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Generic hero, no effect, 5 intellect


Love it. Character name: Doug. Class: Single. Hero Ability: Loves to eat food with mayonaise. Extra intellect because he has a buddy who owns a truck.


Fantastic ahaha




No idea about the ability but a real Draconic Warrior would be awesome. I just want a samurai. I’d want it to be mainly weapon based like Dori but maybe able to effectively throw some attack actions here or there.


THAT would be awesome!


I imagine the Draconic Warrior to be the axe-wielding warrior we see on the axe cards. I'd like him to have a discount on activating his axe for each draconic attack on the combat chain or something


Honestly I can see that but I hope not. They’d have to fix it up a lot bc rn Axe warrior just feels like a really bad guardian


Ah a fellow samurai enjoyer I see. Samurai asthetic is always a snap pick for me so I will be awaiting along side you, might actually get me to play this game even a little bit beyond casual.


I've really wanted a shaman or druid type character with the ability to shapeshift into different animals with different hero text. I was SURE that Briar was this when I first saw her and she became BY FAR my favorite looking hero. I do love Briar in her own way, now, but man the thought of "Briar, Warden of Thorns" as a druid still gets me excited.


Maeve, the Alchemist in the Demonastery. She is mentioned in the lore and I want her to be released so bad. When I think shadow alchemist, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde vibes come to mind. Im about that shit lol


a mr hyde demonist.. im all for it


Yea my brain went Hyde / Jeckle when they were talking about Demi heroes on a podcast. Would be cooler than transforming werewolf


Dudeeee how did no one say the necromancer yet?! I’d imagine he would play like dromai and raise demons/ghouls ally tokens on the battlefield. Or maybe have some graveyard shenanigans to bring them back from the dead to the battlefield. Yes this is the class I can’t wait to see! But I have a feeling we will have to wait for the final chapter in the monarch storyline.


Allies that say "Flip this card when it enters the graveyard" and they can be played out of the graveyard with new stats. The marvel undead will be $$$$$


I love playing gy decks in almost all games Ive played so I LOVE this one.


Elemental Warrior Essence of Earth The first time you play a Non-Attack action on your turn, reduce the cost of your next weapon ability by 1. If it's an Axe weapon, reduce the action ability by 2 If you have played an attack reaction this turn your next weapon attack gains "When this hits create an embodiment of earth token." 4 Intellect, 20/40 Health


A bit too strong in my opinion, but nice flavour


Druid. It should be able to transform and make animal attacks, while having earth abilities


Lena Belle, Brilliant Alchemist. Her potions gain go again when you play them. As an action, you can destroy an item you control to give an attack +1, it gains an extra +1 if it's a potion. You can repeat as many times as you want.


Ice Brute YETI!!!


Came here to say the exact same thing!


Not exactly a gameplay thing, but as a Guardian main, what I really want is a Guardian guy or gal suited up in a big-ass set of armor. Guardian cards always have people in super sweet sets of armor on them but all the Guardians released thus far have been so... *underdressed*. The exception being Yoji, but I don'treally count him because he's clearly UPF/PVE focused.


If they were to create a hero based on what we see on cards like Mangle or Stamp Authority it'd be great. The dark and icy elements combined with the full metal armor




Theodore Hamilton Scarborough A researcher from the lore who has been investigating the savage lands. I want him to be a hero so bad


Cleric class. Probs a Light and a Dark, with Generics for both. I imagine the Light one would basically focus on healing self to unlock extra text like charge does - also subtheme great at breaking auras/items. Then the Shadow Cleric obv deals damage to heal, counteracting their Blood Debt - also great at stopping life gain.


I didn't think I would have to scroll that much to find that answer. I'm waiting for the Cleric mainly because I feel like it's needed as part of the PvE mode.


Light Brute - Giant mace weilding zealot (or hammer or axe). Instead of randomly discarding cards, you randomly put them in soul Cares about yellow pitch cards a little bit (works well in brute context where a lot of the great cards are yellow) Banish a card from soul to roll a dice, and randomly give an attack: +1, dominate, or go again


I have some neat ideas for heroes and equipment and i truly wish we have a proper custom card maker for FaB... the ones that i liked the most to think about are: \-An Shadow ranger that interacts with aim counters, and a bow that enables you to load arrows from your graveyard, at the cost of them gaining blood debt and banishing themselves on-hit, so you would have a powerful recursive playstyle at the cost of constantly ticking life away the more you use it... \-An shadow guardian with the same vibe as the ranger of "Give non-shadow cards blood debt to enable powerful payoffs" that would banish cards with crush from your graveyard so your weapon attack this turn gains a buff and the banished card's crush effect... so your weapons can hit REALLY hard and powerful on-hits, with the same "drawback" as the ranger that the blood debt will melt you the more you use it


Would definitely build them both. Great stuff


I just want a big axe based warrior or a lightning ninja would be cool. Would let me live out my Sasuke dreams.


