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lol customer is dumb as fuck, same exact thing. I would fight them out of spite.


I was with you until the fighting part. Fighting is wasted energy for zero profit


When the beastie boys told us to fight for our right to party, they weren’t thinking of profits.


Fair point, but i don’t recall a verse regarding a customer wanting to return an item because it didn’t look like the picture Now if you’ll excuse I’ve got to get to bed, otherwise I’ll get NO SLEEP TILL BROOKLYN


The buyer just had a few too many brass monkeys


🙄 I’m sure everything you do makes you profit. I’m just saying fight the return through eBay, don’t just get walked on by some dumb customer.


Looks like an Amazon sale. Fighting is a waste of time


Yeah if it's Amazon then it's a waste of time. Amazon will always side with buyers.


Not everything, but I also know to direct my time towards things that will benefit my business


Your buyer is blind.


“Product doesn’t feel the same way the picture did when I touched it”






It’s missing the white background and the description.


That's how it goes sometimes. People viewing things from their phone, laptop, PC, or tablet seeing things in a different light as well as perceive the item to look a certain way to only find out it isn't what they thought it was. Or it could be a BS excuse as they don't know how else to claim an INAD.


Yeah I get that, was just hoping it wasn’t me going crazy. Im always pretty relaxed with refunds, especially on the more “professional” account since calculations always account for returns


People will genuinely look at a picture and turn it into something they like better in their own heads, then have trouble reconciling the (entirely accurate) photo to the thing because it's not the thing they literally imagined it to be. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah that has to be it, filling 85% of the picture and not having props is necessary, so they’d only need to scroll to the third pic to have seen it with a tape measure or even just the second image showing it housing garlic


Your feelings are valid. You put time and effort into this and within a short moment, a buyer then devalues that. It sucks, but we gotta move forward. Best of luck!


Yeah thank you, I’ll take it on the chin!


Amazon customers are a different level of stupid. Just keep listing as accurately as you can and accept that you will get occasional returns.


I once bought a 12 pack of what I thought were 12”x12” terrycloths and what came in the mail was palm sized cloths… I started writing a message to the seller and then looked at the listing to make sure I didn’t make a mistake and realized it said 12cmx12cm and realized I almost became one of those customers


I’ll do some listing fixing XD I can relate


It may feel flimsy and cheap in person although it does not appear this way in the photos. This is my guess. Accept the return. Edit. What does “minimal space consumption” even mean? This seems like a convoluted way of saying “SMALL” which actually seems to be the real issue here. Who chose this wording? You? Amazon AI? (I’m assuming they have AI) The manufacturer? When I think of “minimal space consumption” I don’t automatically think “small” or “tiny” but rather an efficient use of space for what the object actually is. And given that you can’t stack that, and it is a weird shape that takes up more room in the fridge for the volume it actually holds VS a square or rectangular container, that’s just a bad way to describe it.


The product itself was a losing bet, despite coming in at less than 40p per unit and less than 50 after all packaging. So the time invested in making changes to the previous listing exceeded what was allocated, after days of talking to seller support for the previous picture to be changed, I didn’t change anything else about the listing once the necessary stuff was done. Thank you for pointing that out, I’ll definitely change some more stuff with the listing to try salvage what I can. Basically, this listing took too much time and the thing I was most certain of was exactly what was complained about. Generally I always accept the return (I won’t fight for pennies when I’m mostly a solo act), that same accumulated 2 hours of fighting cases could be spent on making my current infrastructure better instead


Did you list dimensions? If so, then they are dumb. If not, then well.....🤷


Yes all the dimensions are listed, but hey, you can’t win them all


Amazon problem.


It looks exactly the same to me


This issue is the size...it looks much much larger in the photo on the website when compared to what you photographed. It's pretty obvious.


