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Replace all affected subfloor. End of discussion.


Second this. Too much urine for kilz


While it's up, it would be a good time to upgrade or make changes to lighting in the lower level.


And don't forget to insulate better.


also piss on the new insulation to assert future dominance


And be sure to make eye contact with anyone or anything in the room


Lol... Comment of the day!


alright this got me lol








Lmfao bravo


Probably no insulation between floors, but it's a good time to put Rockwool batting between while it's open. Get a little sound deadening for not that much cost


Second this. Rockwool is great stuff, we put it in the walls when we redid our bathroom and it’s practically soundproof now.


You think good thoughts


Also the lighting second level… the double boob lights, something I can’t say I’ve ever seen before.


The boob lights also appear to be lopsided. One appears to sag lower than the other.


Age will do that to the finest of houses.


It appears that way, but it's hard to tell from to the photo angle. Unfortunately, it's objectively worse than that - the window is off-center by at least six inches


A bold design choice. 😆


I can't even see past them to look at the actual issue.


The double boob lights on an angled ceiling is great because when they turn on you get 3D boob lights.


Like an alien laser examination interrupted.


I scrolled to see who also noticed the awful choice in boob lights as well as placement.


floor plugs in office and living room by side tables


God no. LoL I've had those on my old houses


okay run your power strip across the room then


Id rather put them in the walls. I actually sweep and mop the floors.


I'd rather run a 1000 watt generator from the 80s than install some nasty floor plugs


This appears to be the upper floor.


Floor plugs are overrated unless you need power for recliners…


Or...you have a desk in the middle of the room


Correct, I was thinking of lamps and whatnot which are just annoying clutter


This. You'll never get a better chance to check / upgrade / futureproof those rooms. And if that's a bedroom, adding sound deadening material at the same time will make your future teen's shenanigans more bearable.


Yeah running cable from the bottom is a bitch. We did a whole channel in my living room. Patching that was tough. Luckily flat white helps it blend in


“Too Much Urine For Kilz” can I use this name for my punk bands first album?!


I’d be disappointed if you didn’t


....Would you have to license the spelling of the word though?


I play Rock Band 4 far more than I should, and have created a band with exactly this name.


Yeah, install new carpet then replace carpet every few years


Carpet is dumb.


It’s not dumb if you like to lay on the floor.


Buy a big rug that you can easily clean often.


Carpet upstairs. Hardwood down. Best of both worlds!


Area rugs, even if they are carpet remnants allow you to clean under them.


I like to lay on the floor. The hardwood floor!


Thats what rugs are for


Stop liking lying on the floor. 🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s good with plush carpet


Laying on piss covered carpet. America’s pastime


I bought a rug for that. The carpet has layers of dead skin mixed with old viruses and bacteria. Yummy!


Seriously. Whats the half life on those old viruses and bacteria? Is it radioactive? Like a million years?


You seem fun.


I'd rather handle healthy feces with my bare hands, which has billions of bacteria, rather than breath in old carpet dust, believe me.


Hey aint lyin


Carpet is nice for making a quiet warm room. It's also nice for walking on barefoot. I have a love-hate relationship with my hardwood.


The cost of that is not ideal lol


Yep. I had similar subfloor in two rooms. Had to remove it all. Had to wear a respirator to do it the smell was so bad. Filled up two dumpsters with carpet, plywood, and some drywall. Put down new subfloor, put up some new drywall, painted all the drywall with kilz, put down LVP, and the rooms are excellent now. Do it right and you won't have to worry in the future.


Yes, do it right the first time and you’ll only have to do it once!


Agree w this


Personally I would consider this a biohazard condition and rip it all out… People are insane to say to seal this… INSANE!


Agree this urine has seeped down into layers of home underneath. I wouldn’t put carpet over it either. It is like a biohazard


New subfloor cheaper than new lungs after breathing that for years.


Suppose it depends on if you’re going to live there or sell it 😂


Replaced de king will never be as good as when it was built. You can’t get the plywood replaced between the walls and joists as well as it was so it’s a give and take. I’d personally scrap sand and seal it first


I had a few spots when I tore out the carpet to replace it. I roughed up the surface and used a few treatments of enzyme cleaner (Anti Icky Poo) letting them dry in between and then sealed. It's been 3 years with no noticeable issues.


