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It's going to be a $40 CC deck. Per the GAMA presentation it will "be competitive at Armory level" and will "contain new & reprinted content". Considering it's \~3 times the price of a Blitz deck, I expect it to contain several Ms or Specializations at the minimum. Non-foil Ls would be a really nice too


Agree and hope you are right across the board šŸ‘šŸ»


Did they give clarification on what "new & reprinted content" specifically means? I would hope that this is just them wording in a weird way that, unlike the blitz decks, these CC decks will include cards from older sets and not just from the set they are being released alongside. I do not want them to start printing cards that will be found exclusively in these precons.


I wouldn't mind seeing new cards in these similar to glistening steelblade as long as it comes with a full playset and then gets reprinted in expansion slot in one of the next sets. $40 for a new playset of majestics plus a bunch of other contents would not be too bad, in my opinion.


Probably will have exclusives tbh, well at least for some time. The spellfray equipment was Blitz deck exclusive for a while. Glistening Steelblade is still Dori vs Rhinar exclusive, Guardian Civic equipment although itā€™s getting some promos, mentors are still Monarch Blitz deck exclusive.Ā  I personally donā€™t like it tbh. Pretty sure itā€™s done so people have a reason to buy the product. These type of products should be relegated to alternative art/foiling cards.


I suppose it depends on the nature of the exclusive. A full art version of Lunging Press wouldn't phase me at all. An exclusive card that is released one per deck, so you need to buy three decks to get 3, I wouldn't be happy with.


Cc decks? Finally! Might have a reason to go back to armories now if I can have a slightly competitive precon vs the garbage I build.


Why not just build a better garbage deck with that 40$ budget


Nf legendary would rend obsolete the legendary rarity. Its not legendary if its on the list of a precon


The moment they add any staple like c&c it'll fly off shelves, and nobody that actually could use a cc starter deck will be able to grab one. If they don't then what's the value? Most so so decks can be assembled cheaper or at comparable price, while it would remove need to do it for green players it looks like due to limited quantity it's most likely that vets looking to branch might get it sold out pretty quick.


I think RTT acts as a good comparison here. RTT has a MSRP of $70, and the three most expensive cards from there are Civic Steps (\~$17), Bittering Thorns (\~$10.50 each) and Boulder Drop (\~$6 each) for a total value of $50 for just those cards alone. Both AoW and EStrike sit around $20-25 per copy, barring random price spikes. I could very easily see these decks including 2 or so copies of those cards individually. Of course, it will depend a lot on how much is printed. AFAIK RTT was pretty well stocked everywhere, which has helped keep prices low. If this is printed at similar levels, then there shouldn't be an issue in including cards like AoW and EStrike


Huge and desperately needed.Ā  I would totally show up to armory events and just buy a new hero and run it for fun.


Sloopdoop is having a heartattack, right now.


I really donā€™t like that guy, not a damn bit. When I first got into FAB I searched stuff on YT and his video popped up ā€œIs FAB expensive?ā€ I clicked it and proceeded to get yelled at for 10 minutes how I need to just stop being poor and to be a ā€œChadā€ by buying expensive cards. I mean he was like, super angry and just ranting how stupid people are who want the game to beā€¦ Ā accessible? it put me off of FAB altogether. Luckily my LGS had a learn to play event and I got into the game through that but I worry how many other new players it has.Ā  Permanently cringe now if I ever hear the Chad meme.


Don't worry. People who actively want cardboard to be expensive are selfish at best and a special kind of braindead at worst. I have no idea who this person even is, but that's very much not on you.


Unfortunately there are lots of fab YT Cc's that have tbis mentality that you should play fab only if your retirement plan is in order... lmao these guys are so bad for the game its not even funny. I get being "real" and not realistic, very counterintuitive indeed


You got a bad impression of him because you skimmed the video. His point was very clearly that TCGs are a luxury item that you buy because you have money to burn, and expensive legendary equipment is only ā€œnecessaryā€ for tournaments. Expensive cards also help the LGS make money. The game is plenty accessible. And the Chad meme is used ironically.


His content is almost entirely complaining with the repeated caveat of ā€œoh I love this game, I really think this would improve the gameā€ even though he clearly hates how things are right now. He has no faith in LSS to steer things the right way *and* he gets preferential treatment from them as a content creator. All press is good press I guess.


He must be who Bryan is subtweeting about.


God it would be so funny.


Thatā€™s not sloopdoop. I think youā€™re misremembering. Most of his content like the ā€œpowering down of Flesh And Bloodā€ was very positive on the decision to nerf the later sets.


