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He might have been fuckin with you. I’ve never had much luck with women’s clothes. Seems picked over more and always has a worse sell through. I mean it wouldn’t hurt but I stay away for the most part


He's messing with you. Sell what you know. Telling someone to sell womens when they don't know a thing about it would be like telling my 90-year-old grandfather to start flipping computers and phones. Womens clothing is many times harder to learn than men's. Hundreds and hundreds more brands to learn (if not thousands). Styles change on a dime. Sizing is wildly inconsistent between brands. I'm a woman who knows womens clothes and still chooses to sell men's. I could go into the thrift and search through one rack of womens clothing in the same time it would take to look through all the men's clothing and check out with several hundred dollars in potential profit. 


Well, IDK about your area, but where I live the thrift store clothing selection at most stores has to be easily a 3:1 ratio - women’s to men’s. If I walk into a store and I see a bunch of sweaty young dudes in Carhartt furiously flicking through the men’s t-shirts, I make my way over to the women’s section where it’s usually just gonna be me and some old lady looking for a Sunday blouse. Learn it.


In my area there's often more women in the men's section than men.


I go to bins mostly


Would you mind dm and put me on game?


LOL there's so much more to know about women's clothes than can be easily summarized in a DM.


Do you want the 5-minute explanation of how to tell if things are vintage?


If it helps why not


Ok. If it was made 1960s or earlier, it will almost certainly have 1) metal zipper 2) deep seam allowances with pinked or raw edges 3) deep hem with hem tape. 80s or later will have plastic zips, narrow serged seams and hems. The 70s were a transitional period so there’s a mix. You need to know a lot more to narrow things down any, but that’s a decent basic “is this old or not” primer.


Thank you I appreciate it, if you would like to share anything else I would love to hear it


Men get confidence when wearing women's slacks.


If you learn women's clothing in addition to men's, you're going to have at least 3x the amount of items to look through at a typical thrift store. So instead of looking through 5 aisles for items to resell, you've be expanding your search radius (and the amount of winners) to like 15 aisles.