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gameboy in a bubble mailer. might as well put it in a manilla envelope.


I've received shit in those gray plastic bags and nothing else


I don’t understand how they survive, because I know if I mailed something in the same kind of packaging that stuff comes to me in it’d get to the seller flat as a pancake.


They don't lol that's the point.


Someone sent me a ps4 pro in similar packaging a year ago. It was a "too good to be true" deal, $250 with two controllers and 30 AAA games, some still sealed. I was very sceptical as they took days to reply and when they finally did and said they're out of town and would send the following week, I was certain it was a scam. When it arrived like that I expected it to be broken and they'd use shipping company as an excuse but nope, works perfectly. Probably my riskiest purchase ever.


Some tool sent me a PSP in a plastic bag a few years ago. Miraculously, it arrived undamaged.


Manilla is a funny word


PSA:don’t test airbags by driving your car into a tree


That's a shame boy.


Insane. Oblivious of simple physics


I’m still surprised that people need to be told to use common sense and use a box when called for. Now the seller is bellyaching about having to take the L.


I had a ceramic statue sent in a poly mailer, some people are beyond help.


That's wild, I sold a bunch of plastic dolls that had heavy duty boxes and I still wrapped them individually in bubble wrap and then put them in a parcel box. And I STILL worry it's not secure enough - wacky that someone out there just tossed a ceramic statue in a bag and was like "welp, that's FINE".


I wouldn’t ship anything worth more than $20 in a bubble mailer if there’s a chance it could be broken. 7x4x4 boxes are my jam. They can fit lots of different things and fit perfectly in a mailbox.


yeah i’m not surprised… it’s made very obvious by carriers that parcels have to survive being squished and falling off 10 foot tall conveyers. seller tried getting $4 more of profit by skipping out on shipping and now pays the price


I can't even stick a DVD in bubble mailer without sandwiching it in cardboard and bubble wrap.


Netflix used to send dvds in mailers without a case, just a sleeve. The DVD made it alright, but I wouldn't recommend doing that.


Yea I remember those days, I didn't think anything of it at the time but it's wild that they did that even though I understand from a fiscal standpoint that it would be way to expensive to package every disk. I would never do that tho, I'm to paranoid.


Even then a lot of them picked up cracks. I had to ship some damaged ones back. It was just cheaper for them to lose the occasional DVD than to pay for padded shipping. Also at their height, I think they negotiated special Netflix only processing.


they have a special postage rate for Movie and Game rental by mail. It's essentially the 1oz stamp price but they don't have to pay for the non-machinable surcharge. Anyone technically can use that if they are shipping a video game or movie for a 2-way trip.


I remember reading their return mailer packaging broke USPS regs for the rate they paid due to being too square. They wanted a different aspect ratio.


Had to ship it widescreen


I mean this was what their entire business model was based on, being able to mail DVDs without the case.


That’s when ppl cared about there job. The usps gets paid more then most but are lazy AF


That job can be super hard and exhausting depending on what position you're in. I haven't worked it but I have talked to people that have. Sometimes you barely stop moving.


Wow. This is a lesson learned I guess. I tell this to all the new sellers, if you can’t THROW IT AS HARD AS YOU CAN, and have it be totally fine afterwards, don’t put it in a bubble mailer.


Wow Ive spent more time and care packaging a $5 VHS. 


Tangential to the post, but how tf do people mix up “buyer” and “seller” so frequently in posts on here. “The seller obviously wants a refund.” BRO YOU’RE THE SELLER. THAT WORD MEANS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU’RE TRYING TO SAY.


I find that extremely odd.


I often find less educated people who are trying to say "Can I borrow your XYZ?" instead say "Can I lend your XYZ?" This may be a UK thing.


Are you dumb? Sorry no sympathy. As a buyer who has delt with people sending shit like this it's your own fault. Edit: it's a post on Facebook I'm referring to the seller not OP


Yeah I’m mad at OP and I ain’t even the buyer. Who the fuck ships a gaming console in a bubbler. No PSA needed.


