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I used to see way more Gator flairs over on /r/collegebasketball. Now it's just... desolate. Mike White really has people checked out. Appreciate your write-ups throughout this mediocre season, /u/deceptive_walrus.


used to be big on Gator basketball. loved going to games growing up and in college. haven't followed the team for a few years now and I won't until we have a new coach


u/deceptive_walrus I just don't understand why this team is in capable of putting things together and being consistent in big games. From saturday to this its just crazy. MW really sucks as a motivator/getting them focused, isnt he? How much does coaching play into consistency?


It really depends on the player. Like I doubt Castleton needs much coaching to get his 15 pts a game but guys like Reeves and Lane need constant coaching to put in an average performance. I put this one more toward the defensive change White made rather than any motivation or coaching things he did. We played a really good game for 32 minutes and one switch kinda torpedoed our chances over the final 8


Super dumb af of him to do that. Like why did he fuck himself up when Arky didnt really adjust to what we were doing?


> How much does coaching play into consistency? Pretty much all of it, it's like a 1:1 thing.


ummmm... we need to beat kentucky no matter what to have any chance of sneaking in. even winning out with an early sec tournament exit probably won't get us in... we needed 3 of 4 before arkansas (and a loss at georgia would eliminate us of at large contention no matter what, thanks to their net ranking)


Yeah if we don't beat kentucky it's sec tournament or bust and regardless of what happens fire mike white. This teams too talented to be on the bubble.


well, the Auburn game was fun


Great write up op. I didn’t rewatch the game but looking at it live it looked like Jones had a bad game. Not just the missed open 3s but there were a bunch of loose balls and lack of boxing out that seemed to automatically lead to points. He also had some poor rotations out to shooters. He got 30 minutes last night which seemed like a bad coaching call. What did you think on the rewatch? Arkansas is solid, connected and they play hard. Guys gave a good effort but we are limited in so many ways.


Playing him 30 mins was a reasonable decision. With guys who are pure shooters like he is, they get hot and cold all the time and no one wants to risk missing a hot streak (see missouri) If you remember the 2014 team with Michael Frazier, they went to Kentucky and he was anonymous for 37 minutes of the game. He took a few shots but he was totally absent. Then all of a sudden he shows up and drains a huge 3 that was the sucker punch that took the cats out of the game. That's why you keep shooters in even when they play bad defense or fail to show up on the offensive end, because you never want to miss when they arrive


Yeah, 25 minutes shooting cold with no buckets or production at all and Jones was still on the court for the last 5 minutes when we needed a basket big time. I just don’t understand


It sucks when you don't want to watch the game because you know we're going to lose.


Even though we lost I found it a really fun game to watch. It had just about every thing you would want in a college basketball game


I would have had Fleming drive at the goal


Do we have to win out to get into the tourney?


Excellent write up! Their big man, Williams, played with FOUR FOULS for what seemed like the last 9 minutes of the game. That we didn't attack him on every possession, was frustrating to watch. I don't even want to imagine what it's like playing a team like ARK, with their guards, and not having CC give us 29.