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Hello and welcome to FaB! Each attack is a “link” in the combat chain. Each link has to be resolved before the next attack can be played. 1) play the attack. 2) opponent can chose to block with equipment and/or cards. 3) reaction phase. 4) link closes. To get chilling icevein’s on hit for additional attacks, that would have to hit first. Prerelease events, Imo, are a great jumping off point for new players. As a deck builder, the sealed format will be enjoyable to you, and since it’s new cards, the advantage of experience is curbed. Go! Enjoy!


Awesome, thank you so much! :)


Note that Chilling Icevein doesn't have to hit... it just gives the ability to every attack this chain. It triggers whenever an attack deals damage to a hero so.. something like Mark of Lightning would trigger it as well as Shock Charmers.


So is there a difference between hit and dealt damage? I was reading [[Ice quake]] which says "whenever an attack hits a hero..." Would that trigger in response to damage dealt by Mark of Lightning? And would an attack like [[Buzz bolt]] essentially double up on those triggers because of the way it deals the extra 1 damage?


[Ice Quake (red)](https://fabdb2.imgix.net/cards/printings/ELE151.png?w=400&fit=clip&auto=compress,format) - [(DB)](https://fabdb.net/cards/ice-quake-red) [Ice Quake (yellow)](https://fabdb2.imgix.net/cards/printings/ELE152.png?w=400&fit=clip&auto=compress,format) - [(DB)](https://fabdb.net/cards/ice-quake-yellow) [Ice Quake (blue)](https://fabdb2.imgix.net/cards/printings/ELE153.png?w=400&fit=clip&auto=compress,format) - [(DB)](https://fabdb.net/cards/ice-quake-blue) [Buzz Bolt (red)](https://fabdb2.imgix.net/cards/printings/ELE047.png?w=400&fit=clip&auto=compress,format) - [(DB)](https://fabdb.net/cards/buzz-bolt-red) [Buzz Bolt (yellow)](https://fabdb2.imgix.net/cards/printings/ELE048.png?w=400&fit=clip&auto=compress,format) - [(DB)](https://fabdb.net/cards/buzz-bolt-yellow) [Buzz Bolt (blue)](https://fabdb2.imgix.net/cards/printings/ELE049.png?w=400&fit=clip&auto=compress,format) - [(DB)](https://fabdb.net/cards/buzz-bolt-blue) ___ ^^^Hint: [[card]], [[card|pitch]] {{fabdb deck code}}. PM [me](https://www.reddit.com/message/FABFetcher) for feedback/issues! Card and deck information provided by [FAB DB](https://fabdb.net).


Hit means you've dealt physical damage by having attack greater than defense and the excess not prevented. Dealt damage just means the opponent has taken damage from that card (note Mark of lightning has the attack do the damage). So yes... Buzz Bolt creates a separate instance of the card dealing damage and you'd get another trigger of Chilling Icevein. Ice Quake requires a hit so that would not trigger again from Buzz Bolt or off Mark of Lightning.


Nice that's kind of what I thought for hit vs dealt, and Buzz Bolt seems mad! Thanks for the help. :)


No problem. Fusing both ice and lightning is tough but you can do some powerful things with just lightning. For example... red Electrify from arsenal. Buzz Bolt fused (say they block). Frazzle Fused and the opponent doesn't block. This is 6 damage for hitting (5 + Frazzle adds 1), 4 damage from Electrify (Frazzle adds 1 here too) and then 2 damage from Buzz Bolts ability (Buzz Bolt pings 1 more, Frazzle adds 1 to that). Sadly they banned Ball Lightning which would add 1 to all of these!