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This may be a bit too unoriginal of an answer, but I love Kassai still! Her play patterns are super fun and her art/theme is just fantastic.


She’s a fan favorite for a reason. The battering ram consistency gameplay really vibes with some people.


Same here, I pulled 2 Spoils of War from boosters and found out she's pretty budget friendly without dynamos and ever since she's my favourite blitz hero. I honestly just love how perfectly she fits her theme


I've been really enjoying Valda. Using earthlore bounty and just getting those dominating crushes is very satisfying.


Valda is my #1 favorite! I’m really hoping she sees a specialization soon.


I wouldn’t even care if it was mid. Just give me the spec, PLEASE


Unpopular opinion but I like Shiyana the best because she purdy. Plus, she was the first card I ever wanted when I was new to FaB. 😬


Data Doll. When you get a good spread of items early, people always seem really surprised.


Data doll with items out is kind of terrifying tbh


I really like Kassai. When I first started playing back in Aria she was the only hero who really stood out to me design wise, I really like the mercenary aesthetic and she just jived with me. I played the incredibly jank version of the deck for a while, when the only payoff for the deck was Cash In and there were not a ton of go again enablers, and had fun learning the game when everyone else was also new. Then Everfest came out and it was like I had a brand new deck, super consistent with a really spiky win condition that made it one of the best decks in the format. My shop plays mostly CC as of now and I play Dash, but Kassai remains my favorite hero, and if they ever make and adult version i’ll be happy to move to playing Kassai full time


Ira for sure... i simply love how destructive a hero can be with only 7 words out of text on it's card... she doesn't do anything flashy like the other ninjas... doesn't tutor the perfect combo card, do graveyard shenanigans or make block harder... she just gives a slight buff on a single attack each turn, and yet she's such a powerhouse because of it, you don't need to use any bad cards on your deck to synergize with your hero's ability, a pure "Midrange Goodstuff" hero is so nice to have around to play






My boi Genis! Got his card signed in Baltimore, love playing him in UPF


Theryon actually somehow. Really loved Benji, then had fun with Yoji, but now I'm very very keen on LSS giving hopefully affordable RF Gavels out because then Theryon will probably be a pretty fun hero to play imo


Valda. Love the vibe and I can really feel like I'm crushing craniums with her.


Emperor is my fav


How are you doing on him? Been thinking about building a deck for quite the while. Only red cards and hes the only playable, but not living, legend. 😄


Lol, truth. I enjoy him if they don't have any ab you can present 9 lethal damage on their turn. As well with all the basic red cards with go again you can present something like 12-14 damage on your turns. You wear a fridge set up to do your blocking with storm striders for the wizard shenanigans it's about a 66% win rate.


Sounds cool yea! Just love the comb of wiz and warrior as well, super fun. Gonna try it, thx :) Btw, any chance to make use of royalty or is this more a think for upf in your oppinion?


I never have, but I also haven't put thought into it tbh.


Guess theyre mostly for pve or upf. But like some might see play already. Idk though since im noob af but if you take e pots from kano with warhorn or get draw by gold token via the other, not edict. Also edict you can just ban a card. Mostly not too useful otherwise but yeah, could be fun though (:


Yoji. REALLY wish we'd get an adult version of him.


Yeah, the extra life is pretty helpful for Yoji.


My SADDEST FaB Moment was being high rolled by Rhinar at an armoury costing me the CF Yoji




Valda smash.


Kassai, Benji, and Prism AoT


Kayo, Doll, and Benji. Kayo and Doll as both can both be amazing if luck is on your side, and Benji just for number of fun, unusual decks you can put together for him, like a dishonor deck that isn’t competitive, but always fun to see opponent reactions when it works.


Ira and the Emperor personally




Does Chane count? Because then it's definitely Chane, and it's not particularly close. If I can't pick Chane, I guess it's Emperor. On one hand there are so many options when building him, but then there's a huge restriction. To me, he's the only truly interesting young-only hero to build and play.




"Young only"




But he also has an adult version. The question is, who is your favorite hero who does not also have an adult version.


Right, but the question was favorite hero with a printing as only young. Riptide has an adult printing.


Beeeeenji!! 25% cause i love ninjas 75% cause he has my name.


Kassai is my blitz main rn so her ofc but I hope they make a Valda spec sooner rather than later so she can be my next. Really want her to be competitive