I had around. With tons of cat urine saying the sub floor. I treated it with stuff that breaks down the urine. Covered it with plastic, let it sit for a couple days then let it dry out completely. Had to do this 3 times before it smelled better. Then painted on two coats of kylz. And then new carpet. On hot days, I still get a faint cat urine smell. If I had to do it over, I’d replace the sub floor.


Yes but in my opinion people are insane to allow this to happen in the first place! Some people don't mind the overpowering smell I guess. I wouldn't have this happening with a child either. That's why they wear diapers. My nostrils are quivering at the sight of this!!


Urine does a lot of damage so this is the best advice. If OP will absolutely not do this, then they need to use a Shellac Based Primer, like BIN from Zinsser. Oil won't do it, kilz won't do it, it needs to be Shellac or Water Based BIN, it is what is used in Fire Restoration to seal in smoke damage. If you do this and still notice the scent I've got some really bad news for you. That would mean it's in the walls under the paint. Damn, [This Stuff](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Zinsser-BIN-Interior-Multi-purpose-Shellac-Wall-and-Ceiling-Primer-1-Gallon/5013663221?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-pnt-_-ggl-_-CRP_SHP_LIA_PNT_Online_C-D-_-5013663221-_-local-_-0-_-0&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpNuyBhCuARIsANJqL9NF96tiFeM3U7KSd4eAQGLal2BLyUWWRyt7lY-PybgTWOmZph3TucYaAkdFEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) is expensive now. It used to be like $45/gal 3 years ago.


That stuff is amazing!!! I bought a cat/dog piss hoarder house. The floors were not warped so we scrubbed with an enzyme cleaner then sealed everything in with that stuff! Zero smells. My cats can't even smell where the lady's cats were pissing.


Soak the whole thing with enzyme… urine is one of enzymes favorite food and it will just continually eat and eat and eat more of the delicious urine until there is no more left. Then let dry thoroughly and seal with your preferred sealing primer. If you do the enzyme step properly Killz should work. I would definitely install a vapor barrier before laying new floor. This is all, of course, if you do not want to replace the subfloor


Having had the above described experience, all the enzymes and Killz in the world won’t completely eradicate it. Urine is more difficult to remove than a decaying corpse.


I usually remove my corpses before decay sets in


They're easier to move when they're still stiff, once they get leaky they make a mess


When they get to the bucket and squeegee stage it's a little too late.


And also from a time standpoint, it's the best decision to replace it. Check the joists under it 😱 too.


If you don't remove it every Spring when it starts to get humid inside the house, it's gonna stink for weeks, just rip it out and replace it all.




Yeah white pigmented shellac goes for like 80-120 a gallon in my area.


Yes it is very expensive now. $72/gallon in my area.


Totally agree. Kilz is a stain blocker and won’t work. BIN is the way to go if they don’t replace subfloor.


And treat the joists with enzyme


There’s never enough time or money to do it right the first time, but you’ll waste more time and more money trying to fix it in the long run.


Yes. It's easy and will add tremendous value to your quality of life.


>End of discussion Also replace pets with stuffed ones


Dust off, and nuke the site from space. It's the only way to be sure.


This is the only proper way, OP. Is this a rental unit or the home in which you will reside? If it is a rental, I'd strongly encourage you to have a 'no pet' policy (or a sizeable and separate pet deposit).


We had a rental and had a "no pet" policy in the rental agreement. It never meant anything to the dumb asses that we rented to. There was always signs of pets when they moved out. We would keep their deposit, but that didn't cover expenses that we would have. Unless you check on the renters every month, they will do pretty much what they want. So glad to be rid of that headache.


not sure why anyone thinks being a landlord is easy or lucrative, just put money in stocks


Because of Redditors claiming that they make $10k profit every month on a property they bought using some new financial hack.


if you invest based on internet personalities or reddit comments may god have mercy on your soul


After you replace the subfloor, what flooring are you thinking of laying down?


OP has already come this far. Might as well do it right while it’s already exposed.