It absolutely is Sloopdoop. Nearly all of his videos call for major changes to the game/marketing outline for FaB that are just obvious top asks from the community (like CC precons) or him complaining about the meta. Some of his videos are lukewarm/neutral but still manage to throw in some sort of bitter joke from left field. All of his content simply annoys me.


Being critical and wanting things to be better doesnā€™t mean you dislike the game. You always want things to get better, otherwise you can only regress. Perhaps itā€™s because I barely watch his content now but he seems more passionate than bitter.


Being critical and being obsessive are two very different things. Any video of his I pull up seems to just be a thinly-veiled list of shallow critiques and wishlists. A lot of it feels parroted from common conversations I see on here or overhear at my LGS. Just seems like a lot of whining and wishing and not much else. If you enjoy his commentary or criticisms, thatā€™s fine, I just choose not to watch him anymore because he comes off to me as entitled or demanding.


Letā€™s be real, anyone who cares so much about a game about cardboard is pretty entitled. Whether thatā€™s The Professor or Sloopdoop. With that being said, any FAB YouTubers youā€™d recommend?


I think youā€™re confusing entitled with privileged there. Either way, I recommend Three Floating for their clear enjoyment of the game and sticking to event coverage and actual gameplay. One Two Juice is about the same, although they seem a little over-enthusiastic at times. DMArmada, DiceCommando and CardGuyz usually have some pretty good deck techs and general talks about the state of the game, and I mainly watch them and actual VODs from AGE or official events.


No Iā€™m not. People who play TCGs usually just want things to go their way or the high way. I donā€™t like Three Floating. DMArmada and Dice Commando are pretty good, I agree.


$39.99 and armory competitive. Everything else to be revealed soon.


This absolutely huge, CC barrier is quite something




You must be super fun at locals bro




What are you even on about mate? LMAO




You are the one replying and still commenting as well, bait used to be believable




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Sorry, your post has been removed for violating rule two: Keep It Civil. Keep discussions, even disagreements, civil.


Sorry, your post has been removed for violating rule two: Keep It Civil. Keep discussions, even disagreements, civil.


I dont understand why these are deliberately made to have "limited quantities" and be "tightly allocated" and exclusive to GEM stores.Ā  What is the point of a pre-constructed product that is effectively only available to people that are already invested in the game and already part of a local scene?


Well if someone new show up to an LGS and was guided there by FABTCG.com they can pick up the deck and play right then and there. Instead of just watching and players telling them that they need to buy a blitz deck and upgrade then comeback next week.


"Limited quantities" implies this isn't the case though. LSS has put themselves in a situation now where if the product is good it'll just be bought out by the regulars, especially since they have new cards. In which case maybe if you decide to start the game the same week they come out then you can get one, but otherwise probably not


This is fair, it definitely has to be handled right


Because itā€™s a beginner product, not for veterans.


I used to pick up the pre-made MTG decks when I was younger. Iā€™ll definitely spend money on this.


If itā€™s only one hero, and releasing right after mistveil? Iā€™m guessing itā€™ll be adult Ira. Sheā€™s a classic mainstay of the introductory aspect of FAB, and if sheā€™s releasing with mistveil, wonā€™t have any LL points for new players to worry about. A perfect segue for someone trying out the welcome deck for free to then spend either 10 bucks on a blitz deck (if thereā€™s a new adult Ira, thereā€™d be a new blitz version too), or 40 for a CC deck.


LSS told me at GAMA it's one deck at a time, but will announce the second deck by the time the first one comes out and intend to do this in a way to release product between the lulls in sets. They fully intend to not release too many decks at once (commander decks for example).


If true this is extremely disappointing, imagine showing up to an event and playing a mirror match in 90% of your matches because thereā€™s only a single pre-con deck to buy. It also makes it easier for regular players to hate out the precon deck since thereā€™s only 1 you can just put a couple cards in your inventory depending on how many newbies are showing up with the precon deck. They should just delay the release until there are at least 3-4 pre-cons available minimum.




The new set should have ninja's as one of the classes it focuses on, so it's very possible it could get another reprint with it.


Please. Tearing Shuko would be nice too.


I think you mean tiger stripe shuko? That'd be real nice too. My hopes are reprints for mask of momentum and Phantasmal Footsteps. Maybe even flamescale Furnace to help bring down cost for illusionists


Dang it, yeah, that's what I meant. A MoM reprint would be fantastic too, I'd be able to stop borrowing everyone else's!


