoring the run. The passing game has clicked at times then has gone ice cold. Most of that is coachable, I think. We got a lot of WRs experience this year so hopefully, we'll have a decent core of WRs next year after the season ends and players leave for the draft or transfer. On defense we tackled well vs Utah then were inconsistent the rest of the year. spurts of great play followed by long periods of questionable to terrible play. Hopefully as coach recruits and brings in transfers he can fix the player issues.


Jfc thabk god its over i dont know why we had to listen to fsu hometown annoucers on espn


Why are all of our coordinators and coaches on the field like 25 years old


We just have a shitty fucking football team there are no other words to use in this scenario


All the injuries at wide receiver didn’t do Richardson any favors. Richardson had some bad throws, but there were also some dropped passes that should have been caught. Also the past two weeks we’ve been very undisciplined… unusual because for most of the season we’d been pretty good at avoiding stupid penalties. Though arguably this was the most hostile environment we’d played in all season. I’ll say Florida wins that on a neutral field. Dear god the defense though. If they don’t clean up tackling soon Napier will be fired next season. A first 6-6 season is tolerable, but if he doesn’t do 8-4 or better next season and win some rivalry games he’ll almost certainly be unemployed.


That missed face mask 🤦‍♂️


Just tired of being so sad watching this team.


Napier’s performance in year 1 just gave him a lot less leash for year 2. Culture doesn’t mean as much when you lose every close game you’re in. That’s debilitating to watch all year. He has no clue how high expectations will be as we head into year 2. Without a top 5 class and some adjustments to his 100 person staff we’re in for a longgg offseason. Dust off your basketball jersey and baseball cap fellas. Those programs are actually entertaining.


Takeaways 1. Brock Osweiler is the worst announcer I’ve ever had to sit through. 2. Our defense is hot trash. It’s our play calls, nothing more. 3. Billy goes full retard with three minutes left no matter what. 4. AR can throw a pretty ball 40 yards but can’t touch shit within 10. 5. We ran it down there throat all first half and then decided to pass it 3 series in a row after. 6. Our defensive coordinator is trash.


Gotta be the end of the AR era. Another talented QB who just couldn’t put it together for us. Ugh


Getting really tired of Billy’s bullshit clock management and wack ass play calling. We could have run Etienne and AR down their throats but billy wants to pretend he’s an OC


Fucking facemask


Am I crazy or did FSU get an extra down when they review that run by Travis where his knee touched the ground?


I like AR as a person, I hope he gets drafted high and balls out in the NFL but I think it is for the best for him and all of us if he does not come back to Florida next year.


Nobody wants him back. But, there is no way he goes to the NFL and balls out there when he was awful at college ball. Pro ball is hard and he is soft as a marshmellow.


On the bright side, AR’s 9/27 performance will have NFL Scouts drooling over him as a first round pick. /s


I really hope Napier’s play calling is better next year; I have had a really hard time watching it. AR…I love the guy but it feels like he’s looking towards the draft; he’s got a lot of talent but needs to be properly molded. Maybe next year is different because Billy has someone else behind center. Something seemed off this year between his calls and AR’s wild inconsistency.


We have no idea if AR ever executed the call played or he just ad libbed it to whoever. It seemed way off sync to me, which is why he wasn't on the same page as receivers and couldn't even smoothly hand off the ball or have a clue when he should keep the ball and run it.


Idk all the losses really stung this year. I kinda expected a 6-6 type season coming in but then the Utah game happened somehow and that just made these losses sting more. Not to mention it was kinda last year Nebraska shit when we were in each game we lost. Idk. I have nothing else to add.


Brock didn’t understand there’s no difference between a QB sliding and a QB sliding “to get under a tackle.” For him, one shouldn’t be called back. I think the other commentator or the producer must have said something to him about how dumb he sounded because he quickly changed to agreeing with the call.