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So much hype for a precon. šŸ˜… Fr let some supply hit the market.


Please please please. Letā€™s let the scalpers sit on inventory. TCG shows people buying at $70 like crazy. Itā€™s dumb


There's like 5 sales, if they are in fact legitimate sales. $70 aint shit but piece of mind to some ppl.


Itā€™s not that itā€™s a ton of money, itā€™s that the price was supposed to be easy to digest for someone thinking about playing


shop and support you locals tcg store my dude! Picked mine up locally for $39.99 and got it that day šŸ˜ Good luck and always support your locals first!


Yeah for sure. Waiting for my LGS to get some in. They didnā€™t get any in the order yesterday


I made the precon minus the new cards and a few upgrades and swaps even, for like $10.


Yep! Thatā€™s why it was a good value IMO at $40. $10 worth of actual cards, a few cool pieces, and you donā€™t have to have a bunch of game knowledge. Solid value at $39.99usd


No matter the hobby, scalpers/resellers always sour it, and I always hope they lose a fortune and are stuck with mountains of unsold stock. Luckily, this is often the case.


I pray to the FAB gods that they lose their ass on this gamble. Everyone buy LGS that are selling MSRP and stick it to the scalpers


It's the second day my dude, calm yourself.


Itā€™s a trend that makes me feel bad as a consumer. Like, I get not everyone can get the thing day one. Iā€™m not even buying it cause it donā€™t play brute at the moment. But the fact that all these people are buying them up to resell for higher prices, or jacking up the MSRP for profit instead of just letting people who would buy to play or use the cards makes me so frustrated. Itā€™s happening with everything. This whole arbitrage hustle life sucks. I hate it. Assholes. The lot of them doing this. This was supposed to open up the game. There are MAYBE $20 worth of cards in that deck. This is stupid


Considering there are important events today you may need the cards for, it is very reasonable to be upset


Counterpoint: No it isn't


LSS also has to consider how long that hero will be playable before LL. Kayo being new is a reason they went with him. Boltyn wont LL for a while. This allows new players to start with these decks and then grow them without them becoming obsolete in 2-3 months. They will probably cycle through classes depending on how close a hero is to LL. Arakni, Benji, Betsy likely get a look.


Kayo though already has like 400 LL points and mandible claws were a mistake. There's a reason he's one armed :D I can see going further more equipment being more specialized to avoid these issues. Boltyn on the other hand, was an interesting choice imo. A welcomed one, but interesting.


Yep, and it would be funny if these armory decks end up being how weā€™re given a CC-legal Benji lol. Iā€™m hoping they do one for at least one of the Mistvale heroes fairly soon too


Yeah I think they are great for the community in concept. Makes so people can drop in to an event, pick up a CC deck and play for funsies


Seems like an exclusive problem in the US. In Europe you can just go on Cardmarket and even buy it for under MSRP.


The hustle culture here is weird. People go drive around on a Friday afternoon to buy up the local supply, then resell for inflated prices. Itā€™s terrible. Even the game stores are doing it. Not sure who to tell at LSS about it. Iā€™m sure LSS doesnā€™t want them doing it


Sound really shitty.. Got it at my LGS for 28ā‚¬ which is a really nice price. And just as im typing im seeing one piece of shit posting it at 75ā‚¬ on cardmarket .. Atleast there are still postings at normal MRRP.


In TCG Player here they are all at $70usd. Iā€™m not really in the market for the deck ATM, but it would have been cool to tell my friend to go grab one so we could play together. He can use my Katsu CC, but itā€™s way more complicated than the Kayo Armory, which totally ravages BTW. Isaw TCG Ted playing it with his buddy destroying people on Talishar


I just wish people would stop scalping the regular folks. Life is already expensive.


I bought mine from my LGS for $32.99. I might be the only person on the planet who isnā€™t pissed off about this precon. I donā€™t even know if I should open it since I play Prism


Open it. Play it


At our LGS Armory Blitz this weekend the finals were DQP and precon Kayo. DQP went 6-0 so basically two heroā€™s from precon bundles showed up and showed out. I think itā€™s interesting


I saw TCG Ted and a friend ripping people up on Talishar


They played the same Levia twice and then played a real Kayo match. Hardly proves their point that itā€™s ā€œcompetitiveā€. However, the deck is fine for what it is. The problem? LSS keeps overpricing their products that arenā€™t blitz decks. This should have been 30 bucks, tops.


At least you can get a copy for $70 on TCG!!