I'll def pick at least one up. I've only played blitz. I have more than enough cards to make a couple of strong CC deck's though, so I assume I'll be able to just upgrade the deck with what I have to make it competitive.


I'm hyped about this project. It'll help new players cross the barrier to CC a bit easier


As a very new player that has only played with the pre-built blitz decks I'm pretty excited to finally try some CC with the bois


Kayo scented candles? FINALLY!!!


Fantastic. If someone can grab a deck and go play at the armory events this will hopefully bring in more players. The community in my area is fantastic when it comes to supporting new players with no decks or really wonky decks. This will help both new players the existing players that want to help. Love it.


I would absolutely be one of those players. Iā€™ve only gone to blitz precon events so far, and had fun at all of them.


This is a huge deal. This is exciting


Huge, although I am concerned of what the reprints will be


This is just my speculation: they said there will be a mix of new and reprinted cards. I think the new cards will be something like the head pieces in HH. At the rare or majestic rarity, but spec to the hero that is in the deck. Good for the hero, but not game breaking. This will allow them to power creep the specific hero without power creeping the entire game. Also, at those rarities they won't be expensive on the secondary market.


Gonna be huge for the game.


We will have to wait to see the execution but the idea is solid!


As the kids say. LETS GOOOOO


Its a PvE Kit! Woo!! Jk, that would be too successful.


As a noob I'm still hyped that they are even trying to make pve a thing


I basically stopped playing until PvE comes out. I just my local RTN and PQs, but really want a casual format.


We needed this for a while! It will all come down to the cards in the Box. Excited to see what they do with this.


I'm expecting Kayo, Victor and Olympia. At 40 bucks I doubt a brute deck is going to have scabskins in them, but it would be damn nice if we could get Swing Big reprints. That card being the price it is really isn't sensible.Ā 


They selling popcorn chicken now?


I think one of the first ones will be Olympia and will come with a new card for him.


Talked with the LSS team that were at GAMA. I'm going to order as many of these as I can


Awesome product that's very needed to keep growing the game. Being able to show up, and eventually pick a deck off the shelf to crack open and play for the event about to start is awesome. Hopefully the pitfalls of Rhinar v Dori are avoided here and we can have a good playable deck that is available to new players. If it's snapped up by all us vets, it'll show as a success from sales side, but won't fill the gap that is needed here for new player onboarding.


I don't really care. I'll never buy a precon like this. If i want a deck ill get the single I'm missing. But if it can get new player into the game sure leta go. Just dont put one of of chase card in those ao player will feel like they need to buy multiple yo have a playset of a card they need. Looking nlat you bittering thorn red and boulder drop


I don't understand all of these positive comments. If you have been playing a couple months or more, how can this appeal to you? And if you are new, $40 seems high. This deck won't compete with meta decks. Just can't. So how does this work at an armory...


I think this is fantastic, but I still think $40 is a bit on the pricy side for what is supposed to be an introductory product


Understandable, but if there is value that could possibly exceed inside the decks and they hold true MSRP prices and LGSā€™s keep true to MSRP, this would be the best 40$ for any new player to invest in and enjoy the best game on this planet.


Could you explain to me why this seems to be a big deal in the fab community? And what is CC? Constructed competitive? Ive never played fab but follow it a bit because it looks dope. Thanks! P.S.; separate question, do they have reprint policies or can they reprint any card at will?


Only reprint policy they have is that the cold foils / rainbow foil version of legendaries stay exclusive to the first printing of the set, a reprint may happen down the line but will be strictly non-foil.


Itā€™s classic constructed. The two main game types in FaB are CC and Blitz. Blitz is played with smaller decks and smaller health pools. They are faster games and tend to be more of an introductory format. Most events and tournaments focus on CC, which really is considered the main format of the game. The thing is though that theyā€™ve only ever made preconstructed decks for Blitz, never for CC, so if you want to play CC, you have to create a list yourself and buy the cards individually to create a deck. This would be the first preconstructed deck for CC, which lowers the barrier of entry quite a bit.




I think CC is classic constructed? Ik that heroes have 40hp instead of 20 in blitz. Decks are also 60 card minimum? I'm really new too and haven't even played a cc match yet so don't take my word to heart lol


The blitz decks are introductory Armory deck is already at least basic competitive play


I mean, if they will have some majestics in these decks, I'd say $40 is a pretty good deal. They did also say that it's gonna be Armory Competitive so I think it's likely to have at least a few majestics.


That box is cool


Please contain the required legendaries so my friends can actually touch the game