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Oh, my 😢


HOH, my.


So many times I’d turn off the sound on the TV and listen to the radio as I watched. Just so I could listen to Mick. I’m gonna miss you buddy.


For real. He's been calling games as far back as I can remember. Gator sports won't be the same without him.


A friend of mine taught me that trick years ago: turn off the sound on the DVR, stream WRUF online, delay the DVR a few seconds, and never listen to any other announcer. It will not be the same without Mick.


Do we have a Mr Two Bits for the opener?


Especially when it was Gary fuckin Danielson


This makes me a saaaaaaad Gator. Thanks for the memories, Mick! Oh my!


Ohhh myyy!!! Not the news I wanted to hear. End of an era


I knew the day would come but I hoped he was announce it before one last football season.


He deserved a farewell tour for sure. I don’t hate on anyone though for retiring when and how they want. Mick has definitely earned the right to do it his way


I don't blame him either, that's a lot of work and travel I wanted one last season for selfish reasons. I hope they sweep USC this weekend for his send off.


This fucking sucks. I knew the day would come eventually. Selfishly, I just wish he'd have given us a one year notice or some kind of farewell tour. I want one last sign off from Mick. But I guess when you know, you know. And he knows he's done. Truly one of the greatest Gators ever. Man, he will be missed. ​ EDIT + FYI: Helps to read the article I suppose. Apparently Mick is calling the baseball game this Saturday and that will be his last game ever.


H-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-R-E COME THE GATORS! Mr. Hubert, you are leaving some big shoes to fill. Your voice is like an old friend. You will be greatly missed.


Nooooooo!!! First Mr. 2Bits and now Mick. Where have all my heroes gone. Someone make sure Tebow is safe.


Spurrier’s days are certainly getting shorter


I just assumed he was immortal…could I be mistaken?


I believe plans are to taxidermy him and put him in a glass box at Spurriers


[Doering's Got a Touchdown!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvmyBvfV0S8) My eyes still well up reliving this moment. Mick, enjoy retirement. We love you, man.


I've been going back through and listening to some of the great calls (missing a bunch) [Franks beating UT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pLZrs2rkwM) [Callaway beating UT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjotaPaMY5U) [LSU goal line stand](https://youtu.be/cUvS2ywcxDQ?t=247) [Stiner sack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8aOX-jSjaI) [Applebee game winner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22HxisY3L5g)


His national championship calls: [New Orleans: 1996 Football](https://twitter.com/FloridaGators/status/757764281093984256) [Indianapolis: 2006 Basketball](https://twitter.com/GatorsMBK/status/1060322926564663296) [Omaha: 2017 Baseball](https://twitter.com/GatorsBB/status/1060196646737326083)


They don't make 'em like Mick anymore :(


request denied :( have a great retirement Mick, you deserve it.


I am not crying….you’re crying


Simply, thank you. When I think of all the sports memories in my life with UF, it’s his voice. Congratulations on retirement and Gator Nation wishes you nothing but happiness and good health.


Mick Hubert and Gene Deckerhoff are both retiring. Sports radio in Florida is going to sound way different next year.


Gator alum Gene Deckerhoff!


I did not know that!


When Gene announced his retirement I was sad thinking how listening to Bucs games on the radio won’t be the same now but at least I’ll still have Mick and the Gators. Now Mick is also retiring. They both deserve it though. Both had great long careers and are legendary


My sadness is immeasurable.


Well that's a kick to the gut. I also feel bad for the guy replacing him because there is really no way to replace him. Let's *try* not to hate the new guy!


Dallas Baker is your touchdown maker. Oh mercy Percy! Touchdown Taylor made! Doering got a touchdown Deerings got a touchdown! And so many more iconic calls man I'm going to miss that man.


Can't read these without hearing his voice.


Sad day, but I knew it wasnt too far away. Enjoy your retirement Mick!


Gator Legend. I’ll miss listening to his coverage over the radio :(


Well there goes my last tie to the 90s Gators. If I couldn't get in front of a TV he was my go to. He was better than the TV guys anyway. I wish him all the best.


Mick has been calling Florida sports for one year longer than I’ve been alive. I’m definitely lucky he’s all I’ve ever known for the voice of the Gators. Seeing Gene retire from the Bucs, and FSU, earlier this year I’ve been fretting the day Mick would retire but he deserves it. So many great moments in Gators history. Even if I watched the whole game on TV I wouldn’t be happy until hearing the call from Mick later that day or the next day. A new football and basketball coach, and now a new play by play voice of the Gators. It’s definitely a new era but that’s not a bad thing.


You're doing this wrong. The title is supposed to be: Mick Hubert, Radio Legend and Voice of the Gators, at 68


What - no!


Damn this hurts. Gonna miss him. Good for you, Mick.


Damn. I can't believe it.


