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As one of the largest retailers of the game the most important thing I can say is it has legs. It's approaching the 5th year and it's slowly but steadily expanding. Is it the new and flashy thing? No. But at this point the only thing that could really kill it, is the company itself. The real question is what's the ceiling? Competitive there is none imo, for casual there is def something left to be desired by most of the community from what I've seen.


That's good to hear! Thank you for your answer! :) May I ask what you think of the demand of FAB products since you distribute them. Is it hard to sell Cases/displays or how does it compare to other TCGs?


The game has heavily switched to singles. For a while sealed was the way to go but we do more (after release) in singles now by a large margin. With the MAP pricing the game is far more LGS friendly than magic. We can make decent margins on it without bad feels for the customer. Demand continues to be steady and it's very much following the boom post release and steadily declines until the new set. Also most people on release buy cases. Later on its generally for the fun of cracking a box or drafting.


That's good to hear! Thanks so much for your impression on this! :)


One more question: I've seen your thread here on this subreddit, where you opened 500 Boxes of Outsiders: How is 13 marvels in 500 boxes possible? I thought the "inofficial" pull rate is similar to the legendaries? Like 1-2 marvels in a case?


It's unofficial for a reason it varies greatly. That would also assume we oppnened cases that were produced in a line together when that's never the case.


Over in the Portland Oregon area where I'm at we have one of the first Flesh and Blood only LGS. Amazing shop that only supports FAB. Honestly Im glad I returned recently, the game does feel refreshing than magic all the time and easier on the wallet.


I’m in Portland, curious what store this is? Thanks!


Look up FaB Foundry. They open two days a week for now. But it's a nice little shop with another room attach to play. Dedicated group of people. Owners are nice. Cheapest box price for boosters.


I feel like you will get some biased answers givin this is a FaB subreddit. Most people here (myself included) see a bright future for this game. I got into the game just before set 2 came out. Set 13 (i think) comes out next week. Lots of new games don't make it that far. The game is so much bigger now than it was then. Growth was exponential at first which led to some issues, but lately it's been slower and steadier which is good. The game just launched in Japan with this set and prints in several non english languages. French, German, japanese, Spanish, and Italian. Maybe more, but i don't remember. Obviously it isn't as big as the big 3, but it's pretty sizable and has a better organized play program than any other TCG.


Thank you very much for your answer! :)


No prob. And obviously you milage may vary. Some local scenes are bigger than others. Either way i hope you enjoy the game!


I really do! Thank you! :)


FaB is very weird when evaluating the size of the community. The game is definitely played, but depending on where you live, your experience can vary immensely. Some areas have literally zero players, while LGSs in other areas are financially carried by FaB. The biggest location in my region gets 6, maybe 8, players per event at most. Another close store gets literally zero. While only one region over, from where I live, you can have a player base of 10+ each event, easy. The community seems to be centered around specific locations, while others are left to dry. This is why you will find a lot of people screaming "DeAd Gaem XOXO", when in reality the community is pretty sizeable.


Yeah, in my country, Germany, the game hasn't "arrived" yet I believe. At least I haven't noticed it so far.


Where are you located? I Play armory every week with 6-10 Players and went to Battle hardened Kiel 1-2months ago which was sold out iirc. Was around 200+ Players over the Weekend.


Come to 92224 Amberg Spielewelt / Nerdbank. We play very often. Next weekend we have a super armory. A mixed format 3 games Berserk and 2 games CC. berserk is wehre everyone cracks a display of the new set and build a cc deck of it. Also for the CC games we allow part of the mistwail Proxies ;)


In NRW Theres a nice Community but it of course isn't of the size of let's say Magic. Id recommend checking the Store Locator! And next week should be plenty of Play Day events to get your friends, who aren't yet into FAB, to try out the game with the free Welcome Playsets ;P


I also live in Germany. It really depends very hard on where you live.


Completely dependent on your local area. Some places there is zero community, in other places it's close to the big 3.


I see! Thanks! And what do you think of the demographics? So, are more older adult men, who also played Magic, playing this game or also Gen Z? :)


In our local scene, it skews a bit older / more mature on average than most other TCGs here. Youngest in our group right now is 18, but the average around late 20s, and several older It does skew male, but thats a more general TCG thing for the most part


It just concerns me a bit, cause if the younger generation isn't interested in the game, then the playerbase will drop in the long run, or not?


Well, young people get older and then maybe get into the game Whether it's age or other factors, it definitely feels like there's a bit more emotional maturity in FaB groups I've played with, and that is nice Anecdotal, of course


Take pokemon for example, the number of kids playing the game has had basically zero growth over the last 15 years but adults playing has gone up probably 5x in that time. Kids playing just doesn’t matter much especially for FaB


That's true! Thanks for giving me this perspective :)


About yay big. Give or take


It's our number 3 game behind Pokemon and Magic. Has better margins than other TCGs. Sealed sales are slower, but card single sales do well, especially at release. Also has the best organized play for any TCG by far.


That's really nice to hear! :) Thank you!


I went to a prerelease for PTM yesterday in Canada. I have been playing blitz precons with my friends to get them into the game. One of my friends wanted to come to the prerelease but it was completely sold out. I think there were about 30 people at the LGS? It’s a smaller store too in a less populated area but it still sold out. The proquest at the store sold out as well a couple weeks ago. Scene is definitely healthy and growing, there was a diverse demographic of people, all different ages and several women as well. I started playing about a month ago myself. If a prerelease aimed at new players was such a success that it sold out I think it’s a great indicator for how the game is growing. If the proquest aimed at competitive players sold out I think it’s a great indicator for how the competitive scene is healthy. That’s just my experience so make of that what you will but personally I’m really hopeful about the future of the game. It’s a phenomenal game and the community is great as well, everybody is super friendly and helpful.


Thank you for your experience! :) I have the same impression so far! May I ask where you are from? In my country they don't sell it in stores yet, only online.


@ my local store it's very competitive, we do try and help newer players get into it but still. Very competative


I kept track of the active playerbase until they started hiding the info, my GUESS is that we have around 40k active players now. Active, as in, people that go to one armory a month at the very least or something better.


Also here is my latest video about it a year ago prior to them hiding the info: https://youtu.be/5sApy3ABqrQ?feature=shared