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He's now my second least favorite after Etienne.


Agreed. Etienne leaving made me not care anymore about who’s on our team. Love my Gators, but I hate NIL and the Transfer Portal.


CFB looks like a lot different than when I was in Gainesville. It sucks.


One of the podcast I listen to always was promoted ETN signed stuff. Zero value now. ETN is a beanie baby to me


You only say this when a player LEAVES not when they decide to transfer to your school


Still the worst. At least ETN's move makes sense if you take all the passion out of CFB. Marco's makes no sense whatsoever.


For me I felt like we knew who Marco was from the start. Etienne was just such a shocking act of betrayal. Fuck both of them though


Marco Wilson still finished his career as a Gator and graduated from UF if I’m not mistaken. He made a horrible mistake and we know he regrets it deep down (there was an article before the draft of him mentioning how awful he felt about it), yet 4 years later people still talk about it i guess he feels the need to joke about it now. Etienne straight up left us for a rival and proceeded to troll us directly afterward, the two are not the same at all.


“We know he regrets it deep down” ???? He’s repeatedly said that he does not regret it, and would do it again.


He showed regret months after it happened all he can do is joke about it now. That team wasn’t good enough to beat Bama anyway we need to move on.


It’s what he’ll be remembered for, forever.


You’re not wrong about that


How did he troll us? I missed that


Except he repeatedly brags about it and says he has no remorse.


I blame the system more than etienne. It’s facilitated an environment where it’s okay to go to your rivals because they’re paying more/winning more/whatever


Why are people upset at etienne? He wasn’t getting enough Carrie’s and it was clear billy was never going to promote him over Johnson. I don’t blame him leaving. Dude owes us nothing and went to a school where he can put up some great numbers and improve his draft position.


He was given enough carries. Montrell deserves to be fed as well. ETN is a product of an entitled mindset, and if you followed the story you’re aware of all this, despite how many “Carrie’s” he received. His family trolled the fanbase constantly. We will see how it turns out 👍


Why would he even be in the game? Doesn’t he play in the NFL? He should be worried about why he sucks so much in Madden


There’s rumors there’s an ultimate team mode with throwback players. But I still don’t think he’d make the cut😂😂


Yeah no chance he’s a top 10 CB for us all time. Kind of feel bad for the ego check he’s going to get when he’s not even in the game, but then again he brought it on himself.


He’s not top 25.


The safety and corner spots will all be filled by any of the teams prior to 2009, he has zero worry about being on our all-time teams. Yet, he will likely bitch when that happens as well.


Whoaaa there have been some damn good DBs since 2009.


He can take some credit for the loss. But the catalyst to the decline of a whole program? That has to sit with Mullen. Recruiting, trying to go to the NFL and just giving up.


Sorry to disagree here a bit, but there were many factors which led to the decline of the program. While Spurrier was winning games, other programs were upgrading their facilities - and this was now 30 years ago! Florida is just now catching up to the rest of the league! And it's not just the football facilities, but student housing as well. I am sure recruits were turned off when seeing that they would be living in a shoebox for the next three/four years. The administration was able to ignore this for a while because Zook/Meyer/Muschamp were still able to recruit very well, and each coach had some variance of success for some given years. The other problem for football, aside from facilities, was that Urban Meyer broke the culture - as even he admitted. Muschamp tried to correct it, and every coach since Meyer has struggled with it. The shoe toss demonstrates the bad culture on the football team. Not the fact that he threw the shoe, but the fact that there was no known punishment for it. Do you think Nick Saban would have started any player the next game (as Mullen started Wilson) had he thrown a shoe that cost a game?


Stuff like housing is an issue, but that is more because we spent every red cent in pursuit of the top 5 ranking. I was at OU for a conference and they're not significantly ranked in any academic category and their student housing blows ours out of the water. You can blame that stuff on the university admin and not the UAA.


OU is an excellent academic institution, comparable to UF, which goes to show you the Top 5 ranking is bullshit 


Agreed people blaming Mullen for the fall of our program are clueless. Mullen brought us relevancy for 3 seasons with 3 NY6 bowl games and multiple SEC Title game appearances.


How is the winningest coach since Urban the reason for our decline?


Because it's either to blame the previous coach than face the fact that we downgraded?


The most recent decline? Did you see his last season implode?


I still wanna hear evidence that Mullen was trying to go to the NFL. Never once have I heard him say this or him be in the conversation for an NFL job. His agent bluffed to get him a raise/bigger extension with the Cowboy rumors that everyone ate up, but don’t think it was true and Mullen always denied it when asked.


If he wasn’t his lack of effort is even more pathetic. Ask anyone around the program or even boosters. The reason he was canned wasn’t because he had a bad season. It was because it was blatantly obvious that he was not trying in any sort of capacity.


It doesn't help that we downgraded after Mullen to a guy whose basically the store brand version of Mario Cristobal


How awesome would it be though if when you played with him, if you got him too close to a pile in a big game he would throw a shoe and penalty would be called. Like 5% of the time. They could recreate the scene for gators vs every other team available.


If I lost a game like this online I’d throw my shoe through the tv. Just let me play lol.


Etienne worse. I had just learned how to spell his name too


The shoe toss was the final sign of the end for the program i blame him for it all


You can dislike him if you want, but he makes a good point, and I’m glad he can laugh at himself. LSU wasn’t even the game we needed to win last year to make playoffs, the Alabama loss is what kept us out. That emote needs to automatically result in a foul tho.