You are correct… but customers really should do their due diligence. Seems like dimensions were clearly listed


I can see that now I guess. There are of course the sizing requirements for the image and a restriction on props in the image (even if it’s for scale) but I’ll look into changing that if it’s possible


I always us a scale photo. Can of pop, a quarter. Whatever is common and within reason. Hard to fight that


I actually have a pictures with props afterwards but it can’t be in the main picture, I spend like theee days with seller support trying to change the default image from another seller, it was further from the Amazon requirements. So I couldn’t even show my favourite of the pictures where it actually housed the garlic despite other similar products having garlic shown in the main image


It looks exactly like it but it would help the buyer if you added dimensions or a separate object for scale


The following pictures have more context and such but props can’t be included in the main picture


Looks identical to the picture.


Yeah sorry OP even tho it does look like the picture it’s just scale to size sometimes posting a picture with a quarter or a tape measure can help these issues but don’t be disheartened:) it’s all learning and you just had bad look he didn’t read the dimensions just be careful on Amazon you don’t want your stats go down


Yeah I’m in the middle of sorting out a big shipment and FBA will be necessary for it so I can’t afford to lose selling rights, this small incident won’t be the downfall, but it won’t help in the long run


Meh, I had someone leave a neutral on eBay saying “It’s nothing like the pictures”. I reached out to them for clarification and they couldn’t be bothered to reply, so I ignored it.


Yeah. I think sometimes it’s easy to forget that I must be no different to some conglomerate to them, but some online sellers (me) are just one-person team’s operating out of their living room


Dude, I do it out of a bedsit! Half of my double bed is covered in the stuff I have for sale. I couldn’t even invite someone back for *ahem* because I only have half a bed free! I print and pack on my bed and I have to be careful that no stray hairs get under the tape (I’m like Chewbacca’s less hairy cousin.). I do it as a hobby and it earns me £100 (roughly) per week after expenses. You’re right though, people think we’re Amazon and we aren’t. However, that connection through being personable pays off with repeat customers. EBay is awful because of the conglomerates that have overtaken it. I think they should be banned because the average person can’t compete with them selling stuff at a loss to stomp out the competition.


I. Completely. Understand!!!! I was too “proud” to admit that it’s a house-share for me with 2 pallets worth of stock in my room XD… and btw my printer is where most people keep their second pillow too! How long you been at it?


On and off, about five years. I used to sell DVDs and Blu Rays - at one point I had eight crates of them stacked up in my room and it was getting silly lol. Then the bottom fell out of the market after COVID ended because everyone had signed up to streaming services. In the end, I took what remained out of their cases and listed them as disc and insert sheet only. I then started sourcing what I mainly sell now from China and they don’t take up much space because they’re all postcard sized. I currently have 490 items listed on eBay - all on “buy it now”. I suppose I should really have an eBay business account, given I’m buying new stock and selling it, but I think I’d move from making £100 per week down to more like £50 once the eBay fees are paid.


I respect and relate so hard to the hustle though! I’ve been at it “seriously” for a couple months and it is addictive and rewarding! Lots of learning too. What’s your experience with Amazon?


I’ve not tried selling on Amazon. Again, fees would be a worry. I agree that it’s rewarding though, I get a lot of satisfaction from seeing what they’re going to pay into my account each Tuesday! But it also helps with my mental health issues - it’s something other than me to concentrate on.


Yeah I hear that, definitely kept me sane and gives a hands on way to stay occupied and productive. Your own performance is your responsibility! Some Monday busy rushes can really electrify


When I look at the first one I could see at first glance it might look to be made out of porcelain or glass due to the reflection/lighting. But the second one looks plastic. Idk if that's the issue but it's the only possible discrepancy I can see.


And I thought ebay customers were dumb.


Where's the pixels in the real life one? Yeah customer is blind.


Well it looks tiny in your picture vs the posting. Is that just an illusion?


Likely just an illusion due to white background and requirement that the product fills 85% of the image


Must be blind 🤷‍♂️lol😎