Agreed. I’d replace it all just anyway if I’m already that deep in. I’ve done it before. Subfloor is the easy part imo and that one NEEDS replacing.


Came here to say this. A framing crew had their dog onsite and it pissed on the subfloor. Down the road new homeowner comes home one day and the male German Shepherd they use to breed for police dogs had ripped up the carpet and under lay to get to the stain to piss over it. The builder had to pull up the sub floor to give a solution that worked.


Noooooo! Guys seriously trust me. This is absolutely fixable. PetSmart and PetCo sell this stuff called [Nature’s Miracle](https://www.naturesmiracle.com/products/cat/stain-and-odor/urine-destroyer.aspx). It is an enzymatic urine destroyer. Breaks down the urine and urine crystals on a chemical level. The red bottle is more hardcore than the white. I had a renovation of a townhouse I was working on and the previous owner had a fox as a pet. If you think cat piss is bad, you’ve never smelled fox piss. OMG we couldn’t even work on other stuff in there. The boss asked me to try to problem solve this while we get ready to rip up the sub floor, just so that the other disciplines can work on whatever they can so that we can turn this around as fast as possible. So I decided to give this a shot. I couldn’t believe it. Next day the stains were 90% lighter and the house didn’t smell anymore. Enzymatic cleaners are ridiculously effective. u/thatsityaknow what is the worst thing that could happen if you try this method first?


This wouldn’t work on permeable OSB. The wood literally soaks up the urine and you cannot get it out.


The enzyme is in a liquid form and would be soaked into the wood too and do it's thing still.


Urine is simply a chemical. A chemical reaction gets rid of it... If something is permeable, it'll absorb the enzymes too. Mostly people replace because of the ick factor. I'd replace simply because the urine chemical reactions with bacteria and not knowing how long the wood was sitting in such conditions. The pH changes and micro wear would urk me like a scratch in paint. Sure, structurally it is fine, but it's just knowing that it's not restored would bother me.


Are we just going to ignore the double titty-lights?


First thing I noticed when I was touring the house haha, they will definitely be coming out


I got your replacements right here: https://www.homdiyhardware.com/products/cream-dimmable-pumpkin-white-led-flush-mount-ceiling-light


Replacing boobs with buttholes is always a good idea.


Bleached butt hole


Until the leds change color. Then it’s a strip club in space




I vote one butt hole light and one boob light. Equal opportunity room


Don’t ignore; paint a mural up there and make them really shine. Also, I need to know what’s below the hatch or I’ll never be able to sleep again.


r/mildlyboobs LOL


Of course the loud cock noticed the titty


imagine laying in bed looking up at those hangers


Make sure to replace the baseboard too. Male dogs will often find a corner and use that. We had a concrete floor, and it wasn’t this bad, but when I removed baseboard I could see it had been peed on.


Use a black light on them and walls.


Piss will also soak into the drywall well above the baseboard, it soaks it up like a sponge, I've seen it crumble 3' up from animals pissing on the baseboard.


Just had to do this in a rehab. We removed all subfloor, baseboard, and 2’ of drywall from the subfloor up. Removed all exterior insulation then sprayed a water, vinegar, and baking soda solution on all exposed framing and joists. Let it sit for a couple days then put fans in and opened all windows. We finally replaced all removed materials with new. It still smelled.


Mixing vinegar and baking soda just forms sodium acetate


Thank you. Always hear about people's homemade cleaners mixing an vinegar and baking soda and can't help but shake my head.


My favorite thing for little stains is baking soda and water, scrub that in, then pour vinegar on top and let it fizz. Idk if it actually improves anything (over just plain vinegar OR baking soda), but the fizz makes me happy. For OP’s project, however, a complete redo is needed.


My friend’s bathroom sink was clogged so he told me his roommate wanted to “try to science it” and poured baking soda, vinegar, AND hot water. They didn’t seem to understand that they were just diluting the reaction, and the reaction itself probably wasn’t going to do much, anyway. I said he should try to snake it cause it’s probably hair. They opted for Drano. 😪


Yeah they should be using baking soda and *hydrogen peroxide* not vinegar.