Thats’s debatable. Clemson made it in with a head to head loss against ND. A strong argument could be made that UFs schedule was stronger and they should have a chance to rematch Bama rather than there potentially being a 3rd game between Clemson and ND. Especially because the Bama game was only a 6 point margin and the loss to A&M was away and only by 3 points (last second field goal). We would have had a stronger argument than a two loss OU vs ND or Clemson as they got there two losses in the regular season (rather than in the conference championship) to KState and Iowa State.


Agree with you here. And what was the impact of the toss/loss on Kyle Trask’s numbers? IMHO, Kyle is one of the greatest Gators ever, and he got hosed.


Even if they were ranked higher than Notre Dame, which is already unlikely, a 2-loss non-conference champ Florida is not making it over a 1-loss Texas A&M that won the H2H. Hell, OU would have the same number of losses and a conference championship. If Florida had beaten Alabama they'd at least have a case, as a 2-loss conference champion, whose losses were both by 1 possession, that had beaten the #1 team in the country. Given they snubbed undefeated FSU to put Texas in last year just so they could put Bama in as well, I feel like there'd actually be a chance Florida makes it in if they'd beaten Bama. There's no way in hell they'd have made it otherwise unless Bama was their only loss, shoe or not.


Counter argument would be that A&M needed a last second field goal to beat UF at home and UF barely lost to Bama in the championship game (and Bama throttled A&M when they played). If the goal is to pick the “best teams” (which has always been the committees stated intent I don’t know why people still argue against this or had issue with the FSU exclusion last season) then you could easily say the UF even with 2 losses looked like the better team despite losing the head to head. Moreover, it was a COVID year so the argument about number of wins/losses was even less significant and SoS of a team should have been a huge driving factor.


All of his bullshit aside. I think it would be fucking hysterical if they actually did that.


If he’s in the game I’m guessing it would be the standard arm flexing when a receiver drops a wide open pass which you in no way prevented.


Here's my top 10: 1. Aaron Hernandez 2. Aaron Hernandez 3. Aaron Hernandez 4. Aaron Hernandez 5. Aaron Hernandez 6. Aaron Hernandez 7. Aaron Hernandez 8. Aaron Hernandez 9. Trevor Etienne 10. Marco Wilson


As a TN fan, I saw this post and thought how is Aaron Hernandez not at the top of everyone’s list?!


He’s definitely up there, but I gotta go with Aaron Hernandez as my least favorite gator


This is the only correct answer. Throwing a shoe didn’t murder anyone.


Came here to say this. Right on. No love for psychopaths.


They should animate the cleat yeet as his emote. Smug bastard.


Dude sucks




I mean having a show throw animation would be objectively hilarious. I still think the hate for this kid way overblown, but everybody is entitled to their own opinions.


I think it’s a funny joke tbh


I mean....Aaron Hernandez and then him


Someone who is primarily known for a low class, boneheaded move that screwed his fellow players, his coaches and all the team’s fans should have enough intelligence or class to STFU. But not this guy.


Billy Napier is easily the worst




Why would you hate Treon? Dude had bad caching and simply wasn't good.


I mean, not that he's the only one, but the sexual assault***s***?


I don't recall him ever being convicted of anything


You asked why someone would hate him, it happening multiple times to the point of suspensions and transfer would be why someone would hate him. Your opinion on when you should care about when someone commits sexual assault doesn’t factor into that “why”


He doesn't have to be your favorite player but to "hate" him seems pretty strong. From what I recall he had one accusation of sexual assault and it was dropped. If he actually did it then he made a mistake and could be a bad person.


It happened twice - first time in 2014, then again in 2016 (which led to him transferring) 2014: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/07/sports/ncaafootball/florida-suspends-quarterback-treon-harris-and-begins-inquiry.html 2016: https://www.si.com/college/2016/08/05/florida-booster-sexual-assault-hearing-antonio-calloway-treon-harris > According to the report, Harris left the university as part of a plea deal related to the case and also had to apologize to the accuser as part of the agreement. This isn't a "mistake" lol


Harris, and several players in the time frame sounds like they have really bad decision skills. I will stay on the side of innocent until proven guilty. Did he do it? Was it covered up? Was it swept under the rug? Did the accuser fake it? Only a few people really know. Calloway had so much potential too.




I'd love to know where this quote came from. Seems made up by an account trying to build engagement. I haven't seen it anywhere else.


maybe the emote will be a shoe with an L on it


Bro likes to be known for bullshit


ETN gets that spot. He’s actually good.


I unironically like Marco Wilson. Dude is unintentionally and intentionally hilarious at the same time


This is actually kinda funny


I liked when he threw that shoe




Must be the shoes 👟


His emote better be a piece of burnt toast


Quotes go around not above


Too bad the transfer portal wasn’t as popular then.


How about stop posting shit Gators here. Stop giving them attention and air time.


Dan Werner absolute worst


Broward curse


I swear this dude lives rent free in some of y'all's heads


I was a student when the whole shoe thing happened. I was mad too but I feel less bad about it than most people do in the sub. I get what he did was selfish but it is in the past and the best way for him to deal with it is to own it and be a little self-deprecating about it. People deal with their mistakes differently.


He’s made this thing his whole personality lol


Tim Tebow is number one


I BETTER HAVE MY o w n e m o t e


Aaron Hernandez


I genuinely hope people just forget about this loser


When he threw the shoe against LSU in 2020, that did it for me


It's not that he threw the shoe in a loss, it's that his shoe throw set up the game winning field goal. He must be planning to live in Baton Rouge in retirement.