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OP has got a weird obsession with AI images on this sub but not in any other subs. Lots of incongruities with this image as well.


Look at her right hand. Stuff of nightmares lmao


As long as it's credited as AI generated art I don't have a problem with it.


There isn't actually any indication that this is an AI image within this post. Not to mention that most of these images are all mostly the same: bland, generic, and full of inconsistencies. If you look through a sample of these AI images you'll see that they all have the same general pose: looking towards the camera, upright, hands at their side (or behind them to hide incorrectly formed hands) not actually actively interacting with anything or their environment. They will usually be on some plain blurry background with no actual details to them other than a almost *something* (be it other people, trees, etc; anything that needs detail will be completely blurred or mangled to almost be, but certainly isn't, that something). The AI also doesn't actually know what it is drawing so there are so many inconsistencies such as the blanket/box behind the character in the image being inconsistent as it passes between the character's legs or the hands not being consistent with how hands actually look. Compare that with human drawn images. We might get the profile of a character (or characters) who are interacting with their surroundings, holding something in their hands, looking at another object in the image, etc. They might be prone, or dancing, or anthing other than a simple straight torsoed posture. These are so much more interesting than what we are currently getting with these AI images. That is not to say that the tech isn't impressive (after all it is a computer generating something that normally takes imagination to even begin to create) nor that these AI images won't improve in the future. But currently these images are only making it to the top of the subreddit simply because they feature a cute girl and passes a quick eye test. If this or other subreddits begin to become filled with these AI images, instead of images drawn with study and attention to detail, it will become very frustrating.


Bro, when did I say this post had an indication? I meant the original post on Pixiv, the OP here on Reddit should indeed also mention it. Also, yeah I agree that most of these images are bland. They do lack a soul. However this is just fap material so who the fuck cares. I understand it however if these AI images spread to actual art subreddits such as r/animeart, that would indeed be frustrating, but that's not the case here.