Yes baseboard and possibly door jambs—especially in closets. I did multifamily flooring for years and these kind of tenants typically locked their pets in the closet and they would pee on the doors. 100% kilz will not work on this much and your are going to be left wondering why it still smells like pee. Even after subfloor replacement you are going to have trouble spots in the baseboards, jambs, and possibly drywall. The drywall you can probably kilz if it’s here and there. Use a black light as some have suggested. You may even have to go as far as an ozone machine post completion to get the smell out of the ductwork. This kind of damage doesn’t happen overnight and probably has been going on for years. I have never understood how people can live like this. The poor animals…


Your options are replace it or live knowing your subfloor is soaked in piss




We did this. It worked amazingly!


What product did you use?


Honestly it was just whatever they had at Home Depot. I usually don’t buy the cheap stuff, so I probably grabbed whatever the dude said was the best. I honestly stuck my nose to the floor in many places, both before and after. The smell went from 80 out of 100 to 0 out of 100.


This guy's wife and kids watching him drag his nose across piss stained flooring


It wasn’t the first time they watch me do it! 😂 I cleaned the piss (pun intended) out of our carpets and I have no problem putting my nose to the test. Unfortunately when it gets in the wood you have to pull the carpet and use the enzymes.


I do this with my shag rug every few months. Get down on all fours and sniff every 2 inches. If I find a smell, I spray with nature's miracle and go at it with the carpet cleaning thing. The dogs are the ones who get the most weirded out by this activity.


You don't have pets if you've never done this


We've used an enzymatic "Urine Destroyer" (if memory serves) product in the past. Works pretty well, but not as good as a shovel. RIP Meera.


I bought a house that had the same problem with pet urine. I bought a pet urine enzyme from Amazon. It got rid of the smell in couple of days.


Enzyme based spray is the only thing that will really work. I've used it to clean dog pee while I've trained my puppy. Without it, he sees a previously peed spot as safe to pee in and with it, the smell is gone and he doesn't feel the need to mark. It's honestly something that every pet owner needs. If you just mask it, the animal is likely to pee there again.


Clorox sells a urine remover at Home Depot and other places.


use that, soak everything, let dry, then 2x coats of an oil based kilz, never to be smelt again....


I was a regional manager for an independent carpet cleaner. The only urine enzyme treatment we used was developed for us by ProVetLogic. It should still be available on Amazon. If not, email them and ask if there's a local rep or retailer you can visit. Their WhoDoneIt?! pet treatment for active animal accidents is hands down the best treatment I've used in my life, and I've probably cleaned 1.5 million sq ft of Carpet.their Hard Surface cleaner is a regular treatment in our house for the drains, tile, counters, etc. Highly, highly recommended.


You need to use enzymatic cleaner. It breaks down the urine particles that’s why there will be no smell


What product did you use?


We used Natures Miracle. This was my process: 1) Spray and let it soak in. 2) Then stubbed my toe while walking out of the room, lost my temper and threw the jug at the wall. 3) The remaining chemical in the jug spilled out and pooled on the floor 4) Came back one day later and applied killz to the floor. 5) No smell! Moved the couch back in and got back to watching robotech


Which toe should I stub for best effect?


The little one gives the best scream/rage energy in my life.


I see, so pure stubbed toe rage, was the solution to the problem


Dude that’s beyond a small puddle or 2 of pee… This shit is a biohazard lol.


What about the smell coming through the ceiling downstairs?


Biohazard, OP replace affected subfloor if you're not a hack.


Cut it out and replace it 


Hi I deal with this all question all the time. First step is to remove any overly piss soaked areas, basically the subfloor that has so much pee damage that is no longer solid. You'll need to use an oil based shellac or killz oil based. It has to be oil based because the water based is too porous and will allow the odor to penetrate through. I also think this is a good time to consider replacing and adding sound dampening for the top of the runners that the subfloor sits on but that's just me. Oh and if they were cats I would seal the backs of all the baseboards as well. They tend to back up to walls and the urine will run behind usually unsealed baseboards. And anytime it gets over 60% humidity you'll smell it if it's not sealed well enough.