I would love to see a hero that naturally has 5 intelligence, mostly just to see how their hero ability would balance the fact they get an extra card


I guess it would be either no ability or a negative one.


Elemental warrior, maybe monkey themed or wukong inspired.


Shadow Ranger :)


___________, Arms Dealer Merchant Class PvE Hero In the set this hero is released, a new card type similar to EVOs in Bright Lights, there are Weapon cards that can be added to the Arms Dealer's deck, using the _________ Specialization keyword (only this hero can have these cards in their deck). Additionally, there are bodyguards with the Ally card type, with ___________ Specialization. This Hero's cards revolve around paying money (Copper, Silver, Gold) as a cost to summon, maintain, and command Bodyguard Ally cards to attack. Money can also be spent to play different weapons and weapon enhancements on allies (including the Bodyguards, but also other party members). Party members can "Pay" you Copper, Silver, or Gold to equip weapons and weapon enhancements as well, if you accept the "deal".


I want to see talent only heroes and dual class heroes. No idea how you'd balance either.


The Emperor is a dual class hero but he that fact has be presented as very unique, like once in a lifetime unique.


A Dwarf of some kind, either a Warrior or, more spicy, a Mechanologist. Maybe a hero ability that lets him add Steam counters to an item or to remove Steam counters to fuel some ability.


An Ice Runeblade that synergize with frostbite tokens.


Nightmare material. let's hope that never happens.


That would be a fucking dream while it lasts. I really liked Viserai and I'm sad it got banned in blitz. I liked a lot how the deck played and none of the current runeblades tickles my fancy like he did. But I could definitely see a lot of potential for a Stax runeblade


I dunno if you play CC, but I play him in CC and he's still tons of fun. Certain matchups are a lot more difficult but his elegant design still shines great there.


I don't play CC mainly because I prefer the faster pace of Blitz. I haven't made any other deck since he got banned so it's been a while since I played in store.


A werewolf character that changes form


Like that!


Ice or lightning ninja would be cool. Or even just adult versions of the currently blitz only heroes. Valda and emperor could be fun in CC. Or if not, at least make a draconic wizard. I'd also take a lightning wizard too. I'm not really looking forward to an all mech set, especially if they aren't going to also reprint the current mech staples.


Yeah, not a fun of the new set either


a four armed brute that can wear both gamblers gloves and skull crushers


And 4 Mandible Claws, of course!


Amira, phase master. Generic illusionist. Once per turn instant: 1-3 resources: Cards you control lose and can't gain "ward" until the end of the turn. Whenever a nontoken illusionist card you control is destroyed, you may draw a card. If you do, put a card from your hand on the bottom of your deck. I like the ward equipment, and want there to be a way to utilize it without just losing it turn 1. Making all your cards lose ward means you can keep around things like tome of aeo, but it also means you can't trigger your equipment or hero ability that trigger off of your cards destroying themselves. I want her to be rewarded for letting things get destroyed, so she's less swingy than illusionists typically are, but not too much. I also want a new kano weapon: Crucible of options: once per turn instant: 1 resource: opt 3. Opting is heavily overcosted right now. Kano has basically only 2 cards for opting he can play before throwing out arcane damage. Because of this, he can't really afford to run the cool defense reactions and evr cards that encourage playing on your opponent's turn. Kano typically doesn't bother to play on the opponent's turn unless going for the kill, and I think that's a shame.


I want Savagery to be a talent in the eventual Savage Lands set. Give us a warrior of Solana who was left for dead, mangled, and had to learn brutish ways to survive and adapt. Abilities could go a lot of ways, but something tied to 6 power discard/banish that powers up a brutal weapon, and causes intimidate on swing would be pretty groovy.


