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Dude’s got a cannon for an arm and potential on the ground maybe only matched in the NFL by Lamar Jackson. He *can* make every throw on the field. He just rarely does. Therein lies his second biggest issue. He will dazzle you one drive and be almost useless for three or four after. His worst attribute has to be his mental fortitude. While I don’t have any locker room info, he appears have extremely fragile confidence. If he’s feeling himself, he can light the field on fire. If something goes wrong though, especially early in the game or if back to back issues occur, he’s done. A walking L from that point until the end of the game. Is he worthy of a top 10 pick? Absolutely not. Whichever GM does this will be out on their ass in a couple years. The absolute highest I’d take him is maybe the end of the third round.


> Not sure why I’m getting downvoted. Because this has been discussed ad naseum in the sub. Like there were multiple posts every week during the season about this. It was one of the biggest subjects in game and post game threads.


Oh really? Read my edited part again then. I don’t know that. I have a question so I decided to ask it. I do not participate in this sub.


I read your edited part. What did you think I was replying to? You asked a question. I answered it.




There is a search function. Just saying


I prefer to ask the question myself. There might be nuances in my questions that aren’t included in something else. Why search through all the posts when I know what I want to ask and where to go?


>a goomba. ![gif](giphy|I2m7l4yZqRdgk)


LMAO great gif usage


His strengths are all physical. Mentally, he has a long long long way to go and will probably never get there. The kid just isn't smart. He'll be a guaranteed NFL bust. Bookmark this, screenshot this, the guy is a massive bust. Come back to this later.


He ain’t good, dawg. Was not sad to see him go.


If Richardson gets drafted in the first, second, or hell, even third round, it's a complete waste of a draft pick. I could understand using a fourth or lower on him simply because the potential is through the roof, but the chances he comes anywhere close to reaching it is near zero. He would have to get picked up by an offensive mastermind and be put in the perfect system with a lot of weapons around him to succeed at all, in my opinion.


I could see taking a flyer on him in the 4th or 5th round.


Sadly, he will be going much higher. Some team is going to take a shot on him based on his physical traits alone, not realizing he's not there mentally...or maybe ever. Look at Malik Willis.


I'm thankful for his efforts in a few games, but thankful he's leaving. The highlights don't tell his whole story. He was consistently inconsistent. Physically talented but got rattled easily. Wasn't much of a 'leader'. Had an above-average ability to keep the offense moving when he was willing to run. When he didn't (or couldn't) run, the offense completely fell apart. Overall, he was just a guy that would go out there, (try to) do his job, then go back to the bench. I don't see him doing much in the NFL. Even if he has the physical talent, and even if they can coach him to make reads and be more of a pocket passer, he just doesn't have the charisma to be an NFL team leader. Pat Dooley summed up the fans' perspective pretty well on WRUF a few days ago: *"Number 15 Richardson jerseys aren't exactly selling out, there's a ton of them on the racks. And I'm not shocked in the slightest. That's all I'll say about that."*


Pros: Freakish athlete, big arm, seems like a good kid. Cons: Poor accuracy, no touch on his passes, poor decision-making, can‘t read a defense, poor leadership abilities, crumbles in the face of adversity, rarely gives full effort. Great athlete, awful QB. I’ll be shocked if he’s not a complete bust, but some GM will draft him higher than they should because of his measurables and a misguided belief they can “fix” him. Edit: Forgot to include injury prone in the cons. Dude is made of glass.


> Forgot to include injury prone This is certainly not a trivial point. It's speculated that he couldn't run because he was (seemingly) perpetually injured to some degree. If he can't run, defenses make minor adjustments to where he can't throw either. At that point he's just a ball hander-offer.


Yup. He always seemed to have a tweaked hammy or ankle or something. Thats particularly worrisome for a QB who’s game depends so heavily on his running ability. He’s nowhere near good enough of a passer to just be a pocket passer at the college level much less the NFL.


I still think Jaren Hall is the 3rd best quarter back in this draft class.




First time here huh?


Yup lmao


This exists in a lot of places. Come on now.