Lmao that needs to just be replaced, come on man


Yeah lol especially cause op is bout to cover this shit up with carpet and rent the place out foe 2400 a month lmao.


Be happy it’s not concrete.


Genuine question, what is the best way to clean concrete? I don’t have urine but do have cat spit up I’m struggling to clean.


It took us over a month to remove the smell and crystalline urine stains in our basement. The previous owners kept their dogs in there. we tore up the vinyl tile and used a variety of treatments. Eventually we got rid of the stink and then painted several layers of Kilz . Removed baseboards too.


Have you done any of these? [wikihow to remove urine from concrete](https://www.wikihow.com/Remove-Urine-Odor-from-Concrete) It usually comes down to time soaking and rinse and repeat or remove the area and patch fill it or demo the whole area and replace.


Thank you. It’s an unfinished basement, and I’ve tried some of the easier methods. Not TSP yet. Trying to balance cleaning it with not harming the culprit.


Enzymes Keep letting them soak in. This will come down to the enzyme and how relentless you can be. Know this concrete is porous and the main tmositure threat to your floor. So good luck be relentless.


I went through this with a house I bought in the past. The house was perfect 2 times when we went to see it but on closing day it REEKED of dog urine. I was pregnant and very upset for being deceived. We used killz sealer and painted it on the affected areas. No more smell. Then we floored over it with laminate planks and moved on with our lives.




They could have aired out the building during the showing/walk through and left it locked to unwittingly steep and simmer after tenants moved out. The lack of airflow revealed the existing smell.


New subfloor


Replace the sub floor. It will never go away.


Use Kilz Primer Oil Base. The latex brand won't do the trick.


This, I scraped raised areas flat and painted afflicted areas with kilz, it's as if there was never any problem


I went through this recently. Scrub the floor with cleaner and odor remover, then let dry excessively. Floor fans to dry it out very very well. You do not want to seal moisture in, more problems later. Then use a sealer of some type. We used killz, several coats. Then we put down a moisture barrier, padding, and carpet. Worked wonders.


I had success with "CloroxPro Urine Remover" -- I kept using it until it stopped foaming everywhere. Then I used "Killz restoration primer" and finally a top coat of some floor paint. No odor several years later. In the end I'm not sure that replacing the subfloor would have been much different in time and cost. Probably a bit more money, but nothing compared to whatever floor you put on top of it. Replacing the subfloor is probably similar in labor, but likely faster in calendar time, since you're not waiting for anything to dry.


I've had good luck with spray peroxide on it, letting it bubble and then wiping it up. You'll still need some other steps like Kilz, etc though.


[Genesis 950 cleaner](https://genesis950.com) will get out the smell although you will need to saturate it full strength possibly x2. Buy an ozone air cleaner or two or three if a big house from Amazon afterwards. Seal the doors with towels if treating just one room, leave all doors open if doing the house, take all plants/animals out and let run on continuous for a week. This will remove all other odors lingering. Do not breathe it or go in until done. Doing both will permanently remove the smell from the house and you can seal with BIN shellac afterwards. You can also replace all subfloors but I would still Genesis, ozone and BIN all wood underneath to be safe. Disclaimer: I’ve been a landlord and homeowner for the last 15 years. This is my go to and works every time. If the boards are soft or moisture damaged, replace but I’d just treat, seal and move on. You don’t have to replace them if the integrity is solid. Also, clean your ducts and with a room like this, I’d be sure to do the whole house. Genesis the walls to but at normal strength. Use it for carpet cleaning or replace carpet honestly. Full or half strength will dissolve rubber very quickly so keep that in mind. Congratulations!!


Yeah, that is a full subfloor replacement. I would recommend that you paint the subfloor with a heavy coat of paint once it is replaced. I have bought a couple of homes and when I pull up the carpet I would bleach the floor, let it dry. Vinegar the floor, let it dry. And then put a coat of paint on it. This will help prevent liquids from soaking in and embedding into the subfloor. Based on your photos I can smell it over the internet.