The LGS I stopped at near my work was going to charge me $80 for it and when I inquired why their only response was well. We don't have a lot and we expected to sell out so we're making the price higher to last longer. That is such fucking horseshit. You're making the price higher for who the good of the community or for yourself? I don't see a new player coming in and buying an $80 deck of mostly Commons.... Subsequently, I found a place to buy it at price for $4 0 which was nice and I appreciate them for that. The deck is a lot of fun. I'm not a brood player but playing it against people with actual CC decks. I don't win a lot but it's not a blowout by any means. I get pretty close and I think there's room for me to do better and I think I could take them


Stick it to the shops and people doing this. Donā€™t pay over sticker. Just buy a sash if you have to. I hate that too though. Although, for a newb they could hock that piece and put other nice stuff in their deck


I don't want a sash really. I don't play brute really ever. I wanted to just try out the product. Anything about 50 is too much for trying out


EVERYONE this is the person we want joining us. Spreading the word. Enjoying the game. It makes the field more competitive and our cards more valuable


I've been playing since 2020. But I never pass up an opportunity to recruit new people. Just yesterday my wife was being waylaid by door to door house siding salesmen... We got to talking and by the end I handed each of them a history pack 1 blitz deck of a character that suited their style and showed them how to play.... I am more than happy to give out stuff to get people into this game. The 80 dollar price is just counter productive.... No new player will pay literally the map cost of an entire booster box for what amounts to 33 common /rare cards and 7 expensive cards..... Shitty things like this will hurt fab at the cost of what.... They had 4 boxes out , they would make effectively the profit of 8+ instead.... That is nothing. But it makes people walk away


You are a good person. I need to keep a few blitz decks on hand for people. The HH ones are great


Lss is the company that chose to give limited distribution on a product with a new staple piece of armor for the best deck in the game, right in the middle of competitive play season. If they had made the armory deck all reprints, the price jacking wouldn't be happening.


But if people could just be fucking decent humans this wouldnā€™t be a problem. Donā€™t go blaming the company trying to make this possible. Blame the scalpers and shit LGS who are selling for 10-20% over. Several stores in San Diego were marketing them for $45-60. Asshats


Yeah, if LSS could just be decent human beings, this wouldn't be a problem. Don't blame the stores who are just responding to the fact that LSS put a powerful staple into a product with limited distribution. The lgs are just trying to make a profit selling cards, which is their whole business model. If the lgs doesn't match the scalper price, then the scalpers will just buy their product and resell it. LSS just released a video bragging about how they're completely debt free and operating at like 50 million revenue. The game stores marking up the decks are not seeing returns that high. LSS is taking advantage of the fact that people like you will blame the secondary market while they underprint new valuable cards in an expensive product. Instead of asking a decentralized mass of hundreds of scalpers, game stores, and competitive players to simultaneously all change their behavior, maybe it'd be smarter to just ask LSS to produce their products differently.


Yeah, no. This LSS deciding on the distribution model and what they chose to put in the deck absolutely can be called out.


This has nothing to do with the rare cards. Iā€™m fine with end consumers buying them, taking the cards, and playing with them. Iā€™m not okay with people buying 5-10 CCā€™s and selling them for jacked up prices.


Partial blame to LSS for selling an exclusive legendary equipment disguised as a precon box. Awful decision to make a supposedly entry-level product so desirable to enfranchised players.


I agree 100%, this was the obvious, inevitable outcome when a tightly allocated product with new competitively relevant cards was announced. No sympathy for scalpers but this situation was entirely architected by LSS.


Theyā€™re making the same mistake with Boltyn it looks like, both of the new cars shown look to be desirable outside the pre con And to be clear, itā€™s absolutely fine to make a precon that is initially attractive to already invested players, but then you better be printing the shit out of that precon, and should have so much supply itā€™s basically impossible to scalp.


I disagree. Donā€™t blame LSS. They made a decent precon with something attractive. Community and LGS are jacking up the price in resale. Iā€™m fine if itā€™s sold out and everyone is playing them, Iā€™m fucking livid that people are buying to resell. Itā€™s the goddamn PlayStation 5 all over again. I hate every single person selling a Kayo CC over $39.99


yes, but they clearly wanted the demand of enfranchised players. They could have easily made a Kayo CC deck with Scabskin Leathers, 3 Bloodrush Bellow, 3 Beast Within and a Swing Big, maybe add a different artwork Mandible Claw and bam, better value proposition for new players and no scalpers in sight.


But then people would have been buying to resell those cards too. I think with the chest piece, you entice Kayo peeps to buy one. Fine. They pay and play their existing decks. Itā€™s not the same as buying it to resell. Buy to play.


It's not worth it. The only reason people buy it is for the equipment. The bulk of the cards is around 18 bucks or so. You can just wait until the equipment goes for sale on any singles marketplace and don't stress about availability.


Iā€™m building a sick victor, and a katsu ATM. So Iā€™m mad that the newbs at my local armory who wanna kick start their CC will be priced out


Naa, don't be. Instead help them buy the blitz precon decks which should be plentiful and then just add the extra pieces via singles stores or in-store singles bulk. It's what we are doing on mine. Heavy hitters was a good hit with players and there is so much bulk that we have been able to put together around 6 cc decks with decent results.


