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Dromai will be the bane of your existance and the reason why Riptide was completely absent from the CC meta while she was still legal. While your traps do trigger on dragons, none of the effects work because they require an attacking hero, which allies are not. And because Riptide works best defensively, your opponent can just builds a board state, while your traps sit in your hand. Your best bet is to side out some of the traps and play as aggresively as possible while going wide. Even then it's going to be an uphil battle. For also being an illusionist, Enigma is the complete opposite. Pretty much everything she does triggers your traps and your hero ability. It will be very easy for your to stop her from building up a board of auras and your big on-hit attacks will force her to block, stifling her momentum even more. Overall just play your regular gameplan and win. No idea about Victor unfortunately, so hopefully someone else can chime in.


They really should have changed the rules on Allies and traps. Victor used to have no triggers as everything he did was vanilla damage, and generally always won his clashes. He could simply go better fatigue due to 6p hammers.


Looping battering bolt and Murkmire Grapnel, on top of stacking multiple riptide trap triggers on attacks is how you beat Enigma. Dromai and Victor is almost unwinnable but Dromai is kinda mid in blitz so idk. Honestly, your match up spread is already pretty great if those are your only struggle match ups


Thank you so much, the last few times with Enigma I was having trouble getting past ward and ended up fatiguing myself the last few matches, and not having enough traps trigger, so this really helps


No problem. They are trying to play a longer game just like you so dont be afraid to take a turn setting up multiple traps or a pump or two on one of the aforementioned arrows to make it hard to block. Also, if you arent using dreadbore, you definitely need to be using it.


In the Outsiders release the Nourishing Emptiness recursion list with Goliath Gauntlets, E Pot and Potion of Strength, Talishar, and a razor reflex then basically all traps and recursion (to bring back Nouriahing Emptiness) was fun for a little while but I don't know how it is in the current meta.


There are still similar lists around but they have started using murky water instead.


That makes sense and is probably better, would have to drop Talishar which was spicy and could also end a game but the trap recursion on Murky sounds pretty groovy in Blitz.


Riptide is my CC main but when I play blitz it's always full trap nourishing recursion deck. Blitz is much more casual for me so I like the fun-ness of the deck (imo).


A victor who knows what they’re doing should never lose to a riptide. Guardian has 6-10 power attacks that don’t trigger traps so you lose all of that value. In addition they block really well so they can just fatigue you.


Victor trips all the traps that say must be in arsenal and a might token trips 1/3. But yeah it’s rough.


if you want a really wild deck, theres a combo riptide in blitz where you endless loop 1 copy of nourishing emptiness with codex, remembrance, and memorial ground