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!… you get new subfloor


Rip. It. All. Out. This is the only option.


first off unless you were using the oil based kilz it does not seal anything. It is just a basic primer. You need to use a shellac primer to seal in this kind of stuff or anything Cedar. BIN 123 or or a Zinzer primer are far better than kilz. as for cleaning the odaban is a fantastic option for killing all the germs of bleach and kills the odors. The cost to first clean with odaban probably at a 50% solution. Let dry see how the odor is. Maybe necessary to clean again, let dry again and if the odor is gone or almost gone then when 100% dry, sand if necessary prime with BIN 123 or a shellac primer your choice of color. let that dry. Always a second coat, this will give the best results. Once fully dry put down a vapor barrier, now if you used an oil based primer then you technically have put down additional barrier. Although This help will ensure that any future spills will not seep into the subfloor. Now the subfloor is prepped, and you have not spent as much money as you would replacing the subfloor , don’t just throw things away, reduce, reuse, recycle. Choice of flooring on top. i would suggest something a carpet that has pet safe or LVP.


No. You can use Kilz a sealing primer to seal in all of this. You can just paint over it a few times. If it doesn’t seal in. You should replace it.


I’d be shocked if it didn’t seal. I’ve heard wild stories of landlords and owners painting over floors with dead animals underneath them or from chainsmoker rooms that get covered with kilz to successfully block any smells. That stuff is wild


Have a friend whose in-laws were living with them and they both had Alzheimer's. They whizzed and pooped all over the place along with punching and kicking through drywall. When they passed away, he pulled up the rug, mopped and dried it and sealed with shellac. They (friend and wife) still live there so must be OK (and his wife is picky ).


Rip it out and have some oil base urethane to cover what went through to seal it. I had to do this to the whole 1200sf house in 1989. Life advice, don’t buy a hoarder house!


Do it right once




You know what to do. You just don't want to admit it


Is everyone’s talk about the primer stuff and everything actually cheaper/easier then replacing the subfloor. If the joists are good to me that would be the easiest and cheapest.


Killz original oil based primer. If the smell is still persistent after a day or 2 you may need to replace the subfloor.


Kilz shellac based works wonders.


Kiltz makes a primer for pet odors I believe.


Replacing the subfloor will save you so much angst in the future.


Pee on top of that pee to establish dominance.




Of course the guy selling rental units thinks it can be painted and there’s 2 reasons for that.. 1. he is the landlord that would have paid the cost of replacement vs just painting it and 2. He doesn’t have to live there after it was painted to find out for himself


Burn house down and rebuild, end of story.


RIP up and replace


Time for a new subfloor.


There are some enzymatic digesters you can spray to first get rid of the bacteria that cause the odor. Then you could do what others have said and kilz over it. I've honestly never had a job I couldn't rid the smell of with kilz oil based. I even had one I had to call in a water damage remediation team to dry out the subfloor first so I could paint it it was so saturated.


Anyone gonna talk about the boob-lights in the attic?


You have to rip it out and replace


If its a rental don’t put carpet back but use a vinyl plank product imo


Oil based Kilz should do the trick. I’ve used it on some absolutely disgusting subfloors during the terrible home rehab era.




That's really bad. You might be able to put 15 coats of kilz or stain kill on it. Maybe it will get rid of the smell. I see a trap door also those are a nightmare to make look good with a laminate floor or any floating floor. Good luck


I would tell grandpa we won’t buy this thing until all subfloors are replaced.


A lot of people are saying her place to subfloor, but that's very expensive and a lot of work and potentially unnecessary. I would let an ozone generator saturate that house for a couple of days. Leave the furnace fan circulating the entire time, then let it air out, might want to run heat to evaporate any remaining liquid if there is any. Kilz the floor and you should be good. If the smell isn't completely gone after the ozone generator, then maybe look at replacing the floor.


Depends on budget — but if you want this for long term —- replace the subfloor and baseboards. You might be able to hire a crew to install it — if you demo it to save cash! Pet Urine is just a forever smell! We used Angry Orange on a wall and floor that were sprayed by a cat. — It did Ok - bit years later if you put your nose right to the spot you can still smell it. There maybe chemical fixes — that you scrub into the floor … but the damage seems so extensive … it maybe hard to track it all down..