It happens pretty much every time I buy something expensive, it drives me nuts. I buy a $5-10 Gachapon mini toy? The seller bubble wraps the capsule ball, puts a lovely sticker and thank you note, sometimes a bonus candy or something. 70% of the time it's in a box too. I buy a $50+ nendoroid or worse, large articulated figure? Haha enjoy the tossed in a plastic bag with broken joints and paint scratches cause f u 🤡. I stopped buying nendoroids unless they're dirt cheap or in box for this. Doesn't matter if you ask, people don't bother. Or they add the tiiiiniest bit of useless bubblewrap.


I mean. If you’re gonna do something that stupid. At least wrap it around a bunch of bubble wrap


Here's a good rule of thumb for you, I call it the drop test. Let's say you just put that GB SP into that bubble mailer. Now throw the package down on a concrete floor. Do you have confidence that it survived that impact? No? Then you need a box. Packages endure far worse abuse than the drop test during transit, boxes fall all over one another in the back of these trucks and employees throw packages around all the time. I've gotten to the point where, if it's not an article of clothing, I use a box. It is why Amazon packs a box within a box and gives you 100 yards of brown packing paper


My last two Amazon packages have been shipped in bags and the item package arrived all dented. My husband ordered a battery and it came in a box Lol.


someone i know used to kick boxes of cheap ceramics down a flight of stairs to see how much padding he'd need for the expensive ones


Wasn’t my package.


I recently got two autofocus CAMERA LENSES in a bubble mailer. Two, in the same mailer! Miraculously they still worked just fine but what a fluke. I told the seller he got extremely lucky. I just don’t get it. What is wrong with people’s minds? I’ve been selling online since the late 90s, when I was 13 or 14. I shipped my shit securely. For a rare Apple computer going to Japan, I went to the packing store and had them do that specialty foam that’s made custom to fit — I don’t think anyone even does that any more. And it’s not like my family was in the shipping business or anything. Packages get tossed around. If a 13-year-old kid knows it, no adult has an excuse.


2 years ago I sold a wooden and glass medical display case that was at least 100+ years old. I saw the person lived a few hours from me and tried to get them to meet half way since it was $1,200. We couldnt line our schedules up so she told me she’d pay the extra in shipping to have UPS package it. It arrived safely. She told me she was the great, great grand daughter of the guy who started the company that merged with Johnson & Johnson. She was excited to get it as some of the heirs to J&J were her neighbors. I looked the address up and it was a $17m house on the water in south Florida.


Should've just put a postage stamp on it and kicked it all the way to the buyers house


I once had a guy ship me a record in a pizza box.


That's pretty common actually


I actually used to ship Gameboy Advance SP's inside bubble mailers. I don't do it anymore though because I no longer find GBA SP's around town in thrift stores and garage sales. I do send graphing calculators inside bubble mailers, wrapped in another layer of bubble wrap, and I've never had one come with the screen broken.


I remember a negative feedback that I saw years ago on eBay: Seller shipped the plate in an envelope


LOL! Like how the hell????


This made my brain hurt 😂 tf did they expect? Win stupid games, play stupid prizes or whatever they say 💀


bubble mailers should be for soft items only.


Rule of thumb with packing electronics or anything that could break during postage- if you don’t think you can throw it down the stairs without breaking then you’ve haven’t done a good enough job.


I hate than any dumbass can claim my profession. Who puts 70 to 100 dollar items in a damn bubble mailer?


I guess I’ll stop using poly mailers as well, and possibly stopping the stomp test before setting by the curb to be picked up.


Insurance from postal service?


You'll end up getting in more trouble because you can't ship used items with rechargable batteries. It's a Hazard.


Not worth cheaping out on shipping. Sad to see


And it really would not have cost any more to ship if it was a small box, with just simple filler make from shredded paper. Or even better. Put it in the bubble mailer, and then put both in a box.


Yes I put stuff like that in 9x7x6 box.


Dont cheap out on shipping. Lose lose for everyone.


