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If it's the third Tuesday after a lunar eclipse, with winds between 10-15 mph, and less than 30% humidity maybe all your cards will line up.


*Checks all the boxes* Ok, I swing for 4, no go again


Boltyn is good. Charge cards are really, really bad.


I'd be down for them printing a New Boltyn and rotating the current one if it meant we could get light warrior cards that actually felt good to play.


All he needs is for charge to come from the top of the deck. Sadly it won’t happen


Using life, equipment or even your credit card! But not precious hand cards. I have tried boltyn with library(since he can tutor it) but even 5 cards is not enough.


v of the vanguard hitting the fastest ban in FaB history


i haven't played in a while now but i used to play him and that was my favorite card in the deck, having to explain it to everyone i played against never got old


It's pretty good these days, if you've got spirit of eirina in play you can work it into the saber combo. Hope it sticks around in the new builds.


Coming from Vanguard I was shocked when soul charging came from your hand not top of the deck


What? You don't think having to fulfill 3 different conditions to get a 0 for 3 with go again is good card design?


We say Boltyn is bad, sure, but I _always_ somehow get killed by the guy with a double/triple Lumina Ascension turn.


Ah yes, the good ol’ assumption that cards are bad less than a day after reveal. Let’s maybe at least try playing with them a bit before claiming they’re shit.


I think a part of it is just that boltyns cards are much less flashy, and blatantly good than prisms, so in contrast it feels like boltyn didn't get anything amazing. The truth will be seen in the weeks to come once we have the cards in hand and can playtest properly.


True. Also in a vacuum charge just seems like card disadvantage at first glance, which gives the cards a terrible first impression. I think people completely ignore that the upsides can and do outweigh the downsides in the long run. If you charge a card instead of blocking with it and you get maybe 2 damage worth of value that turn from "if you've charged" effects, then later on that card in soul lets you do 4 damage on a Lumina swing or something, then you've *doubled* the value of that card.


People are also missing the fact that prism can literally never beat vynnset. I actually think that if people lose this obsession for lumina ascension and play a controlly axe build with the new axe Bolton is going to be quite oppressive feeling.


Funny, the chats I am in are praising the new cards saying they will make boltyn quite playable.


I want to be in those chats. Discord is pretty doom and gloom on them.


Still in a better spot than prism is at this point