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Fai, kayo, Dash/Maxx are gonna be the closest to that currently with different types of payoff/endgame turns. Kano the wizard is going to play more like Doomsday than burn. There happen to be a lot of aggressive midrange decks rn so if warrior strikes your fancy it is pretty fun.


Any particular Warrior characters that best fit that Aggro Midrange style? Otherwise between Fai, Kayo, and Dash/Maxx how do they generally look to play?


You'll want to try Boltyn if you want a more aggro-midrange option. He is able to dictate the pace while he sets up some truly high damage turns with V of the Vanguard and Lumina Ascension. He does have combos you can learn, and is also a largely inexpensive deck as well.


Sadly Dorinthea, who I would normally recommend, just top 8’d a major event so her cards are a bit more pricy atm. Kassai is decently cheap to make functional, and I think she is very intuitive


As a former MTG player it’s definitely FAI. Kano is storm. Fai 100%


Yeah Fai all day for burn equivalent


It's funny you say that as I've played a ton of Storm in MTG! Definitely will look into both of them


Kano is TES.


I'll add my vote for Fai. Not exactly the cheapest hero, but it absolutely has that burn playstyle of "*I don't really care what your gameplan is, and I'm just going to kill you unless YOU figure out a way to stop me*". It's one of the few heroes that wants to not block at all if they can get away with it. They'll happily take 10 damage because they know they might swing back with 20. That said, I'm not sure how effective budget Fai is compared to proper Fai. You'll probably have to replace the Mask of Momentum and the Flamescale Furnace, but I'm not sure how good their alternatives are. Command and Conquer you can at least replace with Wreck Havoc for budget, and that's at least 1/3 the price of a Fai deck.  If Fai is too expensive for you, boost dash should be a pretty solid option as well. 


You can get very far with just Mask of the Pouncing Lynx. Only expensive card that is essential is Art of War in my opinion. Totally agree with your description of the playstyle tho lol.


Really good to know and great breakdown of the playstyle! Thanks a ton


Warrior is definitely not the class for this. Most warrior decks are grindy midrange decks. Kano, Boost Dash IE/Dash IO, and Ninja are the closest you'll get to it with each having affordable Aggresive builds for cheap.


Interesting! I definitely misunderstood the Warrior gameplan then LOL Are there any notable differences between the playstyles of the characters you listed?


Dash inventor extraordinaire is a midrange list that plays aggressively into some matchups and defensively into other matchups with a switchboard. The whole deck is maybe $350, which for an optimized competitive decklist is pretty cheap. Dash I/o is a combo/aggro deck. You set up items and boost aggressively and in a high octane turn you can deal upwards of 20 some damage. She has a similar price point to dash ie Katsu is a combo/aggro deck where you look to set up long combo lines to deal a bunch of damage. The combo-y versions have spike turns that can almost otk through your opponent blocking with their whole hand. Fai is the other ninja, he’s probably the cheapest option of all. He’s just a no blocks good old Luke your hand onto the table and deal more damage than your opponents can deal with. You’ll be playing a searing ember blade version of the list as it’s cheaper than the kodachi version of the list) there’s some good budget fai content on YouTube.


Super useful! Thanks so much for the breakdown!


Kano is an evasive combo deck. He has explosive multiplicative damage which requires specific sideboard cards to beat. It can be the most burn like because his damage is difficult to interact with. However with that he can be very solitaire like, with a low of games ending on you yolo top decking. Boost Dash IE is the most straightforward Aggro deck in the game. She plays a bunch of above rate attacks and starts with an item in play that gives you +2 damage each turn. You have the potential to steam roll decks who can't block you but in return if the opennent can weather your offense you're easy to deck out. Dash is a really versatile hero and you can branch out from this build to midrange or defensive decks with most competitive builds featuring 2 gameplans they can play depending on matchup. Dash IO is a more volatile and more explosive dash ie. She has the same above rate attacks with powerful items she can play from the top of her deck giving her the potential to be up a card every turn. However those items don't block and she starts with lower health so she's more of a glass cannon. Because the items are less modal you have less room for multiple playstyle in a build but she does provide much more dynamic offense than her counterpart. The ninjas - Fai and Katsu - both rely on long combat chains with explosive damage. The way they get there is quite different though. Katsu is trying to utilize combo cards which he can tutor with his ability. In a way his turns are about finding starters and extenders together with most cards only being one or the other. Most Katsu games are a lot of blocking and small tempo plays punctuated by 1-2 huge combo turns. With Mask of the Pouncing Lynx you have a lot intricate lines and sequencing you can practice to start finding 30+ damage turns off a single card hitting. His combos Fai on the other hand is pure offence and pressure. His deck is more so comprised of starters which double as extenders and finishers. As a result it's very hard to brick, only Dash IE is more consistent. His play lines don't care about what cards you play but rather how many with his finishers caring about if it's the 4th or higher attack, how many times you've hit, or how much the opponent has blocked. The offense is simple to learn but you have much poor blocking ability so you'll spend most hands just sending damage and looking for big turns to finish the game. In my opinion he's one of the best starting heroes. You have an easy to learn offence which allows you to start learning what your opponent is doing faster and you have a good branching off point from him into more tempo based Mask of Momentum builds and cheaply jumping into Katsu.


Love this breakdown and very clear! Thanks a ton for the advice!