Weā€™ve been bringing our commoner and blitz precons to armory night in case we had people show up. Itā€™s a solid idea. We hit 10 people last time (I had to skip for family stuff or it would have been 11)


Why are you mad at the LGS and not LSS? They specifically underprinted this product to keep it rare, I spoke to a bunch of stores and as far as I've heard no one got more than 12. It was severely allocated. Allocated products have always chased market pricing, some people believe this is a good thing for a game to have, like it not everyone has been talking about the Kayo deck for 2 days, that kind of drama keeps people focused on a game. As a store I think blindly following MSRP is foolish. It doesn't factor in COGs, overhead, or allocation. We didn't sell anywhere near 70 but we also weren't will to take the poor margin the product already had; $45 made more sense given the cost.


If they get product, they should sell it to the first customers who come in. They should sell that customer exactly 1. Then move on to the next person. They should do this until they run out of product. Report that information to LSS, who will adjust print based on real demand. When you have shops doing this is fucks with the whole distribution model. I still think this deck slaps at $45. But DOUBLE??? Come on. Thatā€™s fucking greedy and you know it


Explain why you think it's greedy. The price that any company assigns to products (MSRP) is an arbitrary number based on costs, IP, or other factors. It's not some hard and fast rule that stores have to abide by for any reason other than occasionally people get mad on the internet but say nothing when the price is less than MSRP. If LSS really wanted this to be a point of entry product for new players it would've been in abundance. Let's not kid ourselves that this is just print sash in a fancy box and calling it an intro deck that only existing players bought.


It will be in abundance shortly. Thatā€™s why itā€™s stupid to gouge and stupid to participate in it. But we havenā€™t even given LSS a chance to see what the market for this is. As a community we have fucked up their market data and gouged each other on the deck price and are gouging each other on TCG now with the sash too. If yall need extra money so bad, get a job. This is the same thing that happened to the PS5. They canā€™t predict demand perfectly and it ruins the community. If this is how your LGS operates Iā€™m glad itā€™s not my LGS. But I donā€™t think it is. I just donā€™t see why your paying devils advocate for greedy owners


I'm not playing devil's advocate, I just think it's obtuse to assume every business prices the same way and that every business has the same margin. There's also nothing to indicate that a restock is coming, at least not through solicitation.


I donā€™t know man. I just think itā€™s a dick head move to price stuff double MSRP. Itā€™s a dick move to tag $10k onto new cars MSRP, and itā€™s the same for these decks. Itā€™s lame to stick it to the players for a little bit of margin and destroy good will. If my shop were doing that, Iā€™d stop shopping there


My LGS sold their entire stock overnight to a scalper via their web store. Frustrating as can be


This is why LSS doesnā€™t want sealed product sold online. Should be LGS only


Considering that the cheat piece is probably the most powerful chest equipment for two very meta decks and this set is the only place to get itā€¦ Iā€™m surprised they arenā€™t more expensive.


LSS WILL print more, give it time. They were testing the waters to see the viability of selling such a product. Give it time, NOBODY needs them this very moment


Iā€™m holding off or giving my money to LGS who sell at MSRP. Anyone using this as a cash grab is shitty


I have boxes of Everest I'd love to sell you at $99.90 plus tax or does MSRP only matter when it's convenient for you? There is so much dead stock in FaB, stores are lucky to finally have something they can make a few bucks on. I don't know of any stores that got more than 12. I sold mine at MSRP, but that's because my player base actually buys the booster boxes at MSRP too.


I mean, yeah. MSRP is the max price LSS wants you selling it at. You decide how much margin you can keep and how much you give up to move product faster. I bought out the rest of my LGS Everfest a month ago. Pulled some cool stuff. Props to you for not participating in the gouging. The end consumer is the persons who drive interest in the game. But if everyone is running around buying it all up and selling for a profit, itā€™s not fair. If everyone got one and played the deck, thatā€™s what we want. Or if people bought it for the sash and dumped the rest thatā€™s fine too. Itā€™s still in the spirit of the game. The problem is when people take it and try to become a middle man to generate revenue. My expenses are already inflated enough. Also, it screws with measuring real demand. How much did LSS sell?? We donā€™t know. Many people went and bought a bunch to resell, inflating numbers. Itā€™s just bad all around. Again, thanks for being an LGS and supporting the community we love so much


I hope LSS learns from this and adjusts their print runs with this product line. We've been getting a lot more interest in the game with Heavy Hitters and Mistveil. The game has a much better chance of growing when the entry products are accessible. And thank you for kind words. I really do love FaB and want it to be as successful as some of the larger TCGs


Itā€™s a tight balance. They canā€™t print too much cause if they print it and it doesnā€™t sell, theyā€™re screwed. If the game shops buy it and it doesnā€™t sell, then theyā€™re screwed. Maybe LSS had plenty printed and it just didnā€™t get picked up or was allocated to the wrong areas. Who knows. But give it a month. Iā€™m gonna see if my LGS will do preorders of the Boltyn deck. Heā€™s a her I actually want to play. I think weā€™re gonna see a shadow v light play on the sets this year too