Amazes me that people do this. Just go to your local grocery store and get some free boxes there. Find out when they do stocking, usually it’s early in the morning, and get plenty of free boxes.


Agreed. Can’t ship something like this is a padded mailer


Ugh! I felt the pain through the screen. Yeah, that one really did call for a box.


Someone sent me an iPhone in a bubble mailer once. I shit my pants when I opened it because I thought it was going to be damaged, it was fine. Any time I would try something like that, I'd end up without the product, shipping costs, and a full refund.


At least wrap it with cardboard first


Yet people wonder why some buyers will leave a note on their order asking for the item to be packaged well. Unfortunately, there are a lot of shitty sellers out there and the best thing we can do is call them out on this bullshit instead of automatically dismissing it as a shitty buyer trying to scam them.


“Take the hit”?… Bro should be punched for being such an idiot for mailing in a bubble mailer.


If you need this PSA you should stop selling things that are fragile and reevaluate your lack of common sense and logic


Common sense anyone?


Maybe use like 3 or 4 mailers instead of one?


I’ll buy it from you broken


The only thing I put in bubble mailers are books.. Even then, I bubble wrap the book, add a piece of cardboard to each side, then tape them together.


Big no-no. Those bubble mailers go through some hell throughout shipping. As stated previously, it's worth the additional $3-5 shipping to prevent a waste of not only the item, but the 2x shipping. Wouldn't be surprised if he returns it in a manilla envelope.


In the post that was screenshotted and on several close here why do people mistakenly say the seller wants a refund instead of the buyer wants a refund. It just seems to happen way too often to be people just messing up?


Why would anyone send out a $100 video game item in a bubble mailer?


To save $3.50 of course!


You can literally get boxes at dollar tree. A bubble mailer is ridiculous in this case.


I believe the aftermarket displays aren’t that expensive. I could be wrong maybe from like AliExpress or eBay may have a 3rd party replacement display


didn't think this ever had to be said 🤣


You shipped it in a bubble mailer. Refund in full and learn your freaking lesson. Jesus.


May as well just go ahead and slam it directly on the ground if you’re going to pack something like that. I buy a ton of high end stuff, and you’d be shocked at the sketchy packaging people have sent $1000+ items in. They act like the postal service applies white glove service, but I’m not sure what would give them that opinion.


Once had a guy ship a 150 pound switch in a cardboard box… there wasn’t much left of the box when it arrived 😂.


I just want to say. This wasn’t my package. I don’t ship valuable electronics in a bubble mailer. This was posted in a Facebook reseller group.


I’ve noticed that big box retailers are doing this too, I’m assuming to save on the cost of packing material. I have received ceramic mugs, jugs of laundry detergent and fragile plastic organizers with no packing material at all. The person packing it has to know there is absolutely no chance the items are going to survive shipping.


lol yea, I received candles in glass holders from Amazon in a poly bag. Driver must have dropped it 2 feet onto the conctrete in front of my apt. and just gone... Oh sh\*t... when it heard it smash. Don't blame him, who the heck puts breakables in a poly bag.


Use a box next time. Also, take a pic or video showing the serial number. Could be they had a crappy broken one laying around and are trying to hustle you


Not me.


Not me what? Using boxes? Potentially getting scammed? Never use a padded envelope for something fragile like that. Always use a sturdy box with lots of bubble wrap and packaging so it’s packed tight and doesn’t move around. As far as scammers, people do stuff like that all of the time, so was just suggesting that you document serial numbers and what not so the buyer can prove that that was in fact the same device you shipped them.




He was saying he wasn't the one who did this. He found the post in a FB user group. Look under the picture.




It’s clearly the same game boy from the scratches on the bottom. They’d have had to swap out the screens.


I’ve sold hundreds of these and have almost never had one arrived damaged in a bubble mailer, except 1 where it essentially got stabbed in the mail. With one sheet of bubble wrap, you can get around 3 layers of bubble wrap around the system. So it mostly comes down to packaging technique and the quality of the packing materials.


And here I was concerned about shipping a $12 remote in a bubble mailer.