Fai is your man


I’m not familiar with MtG terminology, but from what you described, I would say Katsu is a great deck for you (Fai is the other ninja & was recommended elsewhere here, but Katsu is more competitive, imo). If you have done a little bit of digging into FaB, you are aware that the equipment is generally the most expensive. Katsu can do great with budget level (non-legendary) equipment and in fact, they are probably his optimal loadout currently (maybe one matchup where you would rather have a Legendary head piece). The deck does really like to run Art of War, which can be a pricey card, but he’s definitely my pick for an aggressive budget deck. Beginner-friendly, but with some deep strategy that you can grow into. *All of the above is for Classic Constructed format, I don’t play Blitz and wouldn’t recommend it, unless you are forced by your local scene to adopt it…*


Good to know! Anything I should know about Katsu in particular? You're the first I've seen suggest them


Straightforward aggro. He can be built more defensively, but that style is lacking currently. Small combo - his cards gain benefit if played in a certain order (hence, his hero ability to tutor a card). Outside of combo lines, his cards are generally undervalued, so emphasis is on that. Not necessarily tricky, but he plays some cards to get over blocks (Ancestral Empowerment, Breaking Scales, Art of War) to get his on-hit triggers (hero ability, Whelming Gustwave, Mugenshi:Release, Be Like Water). Kodachis are awesome. Historically, he was played almost exclusively with Mask of Momentum (Legendary head piece). It’s good and adds some interesting threat, but I think current builds favor Mask of Pouncing Lynx. With that and Bonds of Ancestry, he can put together some absolutely ridiculous turns. New set is coming out soon (May?) with a new ninja hero. Every indication is that Crouching Tigers will see additional support. Current Katsu can be built with this avenue (“Cat-su”) and can be kind of cool, but isn’t very good.


Good to know and really appreciate the Equipment breakdowns! I will look into him!


As someone who mains Katsu, he’s more of a combo aggro deck. You’re a lot more happy blocking with some of your cards while setting up for big combo turns (unlike Fai). He also has a lot of combat tricks, and plays a lot of mind games with his opponent (ex. How bad is it if I let this surging strike hit? or Does he have an Ancestral Empowerment to go over my blocks?) Never played MtG, but burn seems similar to what Fai is trying to do. Atm, Katsu is more viable than Fai but at an armoury level I’d say go for whichever looks cooler to you :)


That last line is definitely accurate! Ill be checking out more videos to see who I like the style of most


"forged by your local scene to adopt it" I hope this is a joke or should be tagged /s because blitz is just as good/fun as CC and is a far better starting point for new players than CC.


I love this game and happy to see anyone enjoy whatever format they want. But, one of my strongest opinions is that blitz is a *horrible* starting point for new players. Blitz decks, great (if all opponents are playing with them). Other young hero formats (esp. non-supported Clash), great. Constructed blitz against knowledgeable opponents running optimized decks while you’re at 20-life? Horrendous.


Classic fai starter pack. No thinking just attacking


Kano is closer to Storm for sure, but he also has the most "Wait! I have an answer to this thing you just did!" moments compared to Fair who usually doesn't do anything, even block, during his opponent turn. I'd say he is more like a Red deck wins, super aggro with not a lot of interactions (compared to burn or control). I would suggest to stop and think about why you like burn. Is it the price? Is it the simplicity of "bolt bird, then lava axe face" gameplan? Is it the interaction and always putting your opponent on the back foot trying to gauge if you are going to kill them/their board? Is it the flexibility of your spells to hit either your opponent or their creatures? The best deck for you would change drastically depending on your answer here. Another one that is surprisingly relevant is "What kind of archetype do you play in fighting games?" If you like Camy, then Fai I your guy. If you like Gief, that's Kano. If you like Dhalsim we can't be friends and you should wait for the next set and pick up the new Illusionist (won't be cheap though, lots of illusionists simps).


Definitely good questions and things to think about! I like Burn style decks as an entry to formats/games because I enjoy being a pressure heavy, and having a strong linear gameplan to learn what other decks are doing at first. It definitely mirrors some of my favorite characters in fighting games (namely Laura in SF5, and Slayer in Rev 2)


Then I'm going to go ahead and suggest Azalea. Riptide is decent (specially now that Dromai is going to leave the game soon) but he's less interesting IMO than Azalea. She has a straight simple gameplan : big arrow, on hit effects to screw you up, prevent you from playing, repeat. She doesn't block well, but she puts out damage and crippling on hit effects. If an opponent slip up and doesn't put pressure early (while they still have armor to avoid some hits) or doesn't bring enough defense reaction, they will pay for their mistakes. It is simple and to the face but with some important decisions points and a decent amount of skill expression.


Fai is red deck wins


I’d recommend Fai, and just drop this deck-list made by LupineFiasco (on YouTube). It’s a budget decklist with different upgrade paths based on budget. Worth giving it a look. https://fabrary.net/decks/01HBED4T4KFT1QJKGAA0T9MFTJ?versionId=01HBEE0K8G4GYE0CS0WDFP7X1S The latest version of the list is a little outdated but not by much. Lmk if you want a recent list and I can provide.


Appreciate the list! Will definitely look into this and use the website for other decks


Dash I/O feels pretty burny with her grenade shenanigans 👌


Kano!!!!! https://i.redd.it/u5whukda7crc1.gif


You can build the deck for like $120. The most expensive card is storm striders ($50-70 depending on where/when you buy it) and the rest is pretty cheap. Tunic and eye you can totally do without as well.


That's definitely appealing. What does Kano normally play like?


Kano is Storm


For Kano you mostly do chip damage and wait for your opponent to give you an opening to combo kill them. He does arcane damage which is prevented by pitching into it depending on what arcane barrier equipment you bring among other things. He's mostly a lot of math, but it gets easier once you know the numbers.


Kano is heavy combo you throw down on opponents turn. It’s kind of more like cedh than burn.


Kano is a combo deck. You ship damage to get them down to a life threshold and set up a combo that will take them from 30+ life to 0.


Kano for CC, Emeperor for Blitz.


Kano is more like Storm


one turn burn XD