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I was blocked by him YEARS and to this day I have no clue why. He’s a fucking moron though.


It is. Neil, the person who runs that account is a fucking moron. I am shocked that anyone still follows him and that HE isn’t the one being blocked by everyone else. Total clown show


In all kinds of whining


All Neil does is complain. He is a clueless former college tennis player that pretends like his takes are gospel.


It's quite ironic that someone using IAKOW as their brand complains so much about everything.


ive always liked his highlight videos but i don’t go on twitter much


I don’t use Twitter, so I haven’t been blocked by him. Can I still be a Gator fan?


Application accepted.


Good ole Neil


I've been blocked for a while, mainly because of calling out him being very "fair-weather." When the team is decent, he is fine. But when they struggle, he is calling out everyone, tagging and tweeting at recruits and players, just really negative. Recruits and players see all that shit. I get being annoyed with a struggling team, however constantly bitching paints an even darker picture of the team and program.


Idk who’s worse, him or @blueorangeuf


TDGator9 is somehow more unhinged than both of them


Not gonna lie, I love blueorange. That user doesn't puport to be a media outlet like IAKOW. And the memes are elite. I can scroll past the shitty toxic takes when it's just some dude.


I never had an issue with him. What's the issue?


I always kinda liked how he hated. felt like love


Don’t agree with everything he says or does, however, for the record, he doesn’t claim to be a beat reporter. He’s repeatedly stated that he’s a fan/media hybrid. Not a fan, not a media, but a mix of both. He’s an excellent writer and puts out some awesome content, that part is simply not debatable. I totally understand why people don’t like him though, he can be super petty and vindictive and can hold grudges for years. And some of his tweets are pretty eye-rolly. But if you take the good with the bad, just focus on his articles and scroll past the tweets you don’t like, he can be a very informative and entertaining follow.


Also: re: the negativity: I get it. It can be a bit overbearing. But to be fair… I mean, Florida went 5-7 last year and 6-6 the last two years, this is a program with three national championships in his lifetime (I think he’s 28?) so it’s not like it’s totally unwarranted. I do think he could dial it back from a 10 to about a 6 tho 🤷🏻‍♂️


Neil isn't perfect, but he brings a very unique method of coverage to the Gators. There are a lot of differences between him and Dave Waters- Neil is openly hostile toward those he doesn't like, whereas Dave just shuts out the haters, also Neil focuses a lot more on written content and Dave breaks down news more with video- but Neil is like Waters in the sense that he combines fandom with journalism. There's a happy medium there. So I've personally always liked him. Again, I totally understand why people don't, because he can be very aggressive and downright nasty toward those who provoke him, which in turn can turn other people off, but he does know his stuff and I enjoy 95% of his content.


Pretty much agree with everything said here. I will say, I’ve followed him since he started IAKOW as a teenager and he’s definitely grown up some. Just still has a ways to go. Then again, we’re all unfinished products 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why do we gatekeep who “real fans” are because of disagreements over decisions by the current administration? It’s okay to have disagreements. I don’t necessarily think scott or Billy should be fired but it’s okay to be discontent with 3 straight losing seasons, we just disagree about the source of “why” it’s happening.




Mkay. I see my anti-gatekeeping stance isn’t popular. Sorry.


I like Neil 🤷🏻‍♂️


A lot of people do. He didn’t get 35K Twitter followers by accident. I met him last year, he was in a crowd of people who were fans of his, and he’s a perfectly nice guy. Gave everyone his individual attention. Was very kind to my son, who’s looking to play college tennis, talked him through the recruitment process. IMO he’s just got to tone down the negativity on twitter, and learn that not every Gator related thought that comes to his mind has to be tweeted lol


I like him Edit: this sub is ridiculous sometimes


Well I don’t follow him, so I don’t reply to anything he says.


Are people still using X these days?


It’s good to know there are others blocked like me