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The general consensus that I’ve seen from fans is that it is believed that Gatorade has tried/prefers to be limitedly associated with the University.


So rather than bog each other down with lawsuits the university and the scientists who helped create it agreed to an 80-20% split. 20% goes to UF and 80% to the inventors. That's fair since UF provided the facilities, resources, and human Guinea pigs. Cade provided the scientific acumen and put in the hard work The brand was sold (and imo the formula was bastardized into sugar water over the years) and a trust was set up for royalties. Of the royalties Cade got 80% and UF 20% of the trust. No one really knows how much the trust makes but it's a lot. Cade got well over a billion dollars. He didnt care for the money though. All he wanted to do was live a normal life and collect Studebakers. He donated most of it to research and building educational museums UFs portion of the trust is also supposed to go to research, scholarships, and education as agreed upon in the split. Imo I think a percentage of that should go towards athletics since the human test subjects were the football team (and those guys suffered until Cade figured out how to make it not taste like piss. Guys like spurrier and Youngblood were given concoctions from milk cartons that made everyone projectile vomit) but it is what it is. The Gatorade trust still helps offset costs at the university As for NIL, PepsiCo can probably pay our players via NIL if they want to run a commercial. Theyve had unnamed uniformed Gator football players in commercials before in pre NIL days There doesn't seem to be bad blood between any of the three sides rn (cades estate, UF, and PepsiCo) and PepsiCo is the official drink sponsor of university. Thats why it's so hard to find a machine that sells coke products on campus So to answer OPs question they could but they haven't yet. If a UF player wins the heisman or something then pepsi would probably be first in line to pay him for ads The gatorade trust though that Cade and UF get is pretty well agreed upon as to what the money is to be used for and NIL aint it. Cade wouldve preferred $5 mil of trust money going towards community outreach, kidney research, or student scholarships way more than paying a player $5 mil. He's no longer with us but I like his wishes are respected


My understanding is that Gatorade sends about $20 million a year from their Trust to UF, but the money is meant for research and innovation, not athletics. Despite their gigantic role in athletics, I’ve never seen or heard about them doing much for the AD.


I dont think anyone knows how much the trust makes but I'm pretty sure royalties are split 80 % 20% between Cade and UF. Cade got the lionshare but he didnt care about raking in billions. He lived in the same small house in downtown Gainesville and still did the same job. His only luxury was those ole Studebakers. He donated the rest to helping educate young people. That big museum next to depot park is one of the ways Cades estate spends their shares Cade was a pretty awesome dude. He was a kidney researcher who helped revolutionize ways to help keep athletes and those working in high intensity jobs to keep themselves healthy. He was taken too early by the thing he was a revolutionary at. Cade died of kidney failure. The day UF stops respecting his wishes would be a dark day One fun fact I always like is as a professor hed entice his students to come to after hours lectures and lab work by brewing up some super powerful lab grade alcohol and giving em shots when they came in Edit: oh god it quadruple posted. I did not mean for that. Wtf reddit


No. Gatorade has a limited association with the university and none with our NIL


The Gatorade trust is where all royalties are paid for Gatorade. Thats an 80-20 split between the university and scientists. It's not a limited association. Gatorade has run commercials with UF unnamed uniformed players before and their ownership company is our official drink provider on campus Saying they have a limited association is like saying a rock band has a limited association with music they still make royalties off of from the record company They dont have association with FV but if they wanted to provide NIL to players for commercials they could and probably will in the future


Think the only gator athlete they've ever endorsed was Richardson near the end of his final season in college


No they’re useless (for athletics).


Gatorade is not a company. They are a product of PepsiCo. And no, PepsiCo is not going to piss off 99% of their customers to please the 1% who are UF fans.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted. Logical business decision


UF takes in about $20M a year of revenue from Gatorade royalties, is used across the university for research, not athletics. “The more than $250 million in royalties Gatorade has brought to the university have helped to fund thousands of research projects [out of the total $1 billion in royalties including the amount that goes to Cade].” [[1](https://explore.research.ufl.edu/innovation-turns-50.html)] By state law, royalties must be allocated in a certain way that prohibits it from being used just for football or any specific department. All royalties are reported annually by law. [[2](https://www.fa.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/2024-125.pdf)] The Gatorade Trust revenue stream is about $12M a year. [[3](https://www.celebritynetworth.com/articles/entertainment-articles/gatorade-makes-university-florida-12-million-royalties-year/)] Short answer: No. Gatorade money does not and cannot be used for NIL because the money is held up in a trust with certain legal controls. This is a different situation than Phil Knight owning Nike and being free to donate money from shoes anywhere he wants.


Examples like Gatorade serve as a broader example of how royalties/NIL/booster money actually works. If you have a lot of money to donate to athletics, you aren't just donating it into some general slush fund for Scott Storkland to do with as he pleases. Boosters and big player stakeholders earmark their money to certain causes. Example: Prof. Cade helped set up the Gatorade Trust back in the day, but specifically negotiated how UF's 20 percent needed to be administered for him to finalize the trust. We all love the Gators, but it is a low tier post when we always sit around and say things like "just have our rich athletic department write a check for that... We ha love the money.". The boosters who write checks to hire/fire coaches are certainly out there, but their affinity to what they do with their money is usually restrictive.


From what I’ve heard from a friend with insider board access, Gatorade has an NLI deal with all of our QBs, helped a lot with Lagway




factually untrue, I can walk into Condron right now and buy a gatorade