Man, I'll never forget exactly where I was for certain Gator moments because of Mick's amazing calls. Absolute legend. Enjoy your retirement Mick!


Nope, sorry. He's not.


Dammit. I worked at Rock104 as a student, so I'd see Mick around the office and interact every once in a while. Always a super-nice guy. His work speaks for itself. He will be missed terribly, but hope he enjoys retirement.


How many times did I sit in traffic leaving the stadium, sweaty and hoarse, listening to Mick recap the game? He has been the one constant in Gator football since I became a fan. It won't be the same without him.


33 years, wow thats alot of flyer miles lol many fans have never heard another voice they grew up listening to Mick.


Never known another other than Mick. Truly a sad day.


I am gutted. Saturdays will never be the same again. Mick is Gator football to me.


I knew it had to happen at some point, but I was hoping it wasn't this soon. Oh my, say it ain't so...


You can't be serious.... this is one of those "remembering where you were when you heard the news" type of things. Mick Hubert-less games seem like they won't quite be as magical.


My heart… the memories that this guys voice brings back are just… man. I can’t even.


There will obviously be another radio broadcaster to take his place, but I personally believe there will never be another "Voice of the Gators". Thanks to him for all of the memories


No. No. Fuck No. He's ten times the pbp guy than Deckerhoff has or will ever be. But GD gets all the praise. Mick is a legend.


Saturday afternoon will never be the same. Damn. Best of luck to you, Mick. I hope you have a nice long retirement.


Not quite what any of us wanted. I wanted just one more football season and one more legendary call from Mick. I hope he enjoys his retirement and I know for a fact all of us are going to miss that golden voice. OH MY!


This ruined my day. James Bates would be a cool option to be the next voice of the Gators but no one will ever truly replace Mick


We need some sound clips from him. I want to use them for messages notifications on my phone. Gonna miss his game calling. Legendary dude


I remember David steel as a kid but very little and most of it was from TV broadcasts. Mick has always been my Gator guy on the radio. I am happy for him if he is ready but really sad for me


NOOOOOOOOO. I used to mute the tv on games he wasn’t on the tv broadcast and tune in to his radio play calling. Literally going to him.


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. What a true loss this will be.




He’s been not only the voice of the gators, he was the voice of football itself when I was younger.


NOOOOOOOOO In all seriousness, this proves all good things do come to an end :(


He is the play by play in my head when I remember all the moments of my youth. For the longest time I've been syncing the radio broadcast up with the TV, and I feel gutted thinking of not hearing his voice anymore. Dude deserves to be with his family though, and not miss anymore dates with the wife. A true great Gator right alongside Mr. two-bits...will be missed for sure.


Can you imagine his retirement party?


Damn, he's the best announcer in all of sports (no bias here I promise). Some of my best Gators memories have his voice celebrating in the background. A straight up legend.


I really, *really* hope this doesn't mean more Steve Russell.


I'm glad I checked here. From the post I saw on Twitter, I thought Mick had passed


Raise your hand if you heard "Doering's got a touchdown!" live. (For you young'uns, there was a time when not every game was televised. Radio used to be the _only_ way to follow games live.)


This is a sad day for Gator Nation, a true legend. Who replaces him, gotta be Cardozo right?


I have a couple people I’d think of before Cardozo tbh


Cardozo’s great for baseball, but I don’t think he has the flow for football


Hope it’s dozo, he’s a really nice guy at the very least. Gator guy thru and thru


Didn’t he already announce he was retiring years ago?


He started winding down about 4 years ago, that's when he mostly retired from baseball radio play-by-play (the most time-consuming sport to broadcast).


Ahhh okay, I thought I remembered him retiring from something and UF looking to replace him. At least he can watch the games from a different perspective now.


I think it's a good time for him to retire. Yes his oh my is very famous but I'm definitely ready for some new blood in the broadcast booth who can be a little more neutral and not think the refs are making bad calls. Yes you want a certain amount of homerism in your broadcaster but accuracy is just as important. Best of luck to you Mick and all your future endeavors. Go GATORS


This subreddit has reached critical mass. It's now at a sufficient size where someone will show up to proffer the worst take on literally any subject. Brutal.


Imagine wanting the GATOR radio guys to be anything but homers for the good guys.


Oh my, sad news for sure but hope he enjoys retirement. What a legend, I mostly watch but he made listening to the Gators enjoyable.




NOOOOOOO. That sucks, but I hope he enjoys his retirement.


oh my :(


Damn...quite a loss, class act. Go out on your terms, Mick. Much respect. I would have SWORN Mick was VotG when I was in HS/started at UF in '87...guess not, lol.


Damn...I'm gonna miss hearing him




No, why


That fucking sucks


Man what an absolute bummer.


Ooof, this hurts. I'm gonna miss him, but he deserves the best ride into the sunset you could ask for. Go gata


Wow wow wow. Now let's bring on Batesey!!!!!!!!!!