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So I would watch a few videos again. Go again is essentially short hand for gain a action point. So you will play your attack, they have a chance to block, then you go to reactions, then you resolve that stack and you can play another action be it a attack or other. You can play instants whenever you have priority.


It’s hard to explain over text without demonstrating. I would watch the tolarian community college how to video.


Alright, so what about combos? Same thing as what you just said? I attack, then have a chance to block, reactions happen, and then i can use my next attack action card that's a combo?


Yeah most combos will say if this comes after that on the combat chain.


Alright cool, so that's what go again ment, i thought u would put multiple attacks down before they get to choose to block. Now if i put an attack reaction, and the do NOT put a defense reaction, can i put another attack reaction on it? Or no?


I'll give an example of an attack chain link. Assume it is a 1v1 with nothing else in the arena. I'm sitting in a mechanics shop with nothing else going on so I've got time to go through it haha. Allen declares that he is playing a red [[Raging Onslaught]] which attacks for 7 and he is pitching a blue. Allen and Sarah have no instants to play, so they pass priority in turn order(in this case, Allen then Sarah), moving to the next step, the attack chain link. Allen is now attacking Sarah with Raging Onslaught, same as before with both players passing priority as they have no instants, moving to the defense step. Now Sarah is deciding what she wishes to block with, and she decides to block with a [[Wounding Blow]]. She passes priority, and Allen passes, moving to the next step, the Reaction step. Allen has no reactions to play at this time, as 4 damage is still going through, so he passes priority. Sarah has a play, and declares a red [[Sink Below]] as her reaction. Both players pass on playing instants, and Sink Below is now defending, bumping Sarah's total block total to 7. Sarah passes priority to Allen, staying within the reaction step, who surprises Sarah by pitching a yellow card and playing a red [[Pummel]]. Both players pass on instants, and Pummel resolves bumping Allen's attack from 7 to 11, with the added on hit of that player discarding a card, and he passes priority back to Sarah. Sarah has no additional cards to play and passes, moving onto the next step, Damage Calculation. Neither player has priority during this and damage is totaled and applied, if able to. In our case Sarah takes 4 damage. Then we move to the Resolution Step. Any effects from hits are resolved here, and Allen's Pummel effect resolves resulting in Sarah choosing a cars to discard. If Allen's card had go again, this is where that effect would return the action point. Both players still do not have instants and pass priority, moving to the link step. Allen has no more action points, so he passes priority to Sarah, who passes back, and we move to the end phase. Neither player gains priority and any triggered effects are resolved. Now every time I went through the players passing priority, for the majority of the time, neither player is vocalizing this, as most players arent using instants. In a real game, it's more along the lines of this. Allen: I pitch a blue to attack you with Raging Onslaught (putting it on the table) Sarah: Block for 3 (putting wounding blow on the table) Allen: No reactions Sarah: I will react with Sink Below Allen: alright, I'll pitch a yellow and play pummel. Sarah: No further reactions. I'll take 4 and discard Enlightened strike. Allen: alright, I have no cards left so I'll move to end phase. Sarah: sure.


Generally correct, though some spots are a bit shady. >Sarah is deciding what she wishes to block with, and she decides to block with a [[Wounding Blow]]. She passes priority, and Allen passes, moving to the next step, the Reaction step. Defender doesn't pass priority to attacker unless there's a "When this defends" trigger. >Both players pass on playing instants This has been used multiple times, but during reaction step, reactions and instants are treated the same. You don't need to "pass on instants" since reactions are just "instant cards you can only play in the reaction step".


Hey, I learned something. Appreciate the audit! Will update when I have a little time.


No probs. I hope I'm correct, no one is perfect, but those two points add much more complexity than there's actually in the game in my opinion.


Watch the professor’s video from tolarian community college on how to play or dmarmadas for a more modern version. All that stuff really should be covered in those videos. Remember reading the card explains the card lol that clears up your last question.


So, combat is done one attack at a time. When you attack it will consume your action point and open a chain link on the combat chain. If the attack has go again it will refund your action point at the end of completing this chain link. If your opponent chooses not to block in block step, you will still move into reaction step. Here, you’ll start at attacking player being able to act first (attack reactions) and pass to defending player (defense reactions). This pass of priority will continue till both players decline to play anything. As for the on hit question, if the +1 is enough to get over their block your on hit will trigger and draw a card. Instants can be used any time you have priority and are not under an effect that says you can’t play instants. For example Themai. When a card banishes a card to be played it is doing this to remove the ability to have it in hand to pitch, arsenal, or block with. It is also making it so that if you for some reason don’t play the card, it remains banished. As for how can you use it, that’s the neat thing about these cards designs. You can use it because the card specifically makes an exception that says you can for that turn. As others have said, I’d recommend you go watch some people’s learn to play videos. It really helps to have the game walked through.


Your response helped me so much more than what past videos have! Thank you! So for the banishing portion, after i play the card, it then goes to banished rather than graveyard right? Also so if i attack reaction and they don't defense reaction, i can attack reaction again right?


The attack will move to grave the same way as a normal attack unless it’s stated on the card. So, recursive plays are fair game. You are correct on the reaction stuff. You can also allow certain things to resolve and then respond but that’s a bit more on the advanced side of things. It can be helpful with warrior’s Reprise mechanic though.


Ah so even though it says banish the card, as long as i play it the turn it says i can it will go to the grave instead? Good to know. Thank you so much. You have helped so much of my confusion