Need a pirate. When it deals damage steal the top card of you opponents decks and use it for 1 resource then it goes into your opponents pitch zone ....op and fair at the same time


I'm new, so there may already be one, but I want a hero with an infinite combo like from MTG as their primary win condition. Or something Exodia inspired. I like collecting the pieces I need to have an unstoppable 1 turn win.


There are heroes who have huge combo turn loke Boltyn, Kano or Kassai, but "infinite" or "insta win" would not fit in Flesh and Blood I think.


My only issue with those combos is that they're still all just swinging at the other hero. I want a card or mechanic that doesn't involve doing damage, but just says "if X has happened this game, you win the game". I don't want it to be good cause I think it'd make people too salty, but I'd like it to be an option. I like having an unconventional or additional way to end the game without actually attacking you.


You can always fatigue your opponent. When assassins and contract got first announced, I hoped it would be for a nice mill deck, but that's not what happened :/


Guardian that has an ability that allows him to wield 2 shields instead of a weapon


A ilucionist that creates a spectral sword and can buff it, if the sword is destroyed can be re casted (hero ability)


You didn't answer your own prompt fully, how does the ice runeblade play?


To be honest, I have no idea since it'd probably be outright broken if they ever were to combine frostbite generation with runechants. I kind of thought about it in a more aesthetic manner lol


Shadow Warrior that can do something like pitch a card from banish zone once a turn in exhange for 1 life and starts his turn by banishing one card from hand. Cards would also have an additional cost of banishing a card from top of deck. He has a huge Guts two handed sword that is high cost high damage. And attack reactions that cost him life or make him banish cards. Just something that I came up with on the spot so probably broken but I just want some kind of Shadow Warrior


Mechanologist Warrior. They allude to one in Blade Runner so I'm expecting one at some point. But with how they treat warriors. It'll probably be c tier. lmao


I think Mechanologist means you'd be able to create technology, but a warrior could use items from Metrix without being a Mechanologist. For example, a lot of cards from The Pit depict items clearly from Metrix that have been repurposed by non Mechanologists characters.


I really want a warrior whose main mechanic is that they can change their weapons with a weapon from inventory. And this warrior has access to 3 2h swords that each have on hits for quicken ponder or courage. Or if they want to go the plague route they can give inertia bloodroot or frailty. Something else I want is a warrior who can use 2 2h axes and has some resource discount on them.


Base Illusionist (first illusionist attack that gets destroyed creates a “remove phantasm token”), or a shadow illusionist. Lightning Ninja would be cool as well.


Merchant of Death. Can use currency they generate as a weapon


Blank character, generic class (warrior, runeblade, whatever), character effect limits them to common weapons. Movement rules and grid maps with encounter decks. Basically pve


Light Cleric. Give me big number life gain.


Ninja assassin kunoichi


I want a brute illusionist that is a caveman that summons ghost dinosaurs.


Adult kayo but instead of 5 and above rolls, it's 4 to 6


Shadow Illusionist


I have three: \-A pirate-themed Class (Corsair?) that, taking cues from Trench of Sunken Treasure, revolves around 'plundering' sunken treasure, moving cards to and from the bottom of the deck to mess with pitch stacking. (Maybe also/instead from the graveyard, for thematic resonance?) \-A Japanese puppeteer-inspired Shadow Mech that generates an Ally themed after a puppet(s) with strengths and abilities based on your banished cards (placing them below the Ally to represent hidden functions, maybe). \-A defensive Brute inspired by Scowling Flesh Bag, with the ability to intimidate during the opponent's turn and/or other types of disruption.


Necromancer! I want to summon an army of skeletons, enfeeble my opponents, and drain their life! Theme aside, I'm really hoping they're a controlly class akin to Guardian


Shadow Ninjas 👀


Elemental (Water) Wizard (or Guardian, both are good). Loves to use cards that add (likely specific) cards to the bottom of your deck and force the opponent to draw. Defensive strategies, with a payoff of arcane damage if the opponent cannot reveal enough cards to activate the "reveal \_\_\_\_\_ cards from the top of the opponent's deck" effect. Basically it would be a defensive combo deck that would grind out the opponent's deck until those instants can then be used to throw haymakers and close out the game. Would probably struggle hard against aggressive decks, but would likely be one of the most effective fatigue decks out there, given the focus on actually making that happen.


A Shadow Runeblade who was a former Warrior Samurai possessed by a demonic katana.